Saying Hello


Oct 31, 2012
The calender says I'll be sixty six this month. I wandered into Peat's work in the late nineties. I tended to keep pet health cults as part of my reading. I was intrigued by Dr. Buteyko's ideas and Dr. Tomatis' theories of listening. Anyway, I would always go to a non commercial buteyko site ( and there buried in the other information was an link to a paper by Ray Peat on Carbon Dioxide. I lurked on their message board for several years practicing buteyko by myself. I read my way through the articles on Ray's website and began shifting my diet around his ideas. Since he answered questions I generally asked for other people. Finally I tried various thyroid products because my weight had continued to climb despite lots of running around. Then Dr. Peat was kind enough to encourage me to continue and I eventually took enough to make it work. This last year a long standing problem came to a head. My left knee had stopped bending. I had assumed it was damage from a lifetime of work and playing tennis. Falling off loading docks and ladders etc. However after finally having an MRI the problem is arthritis. So for the last few months I have been doing dry co2 baths and progesterone dhea creams to try and reverse my condition. So thanks to you all for sharing your struggles with life's challenges. So I'm going upstairs to have my super mocha. Gelatin sugar salt milk and espresso. Oh I'm writing this beneath a heat lamp.


Oct 1, 2012

Welcome! You are probably the first poster, on any board, I have ever come across to mention Tomatis. He is such an interesting character. I read _The Conscious Ear_ when immersed in Jewish thought. The "Shema Yisrael" is literally "Hear, O Israel." Hearing is supposedly our first sense to develop, and our last to go at death. Would love your thoughts on Tomatis and his work.


Oct 22, 2012
Hello Ken,
Welcome. And thanks for adding your bit of history. I love it when I read where people have come to the same place with paths to similar spots along the way.

I also read some Butyko literature and asked Dr. Peat about it...but he referred me to his article. ...that was when my thyroid functioning/metabolism was especially low and I always felt like I was always hungry for air. The typical person with mouth always open. Unattractive, but what can you do?

But have not had that problem since upping magnesium to levels that give me free breathing. This after having Achilles tendon break, surgery and then scary menopause and then frozen shoulder. A bit of thyroid and progesterone to get me over the menopause hump, but still going downhill. Racing heart...the frozen shoulder.

So read Dr. Peat's work once again to support the magnesium supplementation for the racing heart which made me certain I was going to die soon as all the energy I had was to sit and search for help ...walking slowly across the room was like running a marathon (too many sites scare people out of their wits before even trials of supplementation) and within a few hours, my legs had strength to traverse the basement stairs to the laundry without hanging on to the railing. Within a week the frozen shoulder had thawed. Took time to restrengthen and get full range of motion...but I was on my way. Achilles injury/surgery May 2001 to January 2004 magnesium, etc.

Recently (a couple months back or so) I experienced a night when I went to bed and felt hungry for air. Back to the kitchen for magnesium, B-complex and a bit of Progest-E Complex and I was all better again.

Do you still do the breathing? It never lessened my hunger for air, so I abandoned it.



Oct 31, 2012
I never took the lessons, simply tried to nose breath when i thought of it and taped my mouth at night for a couple of years. I haven't done that lately, since i finally got my thyroid supplements right. I think Dr. Peat wasn't particularly impressed with sitting around for an hour a day trying to breath less. I don't think much of trying to control automatic processes with will power, but i suppose the idea is to create a habit. That usually takes a great effort. If Dr. Peat is correct that environment is the dominant factor in creating our health situation, then many things have gone in to creating the condition of asthma, ms, hypertension, arthritis etc. Similarly we have several environmental factors to change to relieve the condition.
Dr. Buteyko advised his patients in a clinic setting on diet, physical exercise and breath exercise.


Oct 31, 2012
I loved tomatis' ideas. Got my self to a Tomatis' therapist, dragged my two children. Lot easier than Buteyko, just sit there with headphones. "The voice can not produce what that the ear cannot hear." Something like that. It is self evidently true. It's also easy to verify that sound in the right ear clearer than the left. Now I can go out and sing with friends. That being said seemed like he had a rotten childhood.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hi Ken! Welcome to the forum! :welcome

By dry Co2 baths do you mean like in a plastic bag with Co2 gas? Can you tell if that is helping?


Oct 31, 2012
It certainly relaxes my legs. Whether or not it will rebuild damaged bone remains to be seen. I'm using it with high dose vit K. Some of the research says it will only help mild arthritic conditions, but they aren't using the vit k. In the video of Peat talking to Bud Weiss' buteyko class, Peat calls co2 a cardinal adsorbent. High praise in the theoretical structure he's building. What it means is co2 immediately returns cells to an unstressed condition so that normal functioning can resume. On top of that co2 is co-factor with vit k to create the substance to re-calcify the bones and hopefully get the calcium out of the tissue.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Ken, thank you for explaining about Co2. I really hope that works out for you and you get better. Please keep us updated!

Sure makes me wonder about moving to a high altitude place.
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