Read This To Infect Your Ego!


Dec 13, 2013
There is no good or bad, right or wrong. Death is as good as life. One shouldn't fear death or want anything. We are an assembly of molecules that will break down eventually, but we, the protons, neutrons, and electrons, never really die. We are invincible and a part of the everything.

Today's humans are ego-identified and prefer security or money or social acceptance over what they feel like doing. It is inevitable that humans will either survive in this state of resistance, die off, or change. Now the question is: Are the brains of humans fit enough to realize that their beliefs are insignificant? That it is best for each person to do whatever they feel like doing? That it is best for humanity to do whatever it feels like doing so that it evolves to survive without suffering?

I don't browse this forum a whole lot anymore. I know about health and do healthy stuff. However, I only do the things that feel good to me. I stay warm, I eat sugar, saturated fat, salt, and all that good stuff. I think all the complicated science is silly, just try something and if it feels good, do it again.

I have no future unless I can get by by doing what I feel like doing. Which would mean I am a successful human speciman. I like energetic music, bright colors, food, sexual stuff, dancing, heat, wind, light, energetic people, intense situations. I want to party everyday and start party houses and liberate people and society as much as possible.

It doesn't matter whether I fail or succeed because death is no big deal, so I only do what I feel like doing. My life is therefore often flawless despite less than ideal circumstances. Everyone should follow their hearts but not everyone can. It is just a matter of their current environment and state of brain development. Nothing to feel distressed about, unless you are destined to.

Do what you feel like doing, do not resist who you are. There is no right or wrong, only going with the flow or against it. There is no answer, for you truth-seekers. It is because there is no question. The universe does not have a question and it does not have an answer. Your question is purely a phenomen of your mind and your mind is as random and meaningless as the constellation of stars in the sky.

Do whatever you feel like doing for the rest of your life and do not ever believe that one thing is right and another is wrong, including this text. Just do whatever you feel like doing and let life unfold in front of you however it happens to unfold.

Whether you believe this or not, your ego has been introduced to a virus while you read this. A virus because the text temporarily mimicked the ego by introducing a right and wrong, but it will take over the ego and bring it down if and when the ego becomes weaker than the virus.

So do not feed thoughts, do whatever you feel like doing, and if thoughts come up, make them weak with this "virus". The ego is a little parasitic worm in your head making you do what you don't wanna do. It is not you. Save yourself and humanity from slavery, if that's what you want to do. Spread the virus of freedom!


Well said. I think a lot of people listen to their ego because most people are hypothyroid. Therefore, they don't have the energy to "go with the flow," as you mentioned, because they believe it would require too much energy. It seems too uncomfortable. Listening to the ego, is much less draining for most people because it makes them feel safe and unchallenged. The funny thing is that when you understand the workings of the ego, it is quite the opposite. The ego is burning your energy constantly.


Oct 27, 2013
I don't know about this.
You start off by saying humans are ego-identified who do what they feel like doing, then you later state that one should do whatever they feel like doing without regard. An easy conflicting example would be something like rape, sex slave, etc, which are fear based actions, and something we could all classify as wrong. So it would probably be better to say that there is no right or wrong as long as there is no presence of ego (fear) in the action itself.

Unfortunately desires are often fear based, so by just doing without conscious thought, you may be acting out the desires of the ego. The ego is basically a storage reservoir of all fear based vibrations that you have experienced (firsthand or via observation) from birth to the present. This reservoir helps keep you alive, so it's not all bad. The trick is to know when to listen to it, and when to turn down its volume. We probably only need it on 1% of the time, yet most people have it on 100% of the time. The reason this happens is b/c society (on purpose) breeds unconscious fearful people. The only way out is to become conscious (observing the observer). From the seat of consciousness, you can observe and ask yourself why you think/do what you do, and if these thoughts/actions are serving the ego (fear) or your true spirit. It's safe to say that most of us could benefit from lowering the volume.

A good book on learning how to observe without emotion pulling one all over the mental spectrum is "the untethered soul" by singer. Ultimately the 'flow' state or being in the 'now' is the best way to experience the joys of life, but being the master of the ship is equally critical to the dance of life.
Nov 11, 2014
Ug, so emo... At first glance it may sound like Buddhist philosophy or something because the content is similar - but it actually has some kind of emotion behind it. Emo(tion)!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
mt_dreams said:
A good book on learning how to observe without emotion pulling one all over the mental spectrum is "the untethered soul" by singer. Ultimately the 'flow' state or being in the 'now' is the best way to experience the joys of life, but being the master of the ship is equally critical to the dance of life.
Excellent book, would recommend. :thumbup:


Dec 1, 2012
oxidation_is_normal said:
Ug, so emo... At first glance it may sound like Buddhist philosophy or something because the content is similar - but it actually has some kind of emotion behind it. Emo(tion)!

lol my thoughts exactly. Can't hate on OP, I had a similar nihilistic view on life around his age. It seems a lot of people who think about these sorts of things do. I'd wager quite a bit of money that he will evenutally realize that while there is no objective right or wrong, there is a subjective right or wrong based on your values as a human being living in a universe with other conscious creatures and the more you act in accordance with this system the happier you and likely those around you will be. Maybe there's another realization after that I haven't come across, but the A to B outlined above seems to be a commonly tread path.


Aug 22, 2013
I'm actually pretty skeptical of what the western world seems to define as the ego. I think one of my favorite bloggers ( said it pretty well here:

So we're really talking about the part of the mind that is constrained by language, vs the part that is not constrained by language.

In western culture we have something I would call the Word Ego: the part of our mind that uses language wants to feel like it's totally in charge, so it builds a wall with a narrow gate where it stands like a sentinel, not letting anything pass from understanding into action unless it can take the form of words. (Or you could say the wall is to keep consciousness from passing out of the realm of words!)

As a writer, I'm like a lawyer who represents people before the Word Gate. Everyone tells me, "You put into words what I knew but couldn't put into words, and now I know I'm not crazy." But my job is only necessary because you have a Word Gate in the first place. It would better if we could all just develop our sub-language consciousness enough that we could trust it to directly drive our actions.

To me, this makes a lot of sense, and I feel may be a more useful viewpoint for sane personal development. So, we don't need to focus on destroying our ego, or treating it like it's some kind of monster. Instead, we need to simply recognize that language based consciousness is simply one of many forms of consciousness and ideally should be balanced with sub-language consciousness. When we're ruled by language, we can miss out on many things that can't be described and this can hamper creativity, enjoyment of life, and other things. There are countless ways to tap into sub-language consciousness, like art, music, sports, or just tuning into feelings and sensations.

The focus should be on tuning into these non language based things, rather than trying to tune the "ego" (language consciousness) out. This puts a more positive spin on our path, we're now moving towards something we enjoy, rather than running from our "ego".


Dec 13, 2013
Ego =/= fear. Lions have low fear and bunnies have high fear, yet none suffer. The mistake is focusing on one part of the ego, the part run by fear. Its forgotten counterpart is the part run by promises of betterment. Both are equally important.

The ego is indeed a logic and language-based instrument. Observing the ego, which is going above it, or doing what you feel like doing, which is going below it, are two methods of controlling the ego.

Observing the ego is good. But it gets a little complicated. Observing the ego is not something instinctual, it is still a process fueled by the ego, unless it comes automatically. So in a way, you shoot yourself in the foot the more you force yourself to practice mindfulness instead of doing what you feel like doing.

Doing whatever you feel like doing requires no ego intervention. It is something that comes from within. It is true freedom.

Another problem with observation is that it does not increase the likelihood of reproduction in the individual observing. Just look at monks. Hardly ladies' men. Two things: 1. They don't want to have sex with women. 2. Women don't want to have sex with them.

People who do what they feel like doing, on the other hand, are likely to have sex and reproduce.

We are not free of the unchangeable property of evolution. Thankfully. You contribute to humanity merely by doing what you want. If you don't have sex for whatever reason, or people find you unattractive, there is something wrong with you, so your faulty genes will not be passed on.

"Nature will find a way" as from Jurassic Park. Nothing really matters. Even polluting the Earth. If we put toxins in the environment, then the people who are resistant will be the ones most likely to survive and reproduce.

There is nothing that me or anyone else can do that will change anything at all. So do whatever you feel like doing. If you fail to reproduce, or die, so what? We are all in this together and competition is required to survive and evolve. There are no enemies and there is no such thing as a right or wrong action, only adaptive or maladaptive.


Oct 27, 2013
You're all over the place. I find your view of monks, & how increased observation effects their sex lives quite humorous. The only time no sex takes place is when the religion forbids it's priests/monks of sexual relations. In religions where this is not the case, sexy, charismatic, etc priests/monks have their choosing from the religious lot. Females wont risk having sex with a priest/monk if it means that they will be kicked out of the community ... it seems like your clutching for something.

Nature may always find a way but I sure wouldn't enjoy a world where S_S and other potential machete owners are ready to mow me down once I leave my home. If kindness & gratitude go extinct, it wont be a pretty picture. Keep searchin
Nov 26, 2013
I'm just getting ready for the infected egos dystopia :cool:
Disclaimer: The Coca Cola Company may or may not assassinate its own union leaders


Dec 13, 2013
mt_dreams said:
You're all over the place. I find your view of monks, & how increased observation effects their sex lives quite humorous. The only time no sex takes place is when the religion forbids it's priests/monks of sexual relations. In religions where this is not the case, sexy, charismatic, etc priests/monks have their choosing from the religious lot. Females wont risk having sex with a priest/monk if it means that they will be kicked out of the community ... it seems like your clutching for something.

Nature may always find a way but I sure wouldn't enjoy a world where S_S and other potential machete owners are ready to mow me down once I leave my home. If kindness & gratitude go extinct, it wont be a pretty picture. Keep searchin
Your mistake is expecting your environment to make a difference in your level of suffering. Animals kill each other, yet they don't suffer. Kindness isn't necessary, but it's not unnecessary either. It just is.

Just as if S_S came and killed me. It just is. It doesn't matter. I wouldn't care. Nobody can do anything to me that would hurt me. If I die, it was meant to be. And don't forget, killing people isn't instinctual. Even mice are averted to killing fellow mice.

You also see death as a bad thing. Death of unhealthy offspring is good just like death of cancer cells is good. Survival of sickly species is like a cancer growing in an ecosystem.

About the sex thing, haha, the most sexy and charismatic people are the most free and extraverted. So there is still no push toward depth. If there was, the deepest people would be the most sexy and promiscuous. Depth is good, but evolution will not promote its reproduction or sustain its survival.

You're complicating things. It's really not complicated. Whatever you believe or don't, things will be how they are meant to be, whatever is meant to happen will happen. I would suggest quit thinking and start doing what you feel like doing. None of this stuff matters anyway. It's not like it will change the path of evolution. I probably wrote too much, just live life and forget about this stuff.


Feb 12, 2015
What if I hate your party lifestyle? What about emotional consequences of doing whatever you want? Death might not be so bad for the one dying or getting killed but the consequences are that his/her loved ones feel grief. What if I object to your way of doing what you feel like?


Dec 13, 2013
Life has ups and downs. You meet people, people are born, people move, people die, people change, it is never consistent. The ego wants consistency so it can plan, expect, and create life situations. But fame, power, riches, relationships, sex, nothing permanently makes a person happy.

Life is just one big rollercoaster. You may change things by trying, but it's still a rollercoaster. You might as well kick back and enjoy the ride.

The death of a person is as important as the death of a tree, to the universe. It doesn't matter. They break down into many molecules and then they are incorporated into either the environment or into other cellular organisms.

Babies are created out of plants and animals. We only have emotions and thoughts because it benefitted our survival, just as wolves stick in packs because it benefitted their survival. What does that tell you about the significance of your thoughts and emotions? They are as significant as the leaves on a tree, a mere tool for survival and reproduction.

You are a cluster of atoms in the form of a human. How would the ego feed off of that? What relationships are important then? Truth is, what you do, feel, think is just as preset as the functioning of a bug, just infinitely more complicated. You are not human, you are nature. No part of nature is any more or less important than another part and this planet is one giant living organism.

Man, got carried away again. But I had fun. Haha, I hope I infected some egos. What people believe in is so absurd once you consider what we really are. Life is just one big party! Haha, it is great to be awake.


Feb 12, 2015
Ben said:
Life has ups and downs. You meet people, people are born, people move, people die, people change, it is never consistent. The ego wants consistency so it can plan, expect, and create life situations. But fame, power, riches, relationships, sex, nothing permanently makes a person happy.

Life is just one big rollercoaster. You may change things by trying, but it's still a rollercoaster. You might as well kick back and enjoy the ride.

The death of a person is as important as the death of a tree, to the universe. It doesn't matter. They break down into many molecules and then they are incorporated into either the environment or into other cellular organisms.

Babies are created out of plants and animals. We only have emotions and thoughts because it benefitted our survival, just as wolves stick in packs because it benefitted their survival. What does that tell you about the significance of your thoughts and emotions? They are as significant as the leaves on a tree, a mere tool for survival and reproduction.

You are a cluster of atoms in the form of a human. How would the ego feed off of that? What relationships are important then? Truth is, what you do, feel, think is just as preset as the functioning of a bug, just infinitely more complicated. You are not human, you are nature. No part of nature is any more or less important than another part and this planet is one giant living organism.

Man, got carried away again. But I had fun. Haha, I hope I infected some egos. What people believe in is so absurd once you consider what we really are. Life is just one big party! Haha, it is great to be awake.
Well then nature must've screwed up with me cuz I have absolutely no desire to reproduce (definitely not a libido issue) and no love for my fellow man. I guess violence between humans is natures way of thinning us out when it found out we were at the top of the food chain? Maybe were all being mind controlled and given false thoughts of independence from said mind control, that would mean we're even less responsible for our actions, so let's go with that :P
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