Sexual Liberation The Downfall Of A Society


Nov 19, 2020
they do not have opinions on this, they have biological urges. Which is exactly why we should be considering their status in a society. That basically seems to be the point of the book as well
Bro, we all have biological urges, but we can learn to deal with these too. Men and women alike. I think this is less about sexual liberalization, but more about general degeneration of group morals (of which monogamy doesn't necessarily have to be one)


Nov 19, 2020
because like I said, on some level men achieve to get sex/create offspring

realize that his doctorate doesn't help him get laid with women in their reproductive years in a sexually liberated, economically liberated society

thanks for the correction. But how did 5'4 guys in hunter gatherer societies reproduce? Are you saying women chose them to have offspring with? I think rape is a thing in absence of culture.

Height is not a cultural preference. How do you come up with this claim?

Good last point, but I will sadly stick to my own point that it's revealing human sexual nature. I think it's natural high t men want to impregnate almost every seemingly healthy prime woman ("want to impregnate" in the sense that they would do it if they are horny and have no social repercussions to fear from it, not as a "mission" or anything like that) and that prime women are only accepting offspring from men who display (as in looks and behaviour) high genetic value. I fail to see why we would be different from other animals in this regard. I hope you are right though.

Because we as humans have evolved because of cooperation, communication and caretaking of each other. Muscles and looks have had and may still have some importance, but it is not the only thing that matters for sex. You are concentrating a lot on "prime" and so one. Have you once thought about that we have instincts and urges, but we can deal with these? The whole magic about morals is that they make people deal with their instincts. And everyone can do that. Social pressure isn't genuinely necessary. It's just the easiest way to make a large population do what you want.


Oct 26, 2020
high estrogen causing over sexualisation

that’s interesting, I’ve always considered my low E2 pretty bad and causing low libido- never ever felt like masturbating, pretty much always outmatched by my girlfriends in that department etc. Only recently as I’ve been looking into ways to increase e2 have I been hornier. In my 30s. I think I need to take a deeper look at what’s normal human libido.

at least I know that I’ll never touch TRT ever again because that was making me insatiable, with E2 nearly above range.


Mar 6, 2016
Not long ago I studied in university that workforce or human capital ready to be used is compsd by people younger than 60 without children under 16. I also studied how preggo teens or preggo young mums in early 20s are a burden for GDP and incur high costs to state. This highly explains the growth of the west of the last 50 years and the subsequent decrease in birth rates. Sexual liberation has allowed the work supply to be steady and cheaper imo since pips can satisfy their sexual needs intensified by the effemirate wants and needs on demand culture with out having to tie the not. Also, The sexual liberation of the west at the hands of corporations, has allowed or perhaps this was the inttent, for another industry to be exploited; porn, and its intrusion to all spheres of society. It seems to me a trend that pornification along side with trash culture is lurking into all spheres of the west, think of the major icons of youth right know which are are the combo of this two porn and trash aka the porntrashians. I read a critique the other day about the rise of the right in the west. It said that its due to the alliance of american (not european since they are 2 different things) liberalism with non white lower strats of society and their active push towards culture creation and their exclusion of white educated national pips, Sounds like a perfect alt rite rethoric to use in the future which will probably be exploited to yet create new divide between immigrants in eu and allow for more power grab from the creators of this tension. Anyhow, the bottom line imo of this deviated sexual liberation (deviation because its deviated to serve corporations agendas and not the liberation of human thought and moral from an old instrument of control aka the Church which did not promote healthy balanced satisfied individuals but repressed and cynical about to have a nervous crisis and bully people with its guilt tripping cycles and shaming tactics, which I do not think is inherent of religion just of controlling organizations that use moral and conscience to coerce) has an economic intent, as always, to make us more usable for corporations and rich guys interests. Imo its not a bad thing to be sexual liberated as long as it does not equate loss of morals or decency and as long as it is not turned into another fetish/ instrument of control. I see this thing being pushed in my age of being sexually liberated being equated to embody a sexual powerful goddess. But freedom should not be attach to controle others. That is a distorted view of freedom. Freedom is seen as a zero sum game thing here I am more free to use my body to control a man as a female. In this way is the west really sexual liberated? Or is it sexually weaponised branded as sexual liberation?


Mar 6, 2016
In a way they are creating this zombie work force slaves, , the perfct citizens of cosumer culture, which means a humanoide with little humanity or personal will, personality, individuality, with aertifially created needs and implanted ideas and culture which finds the possibility to satisfy set thngs in the market and ofc must work for a corporation to get the money t do so. Many of them will not need to be in a relation ship since ther eis a market to satisfy the humanoide sexual needs: porn or even in the future more realistic mind trickeries that apply to the senses too. The sexual fetish and weird stuff we are fed furthers make us explore our sexuality in a way that we would have never do otherwise. basically it forces us to go to the sexual alice in wonderland doors rabit wholes that dont leed into anything, only to an empty and unexplored in the areas that are worth growing and learning about life.


Apr 7, 2021
At the very least, it's clear that sexual liberation and fall of civilizations go hand in hand. What is less clear is whether one follows the other, or both share a common cause. Sexual liberation could be a symptom of a larger societal deteroriation, which is a natural part of the civilizational cycle. Not just chastity, but rationality, altruism, patience, kindness, creativity, health and optimisim all seem to decline together. An increase in sexual behavior could be a means of compensating for all the ways in which the society around the individual is decaying and the subconscious stress this is causing. That much is true though that chastity on an indidual level tends to lead to excellent outcomes regarding one's wellbeing and success in one's endeavours. It's just difficult to extrapolate this to societal level because the factors you end up dealing with become so numerous.

They are sick!

Cleaning up the Subway. Taking down woke propaganda and sexually explicit ads on the NYC subway


Jun 22, 2021
If you want society to function you cannot give women equal rights

The "sexual liberation" movement started when women were given the right to vote (not that it matters since every election outcome since 1776 has been planned)

The Elites KNOW THIS - do you people think that all these dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, etc) just came out of nowhere? THEY FUNDED IT

They KNOW once you start giving women equal rights and freedom, society begins to CRUMBLE

Its like that in animal packs as well - anytime women are given status or power in the pack, the pack basically destroys itself

When men are in charge, EVERYTHING IS OK

Do you think Onlyfans came out of nowhere? THEY FUNDED IT

I had to work my WHOLE LIFE and go to school/work through countless jobs to reach a good position

Meanwhile I hop on YouTube and see a chick make 34 million dollars a year taking half-naked pics 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

SHES NOT EVEN AN OUTLIER - nearly any chick can hop on OF right now and make a cool 6-figures with a little effort


Even in High School, these 3 chicks I knew that dropped out just became a sugar babe for some rich dude and never worked a day in their life!



I'm NOT COMPLAINING, because I'm DOING ME and still putting in this work to do well for me and my future but DAMN, ITS REALLY HARD OUT HERE BEING A MAN SMH 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

It's PAINFUL for me to see and hear how much easier my sister's life is to mine

Sometimes I really feel like stopping being a nice guy and become an absolute $avage, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND, I can't keep coping with this 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Pandora's box is BLOWN WIDE OPEN - there's no GOING BACK, you reap what you sow and the PLEBS had it coming - society is on the FAST-TRACK for collapse because it cannot function when they keep screwing men up this bad


Oct 21, 2018
If you want society to function you cannot give women equal rights

The "sexual liberation" movement started when women were given the right to vote (not that it matters since every election outcome since 1776 has been planned)

The Elites KNOW THIS - do you people think that all these dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, etc) just came out of nowhere? THEY FUNDED IT

They KNOW once you start giving women equal rights and freedom, society begins to CRUMBLE

Its like that in animal packs as well - anytime women are given status or power in the pack, the pack basically destroys itself

When men are in charge, EVERYTHING IS OK

Do you think Onlyfans came out of nowhere? THEY FUNDED IT

I had to work my WHOLE LIFE and go to school/work through countless jobs to reach a good position

Meanwhile I hop on YouTube and see a chick make 34 million dollars a year taking half-naked pics 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

SHES NOT EVEN AN OUTLIER - nearly any chick can hop on OF right now and make a cool 6-figures with a little effort

View attachment 46119

Even in High School, these 3 chicks I knew that dropped out just became a sugar babe for some rich dude and never worked a day in their life!



I'm NOT COMPLAINING, because I'm DOING ME and still putting in this work to do well for me and my future but DAMN, ITS REALLY HARD OUT HERE BEING A MAN SMH 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

It's PAINFUL for me to see and hear how much easier my sister's life is to mine

Sometimes I really feel like stopping being a nice guy and become an absolute $avage, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND, I can't keep coping with this 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Pandora's box is BLOWN WIDE OPEN - there's no GOING BACK, you reap what you sow and the PLEBS had it coming - society is on the FAST-TRACK for collapse because it cannot function when they keep screwing men up this bad
The problem is not the women its the low T men who subscribe when there are literally free options


Aug 21, 2020
The problem is not the women its the low T men who subscribe when there are literally free options
What free options? Those men seek a personal connection to a woman, and that sort of delusion can't be obtained from pornography alone.


Oct 21, 2018
Lol a personal connection. Its only fans u getting a personal connection at all. You said. It delusion. Either way the men are the issue. Stop paying. Be a ******* man and take on the struggles of the world


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
If you want society to function you cannot give women equal rights

The "sexual liberation" movement started when women were given the right to vote (not that it matters since every election outcome since 1776 has been planned)

The Elites KNOW THIS - do you people think that all these dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, etc) just came out of nowhere? THEY FUNDED IT

They KNOW once you start giving women equal rights and freedom, society begins to CRUMBLE

Its like that in animal packs as well - anytime women are given status or power in the pack, the pack basically destroys itself

When men are in charge, EVERYTHING IS OK

Do you think Onlyfans came out of nowhere? THEY FUNDED IT

I had to work my WHOLE LIFE and go to school/work through countless jobs to reach a good position

Meanwhile I hop on YouTube and see a chick make 34 million dollars a year taking half-naked pics 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

SHES NOT EVEN AN OUTLIER - nearly any chick can hop on OF right now and make a cool 6-figures with a little effort

View attachment 46119

Even in High School, these 3 chicks I knew that dropped out just became a sugar babe for some rich dude and never worked a day in their life!



I'm NOT COMPLAINING, because I'm DOING ME and still putting in this work to do well for me and my future but DAMN, ITS REALLY HARD OUT HERE BEING A MAN SMH 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

It's PAINFUL for me to see and hear how much easier my sister's life is to mine

Sometimes I really feel like stopping being a nice guy and become an absolute $avage, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND, I can't keep coping with this 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Pandora's box is BLOWN WIDE OPEN - there's no GOING BACK, you reap what you sow and the PLEBS had it coming - society is on the FAST-TRACK for collapse because it cannot function when they keep screwing men up this bad


Aug 21, 2020
Lol a personal connection. Its only fans u getting a personal connection at all. You said. It delusion. Either way the men are the issue. Stop paying. Be a ******* man and take on the struggles of the world
Well, it can give a feeling of familiarity and connection, even if it is clearly one-sided.

Sure, it's a terrible deal and I'm not defending such behaviour, but the fact is that men paying for women's sexuality is not a new phenomenon – on the contrary, it's been a part of every major civilisation.

I also don't think merely accusing "men" will solve the issue. In a society prouding itself on gender equality, women should be equally judged and held accountable for the consequences of their actions.
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