SSRI induced health issues


Sep 29, 2015
Hello everybody, i'm long time forum reader and i've implemented Peat's concepts and ideas with great success over the past year and a half. I've managed to improve my health a lot with the information found on this board and i've found that the people here are very supportive and provide valuable information to he community. However i'm not able to resolve some serious issues related to ssri use in the past on my own. In the beginning of the year, when i started implementing more strictly the peat inspired diet, all my issued almost went away - the brain fog, the inability to concentrate, short therm memory, weight management, muscle tightness and spasms, mood - everything. But with the beginning of the summer things declined somehow. The main issues are the muscle tension and spasm, inability to concentrate and memorize, mood is pretty bad with an emphasis on depression. The muscle tension is coming from the back of my head - like my muscles and nerves are tied to a knot. I cant even take a deep breath because i feel stretching and something is going to tear. The whole thing feels like stimulation to the brain and i believe that is serotonin/dopamine issue but my current approach only makes me worse and worse every day. I also have this unhealthy desire for sex constantly, which maybe is prolactin issue. The muscle tightness is accompanied with tremors, shaking and weakness. I've tried various supplements and drugs including the peat friendly ones, which are not helping at the moment. My diet includes lots of low fat cheese, honey, orange juice, beef gelatin, carrot salad, refined coconut oil, eggs, beef, white rice, potatoes, coffee with an emphasis on the cheese, honey and OJ. I now weight lift regularly, which i couldn't do before. I've done a lot blood tests trough the years and they all show high blood sugar, high total and ldl cholesterol. The last one is from the beginning of 2014 which showed elevated morning cortisol, total and ldl cholesterol. The other hormones are in "range". I can't relate my current diet and the results to my condition so any help will be appreciated.


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome 2manybugs

Have you monitored and recorded your resting temps and heart rate for a few days? Ideally, both waking and a while after breakfast, and some time in the afternoon, but any data is better than none. This can give some idea about thyroid metabolism.

Have you tried supplementing magnesium? If so, in what form, and what effects did you notice?

Muscles and tendons that have trouble relaxing can be a symptom of low thyroid function and/or of insufficient magnesium (low thyroid makes it harder to retain magnesium).

Have you had a go at plugging in your typical day's diet in to cronometer or similar to see if you are low on anything obvious? (Don't believe its calorie recommendations - it usually underestimates).

Are you getting regular sunshine on your skin? You need regular red light on your skin to restore the cytochrome oxidase enzyme that is crucial to cellular oxidation of glucose.

Is your breathing habitually relaxed, nasal and diaphragmatic? Too low CO2 levels can make it difficult for muscles and nerves to relax.


Sep 29, 2015
@Blossom - i'm not withdrawing from ad, i took paxil years ago and just for 8 months, just the stuff it did were awful and persistent. I'm familiar that you took ssris in the past and it was for 10 years if i'm not mistaken and the thing is that it did the opposite of what it supposed to do and when i read that people were taking them for years it makes me very sad.

@tara - recenly no, the last ones were 35.8 @65bpm upon waking and 36.6 @66bmp evening. I've been experimenting with T3 and pregnenolone and i believe there is some change in those.
I've used all the forms of magnesium known to man with dosages up to 1200mg/day with no relief. I'm currently using mag carbonate water.
I haven't used crono, because i'm trying to listen to my cravings, but i'll plug in a day to see some estimates.
Generally i stay outside a lot, but this year with the beginning of the summer and rising of the temperatures something changed and i've stopped tolerating the sun and the heat - always looking for shadow and air conditioned place, the colder the better, it relaxed me tremendously.
I can say that i have a relaxed breathing but since i got worse i'm getting out of breath easily when i push myself a little harder.


Mar 29, 2014
2manybugs said:
post 101877 @tara - recenly no, the last ones were 35.8 @65bpm upon waking and 36.6 @66bmp evening. I've been experimenting with T3 and pregnenolone and i believe there is some change in those.

35.8 looks like a bit low on metabolism to my inexpert eye.

Some people find pregnenolone really helpful; a few of us found it knocked us down a bit too much - presumably the dosage and the rest of the context , incl. thyroid function, makes a difference with this.

T3 only, or combined with T4? Peat has said most people who need thyroid supps do best on a ratio that varies from person to person, but for most people in the range 1:2 - 1:4 of T3:T4. I guess you've read threads about dosing, and know that T3 is quick acting, T4 long half-life (can take weeks to build up to a steady level on steady dosage), and that if the body thinks there is too much thyroid, it will start turning some of it into reverse T3 to counteract the active T3.

2manybugs said:
post 101877 I haven't used crono, because i'm trying to listen to my cravings, but i'll plug in a day to see some estimates.

I don't recommend using crono all the time, and I only use it occasionally myself. Just maybe a check once in a while on an average day's food to get an idea about rough calories and other nutrients. I do think cravings can be valuable, but sometimes cravings are not enough to get some of us where we want to go, and a check like this may pick up something that is missing.

2manybugs said:
post 101877 I can say that i have a relaxed breathing but since i got worse i'm getting out of breath easily when i push myself a little harder.
If you can remember to keep your mouth shut all the time including when you push yourself a little harder (but not for eating, drinking and talking :)), it can help prevent accidental hyperventilation that can contribute to trouble.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes, I took them for a long time. I've been off them since January of 2009 but I never experienced acute withdrawal. I feel like I'm finally recovered from that experience. I've personally found thyroid, pregnenolone, red light, thiamine and anti-serotonin supplements particularly helpful but that's just me.


Sep 29, 2015
@tara - today temp was 36.2, but nor upon awaking. I didn't feel much different from the preg, maybe i have to experiment with dosage. I've 7-keto-dhea and didn't feel much from it either, again maybe the dosage.
Here we don't have T3/T4 combined, we don't even have T3 i had to order it from underground drug market. Should i consider taking T3 and T4 as separate drugs?

@Blossom - what is your experience with anti-serotonin drugs and what are you taking. I've tried ondasetron and tineptine in tiny dosages and i felt anxious and restless.
Do you thing cortisol maybe is implicated ?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
2manybugs said:
I certainly think cortisol can be part of the problem and all of the measures that I felt helped me the most have a connection to lowering cortisol. Cyproheptadine is one anti-serotonin substance that has never resulted in a feeling of anxiety or restlessness for me and there has been research posted by haidut showing it lowers cortisol. I will post the links.
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Sep 29, 2015
Thanks for the links, what about prolactin? I've had it checked together with estradiol and they were in range, but i have the feeling that those results don't mean anything, because my MPB has accelerated since then and i'm unable to slow it down with my diet.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Peat considers prolactin of up to 7 for males to be acceptable. It's certainly up to the individual how they wish to proceed if prolactin is elevated. I'm not sure if MPB can be completely avoided or reversed but I think Danny Roddy probably has some good information on that subject!
This is only my personal opinion on elevated prolactin after dealing with it for years: There are medicines that lower prolactin but if prolactin is only slightly elevated I would try to bring it down by simply continuing to work on metabolism. The medicines can be invaluable when prolactin is significantly elevated but even in my case where I have an actual prolactinoma (pituitary tumor) I have been able to *almost* completely stop the medicine by eating a nourishing diet including the foods that Peat often talks about and using a few supplements. I was actually shocked by how much my prolactin reduced just by incorporating the diet and lifestyle changes that are often discussed here on the forum and based on Peat's work. Before finding out about Peat my highest prolactin was 121 and after one year of making changes based on what I'd read from Peat my prolactin was 10! You can do a lot of healing with the simple approach of restoring metabolism but it might take some time and experimenting.
Do check out Danny's work if you have concerns about MPB though.


Mar 29, 2014
2manybugs said:
post 101968 Here we don't have T3/T4 combined, we don't even have T3 i had to order it from underground drug market. Should i consider taking T3 and T4 as separate drugs?

There are advantages in having the T3 and T4 separate - makes it easier to adjust ratios. Peat has suggested little physiological doses of T3 through the day - eg 1-2 mcg every hour or two or so as needed. T2 3 has a short half-life. T4 has a long half-life, so once a day is fine for T4, and evening may be better for this - something to keep you going through the night when you are not waking up every couple of hours for T3.
But I would check nutrition first - I don't think it's a good idea to supplement thyroid without having a good go at getting enough calories and other nutrients - can cause more stress and deepen deficiencies.

I think some people have been speculating about how if you use pregnenolone while metabolism is low, when you are relying on stress hormones to function, it can sometimes reduce the stress hormones to the point where it can be harder to function.
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Sep 29, 2015
I'm experimenting with T3 dosages and so far only a little increase in temp. What are the other signs of hormonal imbalances besides temperature and digestion. I know that most supplements have impurities and fillers, but is a multi vitamin and mineral reliable way to check for deficiencies short term or it's too much in one pill to distinguish what's fixing what ?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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