Thoughts on Recent Bloodwork (02/27/2021)


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
I recently started taking 50mcg of T3 daily and could tell it was boosting my androgens and wanted to get some bloodwork to get an eye on where I was at. My testosterone is the highest it's ever been at 32, up from the 670 ng/dL I've hovered around the past couple of years, and way up from the absolute bottom of ~200-300 ng/dL I had around the time I was messing with RU58841, fin, and carnivore diets (no surprise there, huh?).

Anyway, wanted to post to see if there was any insight I could gain on what I could potentially improve. I feel mostly okay, but I think my E2 and prolactin could be better. Also would like to know what I'd need to do to nudge down the slightly elevated progesterone levels. SHBG seems way too high, it's the number I've always had anytime I checked it, and I'm not sure what is reliable for bringing it down or if it's necessary at all. I'm not sure what effectively could lower it outside of TRT, I know of Boron, but I'm not sure if there's evidence of it's effects on SHBG being reflected in bloodwork.

Date collected: 02/27/2021, 9am, fasted.

Testosterone, Serum 799 ng/dL (264-916)
Free Testosterone(Direct) 11.6 pg/mL (8.7-25.1)
Dihydrotestosterone 48 ng/dL (30-85)
Estradiol, Sensitive 30.1 pg/mL (8.0-35.0)
Prolactin 10.4 ng/mL (4.0-15.2)
Parathyroid Hormone 20 pg/mL (15-65)
LH 7.6 mIU/mL (1.7-8.6)
FSH 5.8 mIU/mL (1.5-12.4)
Progesterone 0.6 High ng/mL (0.0-0.5)
SHBG, Serum 65.0 High nmol/L (16.5-55.9)
DHEA-Sulfate 250.0 ug/dL (138.5-475.2)
TSH 0.015 uIU/mL (0.450-4.500)
Thyroxine (T4) 6.7 ug/dL (4.5-12.0)
T3 Uptake 28 % (24-39)
Free Thyroxine Index 1.9 (1.2-4.9)

Cortisol 9.3 ug/dL (6.2-19.4)
IGF-1 249 ng/mL (95-290)
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 71.1 ng/mL (30.0-100.0)
Hemoglobin A1c 4.6 Low % (4.8-5.6)

CBC With Differential/Platelet
WBC 3.9 x10E3/uL (3.4-10.8)
RBC 4.90 x10E6/uL (4.14-5.80)
Hemoglobin 16.9 g/dL (13.0-17.7)
Hematocrit 47.8 % (37.5-51.0)
MCV 98 High fL (79-97)
MCH 34.5 High pg (26.6-33.0)
MCHC 35.4 g/dL (31.5-35.7)
RDW 11.8 % (11.6-15.4)
Platelets 203 x10E3/uL (150-450)
Neutrophils 41 %
Lymphs 43 %
Monocytes 12 %
Eos 3 %
Basos 1 %
Neutrophils (Absolute) 1.6 x10E3/uL (1.4-7.0)
Lymphs (Absolute) 1.6 x10E3/uL (0.7-3.1)
Monocytes(Absolute) 0.5 x10E3/uL (0.1-0.9)
Eos (Absolute) 0.1 x10E3/uL (0.0-0.4)
Baso (Absolute) 0.0 x10E3/uL (0.0-0.2)
Immature Granulocytes 0 %
Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 x10E3/uL (0.0-0.1)

Lipid Panel With LDL/HDL Ratio
Cholesterol, Total 144 mg/dL (100-199)
Triglycerides 45 mg/dL (0-149)
HDL Cholesterol 60 mg/dL (>39)
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 10 mg/dL (5-40)
LDL Chol Calc (NIH) 74 mg/dL (0-99)
LDL/HDL Ratio 1.2 ratio (0.0-3.6)

Daily Supplements: T3 50mcg, Forskolin 600mg, Niacinamide 500mg, Ginger 1100mg, Manganese 8mg, Phosphatidylserine 600mg, Thiamine HCL 300mg, Calcium Pyruvate 3-6g, Vitamin D3 10,000IU, Ginkgo Biloba 120mg, Caffeine 280mg, B6 13.6mg, Taurine 5g.

Diet: 4 eggs, orange juice, 92% dark chocolate, skim milk, lean beef, ghee/butter, peas, raisins.

Stats: 6'3" 170-180lbs male, 32 years old. Mostly sedentary lifestyle outside of work since covid.


Feb 16, 2021
You have both high progesterone and high SHBG which told they are both beneficial for hair.

So how is your hair doing? Do you experience shedding? or thicker hair.


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
You have both high progesterone and high SHBG which told they are both beneficial for hair.

So how is your hair doing? Do you experience shedding? or thicker hair.

My hair is better than most men my age, but since taking T3, I have noticed more thinning at the hairline, which would make sense given my test/dht has gone up. The quality of the hair has seemed to improve, pretty sure I was hypo most of my life, and especially the past few years.

I'd put myself at a diffuse NW2.


Dec 29, 2015
These are the best labs I ever seen , seriously. With such a high testosterone level, your estradiol is pretty good at 30. I am surprised the prolactin is 10, of course you'd want it around four to seven, but maybe you had an ejaculation the night before? Other than that all your numbers look in perfect range. Do you really think you've lost hair at the hairline? But you did mention that your hair is in better condition right? I think having your progesterone high and your testosterone high is all good according to Ray Peat. You could always do another prolactin test you might want to try very low dose B6 and or vitex.
50 mics of t3 is a high dose, I would definitely taper down before you stop completely. Ray has said the thyroid only makes a few micrograms of t3 every hour, for safety and health you could try dividing that 50 mics into several small doses while you're awake during the day.


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
These are the best labs I ever seen , seriously. With such a high testosterone level, your estradiol is pretty good at 30. I am surprised the prolactin is 10, of course you'd want it around four to seven, but maybe you had an ejaculation the night before? Other than that all your numbers look in perfect range. Do you really think you've lost hair at the hairline? But you did mention that your hair is in better condition right? I think having your progesterone high and your testosterone high is all good according to Ray Peat. You could always do another prolactin test you might want to try very low dose B6 and or vitex.
50 mics of t3 is a high dose, I would definitely taper down before you stop completely. Ray has said the thyroid only makes a few micrograms of t3 every hour, for safety and health you could try dividing that 50 mics into several small doses while you're awake during the day.

I abstained from ejaculation atleast a week before this test, so it's not due to that. I was thinking it was maybe the high dose Taurine since I've seen it mentioned that it could increase prolactin. Maybe I'll do another test while staying off Taurine for awhile... it seems to blunt my mood at those doses anyway which could be indicative of increased prolactin, perhaps? Could just be too much gaba agonism.

I will more than likely not come off T3 because it seems to have filled a gap in my health. I used to be cold all the time, dry brittle hair, dry skin, low energy, these symptoms have all pretty much disappeared. I thought T3 at these doses would make me ravenous, but my appetite has stayed pretty much the same, so maybe I'm just normalized at this dose.

I do think I've lost a little ground on the hairline and temple that was doing well relative to the other. I'm not really bothered about it, just noticed it. Whether it's some sort of shed making way for new hairs... who knows, wouldn't bet on it.
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Dec 29, 2015
Awesome dude, you've inspired me to increase my t3. The fact that your cholesterol is 144, proves that the t3 synthesized your cholesterol into steroid hormones. Your hemoglobin a1c is very impressive as well.


Jun 23, 2020
0.6 ng/ml progesterone isn't particularly high - it's the range that's low, so I wouldn't try to hypermanipulate it.
Generally, I have my serum progesterone run around 1.2 ng/ml.
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Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
0.6 ng/ml progesterone isn't particularly high - it's the range that's low, so I wouldn't try to hypermanipulate it.
Generally, I have my serum progesterone run around 1.2 ng/ml.

Can you recommend anything for lowering SHBG effectively besides TRT? Pretty sure Finasteride/Progesterone increases SHBG and may be affecting libido.

Upping my carbs and lowering fiber hasn't moved that number.


Jun 23, 2020
Can you recommend anything for lowering SHBG effectively besides TRT? Pretty sure Finasteride/Progesterone increases SHBG and may be affecting libido.

Upping my carbs and lowering fiber hasn't moved that number.
There's little data to suggest that progesterone raises SHBG; its primary role is to limit exposure to estrogen, which is why it's twice as high in women vs men. The 0.01 ng/dl increase in progesterone following finasteride use per that thread is too small to be considered an increase.
What was your SHBG before thyroid use? Hyperthyroidism can cause it to rise, 50mcg T3 is a decent dose and your TSH is essentially suppressed - not saying that's the cause here, but given your fT3 wasn't tested it remains a possibility.
Oral androgens like mesterolone, oxandrolone, etc, will lower SHBG, though they rarely improve symptoms when used alone.


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
There's little data to suggest that progesterone raises SHBG; its primary role is to limit exposure to estrogen, which is why it's twice as high in women vs men. The 0.01 ng/dl increase in progesterone following finasteride use per that thread is too small to be considered an increase.
What was your SHBG before thyroid use? Hyperthyroidism can cause it to rise, 50mcg T3 is a decent dose and your TSH is essentially suppressed - not saying that's the cause here, but given your fT3 wasn't tested it remains a possibility.
Oral androgens like mesterolone, oxandrolone, etc, will lower SHBG, though they rarely improve symptoms when used alone.

I thought it was notable that his SHBG went up 10 points after 6 weeks on finasteride.

My SHBG was 65 before ever using T3, so it hasn't affected it at all.

Wondering if a short cycle followed by a PCT would bring down SHBG permanently or if you're pretty much forced to stay on exogenous test if you're a high SHBG guy.

Or maybe small daily doses of exemestane could do something.

I did Proviron alone for about a week or so before which in hindsight wasn't a great idea. I noticed I was physically fuller, but basically psychotic, as if my E2 was crashed. Couldn't stay relaxed while on it. I'm assuming I'd react different to it with a test base.
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Feb 26, 2018
hey @Charger ,
are you still taking T3 ?
theres little data on this forum on people taking it long term (witout t4) . did it keep your symptoms suppressed?
I'm also doing T3 solo (lower doses) and I'm wondering if one can really treat hypothyroidism long term by taking T3.
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Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA

Yes, I've stuck with 50mcg of T3 ever since I started and probably will always stay on it. It's one of those things I feel overall more androgenic while on than off. I also notice my face becomes puffier when it's been over 24 hours since my last dose, I appreciate that leaning effect enough alone to continue using it.


Feb 26, 2018

Yes, I've stuck with 50mcg of T3 ever since I started and probably will always stay on it. It's one of those things I feel overall more androgenic while on than off. I also notice my face becomes puffier when it's been over 24 hours since my last dose, I appreciate that leaning effect enough alone to continue using it.
I observed that as well, my face looks more androgenic, probably mostly because of lowered water retention, but another factor could be years of taking k2.

Have you noticed any effect on temps and weight loss?


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
I observed that as well, my face looks more androgenic, probably mostly because of lowered water retention, but another factor could be years of taking k2.

Have you noticed any effect on temps and weight loss?

I don't really track either much to be honest. Pretty sure I run warmer than most while on T3, I'm more comfortable than others in the dead of winter and the main one bitching about how hot it is in the summer. Not really restricting calories, I tend to sit at around 200lbs at 6'3", I'm not lean, but not fat either, just a comfortable weight.

I will add for anyone interested that my hair is pretty satisfactory at almost 35 years of age and this is also with almost daily androsterone usage on top of the T3.


Feb 26, 2018
I don't really track either much to be honest. Pretty sure I run warmer than most while on T3, I'm more comfortable than others in the dead of winter and the main one bitching about how hot it is in the summer. Not really restricting calories, I tend to sit at around 200lbs at 6'3", I'm not lean, but not fat either, just a comfortable weight.

I will add for anyone interested that my hair is pretty satisfactory at almost 35 years of age and this is also with almost daily androsterone usage on top of the T3.
Thats great to know. thanks for the info, man.


Feb 26, 2018
In case your SHBG is still high this might interest you. It can be a sign of good thyroid function as per ray.

What’s your take on the reasons behind High SHBG. Does it correspond with binding to high estrogen or can it be indicative of something more dire?

“Good thyroid function is one cause.”
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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