The Dental Conundrum re xrays and materials- where is there a Peat friendly dentist on this planet?


Dec 11, 2020
i have yet to find a "holisitc" dentist who still does not insist on xrays. they seem obsessed. this new one says they use the lowest machine available- hand held nomad on .3. i really dont want anymore - i had way too many last year when i had an issue with a root canal and had to get a tooth pulled. i react to them for sure. i went to a "holistic" dentist in June 2021 who practically nuked me with a nuclear bomb and felt the effects for weeks and i had more after. i do all of the remedial measures discussed here but radiation is radiation. I was finally taking a break by not having any for a year and then had to get 4 bitewings with a handheld in order to get my perio cleaning in a new place in October. thought i was done for quite a while but the dentist there uses a product for fillings and crowns that contains fluoride so cant get the work i need done there and this "holisitic" dentist does not use fluoride but is insisting i get nuked again with 18 xrays with the nomad. such a dilemma . Input please!!!

Does anyone know about this material i reference that contains fluoride and if it definitely would be an issue?ACTIVA BioACTIVE Overview PULPDENT


May 6, 2014
I am interested in this subject, too. Your x-rays are so recent. I have inquired at a few offices in Florida, and I have heard they require x-rays from the past 5 years. I haven't been to a dentist for about 10 years. A "biological" dentist here, touting safe amalgam removal and safe replacement fillings, was still adamant about X-rays.

Does anybody know if Mexican dental offices in the tourist areas (like Cancun) allow you to waive X-rays?


Dec 11, 2020
I am interested in this subject, too. Your x-rays are so recent. I have inquired at a few offices in Florida, and I have heard they require x-rays from the past 5 years. I haven't been to a dentist for about 10 years. A "biological" dentist here, touting safe amalgam removal and safe replacement fillings, was still adamant about X-rays.

Does anybody know if Mexican dental offices in the tourist areas (like Cancun) allow you to waive X-rays?
i know - what is it with these radiation trigger happy dentists? please guys need input fast- i have to cancel today and figure out what to do.


May 13, 2015
i know - what is it with these radiation trigger happy dentists? please guys need input fast- i have to cancel today and figure out what to do.
I go to a great environmental dentist in Marble Falls, Texas. Every time I go there, they want to take xrays and I decline them. I have to sign a release form for their records. If I had to guess, I think that the State is requiring the dentist to take the xrays and the dentist needs the release form about declining the xrays to cover their butts. Or maybe it's to protect them from me suing them if my teeth are somehow rotting where they can't see in a regular dental exam? Anyway, signing the release form makes them happy.

There are things on their site that I don't agree with regarding things like fish oil, etc. If they suggest something that conflicts with Ray Peat's teachings, I stick with Ray's advice.

When looking for a good dentist, try to find one that knows how to safely remove mercury amalgams; this website might be helpful:


Apr 28, 2018
Well. It is a sorry state of affairs in my opinion as well. I also have lost only one tooth, exactly as the OP describes, except the extraction by the referred oral surgeon was absolutely brutal. Without a blow-by-blow accounting of that terrifying event, you will get the idea knowing that after 30 seconds of nitrous and a vicious yank, a wad of cotton was thrust in my groggy hand, he kicked my chair and said "you are done, get up".
It has been 4 years, and I have 10 (TEN!) prescriptions of antibiotic from various Urgent Cares, ER rooms in hospitals while traveling, and 4 with my own dentist for a continuously infected jaw. As of August last, I embarked on internal H2O2 regimen, injections at the site, and several months of ozone blood therapy and uv light IV therapy.
At great expense I might add.
It is my understand that the best density of skilled dentists in Mexico are located in Algodones (according to scores if Boomers and GenX retirees here). Seems as though the competition for American customers there might allow for freedom of services as you choose.


May 16, 2013
I saw a dentist here in the UK who doesn’t use them, but he just got forced into retirement by his indemnity insurance premium being hiked to £50,000 a year, essentially forcing him to leave. He was great. I have problematic teeth too with tons of fillings from issues when I was younger, so if someone said there was a good dentist somewhere on this planet I would probably travel 10,000 miles for one!


May 6, 2014
Well. It is a sorry state of affairs in my opinion as well. I also have lost only one tooth, exactly as the OP describes, except the extraction by the referred oral surgeon was absolutely brutal. Without a blow-by-blow accounting of that terrifying event, you will get the idea knowing that after 30 seconds of nitrous and a vicious yank, a wad of cotton was thrust in my groggy hand, he kicked my chair and said "you are done, get up".
It has been 4 years, and I have 10 (TEN!) prescriptions of antibiotic from various Urgent Cares, ER rooms in hospitals while traveling, and 4 with my own dentist for a continuously infected jaw. As of August last, I embarked on internal H2O2 regimen, injections at the site, and several months of ozone blood therapy and uv light IV therapy.
At great expense I might add.
It is my understand that the best density of skilled dentists in Mexico are located in Algodones (according to scores if Boomers and GenX retirees here). Seems as though the competition for American customers there might allow for freedom of services as you choose.

Thanks for the Mexico info. I will file it. I talked to an office manager at a Cancun dental office, and he did not want to commit to no x-rays. I explained I wanted none but would allow one, maximum. He said the dentist would have to see me. Who knows if he is being straight, and he really did promise nothing. That's an expensive trip to see a dentist if it doesn't work out.

I booked a free consultation here in Florida and didn't get past the dental technician, who said you must have a complete set of x-rays. But I was sitting in two waiting rooms for a while. And I could see and hear another patient nearby. Everything was "your insurance will cover it"---insurance, insurance, insurance. I got the distinct vibe that the patient was saying yes to anything that was paid for. And the dental team was running up that bill. My mind was also wandering to these people forcing x-rays on children. I thought of that (John Lennon?) song "How Do You Sleep At Night." I was elated when I got out of there and started rethinking pursuing my little dental quest.


Dec 21, 2014
Someone mentioned putting together a printout with xray info to give dentists, explaining why we don't want xrays. Does anyone know what came of that?


Dec 11, 2020
Does anyone know about this material i reference that contains fluoride and if it definitely would be an issue?ACTIVA BioACTIVE Overview PULPDENT.

is it possible that just because fluoride is inside the material that it would not be an issue as would not go into the body? thats what "they say" at least.


Jun 18, 2021
I’ve heard of digital X-ray, but I haven’t looked into its safety and efficacy. Maybe it’s safer than traditional X-ray?


Dec 11, 2020
I’ve heard of digital X-ray, but I haven’t looked into its safety and efficacy. Maybe it’s safer than traditional X-ray?
Dr Peat thought they were all bad including digital. they may have less but he said they are still toxic regardless.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I’m in the same boat. It’s been about 9-10 years since I’ve gone to the dentist. I made an appointment for February but now I’m reconsidering….


Apr 28, 2018
American Dental Association Xrays, fluoride, cleanings, scrapings ...seems like layered on costs similar to American Medical Association, neh?
Did your dentist ever offer you simple advice like baking soda and a drop of peppermint or clove oil for peridontal care? Nope, mine either, only free Colgate with fluoride.
Did your dentist ever offer you a simple tongue scraper to clean the endotoxin buildup off yr tongue?
Mine either.
How about simple swishing out the mouth with water after snacks to keep plaque forming in between brushing?
Come to think of it, mine either.
The only "profession" that advocates implanting dead body parts into live tissue.


Dec 11, 2020
its a catch 22. i declined x-rays for a decade with one dentist and then ended up with a root canal he said because he didnt catch what could have been caught much earlier if he had had xrays. after that, i complied with getting xrays at the regular intervals and always took my red light and OJ and progest and MB and asprin and thryoid etc to mitigate. then the root canal had to be taken out a year and half ago and i got nuked my several dentists in order to figure that out apparently. i feel that my health suffered quite a bit thereafter and had very severe reactions. the dentist i was sent to in order to get the tooth removed unbenownst to me used the old style xray machine when he took the one of my root canaled tooth (he said resolution was better). i didnt even realize it until it happened how different it was. So, im done- im afraid to get anymore after yet more three months ago to get my cleaining. but i dont think i can get away with not going to a dentist as need the perio cleanings and unfortunately need work. i think there are constitutional factors with dental health above and beyond all that we know here.


May 6, 2014
its a catch 22. i declined x-rays for a decade with one dentist and then ended up with a root canal he said because he didnt catch what could have been caught much earlier if he had had xrays. after that, i complied with getting xrays at the regular intervals and always took my red light and OJ and progest and MB and asprin and thryoid etc to mitigate. then the root canal had to be taken out a year and half ago and i got nuked my several dentists in order to figure that out apparently. i feel that my health suffered quite a bit thereafter and had very severe reactions. the dentist i was sent to in order to get the tooth removed unbenownst to me used the old style xray machine when he took the one of my root canaled tooth (he said resolution was better). i didnt even realize it until it happened how different it was. So, im done- im afraid to get anymore after yet more three months ago to get my cleaining. but i dont think i can get away with not going to a dentist as need the perio cleanings and unfortunately need work. i think there are constitutional factors with dental health above and beyond all that we know here.

Can you take possession of the x-rays? They are recent. They should be good for a few years with at least some dentists.

This "digital x-rays" is BS to make x-rays sound safe. Like "mammograms," which are x-rays!


Dec 11, 2020
Someone mentioned putting together a printout with xray info to give dentists, explaining why we don't want xrays. Does anyone know what came of that?
lets do that. the ignorance is absolutely appalling even among the "holistic" dentists. in fact they are even worse i have found and much more x ray obsessed than the regular dentists.


Dec 2, 2020
i know - what is it with these radiation trigger happy dentists? please guys need input fast- i have to cancel today and figure out what to do.
You can always ask them not to do an x-ray and just drill slightly down into the tooth to check for decay if they suspect it, sometimes there's no way of knowing there's decay until you feel pain or it looks discoloured, hence why they prefer x-rays, I don't have any issues with x-rays though.


Dec 11, 2020
You can always ask them not to do an x-ray and just drill slightly down into the tooth to check for decay if they suspect it, sometimes there's no way of knowing there's decay until you feel pain or it looks discoloured, hence why they prefer x-rays, I don't have any issues with x-rays though.
Good luck finding a dentist who agrees to that - huge liability- i know im a lawyer. everyone has issues with x-rays even if you dont feel it - you are getting effects from the radiation if you are a living thing. minimizing at the very least is prudent for anyone.


Dec 2, 2020
Good luck finding a dentist who agrees to that - huge liability- i know im a lawyer. everyone has issues with x-rays even if you dont feel it - you are getting effects from the radiation if you are a living thing. minimizing at the very least is prudent for anyone.
I suppose it's different over here in UK, x-ray is preferred but if for whatever reason they can't or you won't then a simple small drill on the surface will reveal whats underneath, if there's no decay then they just fill it with composite, obviously you have to consent to this before they carry out the treatment.
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