
Aug 9, 2019
@Kelj Exactly what I'm doing at the moment. I'm eating close to 4000 calories now. SFA are very pro-weight-gain for me, but I'm glad because I'm regaining muscle, training out in the sun.
How long did it took for you to heal?
i gain weight on high fat diet 3k cal and do not on low fat 4k cal
Same as you, SFA helps me with weight gain, I can gorge on sugars and not put on weight.


Feb 13, 2016
Millennials are the new lost generation, most of us have no idea what makes them happy and are pressured to also please others at the expense of their health.

I think the problem is trying to figure out what "thing" or "job" will make you happy. Real happiness isn't driven by something external, it arises as a result of being true to who you are. Depression occurs as a result of putting on a mask when interacting with the world and keeping your true self suppressed. It's easier said than done to always be true to who you are, especially when you've been living a lie for most of your life, but I think lowering PUFA, serotonin, nitric oxide, estrogen, etc. is key, the same approach you would take to fight cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.


Nov 22, 2017
reviewing cynical memes seems to be the complete opposite of "thriving" to me. sure, he made it. but his "postmodern" lifestyle is hardly a blueprint for average Joe i am somewhat like him but it does not work out

I think PewDiePie is a really self-aware guy, I don't think he was taking the whole thing too seriously. I could be wrong but it seems like he has a good life and was thriving. It doesn't mean much but I don't think many people can claim to have been the #1 YouTube Channel


Nov 21, 2019
How do you guys handle mouth hygiene with all the juices?
It’s why I went high fat.
No matter what I do (xylitol, moith rinsing after juice, juice only with food, milk rinses) my mouth ph is getting to acidic and my teeth yellow.
Which reverses itself when I do not have juices
Sodium bicarbonate in juice seems most effective but ai cannot tolerate that
Nothing I find here works
Same for straws, vit k, high calc


Nov 22, 2017
I think the problem is trying to figure out what "thing" or "job" will make you happy. Real happiness isn't driven by something external, it arises as a result of being true to who you are. Depression occurs as a result of putting on a mask when interacting with the world and keeping your true self suppressed. It's easier said than done to always be true to who you are, especially when you've been living a lie for most of your life, but I think lowering PUFA, serotonin, nitric oxide, estrogen, etc. is key, the same approach you would take to fight cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

You remember that quote from Ray about taking steps to improve one's life, and how in itself that is therapeutic, much like going to a psychiatrist, and how simply trying to change want can be improved is like getting a ball rolling towards being human again. I think in this sense, all the steps which alleviate avoidable stress like red light, aspirin, niacinamide, extra protein, thyroid supplementation, are there to give us the energy and resilience to improve our lives, and are not an end into itself, they're like a foundation on which to build a life for yourself which makes sense and is meaningful. Ray has been more open and transparent about his ideas in this regard in his interviews with Jodelle particularly.


Jan 4, 2019
How do you guys handle mouth hygiene with all the juices?
It’s why I went high fat.
No matter what I do (xylitol, moith rinsing after juice, juice only with food, milk rinses) my mouth ph is getting to acidic and my teeth yellow.
Which reverses itself when I do not have juices
Sodium bicarbonate in juice seems most effective but ai cannot tolerate that
Nothing I find here works
Same for straws, vit k, high calc

While, at first, my teeth were more yellow, eventually they became whiter and I had thicker, more even-toned enamel.

I have seen this with so many things that concerned me, a transitional phase looks negative. Persistence has the body righting itself. I kept reminding myself that I was doing nothing extraordinary. Just eating and drinking in satisfying amounts what is here for us to eat and drink.


Jan 4, 2019
@Kelj Exactly what I'm doing at the moment. I'm eating close to 4000 calories now. SFA are very pro-weight-gain for me, but I'm glad because I'm regaining muscle, training out in the sun.
How long did it took for you to heal?
Same as you, SFA helps me with weight gain, I can gorge on sugars and not put on weight.

I felt like most things had completely corrected themselves 18 months from day one. But, day one, I also felt things getting better. Every day saw improvements, even during my weight gain phase. Psychologically, I was feeling stronger, all along. After eight months, the excess fat began to be lost. Some days I wouldn't feel too well when my body was burning fat. All in all, the trend was for improvement. At 18 months, I had good thyroid function, a close to normal weight, which continued toward completely normal, greatly improved hair, eyes, skin, teeth, no arthritis, great energy and cheerfulness.


Aug 9, 2019
Having family and purpose is big
I lack that more than anything
This 10 times. A 9-5 hell gets more bearable when you've got a girlfriend, significant other to offer you intimacy, sex. That's how most normies cope. They look for the weekend, for that short vacation to give them a temporary relief from the ridigity of life.
When you've got something in life that gives you satisfaction too, life gets easier, you gain more strength.
It's a real tragedy to not have someone offering you love, and sex, and not have anything meaningful to look for in your life. This is the crisis point. Done over long-term, leads to nihilism, suicide.


Jul 22, 2020
They don't receive the inoculation of the Mother's gut bacteria basically. Some Drs are now making sure to wipe the vaginal area and then do it manually to the baby's mouth. Plus, recovery is much harder for the Mother which could cause issues with bonding and breastfeeding. C-sections rates are much higher than necessary.
Wish you were my mother (in a polite way)

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Raised on a steady supply of round-up.

Plus crappy diets and vaccines. I saw this and couldn't believe how many they take.



Jun 13, 2019
an excerpt from Robert F Kennedy Jr's new book "The Real Anthony Fauci":

Failing Upward
Dr. Fauci’s catastrophic failure to achieve beneficial health outcomes during the COVID-19 crisis is consistent with the disastrous declines in public health during his half-century running NIAID. For anyone who might have assumed that federal and public health bureaucrats survive and flourish by achieving improvements in public health, Dr. Fauci’s durability at NIAID is a disheartening wake-up call. By any measure, he has consistently failed upward.

The “J. Edgar Hoover of public health” has presided over cataclysmic declines in public health, including an exploding chronic disease epidemic that has made the “Fauci generation”—children born after his elevation to NIAID kingpin in 1984— the sickest generation in American history, and has made Americans among the least healthy citizens on the planet. His obsequious subservience to the Big Ag, Big Food, and pharmaceutical companies has left our children drowning in a toxic soup of pesticide residues, corn syrup, and processed foods, while also serving as pincushions for 69 mandated vaccine doses by age 18—none of them properly safety tested.55

When Dr. Fauci took office, America was still ranked among the world’s healthiest populations. An August 2021 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked America’s health care system dead last among industrialized nations, with the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy. “If health care were an Olympic sport, the US might not qualify in a competition with other high-income nations,”56 laments the study’s lead author, Eric Schneider, who serves as Senior Vice President for Policy and Research at the Commonwealth Fund.

Following WWII, life expectancy in the US climbed for five decades, making Americans among the longest-lived people in the developed world. IQ also grew steadily by three points each decade since 1900. But as Tony Fauci spent the 1990s expanding the pharmaceutical and chemical paradigm —instead of public health— the pace of both longevity and intelligence slowed. The life expectancy decrease widened the gap between the US and its peers to nearly five years,57 and American children have lost seven IQ points since 2000.58

Under Dr. Fauci’s leadership, the allergic, autoimmune, and chronic illnesses which Congress specifically charged NIAID to investigate and prevent, have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when he took over NIAID in 1984.59 Dr. Fauci has offered no explanation as to why allergic diseases like asthma, eczema, food allergies, allergic rhinitis, and anaphylaxis suddenly exploded beginning in 1989, five years after he came to power. On its website, NIAID boasts that autoimmune disease is one of the agency’s top priorities. Some 80 autoimmune diseases, including juvenile diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ disease, and Crohn’s disease, which were practically unknown prior to 1984, suddenly became epidemic under his watch.60,61,62 Autism, which many scientists now consider an autoimmune disease,63,64,65 exploded from between 2/10,000 and 4/10,000 Americans66 when Tony Fauci joined NIAID, to one in thirty-four today. Neurological diseases like ADD/ADHD, speech and sleep disorders, narcolepsy, facial tics, and Tourette’s syndrome have become commonplace in American children.67 The human, health, and economic costs of chronic disease dwarf the costs of all infectious diseases in the United States. By this decade’s end, obesity, diabetes, and pre-diabetes are on track to debilitate 85 percent of America’s
citizens.68 America is among the ten most over-weight countries on Earth. The health impacts of these epidemics—which fall mainly on the young— eclipse even the most exaggerated health impacts of COVID-19.

What is causing this cataclysm? Since genes don’t cause epidemics, it must be environmental toxins. Many of these illnesses became epidemic in the late 1980s, after vaccine manufacturers were granted government protection from liability, and consequently accelerated their introduction of new vaccines.69 The manufacturer’s inserts of the 69 vaccine doses list each of the now-common illnesses—some 170 in total—as vaccine side effects.70 So vaccines are a potential culprit, but not the only one. Other possible perpetrators—or accomplices—that fit the applicable criterion—a sudden epidemic across all demographics beginning in 1989—are corn syrup, PFOA flame retardants, processed foods, cell phones and EMF radiation, chlorpyrifos, ultrasound, and neonicotinoid pesticides.

The list is finite, and it would be a simple thing to design studies that give us these answers. Tracing the etiology of these diseases through epidemiological research, observational and bench studies, and animal research is exactly what Congress charged Dr. Fauci to perform. But Tony Fauci controls the public health bankbook and has shown little interest in funding basic science to answer those questions.

Is this because any serious investigation into the sources of the chronic disease epidemic would certainly implicate the powerful pharmaceutical companies and the chemical, agricultural, and processed food multinationals that Dr. Fauci and his twenty-year business partner, Bill Gates, have devoted their careers to promoting? As we shall see, his capacity to curry favor with these merchants of pills, powders, potions, poisons, pesticides, pollutants, and pricks has been the key to Dr. Fauci’s longevity at HHS.

Is it fair to blame Dr. Fauci for a crisis that, of course, has many authors? Due to his vast budgetary discretion, his unique political access, his power over HHS and its various agencies, his moral authority, his moral flexibility, and his bully pulpit, Tony Fauci has more power than any other individual to direct public energies toward solutions. He has done the opposite. Instead of striving to identify the etiologies of the chronic disease pandemic, we shall see that Dr. Fauci has deliberately and systematically used his staggering power over Federal scientific research, medical schools, medical journals, and the careers of individual scientists, to derail inquiry and obstruct research that might provide the answers.


Nov 22, 2017
an excerpt from Robert F Kennedy Jr's new book "The Real Anthony Fauci":

The book is so impressive, I don't think I've seen such an overwhelming amount of evidence before. It's damning as hell and yet nothing will be done about it, highlighting just how corrupt our institutions are.


Mar 15, 2014
Is this a Kaczynski quote?
No, Kaczynski didn't talk about food quality in his manifesto (as far as I know)

My point was that even when you're getting a free lunch (literally, in this case, with industrialism feeding everyone) that you always lose something in the process, even if you're unaware of what that something is. In this case, the "something" is food freshness, the mild physical activity needed to procure food, the sunlight absorption involved in growing/procuring food, etc.

Fresh potatoes taste sweet and satisfying, old potatoes taste starchy and addicting


No, Kaczynski didn't talk about food quality in his manifesto (as far as I know)

My point was that even when you're getting a free lunch (literally, in this case, with industrialism feeding everyone) that you always lose something in the process, even if you're unaware of what that something is. In this case, the "something" is food freshness, the mild physical activity needed to procure food, the sunlight absorption involved in growing/procuring food, etc.

Fresh potatoes taste sweet and satisfying, old potatoes taste starchy and addicting
True. People thought technology would make life easier, but life is harder than ever before for the average person. Harder, not only in the sense that technology is complicated. But pollution and lower physical health, as well as cutting people off from the source of life. Fresh food, fresh air, sunlight, nature (which is much more real), physical movement and interaction. The more cut off a person is from their roots, the lower their psychological health. The more cheap industries become, the more cheap and devoid of meaning peoples' lives become.


Mar 10, 2016
True. People thought technology would make life easier, but life is harder than ever before for the average person. Harder, not only in the sense that technology is complicated. But pollution and lower physical health, as well as cutting people off from the source of life. Fresh food, fresh air, sunlight, nature (which is much more real), physical movement and interaction. The more cut off a person is from their roots, the lower their psychological health. The more cheap industries become, the more cheap and devoid of meaning peoples' lives become.
Exactly this


Sep 26, 2022
We seem to know the causes of this; PUFA, added iron, mass produced grains and processed foods, vegetarianism/ veganism ideology utilizing the aformentioned foods, GMO, radiation, EMF, chronic stress, excessive vaccination, prescription meds, alcoholism, party culture, smoking in context with everything else, pollutants... did i miss anything?
I would add (in no particular order) - food additives (artificial colors, emulsifiers, citric acid etc etc), bpa exposure, other endocrine disrupters (beauty products etc) low co2 (altitude etc), smoking weed, blue light, fluoride/chlorine/ etc in water, prescription drugs (SSRI, amphetamines for adhd, etc), nihilism, lack of social connection, high soluble fiber diet, over exercising (both endurance and even high volume high frequency bodybuilding), underrating (eat less move more ideology), nutrient deficiencies (too many to list), excessive masturbation/porn (elevated prolactin) (especially in place of real intimate relationships). And that’s just off the top of my head…
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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