"The Penis Is The Male Animal-flower, A Soft-firm Dildo. "


Oct 27, 2016
I have not claimed anything about myself.I just copied and pasted a text.

Since you are quick to judge me,your judgement on Telsa must be half baked as well.
In defense of sladerunner, I don't think he was judging you. He was simply saying that your quotes (while good), were not reflective of an individual who was well qualified to speak on male/female relationships, having only had a "relationship" with a said pidgeon.


Jan 25, 2014
Just because women buy most of the books on relationships,do they understand relationships better than men?

Anyone with sound judgement can describe male-female relations for what it has become. The topic of how male/female relationships should be is a different topic.


Oct 27, 2016
I found the context for Peat's quote from Amazoniac's thread on "Nutrition For Women" here: Nutrition For Women - Selected Parts

about saying the "penis is a soft-firm dildo"

which, after reading this in context, now makes more sense. Peat's ideas seem to be in line with my ideas about relationships.
Here's the complete quote:
"Men, out of touch with their energies and natural desires and dreams, have kept women in chains. Passive and weak, women have kept to themselves, the wholeness and richness of their experience. (totally agree with him) Reasoning and competing men, have believe(d) that they possess women, but the centered and prolific human female world, was overlooked by the greedy devouring male, who took part of her existence and believed he had taken it all. Wishing to be liberated, no longer passive and weak, many women are becoming reasoning competitors, but in doing so, are losing contact with their bodily energies, desires and dreams. (completely agree)

Gaining the social, economic , cultural, intellectual and sexual rights of men will not liberate anyone, because these rights and roles where the ugliness of maleness is. It is not the penis that is fascistic, domineering, exploitive, corrupting. The penis is the male animal-flower, a soft-firm dildo, a warm dream". (his quote makes more sense in this context)

I totally agree with what he has written. I think my comments I wrote previously would be in line with Peat's thinking about the male/female dynamics. As well as my poetic summation. He is not saying the penis, the symbol of males, is supposed to dominate women but to complement women, and vice-versa. And that both sexes have something to give one another as opposed to being at odds with one another. The idea that has been promoted in society is about trying to steal from one another the essence of each sexes positive unique attributes. That's not good. There is a reason why males have certain characteristics specifically their own and females have characteristics, specifically their own, and if this is not acknowledged, both sexes lose out on the positive and beneficial and enlightening qualities of one another.

Much of religion, government and society has been about fostering the idea that we need to take from one another to gain, rather than giving of one another to benefit. All of the above (religion, government, society) pretends to be doing things altruistically, and pretends to promote seemingly benevolent ideas. But in reality, this is false, as they take from individuals rather than encouraging the betterment of mankind for the goodness of itself. Ancient and valid texts, and ancient scriptures have been misinterpreted and misunderstood for the actual truth contained within them, due to narrow minded, uneducated, inexperienced, and unenlightened mindsets and thought patterns.


Aug 17, 2016
I found the context for Peat's quote from Amazoniac's thread on "Nutrition For Women" here: Nutrition For Women - Selected Parts

about saying the "penis is a soft-firm dildo"

which, after reading this in context, now makes more sense. Peat's ideas seem to be in line with my ideas about relationships.
Here's the complete quote:
"Men, out of touch with their energies and natural desires and dreams, have kept women in chains. Passive and weak, women have kept to themselves, the wholeness and richness of their experience. (totally agree with him) Reasoning and competing men, have believe(d) that they possess women, but the centered and prolific human female world, was overlooked by the greedy devouring male, who took part of her existence and believed he had taken it all. Wishing to be liberated, no longer passive and weak, many women are becoming reasoning competitors, but in doing so, are losing contact with their bodily energies, desires and dreams. (completely agree)

Gaining the social, economic , cultural, intellectual and sexual rights of men will not liberate anyone, because these rights and roles where the ugliness of maleness is. It is not the penis that is fascistic, domineering, exploitive, corrupting. The penis is the male animal-flower, a soft-firm dildo, a warm dream". (his quote makes more sense in this context)

I totally agree with what he has written. I think my comments I wrote previously would be in line with Peat's thinking about the male/female dynamics. As well as my poetic summation. He is not saying the penis, the symbol of males, is supposed to dominate women but to complement women, and vice-versa. And that both sexes have something to give one another as opposed to being at odds with one another. The idea that has been promoted in society is about trying to steal from one another the essence of each sexes positive unique attributes. That's not good. There is a reason why males have certain characteristics specifically their own and females have characteristics, specifically their own, and if this is not acknowledged, both sexes lose out on the positive and beneficial and enlightening qualities of one another.

Much of religion, government and society has been about fostering the idea that we need to take from one another to gain, rather than giving of one another to benefit. All of the above (religion, government, society) pretends to be doing things altruistically, and pretends to promote seemingly benevolent ideas. But in reality, this is false, as they take from individuals rather than encouraging the betterment of mankind for the goodness of itself. Ancient and valid texts, and ancient scriptures have been misinterpreted and misunderstood for the actual truth contained within them, due to narrow minded, uneducated, inexperienced, and unenlightened mindsets and thought patterns.


Oct 27, 2016
Ya know, it's unfortunate and sad to me that so many stereotypes persist today in our supposedly advanced modern society. Glad you see it as well Regina :)


Oct 27, 2016
Another thing too, is, as a societal whole (not necessarily individuals) people have gotten so adept at deceit, duplicity, and self delusion, that no one knows what real authenticity is anymore, or what is truth. So, illusions are perpetuated in a continued stream of deceptiveness, dishonesty and underhandedness. Our modern society thrives on this. And we are becoming sicker mentally, emotionally and spiritually by the day, by the hour. If our society thrived on honesty,transparency and the quest for the betterment of mankind, we would have no need of antidepressant drugs and drugs that mask the underlying symptoms of our conditions. Fortunately Peat's ideas and thoughts are a step in the right direction.


Aug 17, 2016
Another thing too, is, as a societal whole (not necessarily individuals) people have gotten so adept at deceit, duplicity, and self delusion, that no one knows what real authenticity is anymore, or what is truth. So, illusions are perpetuated in a continued stream of deceptiveness, dishonesty and underhandedness. Our modern society thrives on this. And we are becoming sicker mentally, emotionally and spiritually by the day, by the hour. If our society thrived on honesty,transparency and the quest for the betterment of mankind, we would have no need of antidepressant drugs and drugs that mask the underlying symptoms of our conditions. Fortunately Peat's ideas and thoughts are a step in the right direction.
But I think delusive thinking has been going on for at least 500 yrs or so.


Jun 18, 2015
To be in tune with topic . I am more interested in how he would describe female organ. :) And analogy soft - firm, male animal flower and warm dream are in the place from both physical and psyhology aspect. Erect Penis has levitative force or energy (dynagens) that has bluish- green glow.
The term levitation is derived from the Greek word levit and means a
formative, upwardly-propelling suctional force in which an atomic
(metaphysical) energy is active, whose direction of propagation is mainly
vertical. Soft and firm Is meant like gelatin and silicone...since they are soft But are firm..have form. He didn't use term Hard...Hard Is not same as firm. It levitates like a wild flower. And radiates warm dynagen bluish- green energy. This Is complete bioenergetical description with a help of Schauberger. :)


Oct 27, 2016
To be in tune with topic . I am more interested in how he would describe female organ. :) And analogy soft - firm, male animal flower and warm dream are in the place from both physical and psyhology aspect. Erect Penis has levitative force or energy (dynagens) that has bluish- green glow.
The term levitation is derived from the Greek word levit and means a
formative, upwardly-propelling suctional force in which an atomic
(metaphysical) energy is active, whose direction of propagation is mainly
vertical. Soft and firm Is meant like gelatin and silicone...since they are soft But are firm..have form. He didn't use term Hard...Hard Is not same as firm. It levitates like a wild flower. And radiates warm dynagen bluish- green energy. This Is complete bioenergetical description with a help of Schauberger. :)
Very interesting comments. I appreciate :) and am enlightened by them.
* About the vagina, I asked the same thing in another comment on this thread ;)


Oct 27, 2016
But I think delusive thinking has been going on for at least 500 yrs or so.
Yes, I think it's been going back to the beginning of this age....thousands of years ago.


Feb 18, 2016
I found the context for Peat's quote from Amazoniac's thread on "Nutrition For Women" here: Nutrition For Women - Selected Parts

about saying the "penis is a soft-firm dildo"

which, after reading this in context, now makes more sense. Peat's ideas seem to be in line with my ideas about relationships.
Here's the complete quote:
"Men, out of touch with their energies and natural desires and dreams, have kept women in chains. Passive and weak, women have kept to themselves, the wholeness and richness of their experience. (totally agree with him) Reasoning and competing men, have believe(d) that they possess women, but the centered and prolific human female world, was overlooked by the greedy devouring male, who took part of her existence and believed he had taken it all. Wishing to be liberated, no longer passive and weak, many women are becoming reasoning competitors, but in doing so, are losing contact with their bodily energies, desires and dreams. (completely agree)

Gaining the social, economic , cultural, intellectual and sexual rights of men will not liberate anyone, because these rights and roles where the ugliness of maleness is. It is not the penis that is fascistic, domineering, exploitive, corrupting. The penis is the male animal-flower, a soft-firm dildo, a warm dream". (his quote makes more sense in this context)

I totally agree with what he has written. I think my comments I wrote previously would be in line with Peat's thinking about the male/female dynamics. As well as my poetic summation. He is not saying the penis, the symbol of males, is supposed to dominate women but to complement women, and vice-versa. And that both sexes have something to give one another as opposed to being at odds with one another. The idea that has been promoted in society is about trying to steal from one another the essence of each sexes positive unique attributes. That's not good. There is a reason why males have certain characteristics specifically their own and females have characteristics, specifically their own, and if this is not acknowledged, both sexes lose out on the positive and beneficial and enlightening qualities of one another.

Much of religion, government and society has been about fostering the idea that we need to take from one another to gain, rather than giving of one another to benefit. All of the above (religion, government, society) pretends to be doing things altruistically, and pretends to promote seemingly benevolent ideas. But in reality, this is false, as they take from individuals rather than encouraging the betterment of mankind for the goodness of itself. Ancient and valid texts, and ancient scriptures have been misinterpreted and misunderstood for the actual truth contained within them, due to narrow minded, uneducated, inexperienced, and unenlightened mindsets and thought patterns.

In a recent email response to @waldenpond Peat mentioned the ,"property mentality"in relation to a question on monagamy.

Would be interesting to get him to elaborate more, I'm speaking to mainly men in long term relationships with kids who are majority unhappy and feel like they are in chains. All of them are obsessed with pornography.
In saying that they mainly bring the topic up with me.
Is it the same for women in these cases?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I have not claimed anything about myself.I just copied and pasted a text.

Since you are quick to judge me,your judgement on Telsa must be half baked as well.

That comment is all it took to implicate yourself as having a substantial amount of intellectual authority on the subject.


Feb 18, 2016
I think in mind and tissue he mentions about not viewing the other as your property,acknowledging their desires on the same level as your own for a healthy relationship?

Is it really that big of a deal for you and your partner to sleep with other people if STD's are accounted for? It's like your ex from years ago you may still see about twin with her new boyfriend,if you still consider her a friend and you did care about her reaching her disires you should have no issue with her being with another guy.
It's interesting that most people are ok with the above situation when it's their partners from their younger years but as they approach late 20's and on they try to avoid each other when with new partners,jealously still present,somebody else now possesses her or got to possess her? Obviously exceptions are there but a lot of forced I'm ok with it situations out there IMO.


Jun 4, 2016
Re: "The penis is the male animal-flower, a soft-firm dildo.


Having read more of the context
(see above in this thread)
I think you may be misinterpreting the passage.

Sounds like Peat means something like:
Males in the modern world have more power than women,
but the nature of that power is corrupt, controlling, wrongly competitve, fascistic, etc....

So...if women set as a goal for themselves
to try to copy men's power strategies,
then they will not be "liberated,"
because they will just be repeating and recreating the corrupt power tactics of men.

Something like that....

Now..."soft-firm dildo"...?
I'll take a shot at that:
I think I've read some sex therapists say that
men should sort of, generally and literally, relax about sex,
that men should not have as the ideal goal in sex
to always have an Erection O' Steel, so to speak.
That men should open up to and embrace the
(literal) ups and downs of their member.

Furthermore, it is easy to see why some sexual philosophers
might equate the Erection 'O Steel to something weapon-like:
hard, impervious, invulnerable...perhaps intent on rendering pain, not pleasure.

I don't have experience with dildos :geek: ,
but I'm guessing Peat means "soft-firm dildo" to be a positive image,
the relaxed, playful penile posture (no alliteration intended, I swear!),
versus the obsessively competitive, weapon-like presentation....

And that brings us to "the male animal flower."
I guess this is the more traditional, poetic version of "the soft-firm dildo."
The flower is delicate, not hard.
But it is powerful in its generative, re-creative energy.
Well said!


Jun 13, 2021
Maybe Ray means tailored to women's specifications. Also maybe we should have a designated area for 'male vitality' topics where we can post about things without risk of freaking out unsuspecting female users. Then they could enter understanding what shocking material might follow lol
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