Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This is an interesting idea, dried and ground up banana peels in place of wheat…

“Every time you peel a banana and dispose of the skin, you're throwing away a tasty, nutritious snack.

In fact, a study last year found that if banana peels are blanched, dried, and ground into a flour, they can be turned into baked goods that taste just as nice, if not better than wheat-based products.”

“Unless you're a devoted reader of vegan cooking blogs or a Nigella Lawson fan, you've probably never considered cooking with a banana peel. But not only is it perfectly safe, but scientists also demonstrated it really is good for you.

When their experiment's products were taste-tested, consumers reported they were just as happy with the flavors as they were with peel-free sugar cookies.

You'll even get a generous helping of minerals and cancer-fighting nutrients. Enriched with banana peels, for instance, the sugar cookies made in the study contained much more fiber, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidant compounds.”

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Interesting about the banana peel flour. I go through a good bit of organic bananas that I feed to my ducks as a treat, but I normally discard the peels.
Wondering if there is anything on the peels of even organic bananas to be concerned with, like Apeel or something I heard they put on them to haste ripening?
I dehydrate many things, this is one I haven't tried yet. I did make a mock 'pulled pork'
dish with cooked banana peels once. It was okay, if I was a vegan, I could live with it, but didn't have the flavor of pork, and the texture wasn't too far off and was acceptable.
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Interesting about the banana peel flour. I go through a good bit of organic bananas that I feed to my ducks as a treat, but I normally discard the peels.
Wondering if there is anything on the peels of even organic bananas to be concerned with, like Apeel or something I heard they put on them to haste ripening?
I dehydrate many things, this is one I haven't tried yet. I di make a mock 'pulled pork dish with cooked banana peels once. It was okay, if I was a vegan, I could live with it, but didn't have the flavor of pork, and the texture wasn't too far off and was acceptable.
I would imagine banana peels with the Apeel is still better than regular wheat everyone eats that is loaded with glysophate, aka Round-Up, and wheat’s anti-nutrients.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Interesting about the banana peel flour. I go through a good bit of organic bananas that I feed to my ducks as a treat, but I normally discard the peels.
Wondering if there is anything on the peels of even organic bananas to be concerned with, like Apeel or something I heard they put on them to haste ripening?
I dehydrate many things, this is one I haven't tried yet. I did make a mock 'pulled pork'
dish with cooked banana peels once. It was okay, if I was a vegan, I could live with it, but didn't have the flavor of pork, and the texture wasn't too far off and was acceptable.
Watch this video before you take a leap of faith.

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Watch this video before you take a leap of faith.


We are everyday finding out more nasty truths. Nice find on the formaldehyde David. I am going to search to see if it allowed on organic bananas….

“Formaldehyde is also approved as an indirect food additive. This means it’s used in certain materials that have contact with food. Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists it as approved for use in defoaming agents, which are used to prevent foam on certain liquids and other foods.
The FDA has also approved liquid formalin for use in the fishing industry. It is used as an anti-parasitic water treatment for certain types of fish you might eat, including salmon and catfish. It’s also used as an antifungal treatment on fish eggs.”

“Like other food manufacturers, certain fast-food chains may use formalin as a food preservative. However, the toxic food packaging used by some fast food restaurants is likely more hazardous to your health than any trace amounts of formaldehyde found in these foods.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Watch this video before you take a leap of faith.


“Organic bananas are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals like chemical fertilizers. Instead, organic farmers rely on natural methods to support plant growth and control pests.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Just wanted to everyone know that I am creating my own site where all my “Peaty” recipes will be well organized. I hope to see you there when I get some content in. Leave me a message at the email address below so I can put you on my mailing list and contact you when it is ready to go!

My website is:


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