Swedish Economy During COVID19 NY Times Propaganda Again


Feb 18, 2016
Paul Krugman a NY Times economist is pumping a narrative that Sweden’s economy is worse off than its neighbors like Denmark, Denmark followed the "lockstep" orders from WHO.

It’s a fraudulent statement by krugman -
"The new Eurostat numbers say that Sweden and Denmark have had identical economic performance: ~8% GDP decline over past year. So all Sweden got from its herd immunity strategy was a bunch of dead Swedes"

A more accurate picture from Brian wesbury on twitter -

"Denmark spent 13% of GDP on Coronvirus bailouts, Sweden spent less than 4%. When Danes borrowed money from the future to spend today they artifically boosted GDP. In other words, THEY ARE NOT IDENTICAL"

Keep in mind more corona bailout money is still needed.

I’m starting to notice the shilling on twitter and MSM since yesterday that Sweden are a disaster, it’s outright false and propaganda, they screaming about "cases" while keeping the death drop off out of the rants.
The data analytics must be showing more people must be asking about Sweden hence the rise in propaganda.


Mar 29, 2016
One less Paul Krugman in the world is great cause for a celebration. How old is he? Is he healthy? Has he had his experimental COVID-19 vaccine yet?

To talk such drivel, he truly deserved his Nobel Prize. It's an honor for Gilbert Ling not to be tainted with the likes of Krugman.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Paul Krugman a NY Times economist is pumping a narrative that Sweden’s economy is worse off than its neighbors like Denmark, Denmark followed the "lockstep" orders from WHO.

It’s a fraudulent statement by krugman -
"The new Eurostat numbers say that Sweden and Denmark have had identical economic performance: ~8% GDP decline over past year. So all Sweden got from its herd immunity strategy was a bunch of dead Swedes"

A more accurate picture from Brian wesbury on twitter -

"Denmark spent 13% of GDP on Coronvirus bailouts, Sweden spent less than 4%. When Danes borrowed money from the future to spend today they artifically boosted GDP. In other words, THEY ARE NOT IDENTICAL"

Keep in mind more corona bailout money is still needed.

I’m starting to notice the shilling on twitter and MSM since yesterday that Sweden are a disaster, it’s outright false and propaganda, they screaming about "cases" while keeping the death drop off out of the rants.
The data analytics must be showing more people must be asking about Sweden hence the rise in propaganda.
Sweden has been a pain in the **** for them. Since there are no morgues full of dead bodies, the propaganda must find another target. Krugman is earning his wage.


Sep 24, 2016
Krugman was wrong many times in his professional life.

Sweden cannot simply be came out worse than the more drastic lock-states. Their domestic small economy like restaurants were open and visited during the majority of the time. Schools were open. If international businesses from Sweden suffered from global stop of supply and productions that’s not their fault.

Germany is a nut case now. Big summer holidays are ending theses days and teachers and big portions of the public are afraid of pupils going back to school. They have lost nearly 4 month of regular schooling already. This is economic damage of the future, Personal damage, never to be recovered


Jan 1, 2020
Hopefully they'll keep on pushing, the less aligned with USA we are the better. This is not the first time we don't follow lockstep with uncle sam and hopefully won't be the last.


Feb 18, 2016
Sweden has been a pain in the **** for them. Since there are no morgues full of dead bodies, the propaganda must find another target. Krugman is earning his wage.

Yep, the cult prediction of mass deaths hasn’t come true, the dissonance is strong so they are now focusing on cases, they want to believe!


Feb 18, 2016
Krugman was wrong many times in his professional life.

Sweden cannot simply be came out worse than the more drastic lock-states. Their domestic small economy like restaurants were open and visited during the majority of the time. Schools were open. If international businesses from Sweden suffered from global stop of supply and productions that’s not their fault.

Germany is a nut case now. Big summer holidays are ending theses days and teachers and big portions of the public are afraid of pupils going back to school. They have lost nearly 4 month of regular schooling already. This is economic damage of the future, Personal damage, never to be recovered

They are waiting for the winter to come again and they will start the hysteria, we see no change to testing Tcells ,we are still testing using PCR that searches for coronavirus’s , we all have these in the winter, this winter flu symptoms will be put down as covid19, we also need to start checking for flu with those who have symptoms.

The only hope is more Germans get wind of the independent inquiry and their findings.
As long as everyone is getting pandemic payments they will have support.
The stupidity of joe public is really on show, at least it’s all documented from many different angles for future generations to learn from, if we had no internet can you imagine how easy the ruling class would have it, I mean look at it now even with internet!


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
The internet creates a hive mind that AI can study and refine so the blood drinkers can fine tune all their BS.

None of this is possible without the internet. They would have to actually kill people en mass and that is too hard to do. This is so easy its a joke. 5G will provide the easiest way to kill off hundreds of millions and the Earth itself is going to remove billions as it fights back against the forces of Evil.


Mar 29, 2016
Yep, the cult prediction of mass deaths hasn’t come true, the dissonance is strong so they are now focusing on cases, they want to believe!

What Sweden has proven is that it is with a policy that isn't restrictive it has been able to achieve herd immunity. Hence no need for vaccinations to achieve that. It is counter to the plan of Bill Gates and his NGOs and the WHO and the CDC and big pharma to mass vaccinate the whole world. So of course the lackeys like NYT has to denigrate the achievement of Sweden. They omit the positive and accentuate the negative, and Paul Krugman, being the toad that he is, spits toxic venom like the vile Zionist propagandist that he is.

Most of the deaths in Sweden are with the elderly, as everyone knows. One cause is that with Sweden's social practice of caring for its elderly population is government run homes for the aged. Leaving to third parties to care for one's parents is an inevitable result of the state wanting to take over from individuals their responsibility, as is typical of progressive and prosperous states with their heavy tax mandates. Many Swedes complain that it's because the caregivers are low-paid immigrants that caused the degradation of the quality of care, but I disagree. Even if the care were given by highly paid native Swedes, the situation would only slightly be better. It's not the same when children care for their parents. There is the tough love that third parties cannot give, especially when the elderly is very stubborn. A caregiver would just say " Whatever. You asked for it." whereas a son or daughter would insist. That would make a whole lot of a difference.

That in itself would not be an issue, except that the Swedes coming back from skiing holiday in Italy last winter came home infected, did not go through a quarantine procedure at the airport, and proceeded to visit their folks at the elderly homes.

Sweden was also late in restricting travel inward from other countries, waiting for instructions from the inept WHO, and so the infection rate could have been minimized.

Still, Swedish hospital were not overwhelmed despite a no-lockdown policy.

And Sweden has achieved herd immunity.

But those who are in favor of restrictive policies should look at Taiwan, just one of the many Asian countries that are doing very well. Taiwan also has a no-lockdown policy. But it was ahead of the rest of the world in restricting entry of foreigners into Taiwan. And it also implemented quarantine policies ahead of everyone for people entering into Taiwan. It was also ignored by the WHO, and the WHO turned out to be doing them a favor.

Also, Taiwan is a relative newcomer to wealth compared to Sweden. So it's likely its government has not yet "progressed" to the point where it wants to take away from the family the responsibility of caring for its elderly.

So, Taiwan and not Sweden should be the poster boy on a no-lockdown policy that is working.

Taiwan has 0.3 deaths/million population vs. Sweden's 572 deaths/million population.

There could be other factors that could explain the huge difference. One factor for which data is missing is the prevalence of flu vaccines used. What kind of vaccines were used, monkey-based or egg-based for example, and what is the flu vaccination among the elderly population 65+ in age.

The mainstream stress focuses too much on Sweden in its critique of using no-lockdown as a policy only because Sweden has a high death rate. But it would have nothing to say against Taiwan. It would be interesting to shove down into their **** more examples of successful no-lockdown countries. Perhaps there are more of these countries in Asia and in Africa.


Feb 18, 2016
What Sweden has proven is that it is with a policy that isn't restrictive it has been able to achieve herd immunity. Hence no need for vaccinations to achieve that. It is counter to the plan of Bill Gates and his NGOs and the WHO and the CDC and big pharma to mass vaccinate the whole world. So of course the lackeys like NYT has to denigrate the achievement of Sweden. They omit the positive and accentuate the negative, and Paul Krugman, being the toad that he is, spits toxic venom like the vile Zionist propagandist that he is.

Most of the deaths in Sweden are with the elderly, as everyone knows. One cause is that with Sweden's social practice of caring for its elderly population is government run homes for the aged. Leaving to third parties to care for one's parents is an inevitable result of the state wanting to take over from individuals their responsibility, as is typical of progressive and prosperous states with their heavy tax mandates. Many Swedes complain that it's because the caregivers are low-paid immigrants that caused the degradation of the quality of care, but I disagree. Even if the care were given by highly paid native Swedes, the situation would only slightly be better. It's not the same when children care for their parents. There is the tough love that third parties cannot give, especially when the elderly is very stubborn. A caregiver would just say " Whatever. You asked for it." whereas a son or daughter would insist. That would make a whole lot of a difference.

That in itself would not be an issue, except that the Swedes coming back from skiing holiday in Italy last winter came home infected, did not go through a quarantine procedure at the airport, and proceeded to visit their folks at the elderly homes.

Sweden was also late in restricting travel inward from other countries, waiting for instructions from the inept WHO, and so the infection rate could have been minimized.

Still, Swedish hospital were not overwhelmed despite a no-lockdown policy.

And Sweden has achieved herd immunity.

But those who are in favor of restrictive policies should look at Taiwan, just one of the many Asian countries that are doing very well. Taiwan also has a no-lockdown policy. But it was ahead of the rest of the world in restricting entry of foreigners into Taiwan. And it also implemented quarantine policies ahead of everyone for people entering into Taiwan. It was also ignored by the WHO, and the WHO turned out to be doing them a favor.

Also, Taiwan is a relative newcomer to wealth compared to Sweden. So it's likely its government has not yet "progressed" to the point where it wants to take away from the family the responsibility of caring for its elderly.

So, Taiwan and not Sweden should be the poster boy on a no-lockdown policy that is working.

Taiwan has 0.3 deaths/million population vs. Sweden's 572 deaths/million population.

There could be other factors that could explain the huge difference. One factor for which data is missing is the prevalence of flu vaccines used. What kind of vaccines were used, monkey-based or egg-based for example, and what is the flu vaccination among the elderly population 65+ in age.

The mainstream stress focuses too much on Sweden in its critique of using no-lockdown as a policy only because Sweden has a high death rate. But it would have nothing to say against Taiwan. It would be interesting to shove down into their **** more examples of successful no-lockdown countries. Perhaps there are more of these countries in Asia and in Africa.

That’s a great point about leaving parents to be cared for by the state, it’s a human tragedy, I understand people can’t afford it and need to work and like you said the state creates this, Alzheimer’s is probably the most difficult to deal with, it’s like the older eskimos who build their own igloo and go to die in it because they have become a burden.

Keep in mind that Taiwan have a semiconductor industry that cannot slow down, the globalists end game is all about semiconductors, with the amount of fraud we have witnessed throughout this covid saga it wouldn’t surprise me if they were given a "hysteria pass" by the globalists. In saying that they will have lower obesity rates and could be like Singapore in how they treat their elderly, the elderly are very well taken care of in Singapore, it’s ingrained into their culture as it should be.

They are trying to suppress the flu vaccine study done in Italy with correlates with a higher death rate from covid19, the German inquiry have covered it thankfully, what exactly they used isn’t clear yet.

Have you seen this twitter thread, I feel nauseous after reading it, I will keep an eye on this story as it develops , basically Ferguson’s data he used for his models that justified lockdowns are beyond pathetic, Ferguson also declares his conflict of interest’s at the end, Ferguson works for the Vaccine Alliance, a pharma company which is now making Covid-19 vaccines, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Mar 29, 2016
That’s a great point about leaving parents to be cared for by the state, it’s a human tragedy, I understand people can’t afford it and need to work and like you said the state creates this, Alzheimer’s is probably the most difficult to deal with, it’s like the older eskimos who build their own igloo and go to die in it because they have become a burden.
Speaking of the elderly being a burden, it need not be so. If most of the elderly were like Paul Bragg, who died in his mid-90s surfing, hitting a rock, then the elderly would not be a burden. Instead, they would be at home helping their children raise a family - baby-sitting etc. And if they were healthy, they wouldn't be serotogenic and be a cause for his/her child to fight with the spouse, but instead be a voice of wisdom. What's sad is that the elderly are all chronically-diseased, mind and body and all, and instead of being welcome at their childen's home, they become a burden and need to be put in an elderly home. Were big pharma less involved in our health from birth to our twilight years, we would not be seeing this situation. Sadly, big pharma's footprint is everywhere where society is prosperous and ready to be raped, and big pharma has become so refined and subtle in its ability to rape entire populations with their drugs. Date rape drugs are one thing, but life rape drugs - that is big pharma. Taken together, it is societal raping at its worst.

Keep in mind that Taiwan have a semiconductor industry that cannot slow down, the globalists end game is all about semiconductors, with the amount of fraud we have witnessed throughout this covid saga it wouldn’t surprise me if they were given a "hysteria pass" by the globalists. In saying that they will have lower obesity rates and could be like Singapore in how they treat their elderly, the elderly are very well taken care of in Singapore, it’s ingrained into their culture as it should be.
I don't know if Taiwan getting a "hysteria pass" is by design, but I think it is more serendipity than anything else. Taiwan could have just sulked by being left out by the WHO i its advisories and its guidance, but decided to do one better by the WHO by sticking it to their nose, by showing them they can do better by being self-reliant. In contrast, my Philippines now suffer is now suffering the effects of a lockdown out of following a WHO-inspired policy in dealing with the virus failingly - because this is a country that is independent in name only, it is a sycophantic vassal to big pharma, and is doomed to suffer according to the design of the plandemic masters.

As for Singapore, in many ways they're done things right. But along with it, they've been a copycat of many wrong ideas lifted from the West. They go along with unnecessary mass testing for the virus, flawed as the tests are. And they are very big on big pharma. Yet they are still independent enough in deed, not just in name, as they are not held to the restriction of their FDA (usually a carbon copy of the US' FDA). They have allowed the use of an effective Chinese drug OTC, instead of having it as an Rx drug.

I'm not sure about the elderly care situation in Singapore, but I think that it's not as reliant on government subsidy given that Singapore has a low tax rate despite having a socialist policy. I guess they're just more efficient in delivering servies to its people. It is tough on crime for one, and isn't tied a policy of mass incarceration that is a hallmark of the US criminal justice system. The adminstration of law in the US is a huge tax and burden in itself already. The US is the one country on earth where the people serve the law. For a country that likes to call itself Christian, you wonder about Jesus' exhortation that the law is made to serve man, not the other way around.

They are trying to suppress the flu vaccine study done in Italy with correlates with a higher death rate from covid19, the German inquiry have covered it thankfully, what exactly they used isn’t clear yet.
This data is hard to find. It's a cover-up, and the WHO has the records. Unfortunately, the WHO is answerable to no one, being a multi-government entity.

Have you seen this twitter thread, I feel nauseous after reading it, I will keep an eye on this story as it develops , basically Ferguson’s data he used for his models that justified lockdowns are beyond pathetic, Ferguson also declares his conflict of interest’s at the end, Ferguson works for the Vaccine Alliance, a pharma company which is now making Covid-19 vaccines, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

That is their m.o. They lead with shock and awe. Then they correct it with a whimper, if they bother to correct it.


Oct 1, 2019
Yelp says 60% of restaurant Covid-19 closures are permanent - CNN
(CNN)A new national survey spells more bad news for the restaurant industry.

Sixty percent of restaurants that shut down during the pandemic are now closed for good, says the report from Yelp, the online service that provides crowd-sourced reviews.
"The restaurant industry now reflects the highest total business closures, recently surpassing retail," Yelp says.

Many have tried to adapt with online ordering, curbside pickup and home delivery.
As of July 10, Yelp found 26,160 total restaurant closures, an increase of 2,179 since June 15.
Of all the closed restaurants in July, 15,770 have permanently closed (60%), accounting for 2,956 more permanent closures, Yelp says. That's a 23% increase since June 15.


Oct 22, 2014
What Sweden has proven is that it is with a policy that isn't restrictive it has been able to achieve herd immunity. Hence no need for vaccinations to achieve that. It is counter to the plan of Bill Gates and his NGOs and the WHO and the CDC and big pharma to mass vaccinate the whole world. So of course the lackeys like NYT has to denigrate the achievement of Sweden. They omit the positive and accentuate the negative, and Paul Krugman, being the toad that he is, spits toxic venom like the vile Zionist propagandist that he is.

Seriously yerrag, I agree with most of what you say but the antisemitic dog whistle is not necessary or helpful to those of us fighting medical authoritarianism, many of whom are Jewish.


Mar 29, 2016
Seriously yerrag, I agree with most of what you say but the antisemitic dog whistle is not necessary or helpful to those of us fighting medical authoritarianism, many of whom are Jewish.
There's no dog whistle here. There are segments in every nationality that are Zionist in spirit and action. And the Jewish nation have their own Zionists within. Not all Jews are Zionists. But all Zionists are Jewish. Are you defending Zionists or are you simply defending Jews? If it's the latter you're doing, that's fine with me but I don't give the Zionists a free pass.
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