Regularly using pregnenolone/vit K/methylene blue, any of these "too good to be true" substances stops you from progressing in life


Apr 28, 2018
idk maybe. I think looking at boxers etc it can withstand a certain amount of punishment, but not severe sudden ones. Probably depends upon a variety of factors including genetics. I suffered two very severe head traumas in a year and a half period.
My fall from 2 stories up followed by bay window cross the neck didnt manifest until 4 years past reconstructive surgeries and phys therapy. It was like a timed delay until limbs were on the mend


Mar 8, 2021
My fall from 2 stories up followed by bay window cross the neck didnt manifest until 4 years past reconstructive surgeries and phys therapy. It was like a timed delay until limbs were on the mend
Sorry to hear that. Mine was also delayed. But manifested quicker. Started noticing issues within a year , things started to seem “off” .


Jul 9, 2020
Perhaps it's because I'm a nihilist, but I don't see much use in the "spiritual" side of things. However I do think a perfectly healthy individual shouldn't need anything beyond a good diet, natural sleep, and social networking to thrive. A healthy person shouldn't need to supplement pregnenolone or vit K to feel normal. But I do think modern capitalist life has created an environment that is far from perfect. We're tired, disconnected, stressed, and our food supply is increasingly becoming more and more degraded.

I don't think it would be ill-advised for someone to use drugs or hormone to help sustain a state of homeostasis. Also, when it comes to something lik thyroid, there's a very good case to be made it was naturally present in our diet for centuries before the FDA came along and removed it from our food supply. So you could probably make a good case that every individual in the world (particularly in the west) could possibly benefit from a low-dose of thyroid.


Jan 28, 2021
I thinks OP’s mistake is that he only sees this like one way movement. This is when the famous cuote of Ray about energy and structure makes sense. Spirit, mind and and body are conected in biderectional way, that’s what when you have an issue you have to work on all levels. But if you can fix one, others will follow.


Feb 8, 2021
or maybe theres more for you to learn/heal still? Most of our lessons come through suffering of some sort. Although unfortunate,, suffering can benefit the soul/spirit in ways we dont want to understand. I still use supplements so i'm not saying they dont have use, just that like most people (myself included), they become a crutch (which you articulated in your post) @Korven
Suffering in relation to serving a higher good for delayed gratificatrion is meaningful, but one must be adamant when going about it


Mar 12, 2017
Very interesting topic. I definitely think Peating screwed up my life in many ways. These substances are just so powerful and can give you a false sense of achievement and contentment you probably shouldn't have. If for whatever reason you can't afford to take them or can't source them anymore, it's gonna be a painful fall. This is what I experienced. It's been humbling, for sure.


May 10, 2018
Very interesting topic. I definitely think Peating screwed up my life in many ways. These substances are just so powerful and can give you a false sense of achievement and contentment you probably shouldn't have. If for whatever reason you can't afford to take them or can't source them anymore, it's gonna be a painful fall. This is what I experienced. It's been humbling, for sure.
I agree with the heart of your message as I’ve struggled with this. However, pregnenolone should always be relatively easy to source and awareness of your own self grandeur and shortcomings will always be present in the background of a slightly inflated ego.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Stillness is the state of high energy (Ray writes that energy quiesces cells), and forcing stillness via mindfulness or meditative practices creates energy, as the restorative yin to the fiery yang.

I think there are many ways to reach the high energy state; any method of raising temperature, just as an example of what I mean, has a healing effect (fructose, caffeine, aspirin, warm baths..).

I think you change as a person at different levels of metabolism, and its related hormonal profile (personality, learning, intelligence... significantly affected by the endocrine) so I'm not sure any of the above are band-aids. The further you fall, the more lessons you'll need to learn (or remember...); things are easier and time is slower when the system is running well


Feb 13, 2016
These substances are just so powerful and can give you a false sense of achievement and contentment you probably shouldn't have.
Nicely put. You expressed what I was trying to say in my entire post with a single sentence.


Apr 28, 2018
Haaah so many times I wanted to say something like your "honestly, STFU, vitamins arent spiritual" but wasnt brave enough. Thank you. Thats all.


May 10, 2018
Haaah so many times I wanted to say something like your "honestly, STFU, vitamins arent spiritual" but wasnt brave enough. Thank you. Thats all.
Not quite sure the OP is saying this, more so that supplements and hormones can create a sense of achievement which can mask other areas of your life that need fixing. This is fundamentally fact, and the main reason people seek out recreational drugs. Routinely taking too many androgens is potentially a lot less worrying than a cocaine habit, but both can make you temporarily feel like superman and allow you to put off that relationship with your parents you’ve been meaning to fix for the last ten years.


Nov 26, 2020
I get your point on Pregnenolone and M.B. being a endogenous steroid and a synthetic drug but why vit K is on the same tier ?


Apr 28, 2018
Not quite sure the OP is saying this, more so that supplements and hormones can create a sense of achievement which can mask other areas of your life that need fixing. This is fundamentally fact, and the main reason people seek out recreational drugs. Routinely taking too many androgens is potentially a lot less worrying than a cocaine habit, but both can make you temporarily feel like superman and allow you to put off that relationship with your parents you’ve been meaning to fix for the last ten years.
Yeah my bad for failure to attach and direct that comment where it belonged, I didnt mean to the OP Thanks for catching me.
It was more to comments that I perceived as making obtuse and indirect correlations of supplements being some sort of woo over which to blame Dr. Peat.


Jun 27, 2016
On a spiritual level, I think issues like high cortisol, nitric oxide, calcification mean that you have lessons to learn in life. They only happen if your life is led in a way such that your brain is not following your heart (leading to chronic hyperventilation).
Nothing personal but I think the "follow your heart idiom" is dangerous. I take it you mean empathy when you say heart? Empathy without action is just worthless pity. I sorta get what you mean that there is danger in searching for that "silver bullet." On the other hand, if those bullets are hitting the mark or at least headed down range, then extra energy means more action. How you spend that energy is up to you but that extra energy when used for more good is a product of your research (brain). Sorry if this sounds like a rant but I prefer "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" idiom.

Cheers brother, stay you.
I don't get the hyperventilation part?
Apr 25, 2018
Lots of hypotheses in this thread, so read with an open mind. There are just ideas and a way to look at things, not telling people to stop taking vit K or something. Also, this is about chronic usage and not about using these substances just once or a few times to break out of a stress state and then stopping them.

On a spiritual level, I think issues like high cortisol, nitric oxide, calcification mean that you have lessons to learn in life. They only happen if your life is led in a way such that your brain is not following your heart (leading to chronic hyperventilation). So if you take substances that lower NO or fix calcification, you have to make sure you're not taking a "shortcut substance" that heals you without making you learn the lessons you need to learn. You could say that there's no point in "learning lessons" when you could be healthy immediately by just taking a few supplements, but I think if you learn these lessons, then once you're healed your quality of life will be much greater/deeper than it would have been than if you had just relied on the supplement.

And I think the way to know whether something is a short-cut substance is to know whether or not it raises metabolic rate indefinitely. For example, although pregnenolone might temporarily raise metabolism and appetite (by lowering stress hormones and cortisol), you can take unlimited quantities without any effects, so it's not actually raising metabolic rate the way thyroid does. So it's a "short-cut" substance. Methylene blue is the same, by lowering NO it might temporarily turn on a metabolism that has been blocked by excess NO, but after the initial dose, you can take basically unlimited quantities without a raise in metabolism. Same with vitamin K (Dr. Peat has mentioned there is no "upper limit" to vitamin K dosage).

In contrast, things like coffee, aspirin, thyroid do raise metabolic rate infinitely the more you take them; the more coffee you drink or the more thyroid you take, the higher your temperature, and the more aspirin you take, the more you deplete nutrients like vit K and glycine. They don't "plateau" like pregnenolone/vitamin K/methylene blue. What that means is that whereas pregnenolone/methylene blue/vitamin K are "shortcut substances" that make you healthy without making you learn the lessons you need to learn, these substances make you healthy by making you learn needed lessons at an accelerated pace.

I have 0 evidence to back this up, but it just came to me and made sense to me in my head. (But it could also be utter nonsense.) Thoughts?
The same reason we've been saying stress is linked to baldness, higher cortisol etc.


Feb 13, 2016
Nothing personal but I think the "follow your heart idiom" is dangerous. I take it you mean empathy when you say heart? Empathy without action is just worthless pity. I sorta get what you mean that there is danger in searching for that "silver bullet." On the other hand, if those bullets are hitting the mark or at least headed down range, then extra energy means more action. How you spend that energy is up to you but that extra energy when used for more good is a product of your research (brain). Sorry if this sounds like a rant but I prefer "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" idiom.

Cheers brother, stay you.
I don't get the hyperventilation part?

By "not following your heart" I mean living out of fear, irrational conformity to social norms, etc., and those type of behaviors are accompanied by hyperventilation.


Mar 27, 2018
Lots of hypotheses in this thread, so read with an open mind. There are just ideas and a way to look at things, not telling people to stop taking vit K or something. Also, this is about chronic usage and not about using these substances just once or a few times to break out of a stress state and then stopping them.

On a spiritual level, I think issues like high cortisol, nitric oxide, calcification mean that you have lessons to learn in life. They only happen if your life is led in a way such that your brain is not following your heart (leading to chronic hyperventilation). So if you take substances that lower NO or fix calcification, you have to make sure you're not taking a "shortcut substance" that heals you without making you learn the lessons you need to learn. You could say that there's no point in "learning lessons" when you could be healthy immediately by just taking a few supplements, but I think if you learn these lessons, then once you're healed your quality of life will be much greater/deeper than it would have been than if you had just relied on the supplement.

And I think the way to know whether something is a short-cut substance is to know whether or not it raises metabolic rate indefinitely. For example, although pregnenolone might temporarily raise metabolism and appetite (by lowering stress hormones and cortisol), you can take unlimited quantities without any effects, so it's not actually raising metabolic rate the way thyroid does. So it's a "short-cut" substance. Methylene blue is the same, by lowering NO it might temporarily turn on a metabolism that has been blocked by excess NO, but after the initial dose, you can take basically unlimited quantities without a raise in metabolism. Same with vitamin K (Dr. Peat has mentioned there is no "upper limit" to vitamin K dosage).

In contrast, things like coffee, aspirin, thyroid do raise metabolic rate infinitely the more you take them; the more coffee you drink or the more thyroid you take, the higher your temperature, and the more aspirin you take, the more you deplete nutrients like vit K and glycine. They don't "plateau" like pregnenolone/vitamin K/methylene blue. What that means is that whereas pregnenolone/methylene blue/vitamin K are "shortcut substances" that make you healthy without making you learn the lessons you need to learn, these substances make you healthy by making you learn needed lessons at an accelerated pace.

I have 0 evidence to back this up, but it just came to me and made sense to me in my head. (But it could also be utter nonsense.) Thoughts?
I get what your saying I mostly experienced this with aspirin where it made me content with where i was at and not worried about progressing in many of the aspects of my life that are important to me or at least I think they are when I’m not taking aspirin.


Sep 10, 2019
We live in a world where we’re exposed to many unnatural things, the majority of which I believe are put in place to dampen the spirit of the general public - like chemicals in the water/food supply and the nearly inescapable bombardment of EMF radiation. Given this, I think some supplements are necessary to progress.


Jan 9, 2021
I thinks OP’s mistake is that he only sees this like one way movement. This is when the famous cuote of Ray about energy and structure makes sense. Spirit, mind and and body are conected in biderectional way, that’s what when you have an issue you have to work on all levels. But if you can fix one, others will follow.
The simplest and best explanation, don’t know why more people don’t admit this
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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