Seratonin Sydrome Being My Issues? And Lowering Seratonin Please


Aug 2, 2020
Ive been reading the articles on peat here about seratonin being a dangeous compound in excess. hopefully someone can come in and shed some more light and answer a few things. in my last posts ive said ive been struggling for 2 years now with head and body spasms it looks like akathisia or a type of seizure i get but i am awake and coherent. after eating carbs, caffeigne, after a night of drinking these symptoms get uncontrollable and i cant control my movements and anxiety is through the roof. and alot of what im describing seems to relate to seratonin sydrome? the confusing part was that an ssri really help me for a good 6 years it did get me out of a major anxiety and depression pit. in the past 2 years ive just noticed worsening anxiety and the body tremors and jerking motions of my head and hands. despite trying different ssris and even a few ADD medications like vyvanse nothing has worked to help me. why would ssris initially help me tho? is it a long term effect of taking them that causes motor movement damage? should i be enhancing GABA? i take klonopin 1mg a day which meh somewhat helps and recently ive been prescribed GABApentin which should be safer then benzos because it binds to the GABA receptor in a less addictive way. i am starting to reduce the effexor i am currently on to see if it helps my condition. i have DHEA and Pregnenolone 50mg i am not sure if i should take these? would they lower seratonin? i do not have the money for cypro. is there something else around the house i can take to reduce seratonin to see if this is my main problem? maybe eating chicken breast or full protein would make the other amino acids help soak up the tryptophan and lower seratonin?
Mar 10, 2021
Ive been reading the articles on peat here about seratonin being a dangeous compound in excess. hopefully someone can come in and shed some more light and answer a few things. in my last posts ive said ive been struggling for 2 years now with head and body spasms it looks like akathisia or a type of seizure i get but i am awake and coherent. after eating carbs, caffeigne, after a night of drinking these symptoms get uncontrollable and i cant control my movements and anxiety is through the roof. and alot of what im describing seems to relate to seratonin sydrome? the confusing part was that an ssri really help me for a good 6 years it did get me out of a major anxiety and depression pit. in the past 2 years ive just noticed worsening anxiety and the body tremors and jerking motions of my head and hands. despite trying different ssris and even a few ADD medications like vyvanse nothing has worked to help me. why would ssris initially help me tho? is it a long term effect of taking them that causes motor movement damage? should i be enhancing GABA? i take klonopin 1mg a day which meh somewhat helps and recently ive been prescribed GABApentin which should be safer then benzos because it binds to the GABA receptor in a less addictive way. i am starting to reduce the effexor i am currently on to see if it helps my condition. i have DHEA and Pregnenolone 50mg i am not sure if i should take these? would they lower seratonin? i do not have the money for cypro. is there something else around the house i can take to reduce seratonin to see if this is my main problem? maybe eating chicken breast or full protein would make the other amino acids help soak up the tryptophan and lower seratonin?
My sister-in-law deals with the same symptoms you describe, coming on without warning last year. Her sudden attacks that looked like seizures gave her such anxiety never knowing when the were gonna pop up, which made things even worse. She went to the hospital the first time via ambulance. She now goes to a therapist and is on medication with no answers. I can tell you her diet is crappy, never being out in the sun, claiming to be allergic to it l, so she is very pale, and she drinks a lot of beer. I don't know if you are following a Ray Peat inspired diet, but I, personally, would not go my sister-in-law route and end up on medication and in therapist offices the rest of my life, before really cracking down my your diet and possibly environment.


Sep 13, 2012
Have to know what the diet is like. I get serotonin symptoms from too much hard to digest food like nuts and whole grains. But an anxiety attack can happen from a blood sugar drop too.
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