TETANUS Vaccine & Health Decline Reports (Post Here)


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Jul 8, 2014
My son had to get a tetanus shot for entering the mechanical engineering program at UNR. (Can anyone please explain the reason for this?? Tetanus usually comes from wounds contaminated with soil.) He took MMS (chlorine dioxide) before and after the shot and in between he took the vitamins and supplements. He showed no side effects, thank God.


Mar 26, 2014
I had a tetanus booster in 2007, I don't remember any particular side-effects but then again something in my metabolism/genetics seems to be fundamentally broken anyway. (So, I already had issues I would like to improve - maybe if I had been "optimal" I would have noticed something)

My last vaccination was yellow fever 5 years ago and I felt like crap after that.

I never want another vaccination of any kind.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
That's interesting. Maybe the high toxic load from the shot resulted in sulfur/sulfate depletion (I believe glyphosate has the same/similar effect on sulfur), hence the positive effect of the MSM.
It's ironic that you bring this up. My husband is dealing with similar issues, severe back pain that manifests in different locations, allergenic symptoms, and food intolerances. He hasn't gotten any shots or vaccines recently but these issues did seem to intensify after high exposure to recently COVID "vaccinated" individuals, especially the back pain. I'm glad you're husband found something beneficial (and I'm glad you shared this, I might have my husband try it as well or else taurine).

One other thought regarding exposure to toxins is that certain chemicals can result in histamine release and in turn cause mast cell degranulation. So a few months course of H1 and H2 blockers could be helpful.

I got a little chill hearing your husband is dealing with the same thing and that this thread, and our pooling of ideas may be helpful to my husband and others. He has been getting moments where he get hot flashes, but that has only been in the last couple of months, which suspect, like you is a histamine response. So that again would benefit from MSM. I am gonna look into you H1 & H2 recommendation. Thank you!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I've had great results treating my back pain with androsterone. Mine is from a long ago injury so the etiology is very different but it still might be worth a try.

Thank you for your suggestion. I am gonna research that.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
No experience with the tetanus vaccine, but I did notice my issues with fatigue and digestion really intensified around age 19 when I received vaccines for 1) HPV, 2) standard influenza, and 3) H1N1 swine flu. That's when I started having sleep paralysis and blood sugar crashes after eating wheat and basically having to pass out in bed if I ate a bagel.

All those shots were unnecessary in hindsight, but the swine flu shot was totally unnecessary, and the atmosphere around it was sort of a precursor to Covid... My school was offering them and acting like we were so lucky to be able to get the shot as they were in short supply. I was nervous, so I got it, trusting blindly that vaccines are harmless AND that swine flu was a legit threat to me. I often wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't had to deal with chronic low health for all of my young adulthood...

I hope your husband recovers from this. Watching this thread for tips.

That just makes me sad that one moment changes a life so drastically, but for you it happened so young. It is interesting that you brought up the blood sugar crashes because he is now having them too. I have him drink sugar water and he recovers quick, but only in the last 2 weeks, since finally going to the doctor and getting a steroid shot, muscle relaxer and pain killers has he been having those. It reads like adrenal fatigue, since his back pain pain ramed up two weeks ago after eating a couple pieces of gluten free pizza. The doctor visits two weeks ago have made this situation much worse.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Interesting. I got a tetanus injection while trying to recover from PFS (Post Finasteride Syndrome). I think it set my progress back for months.

Did you connect your set back to the tetanus vaccine?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Like I said in another thread, I got my last tetanus shot in the summer of 2014. I had low energy symptoms and fatigue afterwards which only improved in the spring of 2015. Back then I was pretty agnostic about vaccines and didn't make a connection (the symptoms also didn't begin immediately). I realized the potential connection only last year when I began reading more about the topic. It also wasn't a planned vaccination. I had a cut on my forehead and went to the hospital for stitches. They asked me when I had my last tetanus shot, which I didn't know. So they gave it to me all of a sudden.

I also read somewhere that (at least here in Europe, I don't know about the situation in the United States) many doctors and hospitals don't have "pure" tetanus shots anymore, but combinations (like tetanus and diphteria in one shot). So I don't even know what they gave me.

That is what happened to my husband. He went to the hospital for a cut from a broken glass that had water in it and had a couple of stitches, and they out of the blue said he needed a tetanus shot, since he hadn't had one for 40 years. I was mortified when he told me accepted one. Last year they wouldn't let me go in with him because Covid. It was not planned and he wasn't thinking. He said everyone was so nice and he trusted them.
Jun 4, 2021
So is there really a risk of tetanus from injury caused by rusty metal objects, how do I prevent rust induced illness if I am injured without the vaccine.


May 26, 2018
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Ankylosing Spondylitis, I read, is one of the possible tetanus side effects. Here is a post on it.



Mar 22, 2019
i had to get stitches when i was 15, and they gave me a tetanus "booster". i then got an appendicitis that was not detected by the doctor, it bursted and i had to spend 3 weeks in the hospital with very strong i.V antibiotics.
i then had 2 ear infections in the following 2 years and got tinnitus.
but i also had ear infections growing up, and was in a mmr study from a young age (my mother trusted the doctor). and my tonsils were removed at age 3 due to constant tonsillitis. my brother almost died at 12 months old to a pneumonia.


Jan 25, 2014
My husband got a tetanus vaccine in August of 2020, and his health immediately declined afterwards. He now deals with crippling back pain and has horrible reactions to foods that he had no trouble with before. The back pain is so debilitating that coughing brings him to his knees. He has been to a back sugeon, recently, and the spine x-rays show no bone issues or cancer. Last week he went to Urgent Care and they did a blood tests and a urine analysis that came back fine. It seems high glutimate foods now cause him digestive distress, but the various places of pain in his back is still a mystery. I found this chart showing vaccines are places where glutamic acid is an ingredient and am now wondering if glutamic acid was in the tetanus vaccine and gave him a severe immune response to glutimates, which is in every food, and now triggering pain.he has lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks and is scared to eat now. I have heard quite a few people on this forum saying their health has also suffered since getting a tetanus shot. Please tell your story here so collectively we might put each person's puzzle piece together with others, to find out answers and get the healing process started.
I don't know about Tetanus specifically, but it seems like all vaccines might be triggering both excess histamine and serotonin, so maybe try some of the strategies that lower or antagonize them.

I also wonder how many "forever chemicals" are in vaccines, and really, any drug that's injected. There was a study posted that showed blood donation can lower forever chemicals, which make sense, since they tend to stay in serum-


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
So is there really a risk of tetanus from injury caused by rusty metal objects, how do I prevent rust induced illness if I am injured without the vaccine.
i heard the vaccine lasts a lot longer. did you get it as a kid? i read somewhere it can last 30 years, not the 5 or 10 years period they commonly recommend getting boosters. i dont know about the dying or severe risk of disease from poking something sharp. a doctor said that years back, not sure how reliable it is... she also thought orange juice is full of sugar and fattening...
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I don't know about Tetanus specifically, but it seems like all vaccines might be triggering both excess histamine and serotonin, so maybe try some of the strategies that lower or antagonize them.

I also wonder how many "forever chemicals" are in vaccines, and really, any drug that's injected. There was a study posted that showed blood donation can lower forever chemicals, which make sense, since they tend to stay in serum-

I suspected a histamine angle too and figured that is why caffeine, sugar, MSM and epsom salt baths shows improvement. I thought of histamines when I noticed he would get flushed after eating certain foods. Thanks for the blood donating suggestion I am gonna look into that!
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