So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow...


Feb 24, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

I take t3 alone, when I remember. It can help bring me from shivering to comfortable in about 20 minutes. Broth made from chicken necks can do the same thing, all the way down to my toes.

Coffee and aspirin usually does the trick all by itself, but sometimes it's not enough.


Oct 10, 2012
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

messtafarian said:
Oh, cool. Good link, thanks! I should look up the statutes for my state.

Nutrimeds isn't bad at all, I think it's awesome there's a national legal alternative. It contains genuine thyroid, too, so it's real.

Thing is I don't really need t3 and t4. I'm making enough T4 ( not a lot, but enough) and t3 only could bypass a hot nodule...meaning I would just be tweaking up circulating T3 just a little. But there is no option like that in the states without a prescription.

Which state do you live in ?


Aug 18, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

Bone broth....hmmmmm

Hi Jag, I live in Illinois. I think ( not sure) it's one of the more hardcore states.


Feb 9, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

I share your worries about not being able to get thyroid medication. I'm dependent on it since I only have half a thyroid left, and doctors never want to give me enough of it. Right now I'm taking a full grain and a half higher than what my doctor told me to take last time I was in two months ago when she wanted me to lower it (so, I'm on 4.5 grains instead of 3) but I still have low pulse and suboptimal temperatures. It makes me so angry that I know more about thyroid than my doctor and yet she controls the prescription... giving me the same lame line that I'm hyper now and putting myself at risk for osteoporosis. Pathetic!

Do you have access to a naturopathic doctor? Here in Canada I've found one who can sell me compounded thyroid. It's more expensive than the prescription kind but an ND is at least more open minded than an MD. Right now I'm debating lying to my MD and just topping up with thyroid from my ND. Or I may need to order from Mexico and take a mix of Cynoplus and Erfa NDT.


Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

Lying is completely not wrong in this context. It's criminal to restrict these things to people who need them. The only question is whether it's practical and helpful.


Aug 18, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

Actually I spent part of the day today trying to find some chicken necks.

I could not find chicken necks. I've been walking around grocery stores recently thinking about how the doc said we don't even realize how bad our food really is. There are no chicken necks, so I can't even *make my own* natural broth with a touch of hormone.

Personally I'm not worried about lying to my doctor. I just don't want to get arrested for illegal drugs. The international angle is closing up for us since now a lot of illegal activity centers on sketchily-procured pharmaceuticals instead of street drugs. Most of recent highly publicized accidental overdoses have been from things like valium. We're kind of stuck, here, because real people don't have access to a complicit medical candyman.


Feb 24, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

I ordered my chickens neck in bulk from Azure Standard....back before the price increase. If you buy your chicken or turkey from a farmer, you can ask for the necks too.


Jul 31, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

You can also ask around in a few local gyms. The bodybuilders sometimes use T3 to lose fat.


Nov 9, 2012
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

Last year when I tried to get my doc to prescribe me some thyroid, I asked him about whether I should see an endocrinologist as I thought such a doctor may be flexible with giving T3. But he didn't seems to think an endocrino would give me anything different or offer much more insights. Basically, the information you can get from RP's article about thyroid usage and dosing, or from the alternative thyroid websites, is already more than what you'd get from a specialized doctor - so I concluded it wasn't even worth my time to schedule an appointment even free.


Mar 17, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

This thread hasn't been active for a while, but just thought I'd mention I'm now going through the same problem: multi-nodular thyroid and wondering what to do about it. At least my doctor thought I might try reducing it with a small amount of t4. He didn't even mention radioactive iodine treatment. Just surgery if the t4 doesn't work. So, that is better. Since my t4 and t3 levels are actually a little high, I don't even know if t3 would be appropriate. Confusing. I think I will try chicken or turkey necks as well as coffee and aspirin now that gelatin has stopped bothering me. I think I've seen turkey necks at Winn Dixie.


Feb 20, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

What are your total T3 and total T4 level? Excess reverse T3 can block
T3 function. It is important to know reverse T3 level.
Are you taking any thyroid supplement now?
Major cause of enlarged thyroid gland is excess Estrogen couple with low progesterone.
Excess Estrogen is the reason thyroid problem is so common in female than in male.
If diet does not fix this problem, progesterone and or thyroid is a good idea to
inhibit estrogen. RP does not recommend progesterone use when thyroid is
enlarged. He recommends using thyroid supplement to shrink thyroid gland and then
starting progesterone. Using progesterone with enlarged thyroid can create
a temporary state of "hyperthyroidism". Progesterone facilitate the release
of stored thyroid hormone from gland and enlarged gland has extra storage of
thyroid hormone. T4 is good at shrinking thyroid, but if your estrogen is high and
liver is sluggish then you will not have much T3. Excess idoine can worsen
thyroid condition. I feel good with chicken neck and fish head soup
but it does give me a feeling i usually get from use of iodized salt.
My suspicion is that there is extra iodine in fish head and chicken neck soup
that is causing problem. I am sensitive to idoine. You might not have
this same problem. Just keep an eye on after effects of neck/head soup.


Mar 17, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

Thanks for your reply, Mittir. My free T4 was 2.1, and T 3 was 4.2. Thyroglobulin was 235.0. All these are a little high according to the report. They didn't check reverse T3. Maybe the doctor would be agreeable to having that tested, though. I will ask about that. I was thinking estrogen was a major player there. In reading up on multi-nodular thyroid, I noticed it started often at puberty and flared up during pregnancy which does point to estrogen. I will pay attention to the effects of eating the chicken neck soup or fish heads if I get a hold of some. I do stay off the iodized salt pretty much. I haven't noticed a problem when I do eat it, though. The doctor did put me on a low dose of T4. My physical energy level, actually seemed to pick up after that, although not mental, though I understand it isn't supposed to have much effect until about six weeks.


Nov 1, 2012
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

If you are still in Florida, Publix supermarket will special order chicken necks for you. .99 a pound. I bought fish heads from a local seafood distributor for less.


Feb 20, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

Swandattur said:
Thanks for your reply, Mittir. My free T4 was 2.1, and T 3 was 4.2. Thyroglobulin was 235.0. All these are a little high according to the report. They didn't check reverse T3. Maybe the doctor would be agreeable to having that tested, though. I will ask about that. I was thinking estrogen was a major player there. In reading up on multi-nodular thyroid, I noticed it started often at puberty and flared up during pregnancy which does point to estrogen. I will pay attention to the effects of eating the chicken neck soup or fish heads if I get a hold of some. I do stay off the iodized salt pretty much. I haven't noticed a problem when I do eat it, though. The doctor did put me on a low dose of T4. My physical energy level, actually seemed to pick up after that, although not mental, though I understand it isn't supposed to have much effect until about six weeks.

I believe that is thyroglobulin antibodies and that is a major indicator of so called
"Hashimoto Thyroiditis". RP mentioned that excess estrogen is the cause of this problem.
Your high T4 and T3 indicate your are possibly going through "hyperthyroid" state of
enlarged thyroid gland. Are you having hyperthyroid symptoms? What is your TSH?
This kind of hyperthyroid state usually last several weeks. RP recommended
raw cabbage juice or large serving of liver to slow down the thyroid if it is bothering
someone. He also mentioned that some people told him they totally enjoyed their hyperthyroid state . High resting pulse is one of the indicator of hyper state.


Mar 17, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

Hagendazendiane, thanks for the tips about getting some fish heads and chicken necks.

Mittir, I forgot to say. My TSH was .931. A couple of months earlier it was .18. I guess I should try to monitor the hyper/ hypothyroid symptoms, so I can eat the right things for the condition. It does seem as if my symptoms fluctuate. A few weeks after that last blood test I started feeling very cold and tired and my nose got stuffy. The weather was cold and overcast and wet. Then that improved a lot after the weather improved. Actually, other people were complaining of being very lethargic during that cold spell. My sister said she didn't want to get out of bed. It seems to me I wasn't feeling too badly at the time of my last blood test. So, maybe a little hyperthyroid agrees with me. Thanks for the help!


Oct 10, 2013
Re: So my endocrinologist is going to say no to me tomorrow.

So RP isn't advising you to take both T3 and T4? I heard him warn about T3 alone.
Ray Peat most definitely recommends T4 and T3. What he most definitely doesn't like is T4-only treatment.

I have a collection of quotations somewhere, but it shouldn't be too difficult to find the evidence with a quick online search.
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