T3- Massive Water Rentention Cause?



Jun 1, 2017
Taking all the b vitamins thru a complex I take AOR advanced b complex so I assume I am unless somethings depleting them quickly

Matt C

Nov 25, 2018
Anyone have any luck or have heard of good things on Tiromel?

This is going to be my second course of it. The first one only mildly raised my low temps.

Reverse T3 and cortisol are my biggest problems, i'm hoping this next run of T3 will resolve it. This time I will be testing my reverse t3 levels accordingly.


Feb 28, 2020
You overloaded your metabolism and burned through electrolyte stores.
Eat 9000mg potassium, 3000mg sodium, 1000+mg magnesium, 800mg calcium for a few days and see how you fair.

Also drop the T3 dose to a more reasonable 25-35mcg/day or you’ll risk excess catabolism as you get leaner. T3 doesn’t discriminate between muscle and fat, when it demands energy it will take it from where ever possible. Eventually you’ll reach a point where the amount of available fat is so low that lipolysis is slower than the energy requirements of T3, hence the body will catabolise muscle tissue.


Jun 1, 2017
@Fidelio thanks man that's probably the best explanation I've gotten regarding that - I knew it had to do with electolyte balance or a cortisol related issue

Does T3 increase cortisol? Assuming I'm taking an okay amount I assume it would lower stress as per peats statements.

I've concluded the water weight is from
1.) Catabolism thus creating extra water content (First couple days back in the gym due to covid and noticed lack of strenght and muscle loss 100%)
2.) too much t3 creating too much stress thus extra cortisol and thus low potassium

Going to reduce t3 and take a low dose (10 mg) of Lasix (dieurtic)


Jul 9, 2020
Maybe it's the amount? You're taking really hefty doses, more like 4-5mcgs per meal should do the trick. I don't think isolated T3 is a long term solution anyways.

Ray seems to think NDT or a synthetic equivalent is the best long-term solution. He notes in his email wiki that he had an arrhythmia when taking T3 standalone, and taking it along with T4 seemed to mitigate this.

I'm not sure if the T4 is biologically active, or if it's just antagonizing the T3. Perhaps the T4 prevents you from using up your magnesium stores too fast or something.


Jun 1, 2017
What's weird is that being hypothyroid or having low t3 causes higher estrogen yet having high t3 also causes high estrogen.

IS the key hitting the sweet spot? With high estrogen I feel good so I might lean towards the earlier guess that it depleted my electrolytes... I'm pretty in-tune with my body so I know what high E and low E feels like. I was taking arimidex during this time as well yet retained alot of water so It could be the massive electrolyte imbalance signalling aldosterone thus having low potassium , calcium magensium yet sodium was being retained.

Regardless water retention has lessoned since this time

I want to take the time to tell everyone my experiences of high vs low e2 (after taking 3 mg of arimidex within the week I know I surely crahsed my E2 in hindsight.. back in the day when i was takin 250 mg/test a week .5 arimidex had me sitting in the 20-30 range. I can only imagine what 3mg of arimidex did but this is my experiences

Moderate E2
-Water retention in chest (Again could be cortisol and not e2)
-Having the ability to string thoughts together - a vision for the future
-Felt content with life, motivated
-Able to have an erection yet wasn't rock solidi but thicker
-Redish hue near my eyes (slight water retention)
-Irritable yet was able to contain my anger
-Hot flashes rarely but do occur
-Felt more manly - LOW E2 didnt make me feel like a man just made me feel very primal (lack of emotions but quick to temper, snap,aggressive)

Contratry to what everyone says on here about high DHT low e2 etc having healthy E2 levels are key to mental health. I've had High T low E2 and mentally I was good yet I didnt strive in life I was just present and content whereas having higher t and moderate E makes me feel alive, motivated and High T high E is just as bad as very low E

Higher E2
-Couldn't sleep
-Night Sweats
-Extreme sugar cravings
-Bad anxiety
-No confidence was very paranoid

Low E2
-Rock bottom depressed
- Could sleep for 10+ hours
-Emotionally dull- didn't care about anything, my relationship job
-No Social life- very fine with being alone
-Actually retained water during this state vs high E2. Higher levels of estrogen lower aldosterone (goolge it)
-Wake up multiple times in the night yet never feel refreshed like i mentioned i sleep all day long
- no appetite at all
-very easy to snap unlike high e2 where i was irritable all day long with low e2 I usually snapped with again no regard to what would happen
-Bad brain fog, no desire to read

Matt C

Nov 25, 2018
Does T3 itself lower rt3? What about its relationship with cortisol?

High RT3 and cortisol seem to go hand in hand, this is what i'm experiencing.
Pure T3, from what i've read, can displace RT3 from the cells and is a better option than taking T4 because T4 can convert to RT3 if you have an underlying infection, high cortisol or something else going wrong.

I can't seem to find the cause of my high RT3/cortisol. I don't live with a lot of stress. Perhaps its a food sensitivity but I never get a bad reaction from foods. Perhaps it's my liver health which is where a lot of the T4 to T3 conversion happens, so i'm taking a liver tonic in case.


Feb 28, 2020
@Fidelio thanks man that's probably the best explanation I've gotten regarding that - I knew it had to do with electolyte balance or a cortisol related issue

Does T3 increase cortisol? Assuming I'm taking an okay amount I assume it would lower stress as per peats statements.
T3 will increase cortisol if there’s not enough energy from diet/lipolysis to sustain the dose. Cortisol will rise to catabolise muscle tissue for energy to keep the system running.


Jun 8, 2020
What's weird is that being hypothyroid or having low t3 causes higher estrogen yet having high t3 also causes high estrogen.

IS the key hitting the sweet spot? With high estrogen I feel good so I might lean towards the earlier guess that it depleted my electrolytes... I'm pretty in-tune with my body so I know what high E and low E feels like. I was taking arimidex during this time as well yet retained alot of water so It could be the massive electrolyte imbalance signalling aldosterone thus having low potassium , calcium magensium yet sodium was being retained.

Regardless water retention has lessoned since this time

I want to take the time to tell everyone my experiences of high vs low e2 (after taking 3 mg of arimidex within the week I know I surely crahsed my E2 in hindsight.. back in the day when i was takin 250 mg/test a week .5 arimidex had me sitting in the 20-30 range. I can only imagine what 3mg of arimidex did but this is my experiences

Moderate E2
-Water retention in chest (Again could be cortisol and not e2)
-Having the ability to string thoughts together - a vision for the future
-Felt content with life, motivated
-Able to have an erection yet wasn't rock solidi but thicker
-Redish hue near my eyes (slight water retention)
-Irritable yet was able to contain my anger
-Hot flashes rarely but do occur
-Felt more manly - LOW E2 didnt make me feel like a man just made me feel very primal (lack of emotions but quick to temper, snap,aggressive)

Contratry to what everyone says on here about high DHT low e2 etc having healthy E2 levels are key to mental health. I've had High T low E2 and mentally I was good yet I didnt strive in life I was just present and content whereas having higher t and moderate E makes me feel alive, motivated and High T high E is just as bad as very low E

Higher E2
-Couldn't sleep
-Night Sweats
-Extreme sugar cravings
-Bad anxiety
-No confidence was very paranoid

Low E2
-Rock bottom depressed
- Could sleep for 10+ hours
-Emotionally dull- didn't care about anything, my relationship job
-No Social life- very fine with being alone
-Actually retained water during this state vs high E2. Higher levels of estrogen lower aldosterone (goolge it)
-Wake up multiple times in the night yet never feel refreshed like i mentioned i sleep all day long
- no appetite at all
-very easy to snap unlike high e2 where i was irritable all day long with low e2 I usually snapped with again no regard to what would happen
-Bad brain fog, no desire to read
Is your water retention edema?


Jul 13, 2014
@Nick Borcic ive finally worked out that regular B6 pyridoxine hydrochloride completely stops estrogenic reactions from t3. i think it was the missing link all along. B6 is necessary for the liver to metabolize and break down Estrogen. but i suspect i have pyroluria which is a genetic predisposition for low b6 which perhaps explains it. maybe you also have low b6

interestingly p5p form of b6 does not work- ive tried various brands. just regular pyridoxine hydrochloride
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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