There Is A Massive Conspiracy To Push Transsexuality On Kids


Feb 13, 2016
Society needs to be accepting of people with non-traditional sexual orientations because they are already going through a lot of stress from non-acceptance by most of the world...

The real problem is the estrogen industry because they won't let slip that it's the environmental estrogens and estrogen in water contributing majorly to the problem, and instead they just say to be more accepting of the issue instead of actually resolving the issue.


Feb 18, 2018
Society needs to be accepting of people with non-traditional sexual orientations because they are already going through a lot of stress from non-acceptance by most of the world...

The real problem is the estrogen industry because they won't let slip that it's the environmental estrogens and estrogen in water contributing majorly to the problem, and instead they just say to be more accepting of the issue instead of actually resolving the issue.

Estrogen in the water?


I’m sure environmental estrogens don’t help the issue, but I’d think that diet causes estrogen to flourish over other protective hormones, and things like fruit, animal protein, calcium, vitamin D, activity, etc... all suppress it, which is sorely lacking in today’s society.


Feb 13, 2016
Estrogen in the water?


I’m sure environmental estrogens don’t help the issue, but I’d think that diet causes estrogen to flourish over other protective hormones, and things like fruit, animal protein, calcium, vitamin D, activity, etc... all suppress it, which is sorely lacking in today’s society.

Peat said it in an interview that he thinks the most dangerous source of estrogen today is the estrogen in our water because it's not filtered out by the sewage systems and so keeps recirculating.
Hugh Johnson

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Why would you assume that parents are the only ones "pushing" children? Kids are in school today before 5 years of age (some as young as 2), and almost every kid has access to TV and internet for the majority of their day. Assuming a kid is in a household with two parents (a massive assumption itself), the parent's influence over a child might be as low as 5-10% today.

Regardless of whether a child is confused about their sexuality (and why they would be confused), there is no doubt that dangerous drugs and surgeries are being pushed on them. There is no way a child could possibly understand the consequences of those drugs or surgeries, since doctors don't know fully themselves. It is the absolutely most horrid and grotesque form of medical experimentation.
The thing is even completely normal things like being a tomboy can be treated as being trans these days. Or a boy can have a younger sister who gets more attention and wants to be girl to get attention from parents. Doctors make a lot of money from transitions, and there are a lot of suggestions about it in the media and school. There are often minor issues, which get misdiagnosed into something profitable.
Hugh Johnson

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Society needs to be accepting of people with non-traditional sexual orientations because they are already going through a lot of stress from non-acceptance by most of the world...

The real problem is the estrogen industry because they won't let slip that it's the environmental estrogens and estrogen in water contributing majorly to the problem, and instead they just say to be more accepting of the issue instead of actually resolving the issue.
Trans is not a sexual orientation. Being gay does not imply castration, dangerous hormones, expensive surgeries or adopting the opposite sex stereotypes.


Jun 10, 2016
Why would you assume that parents are the only ones "pushing" children? Kids are in school today before 5 years of age (some as young as 2), and almost every kid has access to TV and internet for the majority of their day. Assuming a kid is in a household with two parents (a massive assumption itself), the parent's influence over a child might be as low as 5-10% today.

Regardless of whether a child is confused about their sexuality (and why they would be confused), there is no doubt that dangerous drugs and surgeries are being pushed on them. There is no way a child could possibly understand the consequences of those drugs or surgeries, since doctors don't know fully themselves. It is the absolutely most horrid and grotesque form of medical experimentation.

Do you watch TV and internet with children? I sometimes do with my nephews and nieces age between 2 and 6. This is the age that transsexual behavior normally starts. And I have a hard time finding out to see what they watch would "push" them into being confused about their own gender (you were referencing sexuality but we are actually talking about gender here). The girl loves the movie Frozen which is about two princesses. The older boy loves the movie Moana because Maui is so strong and he is watching kid videos about cars on Youtube. The younger boy doesn't really watch movies, but he is obsessed with cars and motorbikes that are riding by. He is constantly saying: "Look, motor!"

So what on the TV or internet are you referring about? Do you have a movie, a TV show, a documentary or something that would have the effect that it "pushes" a boy to feeling that it is actually a girl, in such a way that this tension builds up throughout the child's years that at some point he tells his parents: "I want a doctor to cut off my penis, I feel like it doesn't belong there."

Do you really think that anyone wants to share such a message with its parents? I don't believe that anyone or anything can "push" a child to saying something like that if there is not an enormous and constant feeling for a long time that you are living in the wrong body.

Personally, it took me almost my complete puberty to tell my parents that I didn't like girls but I liked boys. Did anyone "push" me feeling that way? Of course not. All my peers were not like that. All the characters on TV were not like that. All the movies were not like that. It has changed a little bit now. But I can tell you, if you find out something like this, even now, you just feel horrible weird and wrong, and you try anything to change it. People at that age try to fit in with their peers. I tried to like girls. I tried to kiss girls, I just didn't feel it. It just didn't feel in line with my natural desires. And if something, sexual attraction has to be natural and spontaneous, that is the beauty of it. If you try to force it, all the magic is gone.

However, after raising my metabolic rate, and probably increasing my androgens a lot, my sexuality changed to straight. If transsexual feeling can be changed that way, I don't know. I think it would be probably harder than fully regrowing lost hair. You got to make something up that probably went wrong in the womb already.
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Jan 25, 2014
Do you watch TV and internet with children?
I have. It creeps me out how at 2-4 years old, they are obsessed with iPads, and just get sat down in front of TV, and let that programming just enter their mind. I know I watched a lot of TV and played video games as a kid, too. It scares me now, too, as I was shut off from my own imagination, and let a whole bunch of entertainers and corporations just enter my mind, and shape my beliefs at such a young age.

...between 2 and 6. This is the age that transsexual behavior normally starts.
This is a bold statement. Do you have a source for this?

you were referencing sexuality but we are actually talking about gender here
No, neither one of us is talking about gender. We are talking about feelings of child that drug companies and the medical industry are looking to captialize on for profit by feeding them dangerous, life altering drugs like finasteride, dutasteride, fluatamide, progestins, high doses of hormones, anabolic steriods, and stress hormones like estrogen. THAT is what really disgusts me. And why is it in the slightest bit okay? Age of consent is 16-18. 16 to drive. You have to be at least 18 to gamble or vote or serve in the military. 21 to drink or smoke now. 25 to rent a car. Yet 10 is a-okay to have life altering unnecessary surgery or be a medical experiment so Merck or Glaxo can rake in another $100,000? Just awful.

By the way, I was experimented on with medical surgery at 8, and also suffered from infant genital mutilation, aka circumcision. I am just as violently opposed to those horrid medical atrocities.

If we were truly talking about gender, we would be talking about xx and xy chromosomes, and less common mutations like xxy (which is what Tula, aka Caroline Cossey had), xxxy, and so on. A single x chromosome is also possible, but from what I understand, people born with that mutation die as infants.

So what on the TV or internet are you referring about? Do you have a movie, a TV show, a documentary or something that would have the effect that it "pushes" a boy to feeling that it is actually a girl, in such a way that this tension builds up throughout the child's years that at some point he tells his parents: "I want a doctor to cut off my penis, I feel like it doesn't belong there."

Do you really think that anyone wants to share such a message with its parents? I don't believe that anyone or anything can "push" a child to saying something like that if there is not an enormous and constant feeling for a long time that you are living in the wrong body.

Well, you didn't give a single example of how parents influence kids in regards to transexuality, but as for media...... just took a quick google search to find this. Disney Sends Beautiful Message With First 'Boy Princess,' Complete With Chest Hair Why is this content in a Disney XD show?

Personally, it took me almost my complete puberty to tell my parents that I didn't like girls but I liked boys. Did anyone "push" me feeling that way? Of course not. All my peers were not like that. All the characters on TV were not like that. All the movies were not like that. It has changed a little bit now. But I can tell you, if you find out something like this, even now, you just feel horrible weird and wrong, and you try anything to change it. People at that age try to fit in with their peers. I tried to like girls. I tried to kiss girls, I just didn't feel it. It just didn't feel in line with my natural desires. And if something, sexual attraction has to be natural and spontaneous, that is the beauty of it. If you try to force it, all the magic is gone.

"Push" was no doubt the wrong word, but there was likely influence. I don't think it was a conscious choice, but I wouldn't doubt there was some mental influence, as well as environmental factors, and maybe even a genetic component, which brings me to your last statement....

However, after raising my metabolic rate, and probably increasing my androgens a lot, my sexuality changed to straight. If transsexual feeling can be changed that way, I don't know. I think it would be probably harder than fully regrowing lost hair. You got to make something up that probably went wrong in the womb already.

There is a lot going on in this statement. It's a bit incredible. First, you yourself changed your sexuality as your health improved. That's amazing. I think it's great also that you undertook a journey of self discovery and improvement.

In the part I bolded, you basically admit that transexuality is a feeling. Then, in the italicized statement you admit that the "therapies" being pushed might not even work on that feeling, and seem to suggest that sacrificing a head of hair is worth that gamble. Personally, I don't. The options for "gender reassignment" have long term debilitating consequences, including suicide and massive depression. They should be used sparingly (if at all) on consenting adults only, after a long term education of their possible side effects. NEVER on anyone younger than 18, at minimum.

You mentioned depression earlier, and discussed SSRIs. Regardless of the cause, SSRIs are an absolute disaster. They make a depressed person four times more likely to commit suicide that someone untreated. That is not treatment or a cure. It's a disaster.

Many people at some point in their life have suicidal thoughts. That doesn't mean they should just commit suicide. Many people who were at that moment and didn't go through with it (or were saved in some way afterwards) are grateful they are still alive. So why push any of these things on a kid who might just be confused? By all means, engage in talk therapy and discuss options, but how about waiting at least till they are adults before pushing these drugs and surgeries on them?


Jan 25, 2014
Estrogen in the water?


I’m sure environmental estrogens don’t help the issue, but I’d think that diet causes estrogen to flourish over other protective hormones, and things like fruit, animal protein, calcium, vitamin D, activity, etc... all suppress it, which is sorely lacking in today’s society.

I don't know about the concentration in water, but I do know that soy consumption has increased dramatically, and it is a potent source of phytoestrogens.


Jun 10, 2016
I have. It creeps me out how at 2-4 years old, they are obsessed with iPads, and just get sat down in front of TV, and let that programming just enter their mind. I know I watched a lot of TV and played video games as a kid, too. It scares me now, too, as I was shut off from my own imagination, and let a whole bunch of entertainers and corporations just enter my mind, and shape my beliefs at such a young age.

I absolutely agree.

This is a bold statement. Do you have a source for this?

Just anecdotal, according to this source it can also start later, but I think it is very common to indeed already start at a young age:

"Cross-gender behaviors begin as early as 2 years, which is the start of the developmental period in which children begin expressing gendered behaviors and interests. Early-onset gender dysphoria typically starts in childhood and continues into adolescents and adulthood, which late-onset gender dysphoria occurs around puberty or much later in life."

Well, you didn't give a single example of how parents influence kids in regards to transexuality, but as for media...... just took a quick google search to find this. Disney Sends Beautiful Message With First 'Boy Princess,' Complete With Chest Hair Why is this content in a Disney XD show?

Well, great. There are boys that want to be a princess. Someone can make a movie about such a boy. If every Walt Disney movie was about this, it would not reflect reality and that may be confusing, but as long as there are movies that all kind of kids can identify with, I think it is great. It is good that kids learn that not everybody is equal. Some boys like cars, some like to be a strong fighter, others like to be a princess. I would have loved that more things like that would have been on TV when I was in puberty. It can be a great struggle finding out that you have different feelings and not being able to identify with anyone. It causes a great deal of stress.

Do you really believe that such a movie makes boys suddenly feel that they are born in a wrong body? Come on..

So why push any of these things on a kid who might just be confused? By all means, engage in talk therapy and discuss options, but how about waiting at least till they are adults before pushing these drugs and surgeries on them?

I think I agree with that. I think I was clear that my point is that we shouldn't deny the problem and act like gender confusion (or gender dysphoria as it is officially called) is something fake that is massively "pushed" on kids as the title here clearly states. I don't know what the solution is for this problem. The reality is that the kid pushes their parents for years to allow a transition before it actually happens. I don't know the solution, I just try to put some reality in this thread about the problem.


Feb 18, 2018
I absolutely agree.

Just anecdotal, according to this source it can also start later, but I think it is very common to indeed already start at a young age:

"Cross-gender behaviors begin as early as 2 years, which is the start of the developmental period in which children begin expressing gendered behaviors and interests. Early-onset gender dysphoria typically starts in childhood and continues into adolescents and adulthood, which late-onset gender dysphoria occurs around puberty or much later in life."

Well, great. There are boys that want to be a princess. Someone can make a movie about such a boy. If every Walt Disney movie was about this, it would not reflect reality and that may be confusing, but as long as there are movies that all kind of kids can identify with, I think it is great. It is good that kids learn that not everybody is equal. Some boys like cars, some like to be a strong fighter, others like to be a princess. I would have loved that more things like that would have been on TV when I was in puberty. It can be a great struggle finding out that you have different feelings and not being able to identify with anyone. It causes a great deal of stress.

Do you really believe that such a movie makes boys suddenly feel that they are born in a wrong body? Come on..

I think I agree with that. I think I was clear that my point is that we shouldn't deny the problem and act like gender confusion (or gender dysphoria as it is officially called) is something fake that is massively "pushed" on kids as the title here clearly states. I don't know what the solution is for this problem. The reality is that the kid pushes their parents for years to allow a transition before it actually happens. I don't know the solution, I just try to put some reality in this thread about the problem.

Yea I agree, I don’t think gender identity and sexuality is a social construct by any means.

Jordan Peterson talks at length about natural interests of men vs women, and how these differences manifest in early childhood, and often have nothing to do with social pressures (of course, some defending the social construct theory will go as far as to say how the parents handle the baby plays a role in developing identity and interests)

@Mufasa Your experience of turning straight actually greatly strengthened my belief that diet and hormones play a huge role in development and expression of identity and sexuality. I think focusing the problem from this angle would be much more fruitful, just to either corroborate or refute that theory, because I’ll sound like a lunatic or a homophobe if I were to tell anyone that I read on a forum of a guy who turned straight through diet and lifestyle.

My male friend who is gay told me that at 6 he had a crush on his male cousin. I distinctly remember as a young kid crushing on all my female classmates. I think the expression is much more internal than external. We perhaps reinforce and strengthen our identity and interests through whichever external sources present themselves, but there is something internal which creates the initial conditions.

Why do we like what we like? Who the hell really knows.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I too think the strongest factor at play here is hormones. I am totally hetero, but when I was at around my poorest health, I remember that one or two guys pursued me thinking that I swung that way, it's almost as if they could sense the elevated estrogen in me. This has not happened to me ever since then, now that I'm healthier. Don't get me wrong, it didn't really bother me, I'm not phobic about such things, just an observation.

Similarly, women definitely can sense guys who have elevated pro-metabolic hormones. On my better days, I'll have a random woman chat me up on the elevator or even in the hallway. I am not bad looking (not a model by any stretch) but this normally does not happen to me. I truly think we subconsciously "feel" other peoples' energy (hormones). Also, women become a lot more interesting to me, and more types of women are attractive to me as well. When I'm unhealthy, only 9-10/10's interest me (I become very picky because it's hard to get turned on), but when my health is extremely good I'm not nearly as picky, I've noticed, and I entertain the attention of a wider variety of people. It's very interesting. Even within the same gender, even if your preferences in that regard don't change, who you find attractive can and does change (in my experience).
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Mar 26, 2014


Jun 1, 2016
@Runenight201 @Mufasa you don't need to push anything on anyone. Estrogen and estrogen-like chemicals promote changes in utero see: prenatal exposure to progestins made the subjects more bisexual.
@Constatine i followed the link, and they used lutocyclin in the study, which they call bio identical progesterone, and it is not, lutocyclin (ethisterone) is a progestin and has different molecular structure than progesterone. Looks like they used the trick again, said it's progesterone that made the subjects more bisexual, but it was progestin (estrogenic qualities?) @haidut could you please check the molecular structure? I may be wrong here...
From my observations (and from what i've read and researched) the severity of impact of the environment on a human goes as following (from more severe to less impactful): 9 months gestation, 1st month of life, 1st six months of life, 1st year of life, 2 first years of life, 3 first years of life, 7 first years of life, 11-12 first years of life etc.. The earlier the impact the worse the outcome.
Look around: those who had abundant safe gestation are better off than those who have not, those who had the former and a great 1st year of life even better, and so on, and who did not will be trying to catch up possibly for life. I'm looking at my parents, rised in a "saturate fats world" and real nutritious foods, without impact of modern technology, lots of time outdoors, much less schooling and so on. My dad eats like crap for the last 20 yeas, he is 62 now, still fit (fitter than my friends in their late 20s and early 30s, and he doesn't even really work out other than 3 min. stretching in the morning and walking the dog for 10-15 minute twice a day), he has a full head of lush hairs and barely (barely!) any gray hairs at all, his brain is still going strong, he is working and his memory have not declined. I think if he ate like crap for the first 20 years of his life, and had good nutrition for the latter 42, he would be in a poor state with no hairs on his head, or gray hairs early on, or obese/overweight, with possible onset of demetria or something.
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Jun 1, 2016
EDIT: forgot to include the original quote with the link to the study, and the study's title is missleading to say the least
I would say the civilizations that engaged in homosexuality where influenced by environmental and hereditary factors just like the modern man. Altered hormonal profile of the mother seems to be important: Prenatal Exposure to Progesterone Affects Sexual Orientation in Humans . Periods of famine and stress results in more feminine male offspring but not necessarily homosexual. I'm sure culture influences those who teeter on the balance but probably not those exposed to certain hormonal ratios in the womb. I think its worth mentioning that the brain can masculinize and feminize during development and even adulthood but to what extent idk.
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Mar 12, 2016
That study above, 'Prenatal Exposure to Progesterone Affects Sexual Orientation in Humans', used a synthetic progestin to prove their point, not natural progesterone.


Jun 1, 2016
That study above, 'Prenatal Exposure to Progesterone Affects Sexual Orientation in Humans', used a synthetic progestin to prove their point, not natural progesterone.
Yep, see my post above, that is exactly what i'm pointing to: they used progestins.
You are right, ethisterone is nothing like bioidentical progesterone. Its real name is 17α-Ethynyltestosterone, so it is actually a testosterone derivatives.
Ethisterone - Wikipedia
It is well-known that testosterone has some progestin effects but regular testosterone would be much safer as a progestin than ethisterone, as Peat has said in the past. Just like the other synthetic progestins, it has androgenic and some estrogenic effects (in rats at least). Regardless, it is not and cannot be called progesterone.
I think people publishing studies titled like this need to be jailed. It is quite obvious such studies are written to ascribe the bad effects of synthetic progestins to progesterone as well, which feeds into the popular medical mantra "everything is bad, depending on the dosage, including progesterone".
it's from the thread Turned Straight After 14 Months Of Peating


Jun 1, 2016
And to be completely honest, I used to think that poorer people had more hostile environments for a child to grow in, starting from compromised food supply to more stress in every aspect. While it may still be the case, I see my friends rolling around in $100K teslas with newborns bottle fed and left to daycare since 2 month old, cause mommy and daddy need to work to buy the boat or even bigger new house or save for ivy league college education, buy more, consume more, not bashing the parents at all, they all want the best for their kids. But from what i know now, it is important to invest in yours and your baby mama's environment and well being even before conception, buy full house water filters, invest in good nutrition, minimize the stress and so on. Breastfeeding is a luxury for many, cause maternity leave is short, both parents have to work (if there even are two parents) to provide for the family even the most basic needs, and for those mamas, who don't need to provide for family, there is heavy promotion of formula, and if that is not enough: social pressure that home stay mom is a loser, and those who get back to work early and pursue career are praised by the society.
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Hugh Johnson

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I absolutely agree.

Just anecdotal, according to this source it can also start later, but I think it is very common to indeed already start at a young age:

"Cross-gender behaviors begin as early as 2 years, which is the start of the developmental period in which children begin expressing gendered behaviors and interests. Early-onset gender dysphoria typically starts in childhood and continues into adolescents and adulthood, which late-onset gender dysphoria occurs around puberty or much later in life."

Well, great. There are boys that want to be a princess. Someone can make a movie about such a boy. If every Walt Disney movie was about this, it would not reflect reality and that may be confusing, but as long as there are movies that all kind of kids can identify with, I think it is great. It is good that kids learn that not everybody is equal. Some boys like cars, some like to be a strong fighter, others like to be a princess. I would have loved that more things like that would have been on TV when I was in puberty. It can be a great struggle finding out that you have different feelings and not being able to identify with anyone. It causes a great deal of stress.

Do you really believe that such a movie makes boys suddenly feel that they are born in a wrong body? Come on..

I think I agree with that. I think I was clear that my point is that we shouldn't deny the problem and act like gender confusion (or gender dysphoria as it is officially called) is something fake that is massively "pushed" on kids as the title here clearly states. I don't know what the solution is for this problem. The reality is that the kid pushes their parents for years to allow a transition before it actually happens. I don't know the solution, I just try to put some reality in this thread about the problem.
Did you read the article I linked? If you have a kid interested in opposite sex play, you often have a homosexual or a tomboy. Now that has been medicalized and the kid gets told he is trans. Kids believe what they are told and then they will strive to be trans.


Aug 23, 2018
I was a tomboy. I sure had thoughts that I might be a boy. I don't how I would have turned if I was to grow up in today's world.

Kids are easily influenced. They should not be turned to drugs or therapies.

More and more kids are diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Maybe we should review the environment in which they develop instead of trying to fit them into system created by grown ups.
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