Starting With Fibromyalgia/cfs/post Polio Syn


Aug 10, 2012
I made quite a long history for this the other night. Then, left the computer for too long and lost it.
I know how to keep from losing these efforts so I'm not looking for advice on that.

I plan to, rather than re-constructing my history, just enter bits of info as time goes by.

I was diagnosed about 20 years ago, but had problems before that. My approach has been to work on my thyroid and general health. Have been on Armour using Broda Barnes protocol for about 18 years. Recently, with the changes in Armour, have switched to cynoplus/cynomel.

I ran into Peat's writings via Paul Jaminet. I found Paul when I started looking for support for my way of eating. Before Paul, I found generic Paleo. Both of these were closer to my way of eating than any other movement I knew of. I was tired of all the criticism from my friends when I wouldn't eat the usual industrial foods, and needed a congenial group.

When I found RP, his way seemed close to mine. At first, I found only his website with all the articles. Then, a low carb group that had a RP support group, then the RP Fans, etc...

At the moment I'm suffering from a musculoskeletal injury. I'm working on rehab. There is more recent info in the Aspirin thread. I had an Aspirin problem and got a lot of help from people there who are Forum members.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Birdie, how long have you been Peating and have you had any relief yet?


Aug 10, 2012
About a year of reading Peat.

Thanks for asking about my progress.

I can't think of any at the moment because I feel awful. First some stomach bleeding perhaps caused by taking aspirin uncautiously. Then strained my sacroiliac joint. Then caught a cold from my husband.

So, I'm sure I have some progress to report and will do it later.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Well, hope you get to feeling better soon! I feel your pain, it seems like one step forward two steps backwards sometimes. There seems to be a pretty nasty cold going around right now. I have a friend and their child that seems to have had it for a month now, keeps going away and coming back.


Aug 10, 2012
Charlie said:
Well, hope you get to feeling better soon! I feel your pain, it seems like one step forward two steps backwards sometimes. There seems to be a pretty nasty cold going around right now. I have a friend and their child that seems to have had it for a month now, keeps going away and coming back.
Oh, no. How horrible. Where are you Charlie? General area I mean. Hope it's far far...


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I am in the USA, that general enough? :lol:


Aug 10, 2012
Oh, thanks!! What about Northwest, Midwest, East, South... Where is this terrible, long lasting cold located? Or where is it not?


Aug 10, 2012
Looking back in my journal to 8 Sept 2011, I see that I was definitely not yet following RP. I see that we were out to breaky and I decided "not to eat the melon that came with the omelette."

8 Oct 2012: I began to follow Paul Jaminet's suggested protocol for Chronic C. pneumoniae. This was a procedure he had used to help with CFS. Since, by then, I'd decided I had some brain infection, this sounded like it was for me.

My goal food ratio wise was: 1/2-1 lb meat 1lb veg 1lb starch !!! yes.

The program included restricted protein, IF, ketogenic diet during fast. No grains which I'd already been doing. It also included decreased fruit, plus taking melatonin, iodine, vit C and NAC. I was to eliminate omega 6s and increase omega 3s. More than 1/2 calories were to be from sat and unsat monosat fats.

My notes after being on this protocol say that depression increased. Myalgia: arms, back. Arthralgia St hip, Rt knee. Nausea at times.... But people on the site said this often happened at first. I decided to cut my NAC dose in half and added Acetyl-L-car.. Looking for more help on the PHD website, I found RP.

27 Oct 2011: At the doc's office my BP read as 142/90. My usual was 120/70. I reported that I was using pregnenolone, so this shows I'd begun to be influenced by Peat's writing. I asked for a reverse T3 to be done. I was high.

1 Nov: Still taking NAC and iodine etc. Could not really believe iodine was not a good thing. My night time milk was about 2oz with 1/4 tsp sugar.

27 Nov: First time I note my weight. It is up almost 20 pounds. Spent a lot of time adjusting my thyroid dose from Nov to Feb.

13 Feb 2012: By this time, I'd stopped the brain inflammation protocol with NAC. Finally believed RP was right about cysteine and a few other things.

April/May 2012: More adjusting of thyroid meds. Weight continued to go up as I phased in RP ideas but kept a lot of the old and ate also much fat and starch. 10 more pounds. Total 30 up. End of May adjusted fats and started avoiding starches.

June 2012: Less hungry. Lost 5 lbs. Feeling more steady. BP 120/67. HR 117.

24 July 2012: New labs show rT3 back to normal.
18 Aug : Started 1.4mg LDN. Since I'm sensitive to meds decided to start well below the therapeutic dose and slowly work up.

14 Oct 2012: Started 3.5mg LDN. In 6 weeks I should know if it helps me. Some say their FMS was completely cured. I'm not overly optimistic but have a wait and see attitude.

23 Oct 2012: Awake until 2 am with cramps (IBS). I had this in 1984 when taking some exams. Then, again, once 2 years ago. Recently it's been more frequent.

25 Oct 2012: Black vomit. 2x.
26 Oct 2012: Diarrhea and hip/SI injury.
02 Nov 2012: Caught husband's cold. Foggy in the head, but my mood is pretty good. That's unusual.

So, on the black vomit, probably from stomach bleeding, prob caused by taking aspirin sometimes without food. I had been taking 2 Super Ks a day for years... That should be enough for my 4 aspirins/day. But there were definitely times I'd take more for pain at bedtime.. I was not careful enough. I will be now.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Birdie, I see you are tracking your pulse, and it definitely is high meaning that you more then likely are running on adrenaline and cortisol. Are you tracking your temps too? That would give a more complete picture.

Obviously something is moving in the right direction if you RT3 has returned to normal.

There was a really great post about vitamin K by "fat4thought" here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=166&p=4416#p4415


Aug 10, 2012
Sorry to misslead or just give bits of info! My pulse these days averages 95. I think Ray keeps his around 90. My temps are going up after breakie. Yes, I track the temps. My Bp is too low so I have to work on that I suppose. 106/64...

I worked hard to get my reverse T3 where it should be. I finally got my husband's checked last week. He had been getting hypothyroid symptoms as I mentioned before. 12 years ago I had to persuade his md to script Armour for him. Same doc. He doesn't like me. That's not the point. :)

I'll check the link on K.


Oct 14, 2012
Hi Birdie, Lots of salt.

Every time I eat my sugar,protein,fat snack/meal (8 - 10 times a day, the fat is mostly coconut oil) I have 1/4 teaspoon salt (Sometimes more) with every feeding. That is the single thing that has made a MASSIVE difference with my adrenaline, cortisol and stress hormones. I was taking no where near enough and now that I am the difference is so unbelievably amazing I still cant believe it. Peatarian said she needs 3 tablespoons a day to get the desired effects. Im probably not too far off 2. Im so used to it now I literally chuck it into my mouth dry. That might make some throw up mind which is counter productive as our bodies make us throw up by releasing a sudden massive dose of serotonin.

Carrot too, never skip the carrot every day. People forget that not only does it supress endotoxin it also significantly stops serotonin from being reabsorbed back into the blood stream. If that continues to happen, more cortisol, adrenaline and a viscious circle ensues.

Good luck! Its a rollercoaster finding your balance and takes time (Still havent quite found mine yet, especially with the thyroid supplement)


Aug 10, 2012
kettlebell said:
Hi Birdie, Lots of salt.

Every time I eat my sugar,protein,fat snack/meal (8 - 10 times a day, the fat is mostly coconut oil) I have 1/4 teaspoon salt (Sometimes more) with every feeding. That is the single thing that has made a MASSIVE difference with my adrenaline, cortisol and stress hormones. I was taking no where near enough and now that I am the difference is so unbelievably amazing I still cant believe it. Peatarian said she needs 3 tablespoons a day to get the desired effects. Im probably not too far off 2. Im so used to it now I literally chuck it into my mouth dry. That might make some throw up mind which is counter productive as our bodies make us throw up by releasing a sudden massive dose of serotonin.

Carrot too, never skip the carrot every day. People forget that not only does it supress endotoxin it also significantly stops serotonin from being reabsorbed back into the blood stream. If that continues to happen, more cortisol, adrenaline and a viscious circle ensues.

Good luck! Its a rollercoaster finding your balance and takes time (Still havent quite found mine yet, especially with the thyroid supplement)
Thanks, kettlebell!

Okay, yes. I do take nibbles of salt all day but no where near enough. I remember peatarian's saying that but I ignored it. I do luckily love to eat pinches of salt. I should measure it out. I'll start with 1 and move to 2 tablespoons.

Do you have fibromyalgia or CFS or something similar?

I am doing the carrot faithfully. If it seems loathsome one day, I just have a smaller one. Thanks for cheering on the carrot. My resolve needs bolstering. Old habits return so fast and almost un-noticed. Stops serotonin. Good to remember.

My thyroid combo is going well, at the moment, but my husband's needs work.


Oct 13, 2012
These last two posts are really interesting to me a I have recently realized that my diet has been extremely salt-deficient. I didn't start Peating completely until a couple of months ago, but before that I cut out most PUFA's (including salty potato chips and the like) and moved to the desert where I stupidly followed the advice of drinking more water (without increasing sodium), so I think I haven't been getting enough for about two years or more. Just adding one teaspoon has really helped my dry eyes and fatigue. I've also had issues with muscle knots and soreness and was also told that I have developed a heart murmur, although when they did an echocardiogram the findings were benign, but I am wondering if the low sodium could cause this due to low blood pressure. The dizziness that I used to feel upon standing up quickly also seems to have subsided. It's only been one week, but I feel a real difference in my anxiety level too, and I hopeful that I continue to see good results. Who knew salt was so powerful!


Aug 10, 2012
crX said:
These last two posts are really interesting to me a I have recently realized that my diet has been extremely salt-deficient. I didn't start Peating completely until a couple of months ago, but before that I cut out most PUFA's (including salty potato chips and the like) and moved to the desert where I stupidly followed the advice of drinking more water (without increasing sodium), so I think I haven't been getting enough for about two years or more. Just adding one teaspoon has really helped my dry eyes and fatigue. I've also had issues with muscle knots and soreness and was also told that I have developed a heart murmur, although when they did an echocardiogram the findings were benign, but I am wondering if the low sodium could cause this due to low blood pressure. The dizziness that I used to feel upon standing up quickly also seems to have subsided. It's only been one week, but I feel a real difference in my anxiety level too, and I hopeful that I continue to see good results. Who knew salt was so powerful!

Thanks, crx. What you say is so interesting. I, too, drank a lot of water before. I hated drinking it so it was easy to stop. My husband still drinks his cups of water, including one at bedtime. He is finally starting to question it. And your remark about low blood pressure got me thinking. Mine is too low. I'm sure I get at least a tsp of salt a day, but it does look like I need more.

I love working at these things from a symptom level to figure out what works.


Oct 13, 2012
Hi Birdie. Yes, it is really helpful to see what is going on with others and get some feedback too.

I haven't been told that I have low blood pressure. I don't know what is considered low, and maybe they're more concerned with high blood pressure, or maybe my pressure just goes up when I'm in the dr's office, I just don't know as I'm just now realizing some of these things. It wouldn't be the first time a dr has missed the underlying cause of something. The cardiologist didn't mention low blood pressure either. But the dizziness upon standing which has gotten better with salt leads me to believe that I had low blood pressure, at least for me, which causes me to wonder about the heart murmur which has come on within a couple of years of moving to the desert, living through some brutally hot summers, etc., soaking in hot springs, riding my bike in the sun, drinking lots of water. That along with the muscle knots -- of course I was told I needed more potassium -- is just starting to boil down this long term salt deficiency possibility.

I was feeling a little uncertain about taking so much salt -- everything you hear seems meant to put the fear of god into you about overdoing it with salt -- but now that I'm reading these things I'm feeling more confident I'm on the right track. Looking forward to hearing more about your ongoing experience with adding sodium...


Oct 14, 2012
Hi Birdie,

Never been diagnosed with anything but used to have constant aches/pains, permanent tiredness and brain fog, permanent low mood. Anxiety/panic attacks. Felt uncomfortable in my own skin.

At first I was really worried about so much salt (Thanks to dogmatic science) but have overcome that fear with learning about what actually happens when we consume enough and its all positive, especially when consuming enough calcium which is also central to all of this.

Keep us updated :):


Aug 10, 2012
kettlebell said:
Hi Birdie,

Never been diagnosed with anything but used to have constant aches/pains, permanent tiredness and brain fog, permanent low mood. Anxiety/panic attacks. Felt uncomfortable in my own skin.

At first I was really worried about so much salt (Thanks to dogmatic science) but have overcome that fear with learning about what actually happens when we consume enough and its all positive, especially when consuming enough calcium which is also central to all of this.

Keep us updated :):
I see, kettlebell,
Really great to see your progress. And with salt.

It took thyroid meds (well, plus eating better and some sups, and yoga and walking!) to bring me around. This happened 18 years ago but, then, I had to go through it all again... for months... when the new Armour stopped working. The switch to cynoplus and cynomel took me a long time. I had reverse T3 symptoms, for example, at one time.

PS When I say yoga, that's just the best way I can describe my morning exercise/stretch/light weights routine. An hour every day. Then an hour walk every day. Sure takes up the day but it does me so much good that I must make the time sacrifice.

Still remembering my salt pinches now that you reminded me. I slip back to old ways so easily don't you. Maybe after a year of salt it will be second nature.


Aug 10, 2012

One thing of note is that while I was adjusting my thyroid sups, I was constantly looking for energy in an abnormal way with food. My body was screaming for energy. My thyroid was not working so this was never ending. I gained 30 pounds this way.

Then, when I got the thyroid going properly, I no longer felt my body screaming for energy. I was able to switch a la Peat to low fat milk. I stopped craving ice cream. I just felt better.

It was a slow weight loss as it can be when done right. I just followed Peat's vision and lost about 2 pounds a month. Now, I have lost 15 and for a fibro person, this feels good. I can move better for one thing.


Oct 13, 2012
Just a quick addendum to what I was thinking in my earlier post about having low blood pressure due to lack of salt. A little off-topic here, but just wanted to clarify.

Just re-heard one of Peat's interviews where he discusses how low salt intake can cause fluid to build up in tissues (esp. with high estrogen) and can cause swelling of the heart (not unlike PMS type swelling) and other tissues. So, I'm still thinking that the salt thing may be related to my "benign" heart murmur, but low blood pressure may not be the mechanism. I'm also wondering if this dry eye thing that has been improved is due to a release of water trapped in the tissue that was causing eye inflammation, as they've been really teary sometimes and well as just generally feeling better and moist :) Live and learn.


Aug 10, 2012
That is interesting crx. I'm glad to hear about your eyes. This should be an improvement for my husband as he uses more salt, etc.
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