Saturated Fat More Stressful?


Mar 2, 2016
So they took healthy women and women who had a history of major depression, and fed them meals consisting of "eggs, turkey sausage, biscuits and gravy," with the difference between them being the saturated fat content. I noted the high saturated fat meal still contained 13.5 grams of oleic acid, which is pretty significant. They found these meals increased inflammatory markers after eating them. I'm not really surprised. One thing I found interesting is according to the charts, the saturated fat meals reduced inflammatory markers in women that stress prior in the day. The values associated with these markers are also barely statistically significant.

Conclusion; feed bad food to organism, organism responds with inflammation. Higher levels of saturated fat were associated with decreased inflammatory markers when the day included stressors, compared to no stress. The lower levels of inflammation in the high-oleic meal are probably related to something like lowering of inflammatory markers with intake of fish oil, essentially from the poisoning of the related metabolic pathways.


Jun 20, 2015
The women received a test meal, and a couple of hours later blood samples were taken, inflammatory markers determined. The meals were high caloric, high fat, low protein and "designed to mimic common fast food meals."

Enough fat in both to trigger "metabolic endotoxemia". Possibly higher short term immune suppression in the higher PUFA meal.

Related thread: Endotoxin And Fat Consumption


Aug 31, 2016
Vancouver, BC
And herein lies the problem with the study that failed to remove all possible inflammatory markers. Eggs, turkey sausage, biscuits, and gravy, playing a game of "what doesn't belong here", should quickly identify that both biscuits and gravy are the odd ones out. Biscuits, a grainy or white flour product if you will, combined with gravy also usually made with white flour and often with milk, are both known to cause inflammation in many people by themselves. White flour products in itself are known to cause inflammation on their own, the same with dairy.

If they want to somehow group saturated fat in with inflammation, then they best not to add other known inflammatory foods in the process.


Feb 20, 2013
The women received a test meal, and a couple of hours later blood samples were taken, inflammatory markers determined. The meals were high caloric, high fat, low protein and "designed to mimic common fast food meals."

It is not clear to me that these are inflammatory markers. Quick google
search shows out of 4 markers 3 lowers nitric oxide synthesis.
Looks like they picked these 4 markers as inflammatory because
these compounds lower nitric oxide. In reference 16,
it is shown that in 12 week study high MUFA diet increased
nitric oxide synthase more than high SFA diet. There is
a inverse relationship between nitric oxide and SICAM-1.
In peaty world nitric oxide is not a good thing.

Atherosclerosis. 2010 Apr;209(2):533-8. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2009.09.023. Epub 2009 Sep 20.
Dietary fat differentially influences regulatory endothelial function during the postprandial state in patients with metabolic syndrome: from the LIPGENE study.
Perez-Martinez P1, Moreno-Conde M, Cruz-Teno C, Ruano J, Fuentes F, Delgado-Lista J, Garcia-Rios A,Marin C, Gomez-Luna MJ, Perez-Jimenez F, Roche HM, Lopez-Miranda J.
Author information

To investigate whether endothelium-dependent vasomotor function and plasma levels of cellular adhesion molecules are affected by diets with different fat quantity and quality during the postprandial state in subjects with the metabolic syndrome (MetS).

Patients were randomly assigned to one of four isoenergetic diets distinct in fat quantity and quality: high-SFA (HSFA); high-MUFA (HMUFA) and two low-fat, high-complex carbohydrate (LFHCC) diets, supplemented with 1.24g/day of long chain n-3 PUFA (LC n-3 PUFA) or placebo for 12 weeks each. Flow-associated vasodilatation of the brachial artery and postprandial plasma levels of total nitrites, nitric oxide (NO) synthase, soluble intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), and P-selectin were assessed post-intervention.

Post-intervention postprandial flow-associated vasodilatation was significantly higher after the HMUFA diet (P<0.05) compared to subjects adhering to the other three diets. Consistently, the postprandial NO synthase response significantly increased during the HMUFA compared with the HSFA and LFHCC (placebo) diets. Postprandial sICAM-1 levels were lower during the HMUFA than during the HSFA and LFHCC n-3 diets.

Our data support the notion that the HMUFA diet improves postprandial endothelial cell function and decreases postprandial plasma sICAM-1 concentrations in patients with the MetS. These findings suggest that the postprandial state is important for understanding possible cardio-protective effects associated with the Mediterranean diet particularly in subject with the MetS.


Nov 16, 2015
The women received a test meal, and a couple of hours later blood samples were taken, inflammatory markers determined. The meals were high caloric, high fat, low protein and "designed to mimic common fast food meals."


Related thread: Endotoxin And Fat Consumption
Ooooh I forgot about that delightful thread. Went back through it and I think it explains a lot. Thanks!
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