Serotonin Production In The Gut Is Fully Controlled By Microbiome



I don't know why the focus is alway on the gut, with respect to serotonin as well as with bacteria and with endotoxins. Perhaps it's because the gut has been the focus with Ray.

This really leaves this forum with a deficient understanding of the internal on-goings because of the excessive focus on the gut. The silver lining in this COVID-19 crisis is that we are getting to know more about the internal system. Yet we've been too focused on the viral aspect, and the bacterial aspect we're only skimming. While Ray has touched on retroviruses in the past, it's only know that we have begun discussing exosomes. Yet on bacteria - anaerobes vs. aerobes, facultative vs obligate anaerobes, autotrophs vs. heterotrophs - there's very little we know. We also don't know much about biofilm bacteria vs. planktonic bacteria.

We tend to think that once our gut is fine, we are all set to live our merry lives.

But is serotonin pretty much produced by bacteria in the gut? What if there is bacteria lining our blood vessels along with the plaque? Aren't they also producing serotonin?

I recently took a varied protocol of biofilm disruptors and antibiotics and systemic enzymes. Also used some phytophenols in the form of TCM herbs and essential oils. I was targetting the biofilm microbiome in my blood vessels. I wasn't able to fully eliminate the bacterial colonization in my blood vessels, but I noticed that my gut had become dfferent. I didn't think I had serious gut issues, as I digest pretty well and I have regular bowel movement and it's rare that I have a bum stomach. And I don't have flatulence issues. And for a long time now, I had ceased to have feces that would smell, after Ray Peat convinced me not to take in a lot of soluble fibers for the sake of good bowel movement.

I was surprised to see that after the protocol I had, I began to have smaller poop. They are still coming out as one long piece, but they're better formed, more packed, and they seem to be high-solid poop, meaning more concentrated because they are less diluted by water content. And a big plus, in these days of toilet paper shortages, I was having a lot of ghost wipes. Often, I just end up using one piece of toilet paper to wipe off nothing! My sleep quality has improved, and I think a lot of it has to do with the serotonin reduction in my gut, from having less bacteria.

But before I got to this point, I was having to go through a rough patch as I took my protocol. I was having diarrhea, and I was wondering at first why the diarrhea was happening, when I was taking antibiotics. For sure, it's one of the contraindications of using antibiotics, and I at first believed that. But as I thought about it, I began to think that it's also because I was breaking down a lot of biofilm, and a lot of planktonic bacteria was being released into the gut. A lot would be dead bacteria as well, as plenty of the biofilm bacteria would be anaerobic, and they would die when exposed to oxygen.

It must be the colon being very selective in what kind of liquid it wants to reabsorb into the body, and having a lot of bacteria certainly would keep the colon from absorbing the liqud the bacteria is bathed in. This would explain the episodes of diarrhea. Knowing this, I kept on with my protocol, but with some assistance from taking in activated charcoal. The diarrhea would finally cease, and I slowly began to see the smaller stools come out that don't require much toilet paper to clean up after. I also began to sleep better.

Without intending to, I had practically sanitized my gut and I now feel better because of it.

Hello Yerrag,

For how long did the benefits continue?
Did you have to go through a second antibiotic round?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
As Haidut posted before, one of the main ways the body deactivates serotonin is through the lungs. One of the ways you can impair this process is by wearing a mask.

@haidut, do you care to reply, or can you direct me to research showing that masks impair serotonin deactivation in the lungs? I'd like to know more about this.


Mar 29, 2016


Mar 29, 2016
Hello Yerrag,

For how long did the benefits continue?
Did you have to go through a second antibiotic round?
As I wasn't actually taking these for the gut, I still got benefits in the gut in terms of less pasty feces, which saved me rolls of toilet paper. Less pasty feces, I think, indicate less bacteria and toxins around the fecal stew, which meant more of the stew is absorbed into the blood, and less mixed in with the outgoing feces. So, the smaller and less pasty feces would continue until I took my current therapy of chlorine dioxide (not for gut issues though). Then my feces would become more pasty and larger, which indicates probably more LPS from dead bacteria being killed. However, I still am having ghost wipes, but I was ready to use activated charcoal if the feces became pasty.

As for the original intent of the antibiotics, it didn't seem to make much difference on me internally. My blood pressure stayed high, but I would notice that my chronic seborrheic dermatitis (SD) would be taking a rest. However, now that I'm using chlorine dioxide, it seems that there is good similar effect, and I don't experience SD being very active.

p.s. The persistence in my case has to do with an ongoing periodontal infection, which is really hard to totally eliminate, even after a tooth is extracted. Traces of periodontal bacteria remain only to grow and colonize again. Now trying to eradicate, using chlorine dioxide and iodine mouthwash. Later, I'll use mk7, potassium iodide (in SSKI), and iodine mouthwash.

Another source is embedded and possibly dormant bacteria in the plaque of blood vessels, accumulated over years of exposure to periodontal infection hidden from my knowledge. I'd notice my SD would rear its head when I take systemic enzymes to lyse the plaque, as the dormant bacteria released would be activated and become planktonic and active again. And then I suspect immune complexes (from antibodies attaching to the periodontal bacteria) would also be released, and its accumulation in my kidneys' glomerular vessels would elicit inflammation and its attendant high blood pressure manifestation.
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