The Many Benefits Of Drinking Coffee


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The Many Benefits of Drinking Coffee ... ng-coffee/

Human consumption of coffee is said to go as far back as the 13th century. The most common tale involves an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi, who discovered that his goats would become lively long into the night after eating the berries of the coffee plant.

Today, coffee is grown all over the world and consumed by millions on a daily basis. It is part of our daily routine and, despite the recession, world coffee exports increased 5.2% in June 2012 compared to June 2011! Much of this increase, I think, can be attributed to the growing knowledge among consumers of the vast health benefits associated with drinking coffee. I call it a natural adaptogen!

Most likely, the health benefits of drinking coffee are due to its caffeine content. Caffeine is a plant-based alkaloid and naturally occurring stimulant. Many studies have been released over the years showing how caffeine influences several body processes – it has antioxidant effects, helps regulate insulin, and may lower inflammation!
The Many Benefits
Benefits your Liver: Caffeine protects the liver from toxins, including alcohol. Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of liver damage and reduce the risk of cirrhosis in those who are high risk for the disease. Coffee drinkers are less likely to have indications of liver damage, such as elevated serum enzymes.

When we consume caffeine, our liver releases enzymes to metabolize it. When this happens, the liver’s ability to uptake sugar becomes temporarily impaired. This is a good thing! The short term effects of caffeine ingestion is decrease in liver glycogen stores. A recent study in the Journal of Agriculture, Food & Chemistry found that coffee had an anti-diabetic effect on mice, improving fatty liver and suppressing hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar. Coffee contains high concentrations of magnesium, antioxidants, niacin (Vitamin B3) and thiamin (Vitamin B1), as well as the beta cells, which may explain why coffee drinkers statistically have less diabetes. Studies on diabetics, actually show the benefits appear to increase with cups of coffee drank.

Benefits your hormones: According to Ray Peat, women have been observed to drink more coffee premenstrually. This is a great example of a natural and rational form of self-medication. The body knows what it wants. Caffeine can help maintain production of thyroid and progesterone and compensate for any deficiencies. Drinking caffeinated can also increase the levels of progesterone in the blood and brain!
Benefits your skin: Drinking at least three cups of coffee every day has been shown to protect against the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma. Coffee-drinking men were 10 percent less likely to develop skin cancer than those who drank less than one cup of caffeinated coffee per month. Among women, this risk reduction was 21 percent!
Benefits your brain: The caffeine in coffee protects against Alzheimer’s disease. A study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease measured blood caffeine levels of patients over a 2-4 year period and found that caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed-onset Alzheimer’s, particularly for those who already have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Patients with MCI may be able to avoid, or delay, developing dementia by drinking several cups of coffee a day!

Many of the studies of caffeine suggest that the amount of coffee needed is between 3 and 5 cups daily, or a target of 500mg of caffeine. These studies specifically examined the benefits of caffeine from coffee, not from artificial sources such as pills or energy drinks.

I drink my coffee with plenty of milk, sugar and sometimes a teaspoon of gelatin. I also love to make coffee ice cream and occasionally coffee “jello.” My friends know I love my coffee! Make sure you are drinking a good organic roast and be careful when you buy coffee out. You want to make sure the beans were not sprayed with pesticides. I also recommend you drink coffee when you eat meat as it blocks the body’s uptake of iron.


Oct 31, 2012
Great post! I'm reintroducing coffee into my diet as I write. It tends to get me sorta jacked up, but I love it so much.


Oct 16, 2012
PeatFeat said:
Great post! I'm reintroducing coffee into my diet as I write. It tends to get me sorta jacked up, but I love it so much.

Yes, nice job, Ann.

PeatFeat: If you find that coffee makes you anxious, jittery, or cold, I highly recommend consuming it after a meal or with a LOT of sugar and coconut oil (or some other good saturated fat like chocolate or butter). Before I read this advice (from Ray Peat), coffee used to wreck me. Now I have minimal difficulty with even a very strong cup of coffee.


Oct 31, 2012
Ray-Z said:
PeatFeat said:
Great post! I'm reintroducing coffee into my diet as I write. It tends to get me sorta jacked up, but I love it so much.

Yes, nice job, Ann.

PeatFeat: If you find that coffee makes you anxious, jittery, or cold, I highly recommend consuming it after a meal or with a LOT of sugar and coconut oil (or some other good saturated fat like chocolate or butter). Before I read this advice (from Ray Peat), coffee used to wreck me. Now I have minimal difficulty with even a very strong cup of coffee.
Eating after food definitely helps. Hasn't effected my sleep yet either.


Nov 30, 2012
I climbed on the green tea bandwagon in the 2000s; I'm pretty sure I've read green tea contains thryoid-damaging fluoride.

So glad I finally started drinking coffee this past spring. I can really tell a difference. It is utterly mind boggling to me that anyone would suggest coffee is bad for you.


Sep 15, 2014
Is it OK to drink flavored coffee, like Don Francisco's, for instance? I am just wondering if such tampering could nullify its beneficial effects.


Sep 3, 2016
The Many Benefits of Drinking Coffee ... ng-coffee/

Human consumption of coffee is said to go as far back as the 13th century. The most common tale involves an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi, who discovered that his goats would become lively long into the night after eating the berries of the coffee plant.

Today, coffee is grown all over the world and consumed by millions on a daily basis. It is part of our daily routine and, despite the recession, world coffee exports increased 5.2% in June 2012 compared to June 2011! Much of this increase, I think, can be attributed to the growing knowledge among consumers of the vast health benefits associated with drinking coffee. I call it a natural adaptogen!

Most likely, the health benefits of drinking coffee are due to its caffeine content. Caffeine is a plant-based alkaloid and naturally occurring stimulant. Many studies have been released over the years showing how caffeine influences several body processes – it has antioxidant effects, helps regulate insulin, and may lower inflammation!
The Many Benefits
Benefits your Liver: Caffeine protects the liver from toxins, including alcohol. Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of liver damage and reduce the risk of cirrhosis in those who are high risk for the disease. Coffee drinkers are less likely to have indications of liver damage, such as elevated serum enzymes.

When we consume caffeine, our liver releases enzymes to metabolize it. When this happens, the liver’s ability to uptake sugar becomes temporarily impaired. This is a good thing! The short term effects of caffeine ingestion is decrease in liver glycogen stores. A recent study in the Journal of Agriculture, Food & Chemistry found that coffee had an anti-diabetic effect on mice, improving fatty liver and suppressing hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar. Coffee contains high concentrations of magnesium, antioxidants, niacin (Vitamin B3) and thiamin (Vitamin B1), as well as the beta cells, which may explain why coffee drinkers statistically have less diabetes. Studies on diabetics, actually show the benefits appear to increase with cups of coffee drank.

Benefits your hormones: According to Ray Peat, women have been observed to drink more coffee premenstrually. This is a great example of a natural and rational form of self-medication. The body knows what it wants. Caffeine can help maintain production of thyroid and progesterone and compensate for any deficiencies. Drinking caffeinated can also increase the levels of progesterone in the blood and brain!
Benefits your skin: Drinking at least three cups of coffee every day has been shown to protect against the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma. Coffee-drinking men were 10 percent less likely to develop skin cancer than those who drank less than one cup of caffeinated coffee per month. Among women, this risk reduction was 21 percent!
Benefits your brain: The caffeine in coffee protects against Alzheimer’s disease. A study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease measured blood caffeine levels of patients over a 2-4 year period and found that caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed-onset Alzheimer’s, particularly for those who already have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Patients with MCI may be able to avoid, or delay, developing dementia by drinking several cups of coffee a day!

Many of the studies of caffeine suggest that the amount of coffee needed is between 3 and 5 cups daily, or a target of 500mg of caffeine. These studies specifically examined the benefits of caffeine from coffee, not from artificial sources such as pills or energy drinks.

I drink my coffee with plenty of milk, sugar and sometimes a teaspoon of gelatin. I also love to make coffee ice cream and occasionally coffee “jello.” My friends know I love my coffee! Make sure you are drinking a good organic roast and be careful when you buy coffee out. You want to make sure the beans were not sprayed with pesticides. I also recommend you drink coffee when you eat meat as it blocks the body’s uptake of iron.

Great old post @charlie. Curious if we view 500-600 MG as the upper threshold of beneficial experimentation for coffee. I probably am over it some days as i get up to 600 MG easy in the morning.


Ray mentioned that statistically people who drink 5 or more cups per day are healthiest.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Ray mentioned that statistically people who drink 5 or more cups per day are healthiest.

There is a study in which they osberved cancer rates among coffee drinkers and those drinking 8+cups a day had the lowest cancer rates, especially colon cancer. I believe there is a link to it on OP's post.


Sep 3, 2016
Thoughts on upper threshold of coffee in the morning? Only concern is too much liquid perhaps?
May 26, 2016
Thoughts on upper threshold of coffee in the morning? Only concern is too much liquid perhaps?

Yes, too much liquid and not enough calories per cup sometimes doesn't end well. But the caffeine buzz is fun:playful:

One way to offset this effect is stronger coffee and/or plenty of food. Another is gourmet coffee or sugared coffee if you're into that sort of thing.

The more the merrier, but you'll notice your upper threshold kicking in when your hands start to shake and the current cup tastes much shittier than the previous cup. For some of us, this becomes a morning routine:oops:


Sep 3, 2016
Yes, too much liquid and not enough calories per cup sometimes doesn't end well. But the caffeine buzz is fun:playful:

One way to offset this effect is stronger coffee and/or plenty of food. Another is gourmet coffee or sugared coffee if you're into that sort of thing.

The more the merrier, but you'll notice your upper threshold kicking in when your hands start to shake and the current cup tastes much shittier than the previous cup. For some of us, this becomes a morning routine:oops:

Amen to pretty much all of that. It is hit/miss for me. Sometimes facilitates healthy bowel movements 2-3x a day, and other times backs me up due to maybe too much liquid/water.


Forum Supporter
Oct 13, 2023
I just can't stop being impressed! I drank coffee today after abstaining for more than 10 years. Oh my god! It was coffee with honey, and I ate a carrot with it. You know what? The effect was amazing! Instantly! I feel so good - no supplement has ever given me this instant mountain of energy!!! I can't believe it! I just don't know what to believe anymore. Everyone says coffee is bad! Almost all famous healers advise quitting coffee! And here you are, saying 'drink Cola,' 'eat salt,' 'drink coffee,' and it works. It's wonderfully scary! I don't know what to expect next, but I feel good! This forum healed my heart, and now maybe I'll get my energy back too?! Crazy, crazy, crazy!


Jul 25, 2020
The Many Benefits of Drinking Coffee ... ng-coffee/

Human consumption of coffee is said to go as far back as the 13th century. The most common tale involves an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi, who discovered that his goats would become lively long into the night after eating the berries of the coffee plant.

Today, coffee is grown all over the world and consumed by millions on a daily basis. It is part of our daily routine and, despite the recession, world coffee exports increased 5.2% in June 2012 compared to June 2011! Much of this increase, I think, can be attributed to the growing knowledge among consumers of the vast health benefits associated with drinking coffee. I call it a natural adaptogen!

Most likely, the health benefits of drinking coffee are due to its caffeine content. Caffeine is a plant-based alkaloid and naturally occurring stimulant. Many studies have been released over the years showing how caffeine influences several body processes – it has antioxidant effects, helps regulate insulin, and may lower inflammation!
The Many Benefits
Benefits your Liver: Caffeine protects the liver from toxins, including alcohol. Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of liver damage and reduce the risk of cirrhosis in those who are high risk for the disease. Coffee drinkers are less likely to have indications of liver damage, such as elevated serum enzymes.

When we consume caffeine, our liver releases enzymes to metabolize it. When this happens, the liver’s ability to uptake sugar becomes temporarily impaired. This is a good thing! The short term effects of caffeine ingestion is decrease in liver glycogen stores. A recent study in the Journal of Agriculture, Food & Chemistry found that coffee had an anti-diabetic effect on mice, improving fatty liver and suppressing hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar. Coffee contains high concentrations of magnesium, antioxidants, niacin (Vitamin B3) and thiamin (Vitamin B1), as well as the beta cells, which may explain why coffee drinkers statistically have less diabetes. Studies on diabetics, actually show the benefits appear to increase with cups of coffee drank.

Benefits your hormones: According to Ray Peat, women have been observed to drink more coffee premenstrually. This is a great example of a natural and rational form of self-medication. The body knows what it wants. Caffeine can help maintain production of thyroid and progesterone and compensate for any deficiencies. Drinking caffeinated can also increase the levels of progesterone in the blood and brain!
Benefits your skin: Drinking at least three cups of coffee every day has been shown to protect against the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma. Coffee-drinking men were 10 percent less likely to develop skin cancer than those who drank less than one cup of caffeinated coffee per month. Among women, this risk reduction was 21 percent!
Benefits your brain: The caffeine in coffee protects against Alzheimer’s disease. A study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease measured blood caffeine levels of patients over a 2-4 year period and found that caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed-onset Alzheimer’s, particularly for those who already have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Patients with MCI may be able to avoid, or delay, developing dementia by drinking several cups of coffee a day!

Many of the studies of caffeine suggest that the amount of coffee needed is between 3 and 5 cups daily, or a target of 500mg of caffeine. These studies specifically examined the benefits of caffeine from coffee, not from artificial sources such as pills or energy drinks.

I drink my coffee with plenty of milk, sugar and sometimes a teaspoon of gelatin. I also love to make coffee ice cream and occasionally coffee “jello.” My friends know I love my coffee! Make sure you are drinking a good organic roast and be careful when you buy coffee out. You want to make sure the beans were not sprayed with pesticides. I also recommend you drink coffee when you eat meat as it blocks the body’s uptake of iron.
@charlie - I am glad and surprised to find that you posted this information. Coffee helps prevent dementia and clears some things that we don't need too much of, such as copper, from our bodies.

Then I read this posting of yours where you felt that Coffee was toxic and so what has happened or else have you become a Mormon or some other credo that does not allow coffee?

sep 9, 2023, Charlie wrote:
Yes, coffee is toxic.


Jul 17, 2015
coffee when you eat meat as it blocks the body’s uptake of iron
I believe polyphenols of coffee only blocks non-heme iron (from vegetables and fruits), not from heme source (meat).
Adding a few drops of lemon juice to tea or milk to coffee saturates the polyphenol molecules and greatly reduces the chelating power on non-heme iron (fruits and vegetables).
In this study, researchers found that by adding lemon juice, tea catechins retained their highest degree of stability. Among the catechins studied, the EGC stood at a level of 81 to 98%, the EGCG between 56% and 76% and the ECG between 30 and 55%. Otherwise, few catechins are absorbed.
1. Du thé au citron pour un effet antioxydant accru
D'après Purdue University News et CBC News. (Article In french)
Green RJ, Murphy AS, Schulz B, et al. Common tea formulations modulate in vitro digestive recovery of green tea catechins. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2007 Sep;51(9):1152-62.
Mario Ferruzzi, assistant professor of food science at Purdue University in Indiana.
Note: It was also determined that intestinal uptake of total catechins significantly increased 6 and 11 times in green tea with xylitol/citric acid and xylitol/vitamin C, respectively, compared to green tea only. Polyphenols are more stable in a acidic environment (Ph 3-6)
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