Recovering "used up" cartilage ?


Jan 18, 2020
Long story short I had slight knee discomfort whenever overly bent for many years, I assumed that it was probably something lacking in my diet when as a teenager, i used to kick the football with this leg. for a long while I felt nothing and i assumed i recovered "used up" cartilage with collagen protein which i am using for long time already. Few days ago i started taking 10000IU of Vit A and the discomfort came and its worse than it was.

Any idea how can i help with recovering "used up" cartilage in my knee?


Jan 1, 2013
glucosamine sulfate, MSM will improve things

But it's a degenerative condition without solution at the moment, saddly


Jan 18, 2020
glucosamine sulfate, MSM will improve things

But it's a degenerative condition without solution at the moment, saddly
My friend had few hyaluronic acid injections and hes been pain free for 7 years, could it somehow help with recovery ?

how about red light?


Jan 1, 2013
My friend had few hyaluronic acid injections and hes been pain free for 7 years, could it somehow help with recovery ?

how about red light?

Yes of course, but it's costly.
Usually people need it every 6 months.

No idea about red light.


Jan 18, 2020


Jan 1, 2020
Isn't a high vitamin A: D ratio symptom bone problems? If it came just as you took A i would look into something like that


Jan 18, 2020


Jan 18, 2020
Isn't a high vitamin A: D ratio symptom bone problems? If it came just as you took A i would look into something like that
what happened i believe is i was deficient in vit A due to long term supplementation of only vit D, when i took A, it bosted anti cortisol hormones and thus reduced antiinflammatory effect of cortisol on my knee, and yes i am in constant stress as I'm still working out thyroid supplementation


Jan 18, 2020
could it be that just normal hyaluronic acid injection could help with regeneration?
Apr 13, 2018
Not sure if it's the same kind of situation that might apply in your case, but I had saved this post from one forum member here who seemed to have good results with gelatin for a knee/cartilage issue: "After just afew days of upping it to 40g of gelatin per day, my left knee cartilage is almost back to 100% after years of bone on bone crunching/pain when climbing stairs, there is no more crunch and no more pain"

Their whole post:
"In terms of stats I am female, 39 and overweight since childhood and for the last couple of years had left knee joint bone on bone crunching that I only thought surgery could fix.

I have been using gelatin daily for over a month, I bought a bulk 1kg cheap brand of bovine gelatin, I was taking one heaped tablespoon (12-15g) in my hot cocoa before bed, the only benefit for the 1 month was my nails grew stronger (no more splitting/brittleness), and also with sleep, I would become immediately drowsy and drift off into a very deep sleep, the only problem was waking up was so difficult, I'd feel very groggy every morning and could barely hear my alarm. I almost gave up.

Then after doing more research just this week and landing on this forum (as of 4 days ago), I decided to up my intake to 40g a day, the first two days I got a massive migraine and almost quit but decided to push through as I wasn't sure if the migraine was from increase in gelatin or my PMS migraine.

So yesterday I went to the gym (I hadn't gone in a week), I was in shock, almost 5 years worth of daily bone on bone crunching in my left knee (I would experience pain/crunching when climbing stairs, elliptical, biking etc and I knew that only surgery would be able to solve it). After just 4 days at 40g daily gelatin (split 20g morning and 20g before bed), my knee is almost back to 100%, I almost couldn't believe it, in the past I would experience pain when doing squats and especially reverse lunges, I could never go beyond 2 sets due to pain, yesterday I did 4 sets easy!

The biggest test was climbing a flight of steps, I haven't been able to do that without my left knee crunching/pain again I was in shock, I climbed them just fine (with an ever so slight discomfort that was barely there, meaning with time I believe this should fix itself as well). I am still amazed and cannot believe the benefits in just afew days. Interestingly enough, at 40g a day (20g x 2 times a day), I do not have the grogginess feeling at night or in the morning, but I still get healthy deep sleep and able to wake up very fresh with no grogginess and able to jump out of bed with joint pains, inflammation whatsoever. I am so excited to continue at 40g daily and see what further benefits I may experience. (my initial reason for taking the gelatin was to see if it will help with regrowth of hair in my crown area as it has thinned out quite abit, so I'm still hopeful that things may change in that regard, if they do, i'll report).

(For the 40g daily gelatin I now instead make it in a jello form the night before and split it in two, to have a 20g worth slice in the morning and a 20g worth slice before bed.)

TL;DR: At 15g gelatin daily for a month, only saw improvement in nails. After just afew days of upping it to 40g of gelatin per day, my left knee cartilage is almost back to 100% after years of bone on bone crunching/pain when climbing stairs, there is no more crunch and no more pain. I am a gelatin convert for life."

That person had a follow up post after (same link as above):
"Just another quick update, today was my 2nd day at the gym (now after 5 days of gelatin), the one thing I gave up a long time ago was trying to do incline on the treadmill due to my left knee crunch/pain, I could only ever reach incline level 3 out of 15 because beyond that my knee would hurt. Today I decided to test it out and was able to reach incline level 15 with no knee crunch and no pain and was able to keep it up for 10mins. I am still amazed at what increasing gelatin intake to 40g has done in just afew days."


Jan 18, 2020
Not sure if it's the same kind of situation that might apply in your case, but I had saved this post from one forum member here who seemed to have good results with gelatin for a knee/cartilage issue: "After just afew days of upping it to 40g of gelatin per day, my left knee cartilage is almost back to 100% after years of bone on bone crunching/pain when climbing stairs, there is no more crunch and no more pain"

Their whole post:
"In terms of stats I am female, 39 and overweight since childhood and for the last couple of years had left knee joint bone on bone crunching that I only thought surgery could fix.

I have been using gelatin daily for over a month, I bought a bulk 1kg cheap brand of bovine gelatin, I was taking one heaped tablespoon (12-15g) in my hot cocoa before bed, the only benefit for the 1 month was my nails grew stronger (no more splitting/brittleness), and also with sleep, I would become immediately drowsy and drift off into a very deep sleep, the only problem was waking up was so difficult, I'd feel very groggy every morning and could barely hear my alarm. I almost gave up.

Then after doing more research just this week and landing on this forum (as of 4 days ago), I decided to up my intake to 40g a day, the first two days I got a massive migraine and almost quit but decided to push through as I wasn't sure if the migraine was from increase in gelatin or my PMS migraine.

So yesterday I went to the gym (I hadn't gone in a week), I was in shock, almost 5 years worth of daily bone on bone crunching in my left knee (I would experience pain/crunching when climbing stairs, elliptical, biking etc and I knew that only surgery would be able to solve it). After just 4 days at 40g daily gelatin (split 20g morning and 20g before bed), my knee is almost back to 100%, I almost couldn't believe it, in the past I would experience pain when doing squats and especially reverse lunges, I could never go beyond 2 sets due to pain, yesterday I did 4 sets easy!

The biggest test was climbing a flight of steps, I haven't been able to do that without my left knee crunching/pain again I was in shock, I climbed them just fine (with an ever so slight discomfort that was barely there, meaning with time I believe this should fix itself as well). I am still amazed and cannot believe the benefits in just afew days. Interestingly enough, at 40g a day (20g x 2 times a day), I do not have the grogginess feeling at night or in the morning, but I still get healthy deep sleep and able to wake up very fresh with no grogginess and able to jump out of bed with joint pains, inflammation whatsoever. I am so excited to continue at 40g daily and see what further benefits I may experience. (my initial reason for taking the gelatin was to see if it will help with regrowth of hair in my crown area as it has thinned out quite abit, so I'm still hopeful that things may change in that regard, if they do, i'll report).

(For the 40g daily gelatin I now instead make it in a jello form the night before and split it in two, to have a 20g worth slice in the morning and a 20g worth slice before bed.)

TL;DR: At 15g gelatin daily for a month, only saw improvement in nails. After just afew days of upping it to 40g of gelatin per day, my left knee cartilage is almost back to 100% after years of bone on bone crunching/pain when climbing stairs, there is no more crunch and no more pain. I am a gelatin convert for life."

That person had a follow up post after (same link as above):
"Just another quick update, today was my 2nd day at the gym (now after 5 days of gelatin), the one thing I gave up a long time ago was trying to do incline on the treadmill due to my left knee crunch/pain, I could only ever reach incline level 3 out of 15 because beyond that my knee would hurt. Today I decided to test it out and was able to reach incline level 15 with no knee crunch and no pain and was able to keep it up for 10mins. I am still amazed at what increasing gelatin intake to 40g has done in just afew days."
wow thanks for this, so far i was taking 20g of collagen protein, i will up to 50g and see how it goes, i would think there is much difference between gelatine and hydrolyzed collagen protein?
Apr 13, 2018
I'm not sure of the major differences. I do remember seeing some posts here where some people reacted better to the Great Lakes red can (gelatin) compared to the green can (collagen hydrolysate). Maybe it is worth experimenting as the post seems to suggest gelatin specifically but I unfortunately don't know the different implications for one versus the other.


Jan 18, 2020
I'm not sure of the major differences. I do remember seeing some posts here where some people reacted better to the Great Lakes red can (gelatin) compared to the green can (collagen hydrolysate). Maybe it is worth experimenting as the post seems to suggest gelatin specifically but I unfortunately don't know the different implications for one versus the other.
Great, getting now foods gelating right away, but just had 25g collagen protein with lime and it was pretty thick :D
Feb 15, 2018
do you have experience with this ?
Yes. First I had my feet done for plantar fasciitis and it was miraculous. Now I am having my knee done for torn meniscus in cartilage issues. I cannot yet report on the knee. The injections should be done a couple weeks apart. I had five separate injections for my feet. I do think that the knee is a tougher area to treat possibly due to blood flow.


Jan 18, 2020
Yes. First I had my feet done for plantar fasciitis and it was miraculous. Now I am having my knee done for torn meniscus in cartilage issues. I cannot yet report on the knee. The injections should be done a couple weeks apart. I had five separate injections for my feet. I do think that the knee is a tougher area to treat possibly due to blood flow.
Please let us know how it goes with your knee


Dec 12, 2020
Since we are on the topic of knees, I'd suggest Stan Efferding's video on pain free knees if you haven't already watched it.


Jan 18, 2020
Since we are on the topic of knees, I'd suggest Stan Efferding's video on pain free knees if you haven't already watched it.
does he talk how to recover cartilages? or its only on the pain?


Jan 18, 2020
im a little bit baffled now as cartilages are mostly made of type 2 collagen, and gelatine is type 1/3, wouldn't be worth getting also type 2 collagen source ot it doesn't really matter as much?


Jan 1, 2013
but could it actually help with rebuilding cartilage?

You have to understand there are 2 types of cartilage:

- hyaline: the original cartilage we're born with, very resistant and with very few fibrous tissue, able to regenerate itself until 21 years of age

- fibrous cartilage: made by the body to repair the damaged hyaline cartilage once the body has gone above 21 years. It's not as resistant as the hyaline cartilage and wears out quickly if subject to intense effort

All the supplements and methods on this page are for rebuilding fibrous cartilage.

If you want hyaline cartilage rebuilt after 21, you need to look for a Florida doctor who patented hyaline cartilage regeneration using local growth hormone knee injections.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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