Stopping The Vicious Circle Of High Fungus. Constipation, Antifungals And Probiotics

Aug 18, 2015
I wonder if it could be die off making you feel that way?

maybe.. you kow i feel more normal though. i just realized though i havent been having a lot of potassium. since i avoid milk, i was using coconut water, but forgot to use it the last couple of days. i also havent beent eating a lot of fat through coconut oil, just passing on fructose and protein, so maybe that could be releated those two, i'm going to give those two a try as well.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
maybe.. you kow i feel more normal though. i just realized though i havent been having a lot of potassium. since i avoid milk, i was using coconut water, but forgot to use it the last couple of days. i also havent beent eating a lot of fat through coconut oil, just passing on fructose and protein, so maybe that could be releated those two, i'm going to give those two a try as well.
That sounds like a good idea. Keep us posted!
Aug 18, 2015
my god man.. i am so unbeliveably constipated still, if anything the probiotics made it worse, is that possible? lol. i "feel" better, but i couldnt even go to the bathroom tonight even though it was there about to come out, it just won't. jesus christ man. no wonder my hair wont stop falling out, i have the most ridiculous problem ever. my god. this is seriously so unreal. i cant catch a break with anything lol. WTF. and my hair is looking absolutely horrible. just, unreal dude, unreal.


Jan 15, 2013
Have you tried flowers of sulphur. Peat recommends this for parasites and candida. Also Pau'darco has been mentioned.


Oct 11, 2015
my god man.. i am so unbeliveably constipated still, if anything the probiotics made it worse, is that possible? lol. i "feel" better, but i couldnt even go to the bathroom tonight even though it was there about to come out, it just won't. jesus christ man. no wonder my hair wont stop falling out, i have the most ridiculous problem ever. my god. this is seriously so unreal. i cant catch a break with anything lol. WTF. and my hair is looking absolutely horrible. just, unreal dude, unreal.

You should try to limit animal protein for the time being because it is very hard to breakdown without ideal stomach acid and bile production. Well cooked starch and cooked vegetables are probably much safer ( with small amounts of olive oil/butter if you desire ). What supplements are you currently taking?
Aug 18, 2015
Have you tried flowers of sulphur. Peat recommends this for parasites and candida. Also Pau'darco has been mentioned.


You should try to limit animal protein for the time being because it is very hard to breakdown without ideal stomach acid and bile production. Well cooked starch and cooked vegetables are probably much safer ( with small amounts of olive oil/butter if you desire ). What supplements are you currently taking?

you want me to eat no protein now? man this is getting out of control dude. i am completely out of control myself as well. i really do need protein. if anything, something to supplement it to be digested or something, but to go without i think is a mistake.

i'm doing vit D, A, k2, aspirin sometimes, E, then only this probiotic and nystatin powder


Oct 11, 2015
you want me to eat no protein now? man this is getting out of control dude. i am completely out of control myself as well. i really do need protein. if anything, something to supplement it to be digested or something, but to go without i think is a mistake.

i'm doing vit D, A, k2, aspirin sometimes, E, then only this probiotic and nystatin powder

Are you eating the meat because you are craving it or because you think it's important? If you are not digesting the meat properly your liver will be flooded with amines, but meat of course has other beneficial things so it depends on person.
You should eat what body is telling. Liver sounds like it is working at like half capacity. Bile acids (like ox-bile) would be a better supplement than probiotics for the time being but you will probably have to consider more extreme measures like liver flushing to get at root cause. And there are many different protocols for flushing hard to advise which is best without in-person counsel.


Hi @mayweatherking,

First I would say to remember that there is no overnight fix for the gut. Persistence and awareness of what foods, moods, etc affect your system. I feel for all problems, there is never a one pill solution. We are complex, symbiotic, open systems that are continuously adapting, adjusting and two systems are never alike no matter what science appears to show.

What I did to fix my gut - notice the protocol worked as a whole, not isolated substances or actions. see below:

*To help with gut problems:

Digestive Enzymes - Digest Gold -

Digest Gold™

It is cheeper on Amazon:

Enzymedica - Digest Gold with ATPro, Optimal Digestive Support, 240 Capsules (FFP)

*take 1 or 2 with each meal
*AND take 10 daily on empty stomach (20 in the beginning for a week or so - 10 on empty stomach morning and evening - 1 hr BEFORE food or 2 hours AFTER food, otherwise they just digest food).

These sites talk about enzymes:




*Probiotic: the one that works the BEST is a bifidum product especially for lower bowel problems, super clean though expensive.

Here is the link for the bifidum product. Scroll down until you see 5 strain bifidum.

*Aloe Vera

*Ginger Tea - fresh if can get it. A little honey also helps.

*Belly breaths:

*belly breaths - lay down on your back - legs however you are comfortable - put your hands on your belly and breathe in and out through your hands. Focus your breath in belly and not chest. Do this for a few min.

For extra benefit, on the

~~in breath say: "I breathe in health (or love or peace)",

~~out breath say: "I breathe out stress."

A few other symbiotic systemic actions you can take to bring the system back in balance:

*Lay with legs up the wall for between 10min and 30min. Feels like getting hours of sleep - great for just after work or school!! Rebuilds you energy levels amazingly fast.


*Hold the Balloon Chi Gung Position

Start with 1 min and build up comfortably to 5 or 10 min.

Jumpstarts vital energy, grounding, and works backwards on health conditions healing them from outer back down into old injuries/problems etc. Sort of the onion effect in healing - outer layer then next layer and backwards/inwards.

All in all what I am trying to say, maybe considering looking at your situation from a broader systemic viewpoint might serve you.

Hope this helps.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I think that though I had problems because of low carb diet, it eliminated my fungi problem, no more candida.

I think about a few tips to be eating proteins and also carbs, but with less problems.
Do not mix the 2 at the same meal.
I mix meat with fruits but never with other carbs even potatoes, whenever I can do this.
Protein need sugar because of protein stimulating insulin says Peat, so I think it is fine to use fruits and juices and sugar etc, at the same meal as proteins.

I eat super cooked rice and potatoes, 1 hour.
And I put some fat in it, ghee or coconut.
And I over chew, to the point that it is not chewing, it is liquid! Saliva ptyalin transform complex carbs, but it needs one minute I guess, and then it is inibited by stomach acids..... So slow eating of carbs seems good to me.
Plus of course some veggies for fiber that slows the digestion, less sugar high and better transist.

Have you forgoten that coconut oil is a very good anti-fungi?
Seems essential to eat some for lauric acid.

Then, I personally use essential plant oils that are anti-fungi.
Tea tree Works great for fungi between toes for example. And there are others, and they also work for inside. SOme oils will at the same time fight fungi, like some thyme, and it will help liver too! And they mostly are anti-parasits at the same time.
Aug 18, 2015
Thx all... tbh im completely at the end of my rope. I look myself in the mirror I am completely disgusted at what I see now. Hair loss has completely ruined me for.the past 10 years. It brought me unforeseen side effects that left me completely impotent and emotionally unavailable. I feel like I fell in love with a girl last week and all that, but it just didn't work out. I remember I went to the bars and a girl was all.over me, then started playing with, then walked away without a.word.

So many suggestions, so many possibilities, so many I.don't knows. I.have not good libido, I slam down fructose, I eat enoglgh sugar, I get all the oily vitamjns, ive tried thyroid.I.have it all, I eat every 2 hrs. Id say my itch went Dow. Today after having the coconut water included, but my appetite is just non existent.

It is really sad you know, I really just wanted a gf when this all started out. I was rhis innocent kid in highschool and just wanted that and.I could have, ti really feel something, but this damn drug really broke me apart, finasteride.

I'm sitting here a shell of who I was once was. J don't want to be around anyone I don't want to eat I.don't want to do anyhjg, I just want this all to go away.

Yes.I can get a gf now bla bla, I have no libido, my hair is going bye bye. I thought I.would have more youth, I have so much to give, I have so much to try, this doesn't feel real, none.of this.

Digestive enzymes, fungus, probiotics, thyroid, liver, vit d? Salt sugar, just wow.

Yeahbit takes time.. time is something i no longer have. Sigh.
Aug 18, 2015
Maybe im not as scewwd as I thought... adding coconut water did help kill the itch means a lot.. I also just drank oj cocnut water raw egg and coddee and had no ith and bm after... ???? I do dude lol


Oct 11, 2015
Maybe im not as scewwd as I thought... adding coconut water did help kill the itch means a lot.. I also just drank oj cocnut water raw egg and coddee and had no ith and bm after... ???? I do dude lol

Raw eggs is a good source of lecithin ( major component of bile ) and PUFA, both of which keep cholesterol soluble and flowing freely. Coffee has a cholagogue effect as well. So it seems very plausible you have a bile stagnation issue. Good to know that it's helping.
Aug 18, 2015
Raw eggs is a good source of lecithin ( major component of bile ) and PUFA, both of which keep cholesterol soluble and flowing freely. Coffee has a cholagogue effect as well. So it seems very plausible you have a bile stagnation issue. Good to know that it's helping.

how can i fix it? i need to stop the constipation 100% and get things digested. ive been eating raw eggs for a while now and doing this, ive been doing the raw egg thing for a while now, if it wouldve fixed me by now, it would have, i need some big guns to get things moving or working, maybe the probiotics and the nystatin will do it, i dk though
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Jan 15, 2013
Some other solutions to constipation can be cascara or magnesium. Have you tried either of these?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Copper and zinc tend to be out of balance or both low in constipated lords. Also not enough selenium (Liubo even posted something about that).
That's nothing new, but what's somewhat overlooked is that fruits tend to demand greater intake of those nutrients, at least that's what the contradictive material on that subject suggests, and in some cases I read that it can deplete copper for example.
If I'm not wrong, Vit C is also known to deplete both copper and zinc. I believe that the mineral balancing guys wrote extensively about it.
If there's some truth in all that, then fruits can exacerbate those insufficiencies.

I should note that I'm not sure at all about that, but it's just something that's worth investigating further..
Aug 18, 2015
Copper and zinc tend to be out of balance or both low in constipated lords. Also not enough selenium (Liubo even posted something about that).
That's nothing new, but what's somewhat overlooked is that fruits tend to demand greater intake of those nutrients, at least that's what the contradictive material on that subject suggests, in some cases I read that it can deplete copper for example. It's just something that's worth investigating further.
If I'm not wrong, Vit C is also known to deplete both copper and zinc. I believe that the mineral balancing guys wrote extensively about it.
If there's some truth in all that, then fruits can exacerbate those insufficiencies.

i don't know if that is true. i've been eating a lot of oysters and beef, almost everyday actually if not everyday. there's no way my zinc is low. i thought that was true as well but i don't think that applies to me. i also have no choice but to eat fruit due to the high insulin load from regular sugar and my body unable to handle it. i feel better doing it this way and don't get as much "scalp itch" or constpation as bad with this.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
i don't know if that is true. i've been eating a lot of oysters and beef, almost everyday actually if not everyday. there's no way my zinc is low. i thought that was true as well but i don't think that applies to me. i also have no choice but to eat fruit due to the high insulin load from regular sugar and my body unable to handle it. i feel better doing it this way and don't get as much "scalp itch" or constpation as bad with this.
Do you still suspect of any deficiency?
Aug 18, 2015
Do you still suspect of any deficiency?

no i dont suspect a zinc deficiency.. i mean, it could be a deficiency or so many things, it is really hard to say due to poor thyroid function and things not going where they should, really the main problem is constipation, that is constantly blocking my body from having a libido, i can tell that to you for a fact because many times ill go to the bathroom and ill feel libido after, hopefully the probiotics and nystatin fix it, im praying

even after the bathroom, i can eat any food and no histamine reaction or anything, that really is the main problem lol

i feel the nystatin is increasing my progesterone somehow, i dont know the mechanism though


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
You already exhausted pretty much most possibilities, right? :ss
Have you tried to avoid powdered minerals?
Are you eating those mentioned nutrients in excess?
Are you eating enough folate? What about choline (despite the liver)?
What happens after you induce diarrhea with excess of vit C or magnesium? The constipation comes back fast? Or you experience a relief for some days?
Do you eat only when you are hungry?
Do you eat anything that you don't like at all?
Is there any food that you just can't get enough of?
What happens when you avoid additional fats altogether? They tend to cause problems even in small amounts for people with low metabolism, and they also tend to nourish fungal infections.
Have you ever checked your pboysterone, burtlancasterol, gbolduevonone, narouzonin, and cantstoppeatinin levels?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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