Remember the monkey crash in PA? Monkeypox

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
We no longer have a Covid pandemic, maybe not even an epidemic. MonkeyPox or similar has been predicted to be coming before the next election for some here we are. Is Mpox a conspiracy? Look at the facts and decide how timely it is and how they want to start masking up the country.....this bs cannot continue. They are ruining the lifes of many people. People losing their jobs and business' for the sake of agenda some call Marxist like or at least based on an authoritative agenda. This election is super BIG or we might end up like Canada, Australia and other countries. This is real. Good ol Klaus Schwab, Soros, Puckerberg, globalists, etc want everything we have. The phrase I hear and give some credence to is "you will have nothing and be happy". The $600 bank in or out transactions that was proposed but shot down will rear it heads on web market places where a $600 sale or receipt will have to be reported to the IRS.....apply to work at the polling locations in your community because Zuckerbuck's deciples will be out again and MPox will be the excuse for going back to mail in ballots. Don't give up.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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