Salt Or Just Sodium?


Jun 4, 2014
I am only just beginning to be exposed to some of Ray Peat's ideas. He seems to be an advocate of an adequate salt intake. Does he see value in just sodium, or is the chloride essential in his view? For example, could we take sodium bicarbonate and get the same value?


Jan 25, 2014
Not sure either, what exactly Peat thinks about chloride. Anyway chloride is essential mineral for example for stomach acid (HCL). Also the extra cellular concentration is quite ´high´ implicating that it certainly plays an important role in maintaining blood volume, which minimizes the pathological effect of certain pathways when activated (RAAS is one).

HCO3- concentration is lower, so less is needed. It will alkalize your urine too. Urine being too acid isn't good but certainly too alkaline isn't favourable as well. My advise is to take 1g NaHCO3 a day/ max or other wise you may run into troubles in the longer run. 2-3 grams won't do harm short term though.


Jun 4, 2014
Suikerbuik said:
Not sure either, what exactly Peat thinks about chloride. Anyway chloride is essential mineral for example for stomach acid (HCL). Also the extra cellular concentration is quite ´high´ implicating that it certainly plays an important role in maintaining blood volume, which minimizes the pathological effect of certain pathways when activated (RAAS is one).

HCO3- concentration is lower, so less is needed. It will alkalize your urine too. Urine being too acid isn't good but certainly too alkaline isn't favourable as well. My advise is to take 1g NaHCO3 a day/ max or other wise you may run into troubles in the longer run. 2-3 grams won't do harm short term though.

Do you have an opinion about a good target pH for urine? I figure as long as you are not seeing numbers much above 7.6 unlikely you are creating too many alkaline buffers in serum? Certainly when I stop taking alkaline fluids I get very acidic urine (5.5 or lower) for long periods during the day.

To me pH is complex, because there are layers of alkalinity in the body, and they can all be acid or alkaline independent of each other, at the same time. There is nuclear pH, cellular pH, tissue pH, and serum pH. Then we have saliva pH, which may or may not reflect serum. And urine pH, which is more a comment about which buffers to serum pH are in excess.

I'm very interested in understanding how all of these different layers of pH work together.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Peat talked about pH, acid/alkaline balance and CO2 a bit at the beginning of the most recent Rainmaking time interview.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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