The perfect diet? Questions


Dec 23, 2020
I am trying to build a diet that will give me all antioxidants, phytochemicals, mineral & vitamins , protein needed for health benefits. Some exemples: rutin, naringin, hesperitin, apigenin, fisetin, luteolin, quercetin, sulphoraphane, chlorpohyll etc... there are many of them.. and cronomeyer doesnt really show these besides minerals&vitamins so i dont have any idea what to eat.

I know that most of these can be found in veggies, fruits but since i read here the negative effects of veggies from anti nutrients, xenoestrogens, pesticides, oxalates, oxytocin, gmo, bad soil and so on... idk what to choose anymore. Also fruits are on same page as well, bad soil , seeds etc.

Now for proteins, milk and meat that you buy from store also contain huge amounts of hormones(they inject cows with estrogen), antibiotics, oxytocin from what i read here aswell...

For potatoes i am kinda confused since it is a starchy and many of you here promote starch-free diets

The only safe foods i found until now to be are gelatin, carrots, coconut oil, orange juice, eggs.

I saw many contradicts here on broccoli, kale, spinach, celery etc. That also have goitrogens that will inhib thyroid function and also to cook them for 40 minutes but i really dont have the time to do this everyday. Also i am clueless on beets, tomatoes, garlic, onion, ginger tbh... they are good , bad ? By good i mean peaty xD

So... what foods should i include in my diet?


Sep 22, 2020
There are no perfect foods. Some are better than others, for different people. Everything is highly individual.

Just do the best you can with what you have available to you. Not everyone can afford organic or have access to sublime seasonal foods. Obsessing over all of the small details that you are speaking of will lead to nowhere. Otherwise we’d all be already at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

From what I understand of Peat, if you avoid PUFA the best you can, you can mitigate the inevitable damage that a person accumulates throughout their life from the poisons (ingestion of plastics/pollutions/estrogens and stress) to a certain degree. What that ‘certain degree’ amounts to, over a person’s lifetime, I wouldn’t know. I think the quality of a person’s life experience can have a far greater impact on a person’s health.

If I was to make recommendations to a person that I don’t know, I would say to find foods that agree with your gut, and try to base them around low PUFA. Go for the best quality you can, but not at the financial expense of lowering the quality of other areas of your life. And enjoy them of course.


Dec 23, 2020
There are no perfect foods. Some are better than others, for different people. Everything is highly individual.

Just do the best you can with what you have available to you. Not everyone can afford organic or have access to sublime seasonal foods. Obsessing over all of the small details that you are speaking of will lead to nowhere. Otherwise we’d all be already at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

From what I understand of Peat, if you avoid PUFA the best you can, you can mitigate the inevitable damage that a person accumulates throughout their life from the poisons (ingestion of plastics/pollutions/estrogens and stress) to a certain degree. What that ‘certain degree’ amounts to, over a person’s lifetime, I wouldn’t know. I think the quality of a person’s life experience can have a far greater impact on a person’s health.

If I was to make recommendations to a person that I don’t know, I would say to find foods that agree with your gut, and try to base them around low PUFA. Go for the best quality you can, but not at the financial expense of lowering the quality of other areas of your life. And enjoy them of course.
Right.. but still estrogens, xenoestrogens, plastics, opioids, anti-nutrients, thyroid damage caused by goitrogen and so on... are the same for everybody this is why i am clueless about this


Jun 13, 2019
the safest, least adulterated foods are milk, OJ, eggs, seafood, parmaggiano reggiano and pecorino romano cheese from italy, meat. All of these have problems, and the more local you can buy the better, but these are better than everything else. The cows being pumped with estrogen is not really true, and good quality milk has so many benefits that protect against everything else.


Dec 23, 2020
the safest, least adulterated foods are milk, OJ, eggs, seafood, parmaggiano reggiano and pecorino romano cheese from italy, meat. All of these have problems, and the more local you can buy the better, but these are better than everything else. The cows being pumped with estrogen is not really true, and good quality milk has so many benefits that protect against everything else.
Yes but store milk was shown to contain oxidates. I wonder if goat milk is a safer way to introduce it in the diet.

What about veggies? If you dont eat them you will be deficit in many phytochemicals and such.. chlorophyll, sulphoraphane for example. Also cooking then long enough to destroy goitrogens will most likely wipe the antioxidants of them.. so yeah.. its kinda deep rabbit hole with this whole dieting stuff. I really dont know what to choose anymore lol

Also hi guys ^ ^ @mrchibbs @Simatta


Jun 13, 2019
Yes but store milk was shown to contain oxidates. I wonder if goat milk is a safer way to introduce it in the diet.

What about veggies? If you dont eat them you will be deficit in many phytochemicals and such.. chlorophyll, sulphoraphane for example. Also cooking then long enough to destroy goitrogens will most likely wipe the antioxidants of them.. so yeah.. its kinda deep rabbit hole with this whole dieting stuff. I really dont know what to choose anymore lol

Also hi guys ^ ^ @mrchibbs @Simatta
every single food has a downside. the point is to build your bodies thyroid up to be able to handle it. milk, eggs OJ have a net positive effect for most people. veggies are usually a net negative because of intestinal irritation, but if you feel fine after eating them well cooked then they can provide some minerals. there's no such thing as a chlorophyll deficiency


Oct 6, 2020
You are prett young and somewhere else u posted a huge endless list of supplements you want to take for perfect longevity mostly based on research by david sinclairs .

Personally i'd advise you to simply reduce pesticide load, invest in glass containers/cooking ware and buy whole foods you like, enjoy and have no issues consuming, in a high quality as good as your budget allows (quality= grassfed, pesticide free grown food). Also avoid plastic packaged
Get enough sunlight and nature exposure and most importantly have as much fun and good times with friends and family.

There is this one guy over 100 that drinks a glas of whiskey everyday, smokes and eats icecream/chocolate ... all he cares for is having fun and spending time with his family ... something to think about.
Last edited:


Nov 22, 2017
I am trying to build a diet that will give me all antioxidants, phytochemicals, mineral & vitamins , protein needed for health benefits. Some exemples: rutin, naringin, hesperitin, apigenin, fisetin, luteolin, quercetin, sulphoraphane, chlorpohyll etc... there are many of them.. and cronomeyer doesnt really show these besides minerals&vitamins so i dont have any idea what to eat.

You're absolutely right about it, the nutrition labels don't show many of these compounds that are in foods and moreover, there is so much we don't know about foods in general, and the interactions between vitamins, minerals and various protective substances.

I think that's why it's important to focus on real foods, which have ideal balance of vitamins, minerals and these interesting things like flavonoids including naringin, apigenin and hesperitin etc.

One key food I think is good quality juice. Sadly I don't have access to good orange juice where I live, but I do have a great source of organic apple juice, which has plenty of these flavonoids, and potassium and other goodies.

I do buy organic oranges, grapefruit and mandarins and make marmalade. I like Emma the Nutrition Coach's recipe.

Regarding eggs, milk and butter, I think it makes a big difference to buy the best quality version of these foods. Goat milk can be better for certain people, and small amounts of full-fat milk may be better absorbed than low-fat storebought milk. Homogeneized milk can cause issues.

Avoiding foods prepared with excipient and additives like carragenean can make a big difference in my experience as well. (this can mean making your own ice cream or buying Haagen Dasz). Regular cream often has carragenean these days and it can be inflammatory for the intestine.

For the minerals and vitamins, shellfish (mussels, oysters, clams etc.) are very useful. I made myself an oyster chowder yesterday, very tasty and nutritious. Brewer's yeast (or nutritional yeast) can help to get more B vitamins. Liver is good, but should be occasional.

So basically, here are few ideas:

- Ripe fruits, juices and marmalade (apple sauce is good too)
- Good quality shellfish
- Organic dairy, eggs
- Gelatinous, inexpensive cuts of meat made in a slow-cooker stew
- Other things like well cooked white button mushrooms, potatoes, sprouted rice, sourdough bread etc.

I'm sure I'm missing many things.


Dec 23, 2020
You're absolutely right about it, the nutrition labels don't show many of these compounds that are in foods and moreover, there is so much we don't know about foods in general, and the interactions between vitamins, minerals and various protective substances.

I think that's why it's important to focus on real foods, which have ideal balance of vitamins, minerals and these interesting things like flavonoids including naringin, apigenin and hesperitin etc.

One key food I think is good quality juice. Sadly I don't have access to good orange juice where I live, but I do have a great source of organic apple juice, which has plenty of these flavonoids, and potassium and other goodies.

I do buy organic oranges, grapefruit and mandarins and make marmalade. I like Emma the Nutrition Coach's recipe.

Regarding eggs, milk and butter, I think it makes a big difference to buy the best quality version of these foods. Goat milk can be better for certain people, and small amounts of full-fat milk may be better absorbed than low-fat storebought milk. Homogeneized milk can cause issues.

Avoiding foods prepared with excipient and additives like carragenean can make a big difference in my experience as well. (this can mean making your own ice cream or buying Haagen Dasz). Regular cream often has carragenean these days and it can be inflammatory for the intestine.

For the minerals and vitamins, shellfish (mussels, oysters, clams etc.) are very useful. I made myself an oyster chowder yesterday, very tasty and nutritious. Brewer's yeast (or nutritional yeast) can help to get more B vitamins. Liver is good, but should be occasional.

So basically, here are few ideas:

- Ripe fruits, juices and marmalade (apple sauce is good too)
- Good quality shellfish
- Organic dairy, eggs
- Gelatinous, inexpensive cuts of meat made in a slow-cooker stew
- Other things like well cooked white button mushrooms, potatoes, sprouted rice, sourdough bread etc.

I'm sure I'm missing many things.
Ty ! I need to tag you more often srs

Btw i read somewhere that boiling leaves(kale,spinach etc) for a few seconds and replace that water with new one and boil it again can eliminate most thyroid suppresion molecules from it and it is pretty much save to eat. Is this true? Also the main reason for broccoli it was its sulphoraphane content. What if i take a supplement for that? I want it for mental reasons since i heard it can be beneficial

Also if i dont really have access to organic food goat milk, bought OJ from store should be pretty safe right?


Dec 23, 2020
You are prett young and somewhere else u posted a huge endless list of supplements you want to take for perfect longevity mostly based on research by david sinclairs .

Personally i'd advise you to simply reduce pesticide load, invest in glass containers/cooking ware and buy whole foods you like, enjoy and have no issues consuming, in a high quality as good as your budget allows (quality= grassfed, pesticide free grown food).
Get enough sunlight and nature exposure and most importantly have as much fun and good times with friends and family.

There is this one guy over 100 that drinks a glas of whiskey everyday, smokes and eats icecream/chocolate ... all he cares for is having fun and spending time with his family ... something to think about.
My main goal isnt longevity, i just want to extend my prime and to look young at 40+ for ex. But most likely living longer and looking young at old age is connected together. Anyway i cut most of those supps ngl. What i kept is this:

• Supplements ED:
-Niacinamide 100mcg(multiple times/day)+TMG(same dose)
-Coleus Forskholli 250mg ?and?
-Ghk-cu 0.3mg ?
-Creatine 5g (pre-workout)
-Pycnogenol 100mg
-Trace minerals: *iodine 5g *Selenium 200mcg
-Astaxanthin 12mg
-B1 fat soluble 500mg
-Taurine 5g
-Glucosamine Sulfate 3g (1g/3x)

• Supplements not ED:
-Rapamycin 5mg Tuesday(3months-1months pause 24-48 hours ) before HIIT
-Berberine 500mg + l-Arginine + Methylcobalamine/10d
-NMN 150mg (at old age) + TMG ?
-Msm 1000mg/month for Mercuryminn
-PQQ(once in a while-dry fasted) + CoQ10 200mg
-B5 20g~3 luni

Also other infos gathered from here(still confused by most of them) i need to do more research on them tho xD
*baking soda 1/4tsp + 500mg aspirin + gelatin + hot water + k2 liquid 15mg(divide)
*aspirin 300mg + k2
*dont eat high carb + high fat together (Rendle cycle)
*vitamin E 100mg - vitamin A 50k+
*Progesterone(40mg) + DHEA(5mg)
*T3 25-50mcg (4 mcg at time)
*2l raw milk + 1l orange juice
*increase CO2: rebreath in a bag, bicarbonate drink
*nicotine not needed unless old
*tap filter water without fluoride
*gelatin substitue with whey
*using soaps and shampoos ED is endocrine disrupter
*30 to 50 milligrams of tetracycline or penicillin can help. Flowers of sulfur, a pinch a day for a few days will often establish a new flora.
*Mutaflor as probiotic
*Vitamin A/D3 4:1 ratio: 50kiu A + 15k D3
*bag breathe for 2 minutes 5-7 times a day
*botox 30yo
*Liposomal Glutathione 200-400mg

*rutin, naringin, hesperitin, apigenin, fisetin, luteolin, quercetin, curcumin

Research: Glutathione, L-Cysteine, and Tranexamic acid and will probably apply hydroquinone EON, orthosilicic acid

*1:1 ratio tmg-b3;calcium-phosphorus

*melatonin to stay young

*Liposomal Glutathione 200-400mg

*dry fasting once a week with hydroxycitrate, nicotinamide, curcumin, lithium, EGCG and HIIT to 24h for autophagy

*boil leaves twice to remove any thyroid suppressors

*Milk = opioids, hormones
Alternative = eggshell powder

*Sugar = good every hour for anxiety
Alternative = fruits

*Legumes = high phytoestrogen content, anti-nutrients


Nov 22, 2017
Ty ! I need to tag you more often srs

Btw i read somewhere that boiling leaves(kale,spinach etc) for a few seconds and replace that water with new one and boil it again can eliminate most thyroid suppresion molecules from it and it is pretty much save to eat. Is this true? Also the main reason for broccoli it was its sulphoraphane content. What if i take a supplement for that? I want it for mental reasons since i heard it can be beneficial

Also if i dont really have access to organic food goat milk, bought OJ from store should be pretty safe right?

I don't know about the leaves really to be honest. I know Ray recommends boiling kale/spinach/collards greens for like 45 minutes and then discarding the leaves and drinking the water for the magnesium/calcium content. There is the oxalate problem with the leaves which is worse when digestion is impaired I supposed.

I think the leafy greens have to be organic, because they're otherwise full of pesticides. What I do is boil the leaves, and then either discard them, or I add potatoes, milk and spices and blend it all with a hand blender to make a creamy soup. You can eat that over many days, and it contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, protein etc.

Increasing magnesium and calcium can be very soothing, even for mental issues.

I would recommend not using supplements because they're expensive and I think can make things complicated and they often have excipients which cause other issues. Save your money to buy the best foods you can find.

OJ from the store is hit and miss. Try to find the one that tastes best (sweeter) without flavor packs and other things. Sometimes the concentrate is best.

I would recommend making marmalade from organic oranges, Ray says it's like a wonder drug, and it will contain a lot of naringenin:



Oct 6, 2020
My main goal isnt longevity, i just want to extend my prime and to look young at 40+ for ex. But most likely living longer and looking young at old age is connected together. Anyway i cut most of those supps ngl. What i kept is this:

For ex? what does that stand for?

I think looking young above 30 and upwards without botox/surgery is a reflection of good health, which will translate into longevity. The two of us might aswell live or die in the age of "forever 25" if we consider the advancement that is already being made in science.

Assuming humanity didn't kill itself until then.

The bioelectronic discoveries amazed me the most thus far.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
once again- this way of thinking is going to ruin you or evolve into orthorexia. eat what you feel good on, dont think about the contents. first you learn how to eat intuitively, THEN you can start looking at the science behind those foods.


Dec 23, 2020
What's wrong with oxytocin? No love for the love hormone?

20 grams of B5??? Prepare for your hair to fall out!
I must confused it with something else sorry(i see now that it is benefical)

B5 its not everyday, only taken when needed. Like months pause even

What you think of the rest of that list ?


Dec 23, 2020
once again- this way of thinking is going to ruin you or evolve into orthorexia. eat what you feel good on, dont think about the contents. first you learn how to eat intuitively, THEN you can start looking at the science behind those foods.
I already eat what i like. I just want to up my game ^ ^

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
I already eat what i like. I just want to up my game ^ ^
if you already ate what you like and had figured out what foods work for you then you would feel the need to upgrade your game. if you felt energized all day, slept great, had no gut issues and perfect digestion and mental clarity and you were happy - you would care about extending your prime or something like that. all the success stories from young people are from those that ate intuitively. you cant up your game at 19. you are in your prime. you need good food and good gut health and most importantly a strong mind. finding a direction in life is going to do 10 times more for you than anything else.
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