Scientists Believe They’re Getting Closer To An Anti-aging Pill


Apr 4, 2017

"Anti-aging products from skin creams to chemical peels are part of a $250 billion industry, but scientists have yet to discover a longevity elixir that stands up to medical scrutiny. A group of researchers believe they’re getting closer, however, thanks to a compound called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+ for short.

“NAD+ is the closest we’ve gotten to a fountain of youth,” says David Sinclair, co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School. “It’s one of the most important molecules for life to exist, and without it, you’re dead in 30 seconds.”

NAD+ is a molecule found in all living cells and is critical for regulating cellular aging and maintaining proper function of the whole body. Levels of NAD+ in people and animals diminish significantly over time, and researchers have found that re-upping NAD+ in older mice causes them to look and act younger, as well as live longer than expected. In a March 2017 study published in the journal Science, Sinclair and his colleagues put drops of a compound known to raise levels of NAD+ into the water for a group of mice.

Within a couple hours, the NAD+ levels in the mice had risen significantly. In about a week, signs of aging in the tissue and muscles of the older mice reversed to the point that researchers could no longer tell the difference between the tissues of a 2-year-old mouse and those of a 4-month-old one.

Now scientists are trying to achieve similar results in humans. A randomized control trial (considered the gold standard of scientific research) from a different group of researchers published November 2017 in the journal Nature found that people who took a daily supplement containing NAD+ precursors had a substantial, sustained increase in their NAD+ levels over a two-month period.

Sinclair takes an NAD+ upper daily. Anecdotally, he says he doesn’t experience hangovers or jet lag like he used to, he talks faster, and feels sharper and younger. His father takes it too: “He’s 78, and used to act like Eeyore,” says Sinclair. “Now he’s going on six-day hikes and traveling around the world.

“I’m not saying we’ve proven it works,” Sinclair adds. “But I can say that if it’s going to work, I hope to be the one to prove it.”

He has competition. Sinclair plans to take his NAD+ research through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process and eventually create a pill that could be prescribed by a doctor or purchased over the counter, but another company, called Elysium, is already selling a supplement called Basis that contains compounds known to boost NAD+ levels. (Basis is the supplement tested in the 2017 Nature study.) Leonard Guarente, Elysium’s chief scientist and co-founder–who also directs the Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at MIT–says Basis is not intended to extend people’s life spans, but to help them stay healthier for longer.

Eight Nobel laureates are on the company’s scientific advisory board. “I don’t really mind how long I live provided the life is as good as it is now,” says board member Sir Richard Roberts, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (who is 74). “The only difference I’ve noticed is that the skin on my elbows is smoother than it used to be. Whether it’s Basis or something else, I have no idea.”

By bringing Basis to market as a supplement, and not a drug, Elysium is not required to undergo years of clinical research and FDA approval processes. That decision, and the support of prominent scientists, has stoked criticism from some medical-community experts who wonder why Nobel laureates would attach their names to a supplement without much human research behind it. Elysium declined to confirm if the scientific advisory board members are paid.

Although Basis is already available for purchase, Elysium is currently conducting clinical trials of the supplement. This research, plus that of Sinclair and others, may finally reveal whether NAD+ is the health-extending compound they hope it is." .. n-the-horizon/


Jul 13, 2014
theyll only ever release something they can make money from.


Jun 7, 2016
won’t b much difference with all the pufa getting around.
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Jan 26, 2016
“I think David Sinclair has advanced science and civilization about as much as Barbara Walters.“- ray peat


Aug 28, 2012
Also they wouldnt be able to release that is shown to significantly extend lifespan or prevent cancer etc, the inbreds will never allow their cancer industry/depopulation plan to be side tracked.


Jan 25, 2014
theyll only ever release something they can make money from.

That literally is the goal of every business ever. It's also true that employees only go to work for companies they can make money from.


Aug 6, 2017
They found the most obvious anti-aging and generally healthy substances decades ago. Then they outlawed them with the UN drug treaties, ensuring only the elites have access. Any normal person that tries to get access risks years to decades in prison, all the while CIA and similar make the money from these attempts.


Jan 26, 2016
Im not sure if people are really appreciating the immense incompetence of David Sinclair here... He was best known for promoting resveratrol... Resveratrol was said to work by increasing the activity of the gene SirT1 and niacinamide (nicotinamide) suppresses SirT1. What a hack


Jan 25, 2014
They found the most obvious anti-aging and generally healthy substances decades ago. Then they outlawed them with the UN drug treaties, ensuring only the elites have access. Any normal person that tries to get access risks years to decades in prison, all the while CIA and similar make the money from these attempts.

Except you can still buy Niacinamide over the counter, pretty cheaply.
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Jan 25, 2014
Im not sure if people are really appreciating the immense incompetence of David Sinclair here... He was best known for promoting resveratrol... Resveratrol was said to work by increasing the activity of the gene SirT1 and niacinamide (nicotinamide) suppresses SirT1. What a hack

To be fair, he's not pushing Niacinamide, he's pushing NiaGen, the more expensive form (Nicotinamide Riboside), which activates Sirtuins. Not disagreeing with your assessment of Sinclair, but he's being consistent here.


Jul 13, 2014
That literally is the goal of every business ever. It's also true that employees only go to work for companies they can make money from.
That's garbage. A lot of people choose a job because it's a passion. A friend of mine did his maths PHD and chose to stay in academia teaching at a university, rather than work for a bank where he would have been on several a very generous salary.


Jan 25, 2014
That's garbage. A lot of people choose a job because it's a passion. A friend of mine did his maths PHD and chose to stay in academia teaching at a university, rather than work for a bank where he would have been on several a very generous salary.

So he gets no money at all teaching in a university?


Oct 5, 2018
They found the most obvious anti-aging and generally healthy substances decades ago. Then they outlawed them with the UN drug treaties, ensuring only the elites have access. Any normal person that tries to get access risks years to decades in prison, all the while CIA and similar make the money from these attempts.
Okay, i'm new here, so I have to ask - what is it?


Jan 25, 2014
Okay, i'm new here, so I have to ask - what is it?

Well, I can't speak for REI, but here are the overall strategies that I use-

Eat good food.

Live in a good place.

Keep stress low (both stressful events, and hormones)

Optimize youth associated hormones (pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA).

Optimize Androgens (Testosterone, DHT, Androsterone, and so on)

Improve Circulation

Keep NAD+ high, and improve NAD+/NADH ratio

Keep Metabolism high (big on thryroid)

Keep Fat Soluble Vitamins High (A,D,E, and K2)

Optimize B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3 especially)

Monitor body iron stores, and keep them near-deficiency.

Minimize PUFA

Minimize Endotoxin

Always stay engaged and keep learning

Have Goals

Have a good social circle

That's a fair amount of things right there. Also easier said that done. But there are also strategies and discussions on how to achieve the first 10, while the last 3 are pretty much up to the individual.

As for what "pills" you might take? How about Niacinamide, Thiamine, Riboblavin, All the fat soluble vitamins, Pregnenolone, Androgens (if you have access), NDT or T4/T3, Methylene Blue, various quinones, Antibiotics, Lactoferrin, and (while not a pills) donate blood, red and infrared light, and Inclined Bed Therapy.


Oct 5, 2018
@tankasnowgod Thank You :) that's pretty comprehensive,
bookmarked the post, it'll make a good check list.
Keep NAD+ high, and improve NAD+/NADH ratio
What's the best way to do that in your opinion?

I'm not 100% sure but I think he meant l-s-d.
Had a short experiment with low doses for several weeks about 20 years ago,
completely screwed up my spatial awareness, my verbal fluency, made my eyes extra sensitive to light for a while and all together made me really stupid,
I also had friends who got completely f*cked by it, couldn't leave the house, do or achieve anything, one of them described it as a complete colapse of his life, a mental and spiritual paralysis.
I have regreted taking it for many years after I had,
Have you had a good experience with it?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@tankasnowgod Thank You :) that's pretty comprehensive,
bookmarked the post, it'll make a good check list.

What's the best way to do that in your opinion?

Had a short experiment with low doses for several weeks about 20 years ago,
completely screwed up my spatial awareness, my verbal fluency, made my eyes extra sensitive to light for a while and all together made me really stupid,
I also had friends who got completely f*cked by it, couldn't leave the house, do or achieve anything, one of them described it as a complete colapse of his life, a mental and spiritual paralysis.
I have regreted taking it for many years after I had,
Have you had a good experience with it?
No, I've not tried it personally but I do think that is what he was referring to in the post. Hopefully he will pop back in and let us know if my speculation is correct. I probably would have tried it in my younger years if I'd had the opportunity but at this point in my life I'm doing good on the sober track. :)
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