Rockefeller Medicine Men



Oct 21, 2013
Oh yeah. Without licensing, the government could never get involved. :D


Jan 1, 2013
There's no doubt Rockfeller is the instigator, but let's not kid ourselves, it always comes down to the intentions of the doctors themselves.

If they wanted, they could break this monopoly, but they just don't.

"When all the disgusted people have quit, you're left with the disgusting ones".

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
There's no doubt Rockfeller is the instigator, but let's not kid ourselves, it always comes down to the intentions of the doctors themselves.

If they wanted, they could break this monopoly, but they just don't.

"When all the disgusted people have quit, you're left with the disgusting ones".

It’s not that simple.

All the doctors were basically just kids without any real knowledge of the inner workings of the world and powers that be when they entered medical school.

After wiping out alternative medicine and naturopathy Rockefeller medicine truly was the only option. So doctors are in a tough spot, most of them realize there are issues with the whole industry but they really can’t think of a better way to do it bc their critical thinking skills are never exercised in their strenuous and debilitating coursework


Sep 15, 2013
I've thought that a simple "How come no one I treat really gets better with the methods I use" would lead to the critical thinking that would make a doctor begin to question things, but it isn't that simple. The truth I've gleamed, after talking to multiple doctors in many different fields, is that they all completely and totally believe that disease is an extraordinarily complex problem. From that perspective, which is most likely engineered in the schools they attend, they're simply doing the best they can.


Jan 1, 2013
It’s not that simple.

All the doctors were basically just kids without any real knowledge of the inner workings of the world and powers that be when they entered medical school.

After wiping out alternative medicine and naturopathy Rockefeller medicine truly was the only option. So doctors are in a tough spot, most of them realize there are issues with the whole industry but they really can’t think of a better way to do it bc their critical thinking skills are never exercised in their strenuous and debilitating coursework

You don't understand how medical school works.

They refuse to discuss failure of treatments and students are never provided with statistical data about which treatment works or not in the population.

In everyday reality, the final result at the bed of the patient is the absolute decisive factor in the medical trade, for both the patient and the doctor, and yet medical schools simply refuse categorically to provide it to students even though they absolutely could and should.

I don't care how naive and young one can possibly be, this cannot get unnoticed, especially among all the decades-long media hoopla about crowd funding for cancer,etc...where failure IS discussed.

The student KNOWS his deontolgy obliges him to attempt other treatments if the original one fails: and to attempt other treatments supposes the capacity to assess results statistics of the different treatments.

You go along or you start looking for another line of profession.

So as i said, once the disgusted have left, ...
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I've thought that a simple "How come no one I treat really gets better with the methods I use" would lead to the critical thinking that would make a doctor begin to question things, but it isn't that simple. The truth I've gleamed, after talking to multiple doctors in many different fields, is that they all completely and totally believe that disease is an extraordinarily complex problem. From that perspective, which is most likely engineered in the schools they attend, they're simply doing the best they can.
I heard that Freud said that doctors become doctors because they want one on one power over other people, politicians want power over groups of people, and people become surgeons because they are repressed sadists.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I heard that Freud said that doctors become doctors because they want one on one power over other people, politicians want power over groups of people, and people become surgeons because they are repressed sadists.

Yea Freud made a lot of stuff up


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Doctors are just like the guy changing the oil in your car. They only focus on the nut, the filter, draining the old oil and filling the pan with new oil. That's it. Nothing else is going on.


Oct 15, 2018
@GAF that might be too generous. Sometimes I feel they just are a mechanic who when given a dirty car would begin by “gonna have to strip er down” and proceed to remove all the paint with sandpaper. All kidding aside the Rockefeller foundations influence on the world cannot be minimized, being involved with Nazi Germany, among other sordid episodes. Makes their founding of Greenpeace and the UN seem downright charitable. (In my mind it only makes those two organizations purpose highly suspect; even if on a practical basis they surely have good people working there, the question would be if for us? I certainly do not feel they’re working for me). I’ve met three people, participating in three quite different hierarchic levels at the UN and they ooze good intentions, however the common thread is that the UN is highly inefficient in their spending. Boy, they sure had nice perks there


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Evil equals Deception and Deception equals Evil.

"good intentions" are a sure sign of evil
Dec 18, 2018
The notion of innocence of physicians strikes me as naive, or as 'patients' being tied to the abuser via bonding activity like stockholm syndrome or other stress induced psychoses.


May 11, 2020
It's a simple process of elimination, as Burt said. You simply don't make it through 8 years of med school or keep your medical license if you don't fall in line. If you somehow get your license and then have an awakening to the truth of the matter, you stop practicing in the ways that let you keep your medical license. Control the licensing standards, control the industry. This is where the Flexner Report came in.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Came across this book available free online Rockefeller Medicine Men : Medicine and Capitalism in America. I have not read it yet, so this is not a recommendation but it looks interesting, and promises to divulge the history of medicine and possibly how it came to its current sorry state.

John Rockefeller's Father was actually the infamous Snake-Oil salesman known by the names "Doc Rockefeller" or his pseudonym "Dr. Livingston" whom was hailed equally as folk-hero and villain during the mid to late 1800's. He would tour rural towns and villages impressing the locals with his incredible marksmanship, hosting turkey hunts and shooting competitions. After he would best all of the local men, he would claim that his special formula gave him all of his strength and dexterity, often selling out his entire wagon's supply.

He all but abandoned John Rockefeller, Setty (John's mother) and John's siblings when John was only a teenager, in order to start a bigamous second marriage with a younger, prettier wife. John, being the oldest, had to learn to provide and take care for his family so he quit high school a few months before graduation and began working as a bookkeeper for a local grocery supplier. The rest is history, but his Father would turn up from time to time to see how his Oil-Titan son was doing.

I personally admire Rockefeller, most people do not have at all an accurate picture of the man. He was antithetical to other robber-barons and titans of industry of the time. He didn't smoke nor drink. He never wasted any money on unnecessary pleasures or vanity. He never bought fancy suits or carriages, and never bought a yacht when it was high fashion for the wealthy to indulge in all of these things. He owns only a couple of relatively modest homes. After moving to Manhattan, he never went out to clubs or Broadway. He brought his kids up as if he was not all that wealthy and forced them to subsist on a small allowance, always remembering the value of frugality. And, perhaps most impressively, he was an unwaveringly devout Baptist. He never missed Sunday worship even after becoming the wealthiest man in the world, and often taught Sunday school at a small church that he himself started.

He ended up spending most of his fortune on the University of Chicago and other baptist educational institutions. Most people do not know this because he always insisted that his name never be found anywhere on the buildings nor structures, because advertising his endowments would be unbecoming and not christian of him.

For all his remarkably modest and good qualities, he was perhaps the shrewdest businessman whom ever lived, and was unrelenting in his vision and drive to defeat even small competitors. He believed Standard Oil was God's way of providing oil to the working people, and that he was merely a vessel for the lord's design.

An interesting fellow, and not evil as some believe. His current relatives may be up to no good, but most of the world's richest families are woefully misguided thanks to the liberal media always reinforcing their inherent belief that they know what is better for people then the free market.
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