Switching from low carb | keto | carnivore experimentation back to High-carb. Tips for safe metabolic return ?


Dec 6, 2016
I've experimented with about 1,5 months of Ketogenic diet and currently one week on Carnivore. I'm thinking from May to switch back to high carb diet once again as it was enough for me to see & feel the differences. Do you have any tips on how to safely (gut, metabolism, sex hormones, insulin & glucose tolerance, thyroid & etc...) switch back to higher carb diet ?

Should carbohydrates be slowly re-introduced to diet - like 5% -10% increase every day or increasing 15-20% by one week ? Is there any protocol to return to higher carb and OPTIMIZE insulin sensitivity, be able to absorb the carbs and fuel well in cells [utilization] , activate thyroid and other relevant systems in a strategic manner ? Supplement tips ? Diet Tips ? Lifestyle tips ?

Thank you !!!


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Fruits, especially the juice, and honey are usually best tolerated. Those foods also improve insulin sensitivity and keep the stress hormones low, so that's what I would add first.
@CLASH and I did a podcast on this exact topic. Here's the link:
View: https://youtu.be/XASw79e2wfg


Apr 18, 2021
First couple of days I'd go slow (50g of carbs per meal) as you are physiologically insulin resistant. Enzyme function probably also takes some time.


Feb 13, 2021
Do it gradually!

I did this last fall. After doing really good on carnivore over the summer, I started applying some Peat principles. I now eat about 4,400 calories (moderate-high carb) per day. Stayed under 12% bodyfat pretty much the entire time. 9% bodyfat now that my body seems to have adapted.

I think the 20% increase per week you mentioned is a great idea. Somebody really should make a guide for this! But it certainly depends on your age, activity, baseline insulin function, etc. If you feel overly bloated perhaps dial back a little or take a lower-carb day.

Supplement tips:


Diet Tips ?

Choose easy to digest carbs, as Hans said. I really like raw honey.

Lifestyle tips ?

Make sure to get enough movement! Resistance training, calisthenics, sprints, etc. are all great for promoting muscular insulin sensitivity. You might handle the carbs better if you 'backload' them after your workouts.

Good luck, and may the energy that only comes from replete glycogen stores be with you!!


Dec 6, 2016
Fruits, especially the juice, and honey are usually best tolerated. Those foods also improve insulin sensitivity and keep the stress hormones low, so that's what I would add first.
@CLASH and I did a podcast on this exact topic. Here's the link:
View: https://youtu.be/XASw79e2wfg

First couple of days I'd go slow (50g of carbs per meal) as you are physiologically insulin resistant. Enzyme function probably also takes some time.
Do it gradually!

I did this last fall. After doing really good on carnivore over the summer, I started applying some Peat principles. I now eat about 4,400 calories (moderate-high carb) per day. Stayed under 12% bodyfat pretty much the entire time. 9% bodyfat now that my body seems to have adapted.

I think the 20% increase per week you mentioned is a great idea. Somebody really should make a guide for this! But it certainly depends on your age, activity, baseline insulin function, etc. If you feel overly bloated perhaps dial back a little or take a lower-carb day.

Supplement tips:


Diet Tips ?

Choose easy to digest carbs, as Hans said. I really like raw honey.

Lifestyle tips ?

Make sure to get enough movement! Resistance training, calisthenics, sprints, etc. are all great for promoting muscular insulin sensitivity. You might handle the carbs better if you 'backload' them after your workouts.

Good luck, and may the energy that only comes from replete glycogen stores be with you!!
Thank you guys, great tips !!! Will check Hans, into that podcast.
As I see a decent 1-2 months of body-diet optimization to use carbs as fuel in a good way will be needed.

I wonder if Aspirin would play any role here with optimizing that ?
I've been also consuming Omega-3s to change my Omega 6:3 membrane ratio as it was really poor (14:1, pro Omega-6) balancing it now with very high quality Omega-3s and later on will ditch it, move only to saturated/monouns. fats.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I wonder if Aspirin would play any role here with optimizing that ?
I can definitely be helpful. Anything that forces glucose oxidation and stops excess fat oxidation. So niacinamide, aspirin, Pyrucet, B1, etc., will be helpful.


Dec 6, 2016
What I'm thinking to incorporate from May:

In terms of lifestyle
-- I'll try to optimize my circadian rhythm and consume the majority of carbs in the first part or 2/3 of the day , because according to our rhythm pattern and studies, we lose insulin sensitivity in the evening. So I guess something like protein + fat + veggies meal in the evening with optional honey (Sometmes) would be a great choice.

Could anyone clarify if this is true, that carbs should be avoided in the evening as their oxidation - utilization is worsened and creates worse insulin sensitivity in the long run, potentially even NAFLD ?

Sunlight every day
- morning and in the afternoon
Exercise - higher intensity work'outs 3x/week | Calisthenic / Functional movement based | extra weight added [backpack, etc] if needed |
Stress management techniques should help with healthy glucose oxidation - lower stress, better glucose oxidation-utilization , yes? Can someone correct me if I'm right/wrong on that.
Diet: It was KETO, now it is Carnivore. I'm going to shift to much more fruits & honey gradually - thinking 15-20% increase by every week, with proportional fat decrease. Would that be more safe/effective metabolically compared to ALL-IN approach, what do you think ? Maybe keeping FAT level /intake at some point very low just to improve it even better.
Will try to get goat/sheep's organic/raw milk products. More seafood. Liver, brain & other organs. Ghee, Coconut oil, Monounsaturated fats [avocados,olive oil]. Nuts maybe only hazelnuts, macadamias, cashews or almonds / butter very rarely just for diversity. Carrot salads, Mushrooms. Lots of veggies in a dynamic manner for prebiotic effects [feeding gut bacteria in the colon]. Of course gelatin and collagen. Lots of spices & herbs and etc.

Coffee days seem to work to me good only about 2x/week , if I drink it everyday I do get overly simpathetically stimulated, gradually feeling the loss of baseline energy and start to feel more dependency from Coffee. Nervous system dysregulation. So not my type of drink

I'm using D3 & K2, Calcium [occasionally], Magnesium, Potassium , Co Q 10, B activated vitamins, Adrenal glandular , Digestive enzymes , Fulvic + Humic acids + Traceminerals, Iodine from Organic kelp. Omega-3s with strong polyphenols [to protect against lipid-peroxidation] - goal is to restore healthy membrane balance of Omega's [1:1 - 3:1 , as now it is 14:1 - pro-inflammatory] , after that I'll ditch Omega-3 and focus just on SAT. & MonoUNSAT fats.. IF anyone has any comments / clarifications I'd be thankful.
Afterwards (on high carb diet) -- I think I'm going to add Thyroid glandular (NDT) and Aspirin. More B activated vitamins probably.

Will be doing intestinal, colon, liver , gallbladder cleansing , detoxification, SIBO protocol, Candida,Parasites. Heavy metal detoxification & etc. It should work better on High carb diet as even pooping is much better on higher fiber diet than on Keto / Carnivore (at least for me). And then more antioxidants / polyphenols for detoxification, more hydration & etc. Will see how it goes.

The other problem for me on High Carb diet
is that my teeth enamel is worn out. And albeit I love fruits, the acids further worsen the condition of them.
Been doing lots of protocols, pretty much no results on tooth enamel condition. That's one of the main reasons I tried Keto/Carnivore, to see the impacts on dental health.

I can definitely be helpful. Anything that forces glucose oxidation and stops excess fat oxidation. So niacinamide, aspirin, Pyrucet, B1, etc., will be helpful.
Mhm, will increase Aspirin more when I switch back to higher carb. Could you please look just right up (my comment) for the couple sentences on the main principles I feel like adding when I come back? I follow you, Hans, great stuff you share and great content , brother ! Would like to get your perspective on my principles, as well there are some questions / points of clarification, which I think you'd be able to point out well !

If you have anything else worthwhile to add to my return strategies & optimization of carb oxidation, from this fat-burning mode It'd be awesome ! Thank you.

By the way, what is Pyrucet?


Jan 24, 2021
I have an urge to say something, though I don't think I will contribute much. I was on low-carb diets for around a decade, off and on, mostly on, then carnivore for about 2 years. My health really started tanking near the end. I lost like 45lb last year doing carnivore, wim hof breathing and cold showers just last year (the year of our covid), but my stress was off the charts and nothing was getting better as far as joint pain, fatigue and newer things like being freaking freezing all the time were getting worse. Though I feel a lot better adding carbs back in I'm gaining weight back very quickly. I had to readjust my carb intake because I was getting insulin resistance symptoms, even to the point of blurred vision. I'm taking a break on juice.

From what I've learned I'd definitely second gradually adding carbs back in and maybe monitor closely, take notes, etc.

I'm going to watch Hans' video myself, because I definitely could have done the carb-addition better...


Feb 13, 2021
Could anyone clarify if this is true, that carbs should be avoided in the evening as their oxidation - utilization is worsened and creates worse insulin sensitivity in the long run, potentially even NAFLD ?
In general this might be true.

But other factors should be considered. If you work out later in the day (many people's circadian cycles are better suited to this), then you'll get a postworkout insulin sensitivity boost that lasts throughout the evening.

For an example of someone doing well with TONS of evening carbs, just look at Martin Berkahn. He appears about as insulin sensitive as can be. I eat about 500+ calories of honey each evening and am still quite insulin sensitive too.


Dec 6, 2016
I can definitely be helpful. Anything that forces glucose oxidation and stops excess fat oxidation. So niacinamide, aspirin, Pyrucet, B1, etc., will be helpful.
Hans, could you please look into my last comment. I would be very thankful for your insights, brother .. !! @Hans
What I'm thinking to incorporate from May:

In terms of lifestyle
-- I'll try to optimize my circadian rhythm and consume the majority of carbs in the first part or 2/3 of the day , because according to our rhythm pattern and studies, we lose insulin sensitivity in the evening. So I guess something like protein + fat + veggies meal in the evening with optional honey (Sometmes) would be a great choice.

Could anyone clarify if this is true, that carbs should be avoided in the evening as their oxidation - utilization is worsened and creates worse insulin sensitivity in the long run, potentially even NAFLD ?

Sunlight every day
- morning and in the afternoon
Exercise - higher intensity work'outs 3x/week | Calisthenic / Functional movement based | extra weight added [backpack, etc] if needed |
Stress management techniques should help with healthy glucose oxidation - lower stress, better glucose oxidation-utilization , yes? Can someone correct me if I'm right/wrong on that.
Diet: It was KETO, now it is Carnivore. I'm going to shift to much more fruits & honey gradually - thinking 15-20% increase by every week, with proportional fat decrease. Would that be more safe/effective metabolically compared to ALL-IN approach, what do you think ? Maybe keeping FAT level /intake at some point very low just to improve it even better.
Will try to get goat/sheep's organic/raw milk products. More seafood. Liver, brain & other organs. Ghee, Coconut oil, Monounsaturated fats [avocados,olive oil]. Nuts maybe only hazelnuts, macadamias, cashews or almonds / butter very rarely just for diversity. Carrot salads, Mushrooms. Lots of veggies in a dynamic manner for prebiotic effects [feeding gut bacteria in the colon]. Of course gelatin and collagen. Lots of spices & herbs and etc.

Coffee days seem to work to me good only about 2x/week , if I drink it everyday I do get overly simpathetically stimulated, gradually feeling the loss of baseline energy and start to feel more dependency from Coffee. Nervous system dysregulation. So not my type of drink

I'm using D3 & K2, Calcium [occasionally], Magnesium, Potassium , Co Q 10, B activated vitamins, Adrenal glandular , Digestive enzymes , Fulvic + Humic acids + Traceminerals, Iodine from Organic kelp. Omega-3s with strong polyphenols [to protect against lipid-peroxidation] - goal is to restore healthy membrane balance of Omega's [1:1 - 3:1 , as now it is 14:1 - pro-inflammatory] , after that I'll ditch Omega-3 and focus just on SAT. & MonoUNSAT fats.. IF anyone has any comments / clarifications I'd be thankful.
Afterwards (on high carb diet) -- I think I'm going to add Thyroid glandular (NDT) and Aspirin. More B activated vitamins probably.

Will be doing intestinal, colon, liver , gallbladder cleansing , detoxification, SIBO protocol, Candida,Parasites. Heavy metal detoxification & etc. It should work better on High carb diet as even pooping is much better on higher fiber diet than on Keto / Carnivore (at least for me). And then more antioxidants / polyphenols for detoxification, more hydration & etc. Will see how it goes.

The other problem for me on High Carb diet
is that my teeth enamel is worn out. And albeit I love fruits, the acids further worsen the condition of them.
Been doing lots of protocols, pretty much no results on tooth enamel condition. That's one of the main reasons I tried Keto/Carnivore, to see the impacts on dental health.

Mhm, will increase Aspirin more when I switch back to higher carb. Could you please look just right up (my comment) for the couple sentences on the main principles I feel like adding when I come back? I follow you, Hans, great stuff you share and great content , brother ! Would like to get your perspective on my principles, as well there are some questions / points of clarification, which I think you'd be able to point out well !

If you have anything else worthwhile to add to my return strategies & optimization of carb oxidation, from this fat-burning mode It'd be awesome ! Thank you.

By the way, what is Pyrucet?


Mar 2, 2021
I'm just going to stay with a little bit of carbs for right now. ( I was low carb for so long that I kick into gluconeogenesis very easily.) I'm noticing that my blood sugar stays lower with just a little bit of carbs than with zero carbs.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
What I'm thinking to incorporate from May:

In terms of lifestyle
-- I'll try to optimize my circadian rhythm and consume the majority of carbs in the first part or 2/3 of the day , because according to our rhythm pattern and studies, we lose insulin sensitivity in the evening. So I guess something like protein + fat + veggies meal in the evening with optional honey (Sometmes) would be a great choice.

Could anyone clarify if this is true, that carbs should be avoided in the evening as their oxidation - utilization is worsened and creates worse insulin sensitivity in the long run, potentially even NAFLD ?

Sunlight every day
- morning and in the afternoon
Exercise - higher intensity work'outs 3x/week | Calisthenic / Functional movement based | extra weight added [backpack, etc] if needed |
Stress management techniques should help with healthy glucose oxidation - lower stress, better glucose oxidation-utilization , yes? Can someone correct me if I'm right/wrong on that.
Diet: It was KETO, now it is Carnivore. I'm going to shift to much more fruits & honey gradually - thinking 15-20% increase by every week, with proportional fat decrease. Would that be more safe/effective metabolically compared to ALL-IN approach, what do you think ? Maybe keeping FAT level /intake at some point very low just to improve it even better.
Will try to get goat/sheep's organic/raw milk products. More seafood. Liver, brain & other organs. Ghee, Coconut oil, Monounsaturated fats [avocados,olive oil]. Nuts maybe only hazelnuts, macadamias, cashews or almonds / butter very rarely just for diversity. Carrot salads, Mushrooms. Lots of veggies in a dynamic manner for prebiotic effects [feeding gut bacteria in the colon]. Of course gelatin and collagen. Lots of spices & herbs and etc.

Coffee days seem to work to me good only about 2x/week , if I drink it everyday I do get overly simpathetically stimulated, gradually feeling the loss of baseline energy and start to feel more dependency from Coffee. Nervous system dysregulation. So not my type of drink

I'm using D3 & K2, Calcium [occasionally], Magnesium, Potassium , Co Q 10, B activated vitamins, Adrenal glandular , Digestive enzymes , Fulvic + Humic acids + Traceminerals, Iodine from Organic kelp. Omega-3s with strong polyphenols [to protect against lipid-peroxidation] - goal is to restore healthy membrane balance of Omega's [1:1 - 3:1 , as now it is 14:1 - pro-inflammatory] , after that I'll ditch Omega-3 and focus just on SAT. & MonoUNSAT fats.. IF anyone has any comments / clarifications I'd be thankful.
Afterwards (on high carb diet) -- I think I'm going to add Thyroid glandular (NDT) and Aspirin. More B activated vitamins probably.

Will be doing intestinal, colon, liver , gallbladder cleansing , detoxification, SIBO protocol, Candida,Parasites. Heavy metal detoxification & etc. It should work better on High carb diet as even pooping is much better on higher fiber diet than on Keto / Carnivore (at least for me). And then more antioxidants / polyphenols for detoxification, more hydration & etc. Will see how it goes.

The other problem for me on High Carb diet
is that my teeth enamel is worn out. And albeit I love fruits, the acids further worsen the condition of them.
Been doing lots of protocols, pretty much no results on tooth enamel condition. That's one of the main reasons I tried Keto/Carnivore, to see the impacts on dental health.

Mhm, will increase Aspirin more when I switch back to higher carb. Could you please look just right up (my comment) for the couple sentences on the main principles I feel like adding when I come back? I follow you, Hans, great stuff you share and great content , brother ! Would like to get your perspective on my principles, as well there are some questions / points of clarification, which I think you'd be able to point out well !

If you have anything else worthwhile to add to my return strategies & optimization of carb oxidation, from this fat-burning mode It'd be awesome ! Thank you.

By the way, what is Pyrucet?
It looks good. Keep in mind that too many variables can make things complicated and you don't necessarily know what's working or what's making it worse. Some thing's that I would remove are unnecessary supplements, such as calcium (unless you're not going to drink milk, potassium, CoQ10, adrenal glandular, fulvic + humic acid + trace minerals, iodine and omega 3. So basically remove everything and you focus on diet. Meat, milk, oyster and fruit juice will give you everything and more that you need.
The only supplements that I would add are those that help against stress and that will help your glucose oxidation work better. Aspirin, B-vitamins (such as B1, B2 and B3 specifically), Pyrucet (check idealabs page) and thyroid (if temps and pulse are low).


Mar 22, 2022
In general this might be true.

But other factors should be considered. If you work out later in the day (many people's circadian cycles are better suited to this), then you'll get a postworkout insulin sensitivity boost that lasts throughout the evening.

For an example of someone doing well with TONS of evening carbs, just look at Martin Berkahn. He appears about as insulin sensitive as can be. I eat about 500+ calories of honey each evening and am still quite insulin sensitive too.
How many tablespoons of honey is 500 calories? I am struggling so much with sleep, I wakeup at 3 and cannot sleep for the next 3 hrs and strangely once it is 6:30 am my eyes close off to a deep sleep. So frustrating. Any fats and protein along with the honey in evening?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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