The Unvaccinated Will Be Blamed.



The gas lighting has begun. Unvaccinated people will be blamed for any rise in ‘covid’ cases or deaths from ‘covid’ as the easing of lockdown begins in the UK. Expert virologist and scientist, Andrew Lloyd Webber has spoken out comparing people who refuse experimental covid injection to drunk drivers. With an eye on his bank account and the lost revenue from the closure of his many theatre productions he says, “I just feel so strongly at the moment, particularly the people who are not getting vaccinated and everything, just how selfish it is, because so many people depend on this June 21 date, they really depend on it.” As well as being a musical genius Webber also has inside knowledge of the data from covid injection trials yet to be completed. “The vast majority are vaccinated, the vaccines work, and the rest now have a vanishingly small risk of harm,” he said. I would like to beg Andrew to please roll up his sleeves ready for his booster jab in the autumn, and please, try the Pfizer jab this time. The unfinished trials suggest it is highly effective and very very safe. Break a leg, as they say in theatre land.

Lloyd Webber hits out at ‘selfish’ vaccine-refusers over risk to June 21 unlocking | Evening Standard

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will – National Addiction News
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Oct 6, 2020

If this jab hurts me or messes up my body or leads to lifelong health consequences then it was just simply selfish of him, the goverment and the manufacturers. And selfish of the people demanding me to undergoe this experimental "treatment" for "their security" which we can't even proof that it was compromised to begin with.

“If people don’t want to be vaccinated it is not up to society to shield them.”

Funny. Because that is what his precious vaccine is supposed to do ... do people even comprehend the very thing that comes out of their own mouth`?
Another irony is we pay taxes and people who need lifelong medical help (atleast where i live) due to self induced damage get it payed for. Talking about car accidents or drunks etc.. So the guy that drives drunk and kills/hurts people gets assistance in recovery but if i had a virus killing me they'd like to let me die? Cherry picking at its finest. Hypocrites.

“I just feel so strongly at the moment, particularly the people who are not getting vaccinated and everything, just how selfish it is, because so many people depend on this June 21 date, they really depend on it.”

People depend on the lockdown to end because it created world wide misery by destroying the lifehood of many in the low and middle class and certain specific industries while simultaneously severly restricting the possibility of necessary treatment for people with serious health conditions, some probably died because they coudn't get treatment caused by a(potentially) artificialy induced, global lockdown.
Also theres so many suffering from isolation causing depression and loneliness. Who knows how many people went for suicide. Lets not even talk about the financial consequences.

All of this damage was caused by the lockdowns/restriction, not the ******* virus.


Apr 5, 2016
One may need to use Art of War or zen techniques to get around the frothy-mouthed vaccine zealots.

It's best to be calm and measured.

When they ask if I've been vaccinated I say no not yet ( super vague and non-binding ) and immediately shift the questioning back at them.

- Which one did you get?
- Where did you get it?
- Was there a long line?

These idiots love to talk about themselves and their vaccine "experience."

One woman I know said "But you won't be able to go to concerts."

I said concerts are overrated.
Nov 21, 2015
people with antibodies have to have a way to say "I am immune; I had Covid". Even if you buy into the passport idea (which is abhorrent)...or people who have recently been tested...


The vitriol being directed at unvaccinated people in the last 24 hours via radio phone in programmes is unbelievable. The presenters are biased beyond belief. They discourage debate on safety concerns, and no one ever mentions experimental drug therapy, emergency licence, absence of long term adverse effect data, and inalienable right to body integrity. I suspect the gas lighting is paving the way for the government to forge ahead with vaccine passport. They know they cannot mandate an experimental injection masquerading as a vaccine, so, exerting social pressure is one way to achieve their aim. Just as Brexit divided family and friends, covid injections (not worthy of being called a vaccine) is now the new ‘divide and rule’ strategy. They are going after younger people using 'Indian variant' as a scare tactic. It is all getting to be very depressing. In the end those who a calling out ‘off with their heads’ may end up missing more than a beat. What a heavy price to pay for not paying attention.


Nov 9, 2017
Just thinking out loud here. It always appears that there is a problem caused and it is solved by the ones that create it. In regards to this, lets look at “Covid”. At this time, there is more and more coming out each day about the detrimental effects of the vaccine as shown by videos and posts. Could it be that the “government” will finally crack down on the “big pharma” after there are many sterile people, health problems, and deaths? This would mean that the big pharma would be bankrupt and then healthcare in general would be next. But government would “reset” by taking over healthcare. Think about it. They create the problem and solve it. It would be the “order out of chaos” way. What do you think?

Kind of what the CladeX simulation does from 2018:


Just thinking out loud here. It always appears that there is a problem caused and it is solved by the ones that create it. In regards to this, lets look at “Covid”. At this time, there is more and more coming out each day about the detrimental effects of the vaccine as shown by videos and posts. Could it be that the “government” will finally crack down on the “big pharma” after there are many sterile people, health problems, and deaths? This would mean that the big pharma would be bankrupt and then healthcare in general would be next. But government would “reset” by taking over healthcare. Think about it. They create the problem and solve it. It would be the “order out of chaos” way. What do you think?

Kind of what the CladeX simulation does from 2018:

I see no evidence of our government(s) coming to their senses. However, if we give them the benefit of the doubt and presume that they will, would it not be too late? Death and injury from these injections are not being accurately recorded, often dismissed. If infertility is suspected as a side effect injecting young people will be like game over. But will it be blamed on covid rather than the injection? Big pharma has been getting away with corrupt practices for decades, I cant see governmentS suddenly waking up to it now. Money speaks. By the time people realise the extent of the damage it will be too late. It's important to remember that most people rely on main stream media for information, and how reliable is mainstream information?

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

They wont know they've been had until its too late.


Nov 9, 2017
I see no evidence of our government(s) coming to their senses. However, if we give them the benefit of the doubt and presume that they will, would it not be too late? Death and injury from these injections are not being accurately recorded, often dismissed. If infertility is suspected as a side effect injecting young people will be like game over. But will it be blamed on covid rather than the injection? Big pharma has been getting away with corrupt practices for decades, I cant see governmentS suddenly waking up to it now. Money speaks. By the time people realise the extent of the damage it will be too late. It's important to remember that most people rely on main stream media for information, and how reliable is mainstream information?

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

They wont know they've been had until its too late.
Very well could be. Yeah. Government coming to senses will not happen like you said and it will be too late unless they see it as a way to control more which would show us that they are just puppets for bigger players in the world scheme of things. Dr. Peat said on Danny Roddys podcast hyperinflation will probably come and that in itself could "reset" the world so that everyone is under the thumb of big govt, pharma, totalitarianism, etc. And with the unvaccinated I think it is a very legitimate scapegoat to use.


Apr 20, 2021
I don't understand where this narrative is coming from vaccinated people that the unvaccinated are somehow dangerous to them? I'm still waiting on clarification of that. Vaccinated are saying they don't want to be near unvaccinated. Why? Both can still transmit it. Or is there any evidence that unvaccinated are higher spreaders?

I absolutely agree with a non-emotional and very simple, no to the question. There's no need for me to justify or defend my position.


Propaganda does not operate on the basis of truth or logic; it depends on lies and deception. Fear is the ultimate weapon vax mass destruction.


May 4, 2016
Many of these pushers are hypocrites. They're the same people who say that it's no big deal when corps pollute the air and contaminate the food supply.


Feb 13, 2021
I don't understand where this narrative is coming from vaccinated people that the unvaccinated are somehow dangerous to them? I'm still waiting on clarification of that. Vaccinated are saying they don't want to be near unvaccinated. Why? Both can still transmit it. Or is there any evidence that unvaccinated are higher spreaders?
It's basically the whole herd immunity narrative - just worse than ever before!

This narrative false apart at first inspection, but unfortunately so many people have forsaken their critical thinking skills and fully given themselves over to the Church of 'Science'...


Feb 13, 2021
When people ask me if I'm getting the shot, I just casually say I'm waiting for all the VAERS data to come in.

This has actually worked very well. Some people respond, "what's that?" ?

Of course, the data will probably become less and less favorable, and I still won't be getting injected...


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
There's no need for me to justify or defend my position.

Bartleby* is smiling upon us. This is the route I'm going, too. I'm under a lot of pressure now, not overtly, but the silence towards me is weird. I live in liberal Baltimore and I don't know anyone that hasn't gotten injected. I can commit to not getting it, it's lonely and an embatttled position, but at least I will not have been coerced. It seems like so much work on the other side, being a true believer and gaslighting everyone into submission. Well, I may end up getting emotional in direct confrontations with the believers but I see my own resistance as a labor of love. Bring it on.

*Bartleby, the Scrivener - Wikipedia -- the man who "would prefer not to"

Bartleby died after preferring not to eat so I should probably stop using him as a role model.
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Oct 21, 2013
Pandemic 2.0 -Revenge of the Ferrets



Nov 18, 2019
Pandemic 2.0 -Revenge of the Ferrets
View attachment 23586

That is a bombshell really. Carry that into any discussion...


Nov 18, 2019
Bartleby* is smiling upon us. This is the route I'm going, too. I'm under a lot of pressure now, not overtly, but the silence towards me is weird. I live in liberal Baltimore and I don't know anyone that hasn't gotten injected. I can commit to not getting it, it's lonely and an embatttled position, but at least I will not have been coerced. It seems like so much work on the other side, being a true believer and gaslighting everyone into submission. Well, I may end up getting emotional in direct confrontations with the believers but I see my own resistance as a labor of love. Bring it on.

*Bartleby, the Scrivener - Wikipedia -- the man who "would prefer not to"

Bartleby died after preferring not to eat so I should probably stop using him as a role model.
Good for you. Hang tough.


Sep 21, 2014
It has come down to this from the beginning and it works almost perfectly. From the beginning, politicians, media, "science" and "medicine" have made the claim that vaccination is the only possible way out of the "pandemic". And to bridge the time until then, lockdowns are inevitable. At the same time, the concept of herd immunity kept coming up. Therefore, by combining the statements "vaccination is the only way out" and "x% of the population must be vaccinated", people have been persuaded that vaccination is not a personal decision, but the decision of the individual determines the well-being of the whole society. It is therefore an act of solidarity and altruism.

People have been told this for over a year now. So everybody who does not want the vaccine lacks solidarity and threatens the health and freedom of everybody. And no one questions the basic thesis (we have a pandemic and vaccination is the only way out).

I wonder if the elites from politics, media, science, etc. could ever have imagined themselves that it would work so well.


Nov 18, 2019
This won’t go on for long. Even Eric Clapton has come out against and he took Astra Zeneca. More and more people will begin speaking up against the injections.


Nov 18, 2019
It has come down to this from the beginning and it works almost perfectly. From the beginning, politicians, media, "science" and "medicine" have made the claim that vaccination is the only possible way out of the "pandemic". And to bridge the time until then, lockdowns are inevitable. At the same time, the concept of herd immunity kept coming up. Therefore, by combining the statements "vaccination is the only way out" and "x% of the population must be vaccinated", people have been persuaded that vaccination is not a personal decision, but the decision of the individual determines the well-being of the whole society. It is therefore an act of solidarity and altruism.

People have been told this for over a year now. So everybody who does not want the vaccine lacks solidarity and threatens the health and freedom of everybody. And no one questions the basic thesis (we have a pandemic and vaccination is the only way out).

I wonder if the elites from politics, media, science, etc. could ever have imagined themselves that it would work so well.
But that narrative is starting to break down. I do think this whole thing will implode and fail.
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