
Mar 29, 2016
I have seen doctors schedule induced births and mothers choose particular dates to induce births and have C-sections because they wanted thier babies born at particular times or they had a specific schedule in mind that the babies birth didnt work with. I have also seen mothers avoid breast feeding because they are worried thier breast will sag. I have seen mothers use formula out of convenience. The hospitals give formula out for free basically... The formula is PUFA and MUFA, synthetic vitamins in the worst forms, fermentable fibers, and glucose powders. For reference, I work a nurse. In school I worked in labor and delivery for a semester.
Without doubt this is a free country and people are free to make conscious choices. I hope they don't feed their babies food with the same considerations they use to buy dog or cat food. The better to scoop their poop than to nourish them fully. Perhaps they should after depriving their offspring of the benefit of natural delivery. Yet these mothers will be the first to make the excuse "it's for the children."


Sep 13, 2012
I think a woman deserves the right to choose but they should also be given all the information, maybe they would choose vaginal birth. Fetal lacerations occur 2-6%, of the time, no one is talking about that though. Here is one infant who was scalped during emergency csection:

Of course if it's an emergency fine, but even some emergencies are for liability reasons. "Failure to progress" because they had so many interventions such as induction, epidural, pitocin, chained to the bed. There is a cascade of things that happen. A good movie about it is "Business of Being Born". I had a homebirth and a water birth so maybe it is hard for me to relate to why a woman would want a csection.


May 17, 2018
I had a homebirth and a water birth so maybe it is hard for me to relate to why a woman would want a csection.

Fantastic! Did you do a lotus birth too? I read the Placenta nourishes the baby invaluably.

I guess women who choose c-sections [for convenience] are expressing lack of respect for their own bodies, themselves and their child. I feel that their self-importance would fuel such choices (again assuming they did it for reasons other than emergency)


Sep 13, 2012
Fantastic! Did you do a lotus birth too? I read the Placenta nourishes the baby invaluably.

I guess women who choose c-sections [for convenience] are expressing lack of respect for their own bodies, themselves and their child. I feel that their self-importance would fuel such choices (again assuming they did it for reasons other than emergency)
No, when the cord stops pulsing it is just a matter of choice on whether to cut or not, we waited to let all the blood go back in to the baby. I did eat a chunk of my placenta in a smoothie after the homebirth though as I had lost a lot of blood. And the second I dehydrated and encapsulated but didn't feel the need to take very much.


May 17, 2018
hen the cord stops pulsing it is just a matter of choice on whether to cut or not, we waited to let all the blood go back in to the baby.

Thank you for clarification. All i knew about a Lotus Birth implied the placenta remained attached until the blood had 'returned' to the baby. (I was knowingly ignorant of any other aspect of it).


Jan 19, 2016
We could make a huge list as to why. In no particular order:
  • Iron fortification
  • massive increase in artificial blue light (especially at night)
  • lack of sunlight exposure
  • Accutane
  • wireless technology
  • tonnes of pesticide use
  • soil mineral depletion and overuse of synthetic fertilizers
  • vaccinations
  • huge increase in PUFA
  • lead exposure from old houses
  • BPA and other estrogen mimics
  • birth control pill
  • both parents at work and stressed, lack of stable nurturing caregiver
  • formula feeding
  • c-sections
  • lack of movement

Great list! I would add

  • GMOs
  • Gadolinium (in MRI contrast). Since Haidut mentioned "One of the threads above discusses strikingly increasing colon cancer rates in the youngest segment of the population studied. The new study adds pancreatic cancer, multiple myeloma"
"Gadolinium Containing Contrast Agent Promotes Multiple Myeloma Cell Growth"
"Gadolinium (Gd3+) is a trivalent ion of the lanthanide series which has a high charge density and a similar ionic radius to Ca2+" & a "Potent blocker of calcium"
Last edited:


Mar 9, 2018
Absence of God is the root cause of humanity's degeneration, not the presence or absence of chemicals and their balance and permutations.


May 17, 2018
Absence of God is the root cause of humanity's degeneration,

Perhaps more accurately, absence of an inner sense of god.
What is lacking inside cannot be perceived outside. This is also refferd to as "As within, so without"


Mar 26, 2014
Great list! I would add

  • GMOs
  • Gadolinium (in MRI contrast). Since Haidut mentioned "One of the threads above discusses strikingly increasing colon cancer rates in the youngest segment of the population studied. The new study adds pancreatic cancer, multiple myeloma"
"Gadolinium Containing Contrast Agent Promotes Multiple Myeloma Cell Growth"
"Gadolinium (Gd3+) is a trivalent ion of the lanthanide series which has a high charge density and a similar ionic radius to Ca2+" & a "Potent blocker of calcium"

Does this stuff chelate over time? I've had two MRIs...


Jan 23, 2016
Absence of God is the root cause of humanity's degeneration, not the presence or absence of chemicals and their balance and permutations.

I have to ask politely, why are you here then? This is about rational scientific review of how to optimize the human organism via the environment.


Jan 19, 2016
Does this stuff chelate over time? I've had two MRIs...

Did you have contrast injected? If you just had a scan you have no worries. If they injected you with contrast, it's hard to say for many reasons. Gadolinium deposits in the bones & organs so it could easily be around for quite some time. It's such a weird metal I really don't think the body knows what to do with it. They also now admit almost everyone who receives contrast (doesn't matter if it's linear or macrocyclic- no matter what they tell you) retain some amount of gadolinium. Maybe some people are better at clearing it than others? If you're feeling fine you're probably good.

All I know is that I have/had great kidney function & had first 3 MRIs with Gadavist (a macrocyclic- aka "the safe kind"). One year later, really 1yr & 2 months from last injection, I succumbed to pressure & had an MRI with Gadavist again. That day I was initiated into hell on Earth. My reaction was so much more dramatic the 4th time I can only suspect it was because the gadolinium was retained & the effects cumulative. Now I'm about 9 months out from that injection & still suffer daily to the point of seriously considering assisted suicide. The wickedness of this stuff cannot be imagined or overstated. I did 4 rounds of z-DTPA IV chelation & it only made things worse. There is no antidote or effective chelation at this time. There is a support group for this & I've only heard 1 person say they felt better after EDTA or DTPA chelation.

Don't mean to be grim just really, really do not want anyone else to have to go through this. There is another thread on here, I think it's titled "MRI contrast worth the risk?". There is a lot of good information in there from a couple members, one works with it in an industry/scientific setting & the other is an MRI tech.


Jan 4, 2019
I completely agree with lampofred, this is a problem of malnourishment. Starvation, really. This is a problem decades in the making. It is now culminating in a generation so misinformed and paranoid about food that they are consistently deprived of the energy there bodies need for proper cell turnover, reproduction, and just the daily "remodeling" of our bodies, as Dr. Peat describes it. Many millenials have become vegans, true. But, they have been restricting calories in so many other ways that young people decades ago did not do. The numbers eating in a restricted way have been increasing through the decades as the basic brainwashing message of "eat less and exercise more" has become such so common. As people have been following this advice more and more, overweight and obesity have become more common. Our bodies will store fat to protect us from famine. Of course, fat storage requires that we sometimes eat above the calorie requirement of our depressed metabolism. Many do this because, afterall, the famine is not real, in most places. There are plenty of calories available. The body will make us so uncomfortable that we will load up sometimes. The more someone engages in this mad cycle, the fatter they become over time. This is well known statistically. It is the effect of going on "diets". What, though, if you see this unpleasant fattening of the people around you, and you develop a real fear of this happening to you? What if you've been told that people got that way by eating too much and sitting too much? You'll develop a nice, little eating disorder. Some will manifest this as pure portion control. They will consistently undereat, in the semi-starvation way of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. They will be thin, yes, but consume too little to stay well. Or, as a result of considering so many foods dangerous, they will undereat by accident. Some will exercise so much, they are in energy deficit all the time. The experiment mentioned above showed that to rehabilitate the starving men, they had to eat a superabundance of calories. No supplementation of vitamins and minerals helped them recover until they were allowed to eat as many calories as they wanted. Vegans, for example, may be eating sources of vitamins and minerals in abundance, but undereating calories, as vegetables and fruits are typically very low in calories. As a touchstone for this discussion, the men had to eat above 4000 calories to recover and some ate 11,000 for a time. The edinstitute website explains the absolute minimum calorie requirement for a sedentary person based on age, size, and gender. It's not 2000 calories. Where we got this number as a base is completely unscientific and many eat in the range of the semi-starved men in the study, 1,560 calories, or less. No one can be well eating in this way that has become so common. The findings on the health of young people is not surprising given the insane climate they've been growing up in. They are not robust in the way people who are well fed will be. And the really crazy part is, if they always ate everything they wanted, they would never become fat. A body supplied an abundance of calories doesn't need to store fat. It's against logic. Just like Billy Craig, I've pit my money where my mouth is and tried the abundant calorie experiment. You lose weight if you need to, and become more well every day you eat more. Can the situation be reversed in a generation? Yes. Every one of the young people, or old people being affected by this calorie famine, and that is every single obese person and so, so many of the thin ones, can turn it around beginning today. Get educated about the calories you require and stop shorting yourself. Retrain the way your brain thinks about food.


Mar 26, 2014
Did you have contrast injected? If you just had a scan you have no worries. If they injected you with contrast, it's hard to say for many reasons. Gadolinium deposits in the bones & organs so it could easily be around for quite some time. It's such a weird metal I really don't think the body knows what to do with it. They also now admit almost everyone who receives contrast (doesn't matter if it's linear or macrocyclic- no matter what they tell you) retain some amount of gadolinium. Maybe some people are better at clearing it than others? If you're feeling fine you're probably good.

All I know is that I have/had great kidney function & had first 3 MRIs with Gadavist (a macrocyclic- aka "the safe kind"). One year later, really 1yr & 2 months from last injection, I succumbed to pressure & had an MRI with Gadavist again. That day I was initiated into hell on Earth. My reaction was so much more dramatic the 4th time I can only suspect it was because the gadolinium was retained & the effects cumulative. Now I'm about 9 months out from that injection & still suffer daily to the point of seriously considering assisted suicide. The wickedness of this stuff cannot be imagined or overstated. I did 4 rounds of z-DTPA IV chelation & it only made things worse. There is no antidote or effective chelation at this time. There is a support group for this & I've only heard 1 person say they felt better after EDTA or DTPA chelation.

Don't mean to be grim just really, really do not want anyone else to have to go through this. There is another thread on here, I think it's titled "MRI contrast worth the risk?". There is a lot of good information in there from a couple members, one works with it in an industry/scientific setting & the other is an MRI tech.

Thanks - I can't say I noticed any difference in mood, energy, or body composition. Maybe we use something different here in the UK. Really sorry that you had such a bad reaction to this crap.


Nov 20, 2017
Anyone want to list what they think are the threats that pose the greatest risks and ideas to counter act them?

@Janelle525 got a good list going:
  • Iron fortification
  • massive increase in artificial blue light (especially at night)
  • lack of sunlight exposure
  • Accutane
  • wireless technology
  • tonnes of pesticide use
  • soil mineral depletion and overuse of synthetic fertilizers
  • vaccinations
  • huge increase in PUFA
  • lead exposure from old houses
  • BPA and other estrogen mimics
  • birth control pill
  • both parents at work and stressed, lack of stable nurturing caregiver
  • formula feeding
  • c-sections
  • lack of movement
Are there any more here that would constitute as 'the biggest culprits'?

I agree with Haidut's decision to bring this to our attention; people are generally not nearly as healthy or vibrant as they used to be.

I'm curious to know what is the major contributors? Is it liver health? PUFAs? Lack of Salt? Lack of nutrients? Lack of exercise?

There's got to be like a 80/20 view of the biggest contributors. Focus most of your energy on the biggest culprits to see the biggest health improvements. Not all health risks are made equal.


Feb 12, 2018
We all drunk the Kool Aid. We all stare at screens, if not we wouldn't be on this forum, reading the things we read, doing research, etc. For me, I try to make sure when I stare at screens that it is for a good purpose, not to find out if my friend's cat took a crap this morning!


Aug 23, 2018
Anyone want to list what they think are the threats that pose the greatest risks and ideas to counter act them?

@Janelle525 got a good list going:
  • Iron fortification
  • massive increase in artificial blue light (especially at night)
  • lack of sunlight exposure
  • Accutane
  • wireless technology
  • tonnes of pesticide use
  • soil mineral depletion and overuse of synthetic fertilizers
  • vaccinations
  • huge increase in PUFA
  • lead exposure from old houses
  • BPA and other estrogen mimics
  • birth control pill
  • both parents at work and stressed, lack of stable nurturing caregiver
  • formula feeding
  • c-sections
  • lack of movement
Are there any more here that would constitute as 'the biggest culprits'?

I agree with Haidut's decision to bring this to our attention; people are generally not nearly as healthy or vibrant as they used to be.

I'm curious to know what is the major contributors? Is it liver health? PUFAs? Lack of Salt? Lack of nutrients? Lack of exercise?

There's got to be like a 80/20 view of the biggest contributors. Focus most of your energy on the biggest culprits to see the biggest health improvements. Not all health risks are made equal.

I think it's a combination of factors and I think this includes epigenetics and health advice propagated by media. Many mention that we peaked in the fifties maybe.

I'm even considering that the decline could have started a bit earlier since it would take time and some generations to become apparent as a global problem.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Anyone want to list what they think are the threats that pose the greatest risks and ideas to counter act them?

@Janelle525 got a good list going:
  • Iron fortification
  • massive increase in artificial blue light (especially at night)
  • lack of sunlight exposure
  • Accutane
  • wireless technology
  • tonnes of pesticide use
  • soil mineral depletion and overuse of synthetic fertilizers
  • vaccinations
  • huge increase in PUFA
  • lead exposure from old houses
  • BPA and other estrogen mimics
  • birth control pill
  • both parents at work and stressed, lack of stable nurturing caregiver
  • formula feeding
  • c-sections
  • lack of movement
Are there any more here that would constitute as 'the biggest culprits'?

I agree with Haidut's decision to bring this to our attention; people are generally not nearly as healthy or vibrant as they used to be.

I'm curious to know what is the major contributors? Is it liver health? PUFAs? Lack of Salt? Lack of nutrients? Lack of exercise?

There's got to be like a 80/20 view of the biggest contributors. Focus most of your energy on the biggest culprits to see the biggest health improvements. Not all health risks are made equal.
MK ultra
Good luck trying to counteract


May 3, 2015
Hi @puella

Do stick around. A cure for your Gadolinium poisoning may be just around the corner.

Dr Robert Morse might say the pain is a sign that your body is eliminating the toxin! That's a positive way to think about it!


Aug 6, 2015
I am worried about many people in their 30s.

They look like they are ready to retire.

Many just go to work, return home and watch netflix. They have totally given up on life.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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