Rockefeller "Reset The Table" Food Supply Tyranny


Feb 18, 2016
Notice the similar narrative the world economic forum are using, "the great economic reset", the covid 19 hysteria is being used as the "crisis’ to push tyranny on people under the guise of helping you, eating insects is now on the menu, it’s not a la carte but more akin to a set menu like prison.

The first paragraph has all the similarities of the climate cult, target the children and ethnic minorities, the usual buzz words. Keep in mind these are the organizations that have links into child sex trafficking rings and pumped the eugenics narrative for decades, we are supposed to believe their actions are now to benefit the groups they targeted as inferior for years.

They are ringing the bells of white man oppression against ethnic minorities throughout the article ,the race dialectic, climate alarmism and covid hysterics all included.
In a matter of words, it’s all white peoples fault and we the elite top 1% are going to save you by feeding you pufa laden insects and high estrogen soy based products.

They also cover how it will be financed, tax payer mainly and you can also receive bank loans from banks you bailed out, those banks got tax payer bailout money at almost 0% interest rate via the fed and will be charging you a much higher interest rate because that makes sense when you are fueled on cocaine, benzodiazepines , alcohol and trafficking children for sex 7 days a week.
The below quote implies the loans and grants will be racially orientated, if your white you will probably pay more interest or get less grant access.

"We need to ensure producers, processors, and distributors (with an intentional BIPOC focus) can exercise the choice to stay on their land and keep their businesses, including transitioning from leasing to owning land. This likely requires grants and may also require additional debt, credit, working capital, and equity designed specifically with underrepresented populations in mind. Data on all publicly funded programs needs to be transparent, real-time, and disaggregated to ensure accountability"

"The Covid-19 crisis has also shined a light on the stark and continuing racial and economic inequities in this country, including in our food system. The roots of these inequities can be seen across a wide range of policy choices made with regard to BIPOC individuals over generations, from the founding of this country through their exclusion from USDA agricultural programs23 and federal programs24 designed to help America recover from the Great Depression.25 Data shows that 63 percent of Hispanic workers and 54 percent of Black workers reported earning low wages and encountering barriers to accessing employment opportunities even before Covid-19 struck"

Keep in mind as you read or watch that insects are up to 70% PUFA in some cases and they also contain chitin in large amounts which is inflammatory.
Also remember that controlling the food supply was/is the order of the day when it comes to communism.

"America faces a hunger and nutrition crisis unlike any this country has seen in generations. Today 14 million children are missing meals on a regular basis–a statistic that’s three times worse than the Great Recession and five times worse than before the Covid-19 pandemic– as parents, who often skip meals themselves in order to prioritize feeding their kids, can no longer protect their children from hunger. It’s even worse for Latino and Black families, who have seen rates of nutrition insecurity spike to 25 percent and 30 percent, respectively. In the wealthiest country in the world, this is simply unconscionable".

Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System - The Rockefeller Foundation

This is a good video, he gets it-

@haidut This might be a topic to discuss with Peat some time.


Oct 1, 2019

Heard this today and found it pretty fitting, from a 2018 interview:

Ray Peat (16:16): "They talk about the welfare, keeping people from starving, but it's the government that is keeping them poor, that creates the starvation, by following the rules of whatever the corporations want to write into the economic system." [...] "The story that people need welfare to prevent starvation, that's very downstream part of the story. First you create the starvation and then you decide wether to alleviate it slightly."
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Feb 18, 2016

Heard this today and found it pretty fitting, from a 2018 interview:

Ray Peat (16:16): "They talk about the welfare, keeping people from starving, but it's the government that is keeping them poor, that creates the starvation, by following the rules of whatever the corporations want to write into the economic system." [...] "The story that people need welfare to prevent starvation, that's very downstream part of the story. First you create the starvation and then you decide wether to alleviate it slightly."

Bingo, have you seen this @Regina posted ?


Oct 1, 2019
Bingo, have you seen this @Regina posted ?

They even made it in their favourite shape:





Aug 17, 2016

Heard this today and found it pretty fitting, from a 2018 interview:

Ray Peat (16:16): "They talk about the welfare, keeping people from starving, but it's the government that is keeping them poor, that creates the starvation, by following the rules of whatever the corporations want to write into the economic system." [...] "The story that people need welfare to prevent starvation, that's very downstream part of the story. First you create the starvation and then you decide wether to alleviate it slightly."
"First you create the starvation and then you decide wether to alleviate it slightly."
Bingo. Robber baron 101. Like 8000 years of practice.

These old drecks must be having a prideful laugh. "Ah bully old chap, we've still got it, haven't we." (as they lie back and get their transfusion from a child).


Sep 12, 2018
We need a return to the policy of Parity for Agriculture, which is still Law: 7 USC Sec. 602 to which the USDA still records prices of various agricultural commodities as regards Parity, to which June 2020 the price of wheat is 29% of the Parity Price meaning that wheat farmers are only getting a $0.28 cent dollar, and agriculture across the board about a $0.30 dollar, not a 100 cent dollar.

Parity concerns purchasing power of different segments of the economy; Raw Materials Producers (Agriculture & mining) / Manufacturing & Service where back in the 1930's the Raw Materials National Council proved, from the data, that the Great Depression was caused by drop in agricultural prices, forcing a drop in Earned Income necessary for economic activity, thus the factories shut down etc...

For every dollar earned on the farm, that dollar multiplies by a factor of seven through out the entire economy reflected in national income. Thus underpay the producers of the wealth that keeps us alive and then the entire economy will not have money to keep things going without BORROWING!

This is why Parity was dropped in 1952, so that the "interests whose interest is interest" i.e. the banks, could lend people money, which was less needed when wealth was being exchanged for goods and services at a fair price to the producers of wealth first.

While the Parity legislation was passed with the 1933 Emergency, FDR policy to increase prices for farmers was to cut supply, until World War II forced institution of 90% Parity, eliminating futures markets and worked as the post war boom was funded by dollars in the hands of wealth producers.

Charles Walters, founder of ACRES USA wrote the indispensable book on the subject, Unforgiven: The American Economic System SOLD for Debt and War.

NORM, National Organization for Raw Materials, does work in this area, here is 2016 letter to new President, that starts on page 1 with an interesting chart.

NORM Economics Home Page


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
"First you create the starvation and then you decide wether to alleviate it slightly."
Bingo. Robber baron 101. Like 8000 years of practice.

Regina, do you read Miles Mathis? That has been the thesis of his essays the past few years, that the current power structure is eons in the making. They are very good at what they do but their system of control is no match for us if we organize. I still find it easy to be hopeful about the future of humanity even given the state of things. Eventually, hopefully soon, the worthy will coalesce into a critical mass and provide a genuine and potent challenge to the evil. The constant manipulation may trip up most of us but the ones it doesn't kill or maim are truly getting stronger from the challenge.


Aug 17, 2016
Regina, do you read Miles Mathis? That has been the thesis of his essays the past few years, that the current power structure is eons in the making. They are very good at what they do but their system of control is no match for us if we organize. I still find it easy to be hopeful about the future of humanity even given the state of things. Eventually, hopefully soon, the worthy will coalesce into a critical mass and provide a genuine and potent challenge to the evil. The constant manipulation may trip up most of us but the ones it doesn't kill or maim are truly getting stronger from the challenge.
I'll check out Mathis.
I try to be hopeful exactly as you describe.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
These old drecks must be having a prideful laugh. "Ah bully old chap, we've still got it, haven't we." (as they lie back and get their transfusion from a child).

I missed this the first time, and had a little chuckle myself.

I'll check out Mathis.
I try to be hopeful exactly as you describe.

Not light reading but I've read your posts with interest in the past and you strike me as open-minded enough to entertain some thorough research, even if the conclusions and other observations are controversial.

Here's a snippet that speaks to a tidbit of what I was talking about. This rabbit hole is quite deep! I'm not doing this topic the justice it deserves, by the way.

"We have already established that the Phoenicians flourished due to their early control of shipping and banking, but it appears a semi-monopoly on iron production was also a part of it. Turns out the “Sea Peoples” destroyed the Hittite Empire in about 1200BC, and according to mainstream history the Hittites were linked to a monopoly on iron smelting. As part of this old theory, the Sea Peoples took over the monopoly and spread it west."

Where did all the Phoenicians Go? - Miles Mathis
He had a guest writer that did a series on "Ancient Spooks" that is absolutely fascinating. The guy has a website by the same name: Phoenician - Ancient Spooks


Feb 13, 2016
I missed this the first time, and had a little chuckle myself.

Not light reading but I've read your posts with interest in the past and you strike me as open-minded enough to entertain some thorough research, even if the conclusions and other observations are controversial.

Here's a snippet that speaks to a tidbit of what I was talking about. This rabbit hole is quite deep! I'm not doing this topic the justice it deserves, by the way.

"We have already established that the Phoenicians flourished due to their early control of shipping and banking, but it appears a semi-monopoly on iron production was also a part of it. Turns out the “Sea Peoples” destroyed the Hittite Empire in about 1200BC, and according to mainstream history the Hittites were linked to a monopoly on iron smelting. As part of this old theory, the Sea Peoples took over the monopoly and spread it west."

Where did all the Phoenicians Go? - Miles Mathis
He had a guest writer that did a series on "Ancient Spooks" that is absolutely fascinating. The guy has a website by the same name: Phoenician - Ancient Spooks

What a coincidence. I was actually reading about the Sea Peoples yesterday. Came out of nowhere and decimated so many wealthy civilizations. The US seems similar to Mycenaean Greece, and if history is going to repeat itself, we're headed for a dark ages and widespread poverty.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
What a coincidence. I was actually reading about the Sea Peoples yesterday. Came out of nowhere and decimated so many wealthy civilizations. The US seems similar to Mycenaean Greece, and if history is going to repeat itself, we're headed for a dark ages and widespread poverty.

Yes, the palace economy! Another dude I follow, actually a guy here in Baltimore where I live, writes about current affairs and offers his perspective:

"An irony of this new post-scarcity economic order is that it seems to be evolving toward something closer to the old palace economies of the Bronze Age. All over the economy we see a great consolidation. Amazon is close to half the retail economy now. Five big banks control more than 90% of the financial system. The tech oligarchs are close to having a monopoly on the public square. In their respected spheres, everything flows into them and is distributed out as they see fit.

We have quickly moved from a situation where these new economic models were too fragile to regulate to a situation where they are too big to regulate. In fact, the phrase “too big to fail” is now just an accepted truth of the current age. Like the palace economies, these institutions are not here to serve society. American society now exists to serve these new institutions. As a result, these institutions are actively shaping our behavior to create transactions that serve their needs."

The New Economy - The Z Blog

I hope history rhymes this time around rather than repeats.

The thing about the Sea Peoples is they tried very hard (and succeeded) to cover their tracks as they grew so plebes would never connect the dots. Thank God for the Internet.

Side note: Is anyone watching Halt and Catch Fire on Netflix? There's a poignant scene towards the end of the third season where one of the protagonists laments about the coming of the Internet and how the barriers between people will collapse and "we will find new ways to hurt each other," and it's easy to vibrate at that frequency and feel victimized by the juggernaut of constant connection, but truth-telling about history and the dissemination of radical ideas would never have been possible at the current scale without it.


Aug 17, 2016
I missed this the first time, and had a little chuckle myself.

Not light reading but I've read your posts with interest in the past and you strike me as open-minded enough to entertain some thorough research, even if the conclusions and other observations are controversial.

Here's a snippet that speaks to a tidbit of what I was talking about. This rabbit hole is quite deep! I'm not doing this topic the justice it deserves, by the way.

"We have already established that the Phoenicians flourished due to their early control of shipping and banking, but it appears a semi-monopoly on iron production was also a part of it. Turns out the “Sea Peoples” destroyed the Hittite Empire in about 1200BC, and according to mainstream history the Hittites were linked to a monopoly on iron smelting. As part of this old theory, the Sea Peoples took over the monopoly and spread it west."

Where did all the Phoenicians Go? - Miles Mathis
He had a guest writer that did a series on "Ancient Spooks" that is absolutely fascinating. The guy has a website by the same name: Phoenician - Ancient Spooks
Cool! I love this stuff. (But I am a slowww reader).


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Cool! I love this stuff. (But I am a slowww reader).

No worries, me too! Ideally I'd draw out specifics from the papers here or in another relevant thread but the summary level overview is where I'm at right now. It's enough to keep in mind while trying to live a normal, enjoyable daily life. Meet you back here in a few years? :)


Aug 17, 2016
No worries, me too! Ideally I'd draw out specifics from the papers here or in another relevant thread but the summary level overview is where I'm at right now. It's enough to keep in mind while trying to live a normal, enjoyable daily life. Meet you back here in a few years? :)
ggggg. I'm a turtle. I take things to the bottom of sea and study them slowly.


Aug 17, 2016
I missed this the first time, and had a little chuckle myself.

Not light reading but I've read your posts with interest in the past and you strike me as open-minded enough to entertain some thorough research, even if the conclusions and other observations are controversial.

Here's a snippet that speaks to a tidbit of what I was talking about. This rabbit hole is quite deep! I'm not doing this topic the justice it deserves, by the way.

"We have already established that the Phoenicians flourished due to their early control of shipping and banking, but it appears a semi-monopoly on iron production was also a part of it. Turns out the “Sea Peoples” destroyed the Hittite Empire in about 1200BC, and according to mainstream history the Hittites were linked to a monopoly on iron smelting. As part of this old theory, the Sea Peoples took over the monopoly and spread it west."

Where did all the Phoenicians Go? - Miles Mathis
He had a guest writer that did a series on "Ancient Spooks" that is absolutely fascinating. The guy has a website by the same name: Phoenician - Ancient Spooks
It makes me think of the breathtakenly poignant movie The Phoenix.
spoiler alert


Mar 10, 2016
Here's a snippet that speaks to a tidbit of what I was talking about. This rabbit hole is quite deep! I'm not doing this topic the justice it deserves, by the way.

"We have already established that the Phoenicians flourished due to their early control of shipping and banking, but it appears a semi-monopoly on iron production was also a part of it. Turns out the “Sea Peoples” destroyed the Hittite Empire in about 1200BC, and according to mainstream history the Hittites were linked to a monopoly on iron smelting. As part of this old theory, the Sea Peoples took over the monopoly and spread it west."

Where did all the Phoenicians Go? - Miles Mathis
He had a guest writer that did a series on "Ancient Spooks" that is absolutely fascinating. The guy has a website by the same name: Phoenician - Ancient Spooks

Mathis bothers me.

What he says about culture and lifestyle is spot on. From gender politics, to public school, to commercial culture, to fluoride / prescriptions / GMO's, to fake news.

I really really doubt most of his science and math, and sometimes his historical research, would hold up under scrutiny though.

I'm editing my last paragraph here, but finally, I am really disturbed by Mathis' relationship with the 7-year old he considered his muse and who was the subject of his photo book that didn't get published. I found that someone had compiled other quotes from his site concerning young girls, that were unsettling. I'm not one to cry wolf - in fact I appreciated his essay about the Amber Alert - but I saw for myself as well, a line of thinking that's wayy too close to someone else that I have observed to be a child predator.
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Mar 26, 2014
Mathis bothers me.

What he says about culture and lifestyle is spot on. From gender politics, to public school, to commercial culture, to fluoride / prescriptions / GMO's, to fake news.

I really really doubt most of his science and math, and sometimes his historical research, would hold up under scrutiny though.

I'm editing my last paragraph here, but finally, I am really disturbed by Mathis' relationship with the 7-year old he considered his muse and who was the subject of his photo book that didn't get published. I found that someone had compiled other quotes from his site concerning young girls, that were unsettling. I'm not one to cry wolf - in fact I appreciated his essay about the Amber Alert - but I saw for myself as well, a line of thinking that's wayy too close to someone else that I have observed to be a child predator.

That was 'cjm', not me. I haven't posted in this thread, although Ice Age Farmer is great. Suspicious0bservers too, for this science.


Oct 1, 2019
Mathis bothers me.

What he says about culture and lifestyle is spot on. From gender politics, to public school, to commercial culture, to fluoride / prescriptions / GMO's, to fake news.

I really really doubt most of his science and math, and sometimes his historical research, would hold up under scrutiny though.

I'm editing my last paragraph here, but finally, I am really disturbed by Mathis' relationship with the 7-year old he considered his muse and who was the subject of his photo book that didn't get published. I found that someone had compiled other quotes from his site concerning young girls, that were unsettling. I'm not one to cry wolf - in fact I appreciated his essay about the Amber Alert - but I saw for myself as well, a line of thinking that's wayy too close to someone else that I have observed to be a child predator.

I used to photograph for a living and if I wouldn’t appreciate the beauty of my subject, I would be a bad photographer. I made thousands of photographs of my cousins and my friends kids. I appreciate their beauty, but there is no sexuality behind it. If I wouldn‘t appreciate it, I wouldn‘t be able to capture it. I can appreciate the beauty and the grace of a cat, but that doesn‘t make me a zoophile.
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