RP Email Advice Comment: Political Power And Deception


May 27, 2015
"Off topic: do you follow history? I believe there are ancient families behind the church, freemasonry, &c, but i dont know who they are. I heard the founders of etruscan civilization migrated from Iran, the proverbial founders of rome. Obviously, the us isnt getting better. Im thinking of emigrating to russia and i follow history to plot a course. The Informer on thinkorbebeaten.com does a very interesting legal analysis of the united states, detailing how we lost the revolutionary war legally and therefore are still subjects of the crown."

"I think understanding political history is essential for understanding culture and science, because the manipulations and deceptions of power are aimed toward total control. I’ve been aware of U.S. fascism for most of my life, having read Smedley Butler’s account of the 1934 coup attempt against FDR, involving DuPont and J.P. Morgan officials and Henry Luce’s publications. Their plan was to say that they were taking over because of the president’s poor health. Because Butler went to congress to reveal the plot, it was delayed for 11 years. The Dulles brothers managed the US government from 1945 to 1963, and Gladio guided Europe. In 1965 at Blake College, we had a course on the role of the Masons in the politics of Latin America, taught by Iso Brante, who had done considerable research on the subject. At that time, the Sinarquistas were still very active in Mexico. For a long time I have thought of Russia and the west side of Latin America as the places where civilization would have its best chance to escape."


Jan 1, 2013
I wonder if Ray read Anthony Sutton.

If he did, then he should have known Russia wasn't a worker's paradise, as the left US media was portraying it.


May 27, 2015
I'm sure he did, or has it figured out. He probably likes what russia was before it was beat into submission. Culturally, tbey're very good. I think the wall street funded revolution was only half of breaking russia, and if their economy takes off now, witb material prosperity, that will be the nail in the coffin of traditional russia, because they'll forget who they were.


May 27, 2015
On this day in 1956, Avery Dulles, S.J., was ordained to the priesthood by Cardinal Francis Spellman at Fordham University. Here he is seen with his father, John Foster Dulles, who served as Secretary of State under Dwight D. Eisenhower.


May 27, 2015
President Diem, south vietnamese president, meeting with church representative.



May 27, 2015
I think it will become prosperous, a new financial center. A few reasons: if they consolodate krimea, they can extend their oil supply to europe. Once BRICS becomes consolidated, if the dollar takes a dump, russia will be there to lead with a new currency. A highway between moscow and bejing is being constructed. Russia has a lot of natural resources and a hungry population that cares more about material propserity than ideology. Carrol quigley, bill ckinton's history teacher at georgetown said russia would ascend as america crumbles. I think it's in the cards. Also, i like the culture of russia. People are more resistant to bullsbit, tv, stronger families, more respect for each otber, more cynical. Of course the whole world is being consolidated, but im betting on russia for a better life once i finish ny education and inprove my russian here.

Russia's already been broken, despite the many positive aspects of their culture and psychology. Wealth centers are always necessarily or else technical stagnation develops.


Oct 11, 2015
You've done a lot of digging that is good. The Catholic Church has been corrupt to various degrees throughout it's history. Hell, read Dante's inferno for confirmation of that.

I think you have a misunderstanding about Russia and if anything you have it backwards. Russia is LESS materialist than the West and probably more religious. By materialist I mean worshiping material things not necessarily technological development or improving quality of life. Iphone good curing cancer without a profit not important, that sort of thing. Difference is the predominant sect of Christianity in Russia is the Orthodox Church which is very different from evangelical/Catholic teachings. The Catholic Church and evangelicals are of the globalist, perfection on earth variety. I won't get into my specific qualms with their interpretations of the Bible/history but suffice it to say they're a modern manifestation of the Tower of Babel and lack context for the teachings they supposedly follow so accurately.

I do think the Russians are the good guys as well. It's basically the Bankers/Zionists ( EU, Anglosphere, Israel, Saudia Arabia ) vs Russia/China/N.K ( I don't think these guys are perfect either but they're the lesser of the evils ).

Hitler ( bare with me ), JFK and Gaddafi all had one thing in common and it's that they challenged the Rothchild debt slavery strangle on the world. They all died because of it.

You should not take my word for that at all and look into it yourself. The Catholic Church is a red herring imo.


May 27, 2015
You've done a lot of digging that is good. The Catholic Church has been corrupt to various degrees throughout it's history. Hell, read Dante's inferno for confirmation of that.

I think you have a misunderstanding about Russia and if anything you have it backwards. Russia is LESS materialist than the West and probably more religious. By materialist I mean worshiping material things not necessarily technological development or improving quality of life. Iphone good curing cancer without a profit not important, that sort of thing. Difference is the predominant sect of Christianity in Russia is the Orthodox Church which is very different from evangelical/Catholic teachings. The Catholic Church and evangelicals are of the globalist, perfection on earth variety. I won't get into my specific qualms with their interpretations of the Bible/history but suffice it to say they're a modern manifestation of the Tower of Babel and lack context for the teachings they supposedly follow so accurately.

I do think the Russians are the good guys as well. It's basically the Bankers/Zionists ( EU, Anglosphere, Israel, Saudia Arabia ) vs Russia/China/N.K ( I don't think these guys are perfect either but they're the lesser of the evils ).

Hitler ( bare with me ), JFK and Gaddafi all had one thing in common and it's that they challenged the Rothchild debt slavery strangle on the world. They all died because of it.

You should not take my word for that at all and look into it yourself. The Catholic Church is a red herring imo.

I think the catholic church fought with tbe jesuits in the 1500s, cant remember which pope it was but he was assasinated struggling against the jesuits. I used to be really confused about whether it was the jews or the church. The wealthy jews are the clerks of the church. I feel the answer is both or neither rather than one or the otber. The animal world seems to be replete with famiky struggles, a desire to carry on one's heredity. As humans, we're above that, but these ruling families l, i feel, are still caught in that mindset. Therefore i think there's a small number of families that control world religions and world money supply. A lot of what's happening now is directed towards making anotber nazi germany, the jew question inckuded. Onoy in our case l, while the news will be persecuted (the innocent ones, of course) i thinn it'll be the muslims that will usher in camps, badges, &flc. Not camps for everyone like alex jonestown suggests, but a few. I also feel like the bible was written by the same people. I also feel like a fake alien invasion will be used to bring people back to the bible, just as knowledge of solar eclipses led the masses back to the priests of egypt. Check out: "a new history of america% on youtube.

These patriots now scare me, ive come to understand the constitution was a sham. Our country was founded by lawyers. All we are is another company, just liie virginia company, east india company, &c. In fact, if you look at the 1793 treaty of paris, the first paragraph mentions the church as one of the parties to a corporation. The idea of freedom in iur country is a ruse, used to encourage american to fight in wars of global conquest, believing we were spreading a worthy system. And that same concept will be used now for the next incantation of brownshirts, it'll be the patriots, the libertarians. I was one of them until i figured it out. Our freedom wws over by the time george washington led the opression of the whiskey rebellion. The founding fathers were all lawyers, not to be trusted. That is the reason every president (almost) was a lawyer, so th3y could understand what they were to do. Putin is a lawyer, as well. If russia becomes prosperous, but their people hang onto their knowledge, in short if they have cajones, the tide may turn. Maybe america will with ray's work.


Mar 6, 2016
I think the catholic church fought with tbe jesuits in the 1500s, cant remember which pope it was but he was assasinated struggling against the jesuits. I used to be really confused about whether it was the jews or the church. The wealthy jews are the clerks of the church. I feel the answer is both or neither rather than one or the otber. The animal world seems to be replete with famiky struggles, a desire to carry on one's heredity. As humans, we're above that, but these ruling families l, i feel, are still caught in that mindset. Therefore i think there's a small number of families that control world religions and world money supply. A lot of what's happening now is directed towards making anotber nazi germany, the jew question inckuded. Onoy in our case l, while the news will be persecuted (the innocent ones, of course) i thinn it'll be the muslims that will usher in camps, badges, &flc. Not camps for everyone like alex jonestown suggests, but a few. I also feel like the bible was written by the same people. I also feel like a fake alien invasion will be used to bring people back to the bible, just as knowledge of solar eclipses led the masses back to the priests of egypt. Check out: "a new history of america% on youtube.

These patriots now scare me, ive come to understand the constitution was a sham. Our country was founded by lawyers. All we are is another company, just liie virginia company, east india company, &c. In fact, if you look at the 1793 treaty of paris, the first paragraph mentions the church as one of the parties to a corporation. The idea of freedom in iur country is a ruse, used to encourage american to fight in wars of global conquest, believing we were spreading a worthy system. And that same concept will be used now for the next incantation of brownshirts, it'll be the patriots, the libertarians. I was one of them until i figured it out. Our freedom wws over by the time george washington led the opression of the whiskey rebellion. The founding fathers were all lawyers, not to be trusted. That is the reason every president (almost) was a lawyer, so th3y could understand what they were to do. Putin is a lawyer, as well. If russia becomes prosperous, but their people hang onto their knowledge, in short if they have cajones, the tide may turn. Maybe america will with ray's work.
You have a really interresting understanding of thing. Could I ask you more of it?

Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
There's so much misinformation out there it's really hard to put all the pieces together. This is done on purpose. Both the left and the right are half correct, half wrong.

I've been dabbling in conspiracy for more than a decade, and this is where I'm right now: the Soviet union never collapsed, they just pretend that it did. Putin is a kgb agent, Merkel is a stasi agent. The Soviet union wants to destabilize the west and take it over. The recent riots are typical of Soviet subversion. They fund antifa and blm. The alt right were also Russian agents. Assange is a Russian agent that helped Trump get elected. The idea is to tear the west appart. Israel is partly controlled by Russia and vice versa.
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