Serious high and low moods.. convinced I will not wakr


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Hi, lately I have been really struggling to keep going day to day. In the morning my sensitivity to light is just so unbelievably extreme. I truly can’t emphasize how bad it is. My vision is blurry , eyes rly dry, extreme anxiety

I have constant irritability and crazy highs and lows with energy. I can no longer lift weights as body weight movements and even going up the stairs is a hassle. I sleep 8 hours. I drink raw milk lean ground beef, Oj, beef liver , potatoes. Extremely consistent

My temp sits low at like 96.5 and then after I eat it goes to over 99.. and I feel amazing, like so amazing for about 30 min lol. And it goes right back down to 96ish. I look very healthy physically , as I used to lift weights at a high level. But I couldnt be further from healthy. This all started 2 years ago-ish after a poorly designed steroid cycle crashing my system.

My cholesterol tends to be high w very low Prog. Dhea, pregnelone. TSH is .4 which I thought is good. Why on earth isn’t my cholesterol converting to those steroid hormones? Test is back to normal , estrogen is low. My metabolism seems to be high as I eat 4k calories at maintenance.

I’m 100% positive this isn’t psychosomatic, and there is some serious nervous system dysfunction going on. I have tried thyroid, progest, nothing rly changes and I’m convinced supps are to stimulative for me right now. I am just going to continue to really rest, get sunshine, try to laugh, and socialize etc..

Random but I am also getting my root canal pulled and having a mold test Done bc I’m severely depressed and go to bed every night wondering If I will wake up


Aug 17, 2016
Hi, lately I have been really struggling to keep going day to day. In the morning my sensitivity to light is just so unbelievably extreme. I truly can’t emphasize how bad it is. My vision is blurry , eyes rly dry, extreme anxiety

I have constant irritability and crazy highs and lows with energy. I can no longer lift weights as body weight movements and even going up the stairs is a hassle. I sleep 8 hours. I drink raw milk lean ground beef, Oj, beef liver , potatoes. Extremely consistent

My temp sits low at like 96.5 and then after I eat it goes to over 99.. and I feel amazing, like so amazing for about 30 min lol. And it goes right back down to 96ish. I look very healthy physically , as I used to lift weights at a high level. But I couldnt be further from healthy. This all started 2 years ago-ish after a poorly designed steroid cycle crashing my system.

My cholesterol tends to be high w very low Prog. Dhea, pregnelone. TSH is .4 which I thought is good. Why on earth isn’t my cholesterol converting to those steroid hormones? Test is back to normal , estrogen is low. My metabolism seems to be high as I eat 4k calories at maintenance.

I’m 100% positive this isn’t psychosomatic, and there is some serious nervous system dysfunction going on. I have tried thyroid, progest, nothing rly changes and I’m convinced supps are to stimulative for me right now. I am just going to continue to really rest, get sunshine, try to laugh, and socialize etc..

Random but I am also getting my root canal pulled and having a mold test Done bc I’m severely depressed and go to bed every night wondering If I will wake up
and maybe eat more fruit? How about chocolate milk? Honey and salt. Shellfish.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
and maybe eat more fruit? How about chocolate milk? Honey and salt. Shellfish.
Thank you , I eat all of those regularly ?. I really don’t think it’s something diet related. Maybe healing will just take a while bc I did some serious damage. And kept exercising rly hard when my hormones were completely tanked and just didn’t listen to my body at all..


Dec 17, 2018
Hi, lately I have been really struggling to keep going day to day. In the morning my sensitivity to light is just so unbelievably extreme. I truly can’t emphasize how bad it is. My vision is blurry , eyes rly dry, extreme anxiety

I have constant irritability and crazy highs and lows with energy. I can no longer lift weights as body weight movements and even going up the stairs is a hassle. I sleep 8 hours. I drink raw milk lean ground beef, Oj, beef liver , potatoes. Extremely consistent

My temp sits low at like 96.5 and then after I eat it goes to over 99.. and I feel amazing, like so amazing for about 30 min lol. And it goes right back down to 96ish. I look very healthy physically , as I used to lift weights at a high level. But I couldnt be further from healthy. This all started 2 years ago-ish after a poorly designed steroid cycle crashing my system.

My cholesterol tends to be high w very low Prog. Dhea, pregnelone. TSH is .4 which I thought is good. Why on earth isn’t my cholesterol converting to those steroid hormones? Test is back to normal , estrogen is low. My metabolism seems to be high as I eat 4k calories at maintenance.

I’m 100% positive this isn’t psychosomatic, and there is some serious nervous system dysfunction going on. I have tried thyroid, progest, nothing rly changes and I’m convinced supps are to stimulative for me right now. I am just going to continue to really rest, get sunshine, try to laugh, and socialize etc..

Random but I am also getting my root canal pulled and having a mold test Done bc I’m severely depressed and go to bed every night wondering If I will wake up
Do you have frequent vivid/bizarre dreams? Or do you not dream at all? Where in the spectrum are you on this?

As aniciete asked already, how much and how often do you eat beef liver?


Sep 22, 2013
Have you been tested for Lyme disease and co-infections such as Bartonella ("cat-scratch disease")?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Do you have frequent vivid/bizarre dreams? Or do you not dream at all? Where in the spectrum are you on this?

As aniciete asked already, how much and how often do you eat beef liver?
Extremely vivid /bizarre and frequent. I often become aware I’m in a dream ..


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Have you been tested for Lyme disease and co-infections such as Bartonella ("cat-scratch disease")?
I have not.. but I don’t count out something like that or Cushings ,Addison’s disease could be at play.. what would one do for that ?


Dec 17, 2018
Extremely vivid /bizarre and frequent. I often become aware I’m in a dream ..

Yeh this is what I suspected. You have high acetylcholine activity. Excess Ach activity increases REM sleep and reduces restorative sleep. Basically this causes your whole system to be pushed further and further and not regenerate properly overnight like its supposed to. So its similar to chronic sleep deprivation. Thus your temps and everything else will forever stay suboptimal until you can get true restorative sleep. This will also cause anxiety and mood swings, and many other behavioral and mental symptoms.

I think your potato consumption is the major issue. Potatoes have solanine which is a toxic glycoalkaloid that damages mitochondria but more detrimental is the fact that solanine inhibit acetylcholine breakdown in the synapse which cause Ach levels to build up in the synapses where they exert their action. The half life of solanine is quite long, 21 hours. So frequent consumption and large amounts of potatoes will lead to a build up solanine and Ach will be chronically elevated no matter what you do. You have to drop the potatoes immediately and the issue should subside as the solanine slowly leaves your system. Other things may be contributing but mainly I think its that. I would avoid liver as well for now. It is quite high in choline so will just make your issue worse for now. And avoid eggs but from what you wrote I dont think you eat eggs. Once you improve, I would still not go back to eating liver as it is quite high in copper and especially with the amount you consume. Too much copper intake can increase overexcitation and anxiety.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Yeh this is what I suspected. You have high acetylcholine activity. Excess Ach activity increases REM sleep and reduces restorative sleep. Basically this causes your whole system to be pushed further and further and not regenerate properly overnight like its supposed to. So its similar to chronic sleep deprivation. Thus your temps and everything else will forever stay suboptimal until you can get true restorative sleep. This will also cause anxiety and mood swings, and many other behavioral and mental symptoms.

I think your potato consumption is the major issue. Potatoes have solanine which is a toxic glycoalkaloid that damages mitochondria but more detrimental is the fact that solanine inhibit acetylcholine breakdown in the synapse which cause Ach levels to build up in the synapses where they exert their action. The half life of solanine is quite long, 21 hours. So frequent consumption and large amounts of potatoes will lead to a build up solanine and Ach will be chronically elevated no matter what you do. You have to drop the potatoes immediately and the issue should subside as the solanine slowly leaves your system. Other things may be contributing but mainly I think its that. I would avoid liver as well for now. It is quite high in choline so will just make your issue worse for now. And avoid eggs but from what you wrote I dont think you eat eggs. Once you improve, I would still not go back to eating liver as it is quite high in copper and especially with the amount you consume. Too much copper intake can increase overexcitation and anxiety.
Yeh this is what I suspected. You have high acetylcholine activity. Excess Ach activity increases REM sleep and reduces restorative sleep. Basically this causes your whole system to be pushed further and further and not regenerate properly overnight like its supposed to. So its similar to chronic sleep deprivation. Thus your temps and everything else will forever stay suboptimal until you can get true restorative sleep. This will also cause anxiety and mood swings, and many other behavioral and mental symptoms.

I think your potato consumption is the major issue. Potatoes have solanine which is a toxic glycoalkaloid that damages mitochondria but more detrimental is the fact that solanine inhibit acetylcholine breakdown in the synapse which cause Ach levels to build up in the synapses where they exert their action. The half life of solanine is quite long, 21 hours. So frequent consumption and large amounts of potatoes will lead to a build up solanine and Ach will be chronically elevated no matter what you do. You have to drop the potatoes immediately and the issue should subside as the solanine slowly leaves your system. Other things may be contributing but mainly I think its that. I would avoid liver as well for now. It is quite high in choline so will just make your issue worse for now. And avoid eggs but from what you wrote I dont think you eat eggs. Once you improve, I would still not go back to eating liver as it is quite high in copper and especially with the amount you consume. Too much copper intake can increase overexcitation and anxiety.
Wow I appreciate this info.. it turns out I eat 4 lbs potatoes daily.. im not exaggerating . And eggs I eat as well . A dozen a week about. Potatoes to me just feel really satiating in the moment. But clearly something isn’t working for me so I am onboard to ditch them .

I have a lot of calories to fill , would you suggest filling those carbs w more milk and fruit ? Are there any okay starches that don’t cause these issues potatoes may? Rice , bananas , squash ? Or just stay away from all and go full on Peat mode w plenty of Milk and OJ?

Also I thought copper was crucial to balance out iron? But I guess my system is so compromised and over excited it wants more relaxing things like milk, calcium , fruit etc?

Very interested in your response . Thanks a lot


Dec 17, 2018
Wow I appreciate this info.. it turns out I eat 4 lbs potatoes daily.. im not exaggerating . And eggs I eat as well . A dozen a week about. Potatoes to me just feel really satiating in the moment. But clearly something isn’t working for me so I am onboard to ditch them .

I have a lot of calories to fill , would you suggest filling those carbs w more milk and fruit ? Are there any okay starches that don’t cause these issues potatoes may? Rice , bananas , squash ? Or just stay away from all and go full on Peat mode w plenty of Milk and OJ?

Also I thought copper was crucial to balance out iron? But I guess my system is so compromised and over excited it wants more relaxing things like milk, calcium , fruit etc?

Very interested in your response . Thanks a lot
Dam yeh... Thats a ton of potatoes. I would drop it all immediately. Sweet potatoes and yams arent nightshades so they dont have glycoalkaloids. Squash is not a nightshade either. White rice is good as well. Starch is calming for the most part unless you eat nightshades.

Copper is important but considering all the potatoes and liver you eat you likely get too much on a daily basis compared to zinc in your diet.

You can drop eggs intake as well for now this will reduce your symptoms somewhat while solanine leaves your system. And you can reintroduce them once you are all good. This is just going to reduce your symptoms somewhat by eliminating high choline sources in your diet temporarily.
Last edited:


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Dam yeh... Thats a ton of potatoes. I would drop it all immediately. Sweet potatoes and yams arent nightshades so they dont have glycoalkaloids. Squash is not a nightshade either. White rice is good as well. Starch is calming for the most part unless you eat nightshades.

Copper is important but considering all the potatoes and liver you eat you likely get too much on a daily basis compared to zinc in your diet.

You can drop eggs intake as well for now this will reduce your symptoms somewhat while solanine leaves you system. And you can reintroduce them once you are all good. This is just going to reduce your symptoms somewhat by eliminating high choline sources in your diet temporarily.
Noted thanks a lot, would any antiCholinergics be beneficial to speed up the recovery? Bc I’ve been eating a LOT of potatoes for a LONG time


Dec 17, 2018
Noted thanks a lot, would any antiCholinergics be beneficial to speed up the recovery? Bc I’ve been eating a LOT of potatoes for a LONG time
You get about 136mg of solanine from all those potatoes daily so going from 136mg to zero daily you will improve every day. Anticholinergic will reduce symptoms yes but getting off them will just cause a rebound effect on their own so best avoided. Recovery will be steady if you stop cold turkey. You just need to power through the next few days.


Aug 17, 2016
Hi, lately I have been really struggling to keep going day to day. In the morning my sensitivity to light is just so unbelievably extreme. I truly can’t emphasize how bad it is. My vision is blurry , eyes rly dry, extreme anxiety

I have constant irritability and crazy highs and lows with energy. I can no longer lift weights as body weight movements and even going up the stairs is a hassle. I sleep 8 hours. I drink raw milk lean ground beef, Oj, beef liver , potatoes. Extremely consistent

My temp sits low at like 96.5 and then after I eat it goes to over 99.. and I feel amazing, like so amazing for about 30 min lol. And it goes right back down to 96ish. I look very healthy physically , as I used to lift weights at a high level. But I couldnt be further from healthy. This all started 2 years ago-ish after a poorly designed steroid cycle crashing my system.

My cholesterol tends to be high w very low Prog. Dhea, pregnelone. TSH is .4 which I thought is good. Why on earth isn’t my cholesterol converting to those steroid hormones? Test is back to normal , estrogen is low. My metabolism seems to be high as I eat 4k calories at maintenance.

I’m 100% positive this isn’t psychosomatic, and there is some serious nervous system dysfunction going on. I have tried thyroid, progest, nothing rly changes and I’m convinced supps are to stimulative for me right now. I am just going to continue to really rest, get sunshine, try to laugh, and socialize etc..

Random but I am also getting my root canal pulled and having a mold test Done bc I’m severely depressed and go to bed every night wondering If I will wake up
have you tried the carrot salad?

Seriously, you have some serotonin symptoms and then, compensatory adrenaline.
Maybe a good gut clean out. Cascara/charcoal.
And B2. Maybe taurine.

I had some wacked catecholamine (noradrenaline levels) when I was way over-training aikido with hormonal imbalances.
Even though my TSH was .08, I had symptoms of hypothyroidism.
The soles of my feet turned orange (from carrot salad) when I first started Peating when I was going through this.
I'd be weary of embarking on replaciing your white potatoes with sweet potatoes which are high in beta-carotene.

Inosine cured my getting up to pee at night/restless sleep. I never again felt the catecholamiine fluttery rush after only 2 doses of inosine.


Sep 22, 2013
If you do decide to test for Lyme, this is a good overview of available testing that's effective:



Sep 22, 2021
new york
have you tried the carrot salad?

Seriously, you have some serotonin symptoms and then, compensatory adrenaline.
Maybe a good gut clean out. Cascara/charcoal.
And B2. Maybe taurine.

I had some wacked catecholamine (noradrenaline levels) when I was way over-training aikido with hormonal imbalances.
Even though my TSH was .08, I had symptoms of hypothyroidism.
The soles of my feet turned orange (from carrot salad) when I first started Peating when I was going through this.
I'd be weary of embarking on replaciing your white potatoes with sweet potatoes which are high in beta-carotene.

Inosine cured my getting up to pee at night/restless sleep. I never again felt the catecholamiine fluttery rush after only 2 doses of inosine.
Thank you , yes
have you tried the carrot salad?

Seriously, you have some serotonin symptoms and then, compensatory adrenaline.
Maybe a good gut clean out. Cascara/charcoal.
And B2. Maybe taurine.

I had some wacked catecholamine (noradrenaline levels) when I was way over-training aikido with hormonal imbalances.
Even though my TSH was .08, I had symptoms of hypothyroidism.
The soles of my feet turned orange (from carrot salad) when I first started Peating when I was going through this.
I'd be weary of embarking on replaciing your white potatoes with sweet potatoes which are high in beta-carotene.

Inosine cured my getting up to pee at night/restless sleep. I never again felt the catecholamiine fluttery rush after only 2 doses of inosine.
I have had carrot salad. I am going to stay religious too It now. And remove all potatoes and not go to sweet. Maybe starches are too much for me right now. I’m constantly always a little bloated but with abs, so ya something is up w my gut. Obviously stress induced. That is why I’m going eliminate a lot of foods and focus on the peat go tos. I will throw in Cascara as well… I supp taurine already . How long/ did you heal yourself ? Did you give up exercise completely for a period?


Dec 17, 2018
Thank you , yes

I have had carrot salad. I am going to stay religious too It now. And remove all potatoes and not go to sweet. Maybe starches are too much for me right now. I’m constantly always a little bloated but with abs, so ya something is up w my gut. Obviously stress induced. That is why I’m going eliminate a lot of foods and focus on the peat go tos. I will throw in Cascara as well… I supp taurine already . How long/ did you heal yourself ? Did you give up exercise completely for a period?
The bloating is likely also from the solanine but also the fact the sheer amount of potatoes you eat provides a lot of fiber.

I also would not completely replace all the potatoes you are eating with sweet potatoes but they are an option to include sometimes. Rice is a better option. But you do need options of course your diet doesn't have to be so simple and straightforward.
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