Stopping The Vicious Circle Of High Fungus. Constipation, Antifungals And Probiotics

Aug 18, 2015
I.have been.doing some research now into calcium and magnesium indeed you.are right people.

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Calcium decreases water in stool... magnesium increases it. I dont.have a.source on it, but I have seen it said onljne'

I did a lot of magnesium. .. had a lot of.diahrea. ... hopefully it is keeping the system cleaned out. I.need to slow down on it though for real... hope man? damn.
Aug 18, 2015
Gather round boys n girls... all I.have to say is.... damn. cant believe I lived my whole life up to this point with low thyroid based from how I feel.

I went all in on peat, and utilized magnesium for bowel movements. damn, it is working guys... my metabolism is getting better. Id say the biggest thing I notice is a lot of anxiety is gone. I seem to be able to talk to anyone anywhere.completely unfilitered. im going to guess its from.the lack of serotonin.

I.did.really high dose mag around 2 or 3 days and had bad diahrrah all wekend from it. but now it seems to have relieved a lot of constipation. my libido still sucks, but the way I feel is amazing.. even feeling hungry and stuff... f everything about muscle meat dude.. it was making me feel horrible.

My hair is in weird shape too... I think when my libido hits I will be good. si far.tho... doing real good.. real good damn


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm happy you are starting to feel better.


Aug 14, 2016
Mayweatherking, Please post back with an update, as I'm exhibiting identical symptoms, with the exception of the hair loss. Also, my memory is terrible , which is a symptom of Magnesium deficiency. Thanks!, Jim
May 7, 2017
Gather round boys n girls... all I.have to say is.... damn. cant believe I lived my whole life up to this point with low thyroid based from how I feel.

I went all in on peat, and utilized magnesium for bowel movements. damn, it is working guys... my metabolism is getting better. Id say the biggest thing I notice is a lot of anxiety is gone. I seem to be able to talk to anyone anywhere.completely unfilitered. im going to guess its from.the lack of serotonin.

I.did.really high dose mag around 2 or 3 days and had bad diahrrah all wekend from it. but now it seems to have relieved a lot of constipation. my libido still sucks, but the way I feel is amazing.. even feeling hungry and stuff... f everything about muscle meat dude.. it was making me feel horrible.

My hair is in weird shape too... I think when my libido hits I will be good. si far.tho... doing real good.. real good damn

what's the status on the constipation. I read this thread and can understand your pain. After my initial crash I suffered severe ED. Eventually I got the bright idea by a urologist to try taking SAW P to "cure the rest of prostate problems I was having" because all of these PFS symptoms could be explained by BPH in his wonderful educated opinion. Anyway I took Saw P for 2 weeks and developed severe constispaton issues as well as severe insomnia issues. At the end of that two week period of SAW P my brain was so low in Alleopreg that I stayed up for six weeks. The pain that you feel in your brain from staying up for six weeks is the only thing worse than this constispaton. You will start seeing things that are not really there ...ect and it just feels really awful. I don't scare easily but will admit that I was terrified during those six weeks and felt like I was going to die. It's unreal.

Anyway It took three years but I got my sleep back to my regular PFS baseline lol that it was at before that Saw P trial and have made major improvements in the constispaton. For the last year I was doing so well that I thought I had the contispation beat but out of the blue came back last month and I'm now suffering from it again.

Have you had a Colonoscpy? I'm getting one soon and will let you know my results. It can be beat though if you can maintain a really strict diet and digestive protocol. You may have to do a fast as well if it comes down to it and at the end of the day never give up until it's over..
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Jul 8, 2016
what's the status on the constipation. I read this thread and can understand your pain. After my initial crash I suffered severe ED. Eventually I got the bright idea by a urologist to try taking SAW P to "cure the rest of prostate problems I was having" because all of these PFS symptoms could be explained by BPH in his wonderful educated opinion. Anyway I took Saw P for 2 weeks and developed severe constispaton issues as well as severe insomnia issues. At the end of that two week period of SAW P my brain was so low in Alleopreg that I stayed up for six weeks. The pain that you feel in your brain from staying up for six weeks is the only thing worse than this constispaton. You will start seeing things that are not really there ...ect and it just feels really awful. I don't scare easily but will admit that I was terrified during those six weeks and felt like I was going to die. It's unreal.

Anyway It took three years but I got my sleep back to my regular PFS baseline lol that it was at before that Saw P trial and have made major improvements in the constispaton. For the last year I was doing so well that I thought I had the contispation beat but out of the blue came back last month and I'm now suffering from it again.

Have you had a Colonoscpy? I'm getting one soon and will let you know my results. It can be beat though if you can maintain a really strict diet and digestive protocol. You may have to do a fast as well if it comes down to it and at the end of the day never give up until it's over..

How did you fix your constipation and sleep?


May 17, 2016
I have the same problem. I have been battling fungus for 5 years I can tell you something: don't try to kill it. You should put your efforts in improving your overall metabolism. Easy to say, but it can be done.

The things that have been more helpful for me are tobacco, taurine, lysine, NAC and the fat soluble vitamins. Eating with orange juice has make a big difference too. Drink coffee as much as you can. Good luck, this is one of the hardest things to kill ever, not even chemotherapy kill it.
May 7, 2017
How did you fix your constipation and sleep?

I'll explain my whole story with PFS constipation and sleep. It will be long and boring but I'm hoping by including all the detail it will help others say if they can relate to any of this or not:

So I was suffering from PFS already (sexual symptoms and minor sleep issues only...not that this is not bad enough) AND THAN took Saw P. After full scale PFS from taking the Saw P I spent the first six weeks completely screwed with complete insomnia and it also felt like my digestive system was just "off" and could hardly eat. It took six weeks exactly to start being able go the bathroom even a little or sleep at all and even than it was like I couldnt stay asleep for even an hour at a time and I was always still severely constipated. Around that time I had a Cat Scan that showed moderate-severe constipation "in the Colon" what ever that means (think that means that there are no blockages along the way from the beginning of the small intestines to end of the large intestines and that everything's getting stuck in the Colon).

This was how I stayed for about one year and than jumped onto the cdnuts protocol by starting with a seven day juice only fast followed by a very strict paleo diet combined with Herb cycling and DHT prohormone cycles.

When I first started the paleo diet (After my juice fast) I would cycle stimulant laxatives until eventually the stimulant laxatives stopped working altogether . However by the time they stopped working everything was already moving and pretty much continued to move after that. Eventually I was able to add in white rice and still have pretty decent bowel movements.

Other things I did that I contribute to reversing I would say about 75 percent of the constispaton:

natural calm magnesium every day
gallon of water every day
Mirlax every day
stool softener pill every day.
cycling probitiocs
digestive enzymes every day

Any time to this day when ever I eat ANYTHING other than m e a t, fruit, veggies, paleo protein powder, organic wild rice and some white rice I go right back to having total constipation. I also have to always stay on the magnesium, Mirlax, stool softener' s and probitics and digestive enzymes combined with this strict diet to avoid going backwards as well. I also noticed even more improvements from February 2017-March 2017 with overall digestion (and overall all PFS symptoms for that matter) while doing my first month run of 5a-DHP. So it was time plus everything else I mentioned that got me back to pretty much regular PFS days I now call it lol. By this time I was back to being able to go to sleep and stay asleep for five hours with the ability to pretty much go in and out for another three. This was also where I was at sleep wise at my normal PFS baseline. In other words hell instead of the deepest darkest parts of hell...entry level hell where it's like you could have gone either way and we picked hell but we will still let you sleep type of deal

So I was doing pretty good for a while and then decided that I should probable have a Colonoscopy seeing what kind of extreme protocol I need to stay on to keep everything from getting back upped. So even though everything was flowing pretty good I still just feel a "little off". This is going to get a little graphic and nasty but almost like lack of sensation issues like I'll be going the bathroom and it will feel like a little came out but upon looking it's a lot more than how it felt like it was. I know that's weird but between like not "really feeling my self go" for lack of words or limited sensation combined with my background with D H T inhibitor induced constipation I figured a Colonoscopy is a good idea.

My new GI doctor scheduled a Colonoscopy for the beginning of may and advised that I should come off of EVERYTHING for a whole month before the test to avoid any unpredictable interactions with the conscious sedation meds they where going to be giving me for the procedure. So from April 2017-May 2017 I stopped the herb cycling, did not continue on with 5a-DHP and took nothing other than the every day digestive protocol supplements mentioned above.

For some reason come mid April I was back to full blown constipation. Between believing that I was too constipated for the Colonoscopy prep to work good enough for the Colonoscopy to have worked (which is just a ***t tone of Mirlax in a gallon water jug to drink the day before the Colonoscpy combined with stimulant laxatives) and from recently learning that PFS people sometimes need much higher doses of conscious sedation to sedate them properly, I reschedule the Colonoscopy for beginning of July and got special authorization to be put out completely with Propofol. Propofol for a Colonoscopy is a little extreme but I figure I have suffered enough with this in general so I'm just going to take the easy way out on this one.

My new GI doctor advised me to drink as much Mirlax as I want until going to the bathroom as it cannot hurt you. So for the last few days I have been filling up a gallon water bottle jug mixed with FOUR bottles of Mirlax and I put the whole thing down like a beast... lol I'm not going go get into the details and cannot in good faith even advise anyone else to do this but it gets you going again and we will just leave it at that. If you are going to try this I recommend you have at least one full day off from work and start drinking the gallon of water in the morning and stay near a bathroom all day. It can get painful at times as well. Also start with one small bottle and see how that goes.

Tomorrow I am going to continue on with my normal digestive protocol and hope I can get everything flowing again within the next couple of weeks. I also started my second run of 5aDHP at the end of April which does also seem to be once again helping with everything including contispation.

My theory is that once I stopped cycling the herbs and did not start another cycle of 5a-DHP at the beginning of April (inorder to prepare for the Colonoscopy in may) my bodies ability to handle stress went down hill fast because I now had nothing to make up for the diminished neurosteriods in my brain and central nervous system. I believe that this is the cause of our constipation.

Of course another potential explanation for our constipation is damage to the P u d e n t a l nerve which would explain the strange lack of sensation while going to the bathroom that I mentioned above. It is interesting that the latest study mentioned P u d e n t a l nerve damage in the PFS group and that personally for me the lack of sensation in this department came on at the same time with the constipation right after my Saw P run three years ago. However it's also important to note that I was already experiencing ED before the Saw P run which in a way makes it sound like theory number one is the explanation. Unless of course continuing to inhibit D H T just caused the already damaged Pudental nerve to become more damaged.

Anyway if anyone could actually stomach reading all that bull ***t I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

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May 1, 2016
You should try betaine HCL.

Now Foods, Betaine HCL, 648 mg, 120 Capsules

Take it with or after a meal and it will go in your small intestine and kill everything there. My bm used to smell like rotten meat and I got gas whenever I ate protein. Betaine takes care of that. It could solve your problem or do nothing at all. If you're at the last straw you should try complete gluten avoidance which includes avoiding stuff that your body mistakes for gluten, and all starch. Your body can mistake processed milk (ice cream, cheese etc.) for gluten as well as instant coffee, egg etc. The easiest would be squeezing your own OJ (no commercial fruit juice) and milk with betaine (caffeine powder or coke instead of coffee) - nothing else. You would have to do it for some months before you can start to reintroduce stuff. Avoid supplemental vitamins. Try methylene blue.

Just wanted to thank you for your post(s) here. Got me to retry hcl after ~1 year off and it is insanely effective where herbal antibiotics, probiotics, dietary measures etc have failed, at things such as reducing histamine excess symptoms like chronic water retention/swelling, having a clear and bright mind for once, and letting me breath a full breath unblocked by trapped gas in the intestines.

I think it is an effective STOMACH bacteria/yeast overgrowth antibiotic, as well as for proximal small intestine, or at least helps acidify the chyme stimulating more endogenous pancreatic enzyme production when it enters the S.I., and has little side effects due to being what your stomach naturally has anyways, as opposed to what a lot of supplements do. I also think it works by digesting the protein in your meals, or simply acidifying the stomach that is full of a meal that has failed to fully clear and is stagnating and fermenting. It has reduced abnormal body odor from eating protein.

It may work best by taking a dose that achieves the warmth in the stomach feeling, and having consistently each meal it gradually(though quickly too) shows progress. You don't have to get the perfect dose either, each meal with an added 1 or 2 adds to the momentum of normalizing the gut so the next meal digests better.

Note I have IBS-C, probably dysbiosis, and certainly many food sensitivities and so likely experience abnormal improper function of the gut, including probably insufficient stomach acid production.

Also noticed hair grows more dense and fully, muscles growing too, reflecting correction of protein digestion, increased efficiency less unrealized waste.

I can also corroborate the reality of the cross reactivity of gluten... It matches the hierarchy of the magnitude of my reactions to foods

Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
Just wanted to thank you for your post(s) here. Got me to retry hcl after ~1 year off and it is insanely effective where herbal antibiotics, probiotics, dietary measures etc have failed, at things such as reducing histamine excess symptoms like chronic water retention/swelling, having a clear and bright mind for once, and letting me breath a full breath unblocked by trapped gas in the intestines.

I think it is an effective STOMACH bacteria/yeast overgrowth antibiotic, as well as for proximal small intestine, or at least helps acidify the chyme stimulating more endogenous pancreatic enzyme production when it enters the S.I., and has little side effects due to being what your stomach naturally has anyways, as opposed to what a lot of supplements do. I also think it works by digesting the protein in your meals, or simply acidifying the stomach that is full of a meal that has failed to fully clear and is stagnating and fermenting. It has reduced abnormal body odor from eating protein.

It may work best by taking a dose that achieves the warmth in the stomach feeling, and having consistently each meal it gradually(though quickly too) shows progress. You don't have to get the perfect dose either, each meal with an added 1 or 2 adds to the momentum of normalizing the gut so the next meal digests better.

Note I have IBS-C, probably dysbiosis, and certainly many food sensitivities and so likely experience abnormal improper function of the gut, including probably insufficient stomach acid production.

Also noticed hair grows more dense and fully, muscles growing too, reflecting correction of protein digestion, increased efficiency less unrealized waste.

I can also corroborate the reality of the cross reactivity of gluten... It matches the hierarchy of the magnitude of my reactions to foods

Thanks for the thanks. Actually, I've done better in the long run on potassium chloride than betaine hcl. I think I got a chloride deficiency after a nasty food poisoning some years ago. If you have low stomach acid then you won't absorb zinc which leads to copper overload, and you won' absorb b12, sublingual hydroxocobalamin has done wonders for me.

Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
Gather round boys n girls... all I.have to say is.... damn. cant believe I lived my whole life up to this point with low thyroid based from how I feel.

I went all in on peat, and utilized magnesium for bowel movements. damn, it is working guys... my metabolism is getting better. Id say the biggest thing I notice is a lot of anxiety is gone. I seem to be able to talk to anyone anywhere.completely unfilitered. im going to guess its from.the lack of serotonin.

I.did.really high dose mag around 2 or 3 days and had bad diahrrah all wekend from it. but now it seems to have relieved a lot of constipation. my libido still sucks, but the way I feel is amazing.. even feeling hungry and stuff... f everything about muscle meat dude.. it was making me feel horrible.

My hair is in weird shape too... I think when my libido hits I will be good. si far.tho... doing real good.. real good damn

If you have diarrhea from magnesium it means you took more than you can absorb. It then goes into your colon and sucks water out of the colon wall. It's called osmosis. This is the reason marathon runners get diarrhea while running, they drink sports drink with minerals. I think you need to look at your liver, it's the liver that has to deal with endotoxin from the stool you can't pass. I get an even better effect from water enema than magnesium. Maybe try some bile acid supplement? Also remember convenional medicine says fructose can give you fatty liver.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I had fungus and pufa problems a lot time...

After fasting, liver flushes and Peating I improved so much...

Sorry but fasting and Peating are very separate approached, in fact they are quite opposite in nature. You might even say they are mutually exclusive. Care to explain why you recommend both?
Jul 15, 2018
Sorry but fasting and Peating are very separate approached, in fact they are quite opposite in nature. You might even say they are mutually exclusive. Care to explain why you recommend both?

I fasted for 40days, loose a lot fat (and pufa and toxins stored) and after did a liver flush, and after start to peating...

Orange juice, coffee, yolks, sugar, collagen, little bit cheese and beef... and improved so much my health.


Sep 3, 2016
I fasted for 40days, loose a lot fat (and pufa and toxins stored) and after did a liver flush, and after start to peating...

Orange juice, coffee, yolks, sugar, collagen, little bit cheese and beef... and improved so much my health.

How does one fast for 40 days? Do you just consume good water? Is there any way of attaining nutrients? Not being sarcastic, am genuinely curious.
Jul 15, 2018
I consume only water. I fasted far from the big pulluted city. I consume waterfall water. Its a lot stressful a lot times. Its hard. I began with 85kg and finish with 57kg.


Oct 11, 2016
Haha this thread... OP stick with the Mag, just in good doses. Epsom salt baths will be good too. Take cyproheptadine sometimes when inflammation is high. I would also get more red light (sun) and get on b vitamins (b1,2,6)
Oh and work with a good TCM if you have $ and ambition to stop losing the hair asap.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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