Strange "withdrawal"-like Symptoms. Can Someone Help?

Sep 1, 2014
Docs are completely clueless about preg and DHEA, so have been of no help. Still searching for a doc that can give some assistance, though. Unfortunately, it appears that the only remedy is time, if a remedy exists at all.

Not eating Peat-like or anything. Just found several different forums associated with pregnenolone and DHEA while researching and also compiling anecdotes of similar negative reactions to preg.


Jun 12, 2013
I can offer what helped me through the worst of it. If I think of more things that could help, I'll post.

Ginger capsules seemed to help with dizziness and some of the other weird head/stomach feelings. No particular brand will matter, I suspect, I just happened to have Nature's Way Ginger root at my local store. I would take 2 of these (1,100 mg.) as often as needed. The ginger was a huge part of getting me through some of the worst of it. I took it with plenty of liquid to make sure it got washed down or it could cause some reflux. Sea band - those accupressure bracelets people wear on cruises and such, might also help.

Raising metabolism - getting temps and pulse into normal ranges, seemed to help. There's a lot of info here since Ray Peat foods raise thryoid/metabolism. Some people supplement thyroid. I took a natural dessicated thryoid for a while, which are available at health food stores or online. Also just eating frequently seems to help and eating a lot, making sure to get carbs and protein in each meal (at least 90 g day protein for me and I need at least twice the amount of carbs to protein, even more is better. I was eating less protein at this time, around 80 g. but I think more makes me feel better overall). I use Cronometer to track things for some time. Keeping the blood sugar from dropping, so I'd eat every couple hours or three for sure. Gelatin along with most protein, such as stirred into dairy or used along with meats. Gelatin has glycine which is good to (counteract excitotoxins- edit, not sure on this re excitotoxins, but RP has said, "Gelatin, because of the brain-protective effects of its high glycine content, and its lack of tryptophan, is probably one of the most protective proteins." and reduce tryptophan. It's good protein.

Progest E - which is progesterone. I would squirt it across bottom and top gums as needed. Seemed to relax me and help calm things down a bit.

Might also take Epsom salt and baking soda baths, and use magnesium oil. Supplementing magnesium glycinate could be beneficial.
Sep 1, 2014
Thanks for the advice on ways to manage the symptoms through the whole thing.

Yeah, I actually keep a detailed log on benzobuddies and read around there every day seeing how others are pulling through essentially the same type of neurological dysfunction that I'm going through.

The agony is completely indescribable and beyond words. One day at a time....


Jun 12, 2013
erraticpattern said:
post 55339 Thanks for the advice on ways to manage the symptoms through the whole thing.

Yeah, I actually keep a detailed log on benzobuddies and read around there every day seeing how others are pulling through essentially the same type of neurological dysfunction that I'm going through.

The agony is completely indescribable and beyond words. One day at a time....

How are you doing now? I hope there has been improvement for you.

I wanted to update that I experienced the symptoms again when I would try to lower calories to try to lose weight. This was up until this spring. The symptoms could be brought on by eating or not eating.

And then it seemed to go away until last month when I was experiencing extreme GI problems - gastritis, and I suspect problem with my hiatal hernia. I went back to get checked and of course, nothing showed up in the tests.

I feel now that it has something to do with the GI system - stomach and/or intestines, and the nervous system, specifically the vagus nerve. And possibly affects of NMDA. Getting my stomach better and doing vagus nerve techniques seemed to clear this up once and for all. And if it were to come back, I feel that similar treatments will make it go away again. It's made a HUGE difference for me.

Here's a link to my log page with more detail: viewtopic.php?t=5877&start=220

So I just wanted to update what helped me in case you come back or anyone comes to this thread.

Also, thinking way back, I remember that not only SSRI withdrawal caused symptoms like this but there were other times in the past - once when I took some myrrh (not even sure what I did that, maybe thought it would help anxiety?) and another time I took a bunch of magnesium, and another time a big dose of either taurine or tyrosine. (This was a long time ago so I can't remember which, just that I'd bought both supplements at the same time for some reason. I used to try a lot of supplements for particular conditions.)

There's a GI component, as well as some imbalance when taking large amounts of certain supplements, and vagus nerve ? And NMDA receptors? Not sure. Just throwing that out there.

So again, how are you?
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Jul 22, 2017
@Peata Thank you for sharing your experience, this has been very helpful to me too because I've realize I get those withdrawal like symptoms when something irritate my intestine and I found most of the powders I've use cause it like taurine, lysine, some of the b vitamins...and of course when I stop cycle of antiserotonin drugs like metergoline and cyproheptadine.
Two times I ended up in the emergency room because I was so scared I was going to die from my heart pounding so hard that I couldn't eat or sleep properly and progesterone or magnesium didn't help calm me down, only a few days of relax and stop from all the supplements helps. I wanna to ask you if you have found a way to counteract those side effect because I'm running a course of cyproheptadine right now and I'm expecting something similar will happen when I stop the drug.


Dec 26, 2013
Thanks for the advice on ways to manage the symptoms through the whole thing.

Yeah, I actually keep a detailed log on benzobuddies and read around there every day seeing how others are pulling through essentially the same type of neurological dysfunction that I'm going through.

The agony is completely indescribable and beyond words. One day at a time....
I know this is an old post, but I hope you have managed to recover from this episode. I see from your log on this other site that you were also taking 25mg DHEA per day when the episode occurred. Many on this site would consider that to be more extreme than the 50-100mg pregnenolone you were on, especially for a healthy-seeming 26 year old. Whatever the exact causes were, let us know your current status if you see this post.
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