Thoughts On Politics/hormone Associations In Studies/polls?

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
I know I didn't post any here, but some of the latest things going is trying to associate political leaning/preferences/etc. with one's level of certain hormones, or sex/gender. I immediately think of it as pseudo-science in ways, but I guess that depends. Basically things like associating higher testosterone with right-wing and lower-testosterone with left-wing, merely as independent factors themselves in solely determining a political preference. I find correlations involving one variable flawed because they disregard so many other factors that weigh in. I also think one of the biggest things to determine political preference is probably upbringing/social experiences than a current snapshot of certain hormones, as that immediately evolves in to bunk science like claiming right-wing men tending to be high testosterone is because they are less empathic due to testosterone and testosterone makes you mean, violent, angry and blah, blah, blah (the Alex Jones 2.0 stereotype). They also will say the opposite -- estrogen makes you very nice and caring and innocent, which is why left-wing people always supposedly care about others more & want to vote in people they see as more helpful. It sums down to ridiculousness like: testosterone = mean/careless/bad therefore likes Donald Trump; estrogen = caring/helpful/good therefore likes Hillary Clinton.

But you can probably Google and find stuff linking androgens with right wing or conservative/Republican preferences, either in men alone or men and women.

I really wonder what others think of this -- linking some hormones with strong political leanings/empathy/virtuousness. I think again -- more than anything -- it's more related to upbringing and a large scale set of hormones (including serotonin's role) than just "testosterone = manly/destructive" and "estrogen = "womanly/restorative."
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Mar 3, 2016
I don't think it's about right wing politics being especially masculine because most of it isn't, it's more about a lot of neo-marxist values being more "feminine". Everything with political correctness, go along to get along, not being controversial, playing word games, passive-aggressive speech and tactics and social rules etc. are more entrenched in the mainstream left than in the mainstream right. The worst part of right wing politics could be characterized as toxic masculinity, and many parts of left wing politics could be characterized as toxic femininity.

High testosterone leads to more confidence and maybe over confidence, and the belief and trust in ones own ability. Whereas a man with low testosterone levels is moody, insecure, dependent, and thus more in need of a collective. Maybe for a self-serving low-empathy male who's only looking out for his own interest, he could be a leftist when having low testosterone levels, and become a right winger if his testosterone levels increased.

Some of the memes pushed by bodybuilders and athletes and other male-centric groups are self-improvement, pushing yourself and never giving up and so forth. These things sound similair to the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" ideology that some right wingers obsess about, so at a simple glance someone who is just looking at political ideology in a superficial manner might think that what they are doing in the gym translates 1:1 into the political organization of society.

I think it's a mistake to link left-right wing politics or testosterone levels to empathy, most people seem to be primarily self-serving whether they vote for the left or the right. I think if anything, probably someone with lower testosterone levels will have higher stress levels, be more neurotically self-obsessed, and have a lowered capability to feel empathy.


Oct 11, 2015
It is interesting to thinks of hormones and behaviour ... the same way it is stimulating to look at naked images of women on the internet. It is stimulating for a "logical" reason, but we should not cultivate or celebrate this behavior because it does not lead to victory.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land

Interesting for sure, but isn't the idea of disgust subjective somewhat, even outside of hormone levels?

Seems a bit too simple with the complexity of organisms and life. I don't think one's entire perception of disgust or other emotions is solely determinant/reduced to a hormone, as with many other examples like this, as if the organism and the environment were perfectly synchronized with each other like some finite state machine.

Not saying hormones don't influence things, but I doubt one hormone change, for example, will cause some rigid or algorithmically-cascaded changes downstream.
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Dec 18, 2018
I know I didn't post any here, but some of the latest things going is trying to associate political leaning/preferences/etc. with one's level of certain hormones, or sex/gender. I immediately think of it as pseudo-science in ways, but I guess that depends. Basically things like associating higher testosterone with right-wing and lower-testosterone with left-wing, merely as independent factors themselves in solely determining a political preference. I find correlations involving one variable flawed because they disregard so many other factors that weigh in. I also think one of the biggest things to determine political preference is probably upbringing/social experiences than hormones, as that immediately evolves in to bunk science like claiming right-wing men tending to be high testosterone is because they are less empathic due to testosterone and testosterone makes you mean, violent, angry and blah, blah, blah (the Alex Jones 2.0 stereotype). They also will say the opposite -- estrogen makes you very nice and caring and innocent, which is why left-wing people always supposedly care about others more & want to vote in people they see as more helpful. It sums down to ridiculousness like: testosterone = mean/careless/bad therefore likes Donald Trump; estrogen = caring/helpful/good therefore likes Hillary Clinton.

But you can probably Google and find stuff linking androgens with right wing or conservative/Republican preferences, either in men alone or men and women.

I really wonder what others think of this -- linking some hormones with strong political leanings/empathy/virtuousness. I think again -- more than anything -- it's more related to upbringing and a large scale set of hormones (including serotonin) than just "testosterone = manly/destructive" and "estrogen = "womanly/restorative."

In my town,it was a mix of gender,playing supposed male,and true intelligence differences,
were the low class guys had an unsavory,not to be satiated,unconscious Hostility towards everyone
they could get away with,women,Foreigners,people with handicaps.No Sorrow,No Guilt,"Personality"
is Brain-based, a lot of people dont get this right,and believe people can change if you just show them evidence,like normal people will do.I have an Mental Health Victim in the Family,and whatever meaningless Ideas shes encounters,
she embraces them fully.Astrology,Witch-Conspiracies,"telepathy",energy vampires sucking you dry magically via ritual,the evil eye.The meaningless and vile is her truth,Evidence she finds suspect,she suffers from
crippled epistemology,and truly cant think straight,feigning normalcy by being just like all the others exactly.She is a hollowed out-Ghost,unfortunately.German Far-Right Winging,unfortunately,but not


Mar 10, 2016
I also found it interesting. Well, I don't claim to reduce a person's experience of disgust to a single hormone, you are right: this is a piece of the puzzle. But it does make sense to me that progesterone, "the pregnancy hormone", associates with a desire for a clean surrounding.
Interested in what others find out also!


Sep 24, 2016
Everything behavioral is downstream from hormones.
Stress and fear are the foremost instrument to keep vast portions of the subjects in line.

Some elites, whoever they are, know this for a long, long time and I‘d assume really habe organized scientific knowledge about all these things, Peat alludes to something like that regularly.
Dec 18, 2018
Everything behavioral is downstream from hormones.
Stress and fear are the foremost instrument to keep vast portions of the subjects in line.

Some elites, whoever they are, know this for a long, long time and I‘d assume really habe organized scientific knowledge about all these things, Peat alludes to something like that regularly.

Seems to be true.
The latest insight for me was a Paper that described how American Security infiltrates Social movements,
also innocent ones,and erect and maintain control prophylactically.Also Cambridge Analytica,
focus-testing how to instill fear by injecting unconsciously acting inner Images of loss of control or invasion.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Everything behavioral is downstream from hormones.
Stress and fear are the foremost instrument to keep vast portions of the subjects in line.

Some elites, whoever they are, know this for a long, long time and I‘d assume really habe organized scientific knowledge about all these things, Peat alludes to something like that regularly.

Yeah for the most part, but I mean more about misconceptions or oversimplifications correlated between certain hormones and behaviors, like how many think cheating is simply because of high testosterone -- same with people thinking right-wing = high test and serotonin is "the happy hormone."

If everything was that easy there'd be little questioning of behavior variances.

Lots of supposed research goes about with "you do this = this"; "you don't do this = that." It isn't that simple when comparing behaviors and a vast subject of preferences and outlooks, which is why I think the whole association with politics and sex hormones is on the wrong track.
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Mar 15, 2014
I think the healthiest political alignment is more or less apolitical/centrist, because politics is a vehicle used by individuals who feel threatened.

However, given how the "center" of politics tends to move rightward, I would say that now this center state actually corresponds to people who lean slightly left.


Jul 25, 2019
Hmm this interesting. I would think most "free thinking" anti authoritative, creative and open minded types would lean left.
Dec 18, 2018
Hmm this interesting. I would think most "free thinking" anti authoritative, creative and open minded types would lean left.
Yeah,the right likes to maim people too much im afraid,single mothers and mexicans and long haired people.
Raymond Peat is true in his assessments.


Sep 24, 2016
Yeah for the most part, but I mean more about misconceptions or oversimplifications correlated between certain hormones and behaviors, like how many think cheating is simply because of high testosterone -- same with people thinking right-wing = high test and serotonin is "the happy hormone."

If everything was that easy there'd be little questioning of behavior variances.

Lots of supposed research goes about with "you do this = this"; "you don't do this = that." It isn't that simple when comparing behaviors and a vast subject of preferences and outlooks, which is why I think the whole association with politics and sex hormones is on the wrong track.

These are oversimplification yes. But the examples you state, Test and Sero, are likely two deliberately framed hormones. Toxic Testosterone and the good, happy Sero.

Testosterone acts differently in different contexts. But it’s one major factor of males feeling healthy and grounded (and content within material/economical boundaries > not greedy) and thus able to organize and sustain resistance against bloodsucking elites. Testosterone is vilified because it threatens the system. Sero on the other hand upholds it (both simplified extremely but the direction is true imo)


Feb 13, 2016
Ironically it seems like the left has become more authoritarian than the right in recent years. What I hear is that today's left is not at all like the left of the 60s.

I think centrists have low sex hormones and either high cortisol or high progesterone. So they are either the most stressed or the least stressed lol.


Sep 24, 2016
I think the healthiest political alignment is more or less apolitical/centrist, because politics is a vehicle used by individuals who feel threatened.

However, given how the "center" of politics tends to move rightward, I would say that now this center state actually corresponds to people who lean slightly left.

There is no center in politics. The center is the myth created by those who reign and own. The middle-ground, the golden mid, balance - rational, sensible, decent.
It‘s the ideal of the post-WW2 democracies in north-western Europe: Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia with their excellent social systems and equality of opportunities. It worked too good for the like of the elites, they sabotaged it beginning in the 70s. But they managed to frame the reestablishment of unchecked reign of capital / neofeudalism as the middle ground/Centre.
That’s why we see fractioning and drifting of the spectrums in the west. The elites have overplayed the cards and thus their myth the mud is under assault.

Still, in which direction you drift from that depends on your intellect, experiences and endocrinological situation. The smarter, healthier and mentally untraumatized would lean left. But left itself is heavily ursurped. Identity politics for example isn’t left.

So yes, wahr was the centre for a small period of time would be a good peaty political stance.
A well educated, economically stable and secure middle-class is the nemesis of the elites, they destroyed it therefore.

If you don’t feel that at present and still defend the perverted state the center ground has become then one is likely not healthy any more in our pearish sense of health


Mar 12, 2017
I was left leaning before finding ray peat and since I've gone way more right. Not sure what that means for my hormonal situation. I think it makes sense that testosterone would be higher in those leaning right because it fosters competition. Survival of the fittest. Not only do high testosterone men compete more often, they tend to view it as inevitable that there are winners and losers in all contests, including life itself.
Dec 18, 2018
I was left leaning before finding ray peat and since I've gone way more right. Not sure what that means for my hormonal situation. I think it makes sense that testosterone would be higher in those leaning right because it fosters competition. Survival of the fittest. Not only do high testosterone men compete more often, they tend to view it as inevitable that there are winners and losers in all contests, including life itself.

are you sure about that?
Did you become better at what you are doing or was there a rise in willingness to win by any means necessary?
Maybe your sensitivity towards the need to act on gender impulsives,performing male,
increased slightly?


Mar 12, 2017
are you sure about that?
Did you become better at what you are doing or was there a rise in willingness to win by any means necessary?
Maybe your sensitivity towards the need to act on gender impulsives,performing male,
increased slightly?
I've always had an obsession with all things masculine. I was raised by a single mother and was raised to be submissive and feminine. As a result, I came to my senses in my early 20s and went the other way. So yes, I'm sure that plays a role. But I did not feel inclined toward conservative beliefs even after adopting the "quest for masculinity", if you will. It was only after getting my testosterone and more likely, DHT up that I started to resonate with conservative thinking.


Jun 7, 2016
The centre has become a void and centrists get dragged out of centre by extremests from left and right and left and right isn’t even clearly defined anymore plus multiculturalism has made is more complex and the hidden class structure.
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