Ray Peat On Sex And Relationships


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Penises as soft-firm dildos of male-flowerness aside, does anyone know good sources for Dr. Peat's view of love and relationships?

He's spoken a bit about how marriage may derive from the "property mentality," about which those who have achieved a euphoric metabolic state can understand, but I've seen scarce writing from him on the subject of romantic love.


Mar 10, 2016
All I can think of is his artwork on his website and the naked ladies.


Mar 3, 2013
This is all I was able to find on page 76-77 in Mind and Tissue:
For centuries in western countries there has been an
awareness of two very different kinds of sexuality.
Sometimes these have been identified as "sensual copulation"
and "Courtly Love," or as irresponsible and dutiful sexual
relations. This double attitude has occasionally been
criticized, but it continues in the present culture to serve as
the frame for much of the thinking and talking and political
activity related to sex.
William Blake was one of the first people who
clearly described a kind of being which is whole, or at least
trying to be whole in opposition to the culture of

"Thou hast a lap full of seed,
And this is a fine country.
Why dost thou not cast thy seed
And live in it merrily?
Shall I cast it on the sand
And turn it into fruitful
land? For on no other
ground Can I sow my seed
Without tearing up
Some stinking weed."

"Sand" apparently refers to a barren emotional state,
which is an alternative to a distorted and complex growth of
the emotions. Blake often referred to biblical ideas, but
76filled with reality and imagination things which had been
only the moralistic thoughts of tribal priests--so this verse
might relate to the injunction to "spill your seed on a woman's
belly rather than on the ground," or something of the sort.

Masturbation then would be one meaning of sand--and since
in masturbation the energy flow is only in one direction,
without exchange and complexification, the idea extends to
include this kind of low-energy release in normal copulation.
The "stinking weed" is a negation (not a "contrary") of this: A
moralistic denial of sex for pleasure. (And of course the
thicket of emotional and ideological problems which
accompany that attitude.) So Blake presents this unpleasant
choice, with an indication that there is something better, a
"fruitful land." His whole work contains the belief that sexual
energy must be expressed in imaginative fullness, with regard
to all of human existence.

Wilhelm Reich, who broke away from the
psychoanalytic movement because of his marxian beliefs
and his "sex-politics," tried to analyze sexual repression in
a biological way. His analysis was the same as Blake's:
Both of the culture's sexual alternatives are the result of
"armoring," or rigidifying, of the organism. He said that
"four-lettering" is not the same as making love, but that it is
accepted by the repressive society because it is passive, and
less dangerous than full sexuality.


Mar 7, 2017
All I can think of is his artwork on his website and the naked ladies.


While watching one of Peat's lectures I noticed that he appears socially awkward, but not necessarily uncomfortable.........like the classic "nerd".

I wonder if this has kept him from meeting women, but he does mention having girlfriends in the past, so not sure what to think.

Surprised no woman has bagged her a 170lb Peat!!!
Aug 18, 2015
I bet his prolactin was so low, his testosterone so high, that girls would just stare at him all the time, he probably needs next to no game, his hormones are his game, he's like the perfect hormonal level, unthought low levels of stress hormones, unbelievably high levels of sexual hormones, he's like a glitch in the matrix, women flock to him without even knowing why, he's like a super human alpha male, he tells his girls to get naked he will paint them, they tell him yes of course no questions asked


Mar 7, 2017
I bet his prolactin was so low, his testosterone so high, that girls would just stare at him all the time, he probably needs next to no game, his hormones are his game, he's like the perfect hormonal level, unthought low levels of stress hormones, unbelievably high levels of sexual hormones, he's like a glitch in the matrix, women flock to him without even knowing why, he's like a super human alpha male, he tells his girls to get naked he will paint them, they tell him yes of course no questions asked


Jun 12, 2016
Many of our symbols of virility come from past ages which held chastity in high regard. People like historical dramas because the social roles and traditions surrounding sex were meaningful and prepared people psychologically for it.

I read a quote by a campus Marxist about how women changed during the sexual liberation and how he was disillusioned with the idea that free sex and the utopia that would follow didn't occur. It went something like "our coeds went from sweet and feminine into cynical and combative."

When social barriers are removed to test and sort out men, women tended to set up their own barriers and tests and it can manifest in a general hatred of men.


Jan 23, 2017
""our coeds went from sweet and feminine into cynical and combative." Indeed, so true. I see them as masculinized, and men feminized

But it's not just psychological, the shift has been physical too. Look at the images of women's faces (and commentary) indicating what the author of this article calls "manjaws" in woman as an example of physical masculinization of women (one can find picture of men whose looks are feminine too):

Attack Of The Manjaws!
Attack Of The Manjaws!

Implies to me me the inversion of genders taking place now has to do with hormones and perhaps, toxins and chemicals in he environment that screwing up hormones in humans and animals.

Extract from article:

"The manjaw plague didn’t happen overnight, though it seems that way. It’s been in the works for a couple of generations now. Reasons abound.

  • One word: Plastics. Are endocrine disrupting chemicals in that cherished SWPL standby, the plastic water bottle, masculinizing our women?
  • Parabens. Or is it the stuff put into cosmetics? Could women be slavering testosterone boosters onto their cheeks each time the get ready for a night out on the town?
  • The Pill. Let’s face it, the pill has been a huge society-wide experiment on women (and men, indirectly), which… interesting… ramifications are only now coming to light.
  • Soft polygamy. What happens when you give women the run of the place? Well, besides voting for socialist diaper changers, you get a bunch of chicks chasing lantern-jawed alpha males and having illegitimate children by them, leading inexorably to future generations of more masculine daughters being raised by ever more feminine beta hubbies.
  • A combination of all the above.

On my occasional forays into the ghetto, I recurrently note just how beastly the local girls look. Huge jaws and brows that could sprout Wolverine claws when roused to anger. Maybe this is the end result of a mating market where generations of women have spread for the most violent, thuggish men in the hood. If so, is there a trickle up effect to the rest of society? Are redneck girls getting manlier also? Will the upper classes figuratively and literally barricade themselves from the manjaw invasion, creating not only a cognitive elite but a neotenous elite? I can imagine the pendulum swinging back in time, as legions of red-blooded American men become so turned off by the Lara Croftian trannies in their midst that a price premium is placed on the pixies, nymphs and sprites. Perhaps all this masculinization of our women will render their wombs barren, restricting their ability to contribute to the next generation. Demographic shift happens."

Many of our symbols of virility come from past ages which held chastity in high regard. People like historical dramas because the social roles and traditions surrounding sex were meaningful and prepared people psychologically for it.

I read a quote by a campus Marxist about how women changed during the sexual liberation and how he was disillusioned with the idea that free sex and the utopia that would follow didn't occur. It went something like "our coeds went from sweet and feminine into cynical and combative."

When social barriers are removed to test and sort out men, women tended to set up their own barriers and tests and it can manifest in a general hatred of men.
Jul 4, 2017
Yeah, there is movement on YouTube stating that all male celebrities are women, and all female celebrities are men. No, it's call beatdown stress effects on the human body. Our species is under attack. Just seeing the crap people put in their Whole Paycheck carts, it's no wonder we are turning into mindless, disconnected robots of the Machine. But I digress.


Mar 3, 2013
""our coeds went from sweet and feminine into cynical and combative." Indeed, so true. I see them as masculinized, and men feminized

But it's not just psychological, the shift has been physical too. Look at the images of women's faces (and commentary) indicating what the author of this article calls "manjaws" in woman as an example of physical masculinization of women (one can find picture of men whose looks are feminine too):

Attack Of The Manjaws!
Attack Of The Manjaws!

Implies to me me the inversion of genders taking place now has to do with hormones and perhaps, toxins and chemicals in he environment that screwing up hormones in humans and animals.

Extract from article:

"The manjaw plague didn’t happen overnight, though it seems that way. It’s been in the works for a couple of generations now. Reasons abound.

  • One word: Plastics. Are endocrine disrupting chemicals in that cherished SWPL standby, the plastic water bottle, masculinizing our women?
  • Parabens. Or is it the stuff put into cosmetics? Could women be slavering testosterone boosters onto their cheeks each time the get ready for a night out on the town?
  • The Pill. Let’s face it, the pill has been a huge society-wide experiment on women (and men, indirectly), which… interesting… ramifications are only now coming to light.
  • Soft polygamy. What happens when you give women the run of the place? Well, besides voting for socialist diaper changers, you get a bunch of chicks chasing lantern-jawed alpha males and having illegitimate children by them, leading inexorably to future generations of more masculine daughters being raised by ever more feminine beta hubbies.
  • A combination of all the above.

On my occasional forays into the ghetto, I recurrently note just how beastly the local girls look. Huge jaws and brows that could sprout Wolverine claws when roused to anger. Maybe this is the end result of a mating market where generations of women have spread for the most violent, thuggish men in the hood. If so, is there a trickle up effect to the rest of society? Are redneck girls getting manlier also? Will the upper classes figuratively and literally barricade themselves from the manjaw invasion, creating not only a cognitive elite but a neotenous elite? I can imagine the pendulum swinging back in time, as legions of red-blooded American men become so turned off by the Lara Croftian trannies in their midst that a price premium is placed on the pixies, nymphs and sprites. Perhaps all this masculinization of our women will render their wombs barren, restricting their ability to contribute to the next generation. Demographic shift happens."

It's very disheartening seeing white nationalists who support "racial hygiene" ala Konrad Lorenz mentioned on RPF. Ray himself has spoken against such thinking many times. Unfortunately, having seen race being brought up so many times here, I'm not even sure many people on this forum even bother to read his work. I mean, you would think on a RPF people would understand that life is made of a nano-protoplasm unit that shifts between the resting and living state, that structure and energy are interdependent at every level, and that a gene-centered view of biology is incredibly dated and irrelevant to the current scientific view of the liquid crystalline view of biology of Ho, Ling, Pollack, Troshin, etc. But perhaps that's asking too much. In any case, are there more masculine women today? I'm not really seeing that. Certainly on television you see more square-jawed people, but in real life I'm not sure it's as common, at least not around where I live. That being said, endocrine disruptors are a big deal and I hope more people become aware of them in our food, water, plastics, etc.
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Oct 11, 2015
It's very disheartening seeing white nationalists who support "racial hygiene" ala Konrad Lorenz mentioned on RPF. Ray himself has spoken against such thinking many times. Unfortunately, having seen race being brought up so many times here, I'm not even sure many people on this forum even bother to read his work. I mean, you would think on a RPF people would understand that life is made of a nano-protoplasm unit that shifts between the resting and living state, that structure and energy are interdependent at every level, and that a gene-centered view of biology is incredibly dated and irrelevant to the current scientific view of the liquid crystalline view of biology of Ho, Ling, Pollack, Troshin,

Dna is fairytales from imagination only. Same with mitochondria. Mito = myth or thread as in something you weave with. Weaving a story. Atoms are also make believe.

Ancestral = Ence-Astral
From the Astral.
Biological parents provide the raw materials ( which is not unimportant ). They do not pass on dna because dna is make believe. This raw material is then "animated." It is not random.


Jan 23, 2017
Are you saying NOTHING white nationalists say has any value? In my view, one could selectively choose worthwhile information, insights and ideas from all kinds of questionable places without believing or accepting many or most or 99% of other things they say. The world, in short, won't blow up if you do. If Hitler, Stalin or Mao, or any mass murderer says 2 + 2 = 4, does that mean we can't believe it if we want to be considered moral and ethical? Some here would be very dismayed at seeing quoted say, Karl Marx, who generated one of the most murderous political philosophies in history, but while there is so much hateful and wrong in Marx, some of his ideas have merit and worth examining. You obviously prefer to attack the source or provenance of ideas rather than argue against its merits.

You must live in a pretty cut-off or detached-from-the mainstream area if you don't see any masculine women around. But just turn on TV, look at the women in the commercials or latest sit-coms and dramas. Plenty to see there, plus lots of effeminate or gayish men. Virtually every commercial including a married couple shows some form of a high-T wife bullying or mocking her low-T dumb-a*s husband. Since you chose to invoke Peat, do you think he would be cool about that? Or, in your world, is objecting to this something only white nationalist do? (there's a lot of black guys I know who would agree with this objection).

It's very disheartening seeing white nationalists who support "racial hygiene" ala Konrad Lorenz mentioned on RPF. Ray himself has spoken against such thinking many times. Unfortunately, having seen race being brought up so many times here, I'm not even sure many people on this forum even bother to read his work. I mean, you would think on a RPF people would understand that life is made of a nano-protoplasm unit that shifts between the resting and living state, that structure and energy are interdependent at every level, and that a gene-centered view of biology is incredibly dated and irrelevant to the current scientific view of the liquid crystalline view of biology of Ho, Ling, Pollack, Troshin, etc. But perhaps that's asking too much. In any case, are there more masculine women today? I'm not really seeing that. Certainly on television you see more square-jawed people, but in real life I'm not sure it's as common, at least not around where I live. That being said, endocrine disruptors are a big deal and I hope more people become aware of them in our food, water, plastics, etc.


Mar 3, 2013
Are you saying NOTHING white nationalists say has any value? In my view, one could selectively choose worthwhile information, insights and ideas from all kinds of questionable places without believing or accepting many or most or 99% of other things they say. The world, in short, won't blow up if you do. If Hitler, Stalin or Mao, or any mass murderer says 2 + 2 = 4, does that mean we can't believe it if we want to be considered moral and ethical? Some here would be very dismayed at seeing quoted say, Karl Marx, who generated one of the most murderous political philosophies in history, but while there is so much hateful and wrong in Marx, some of his ideas have merit and worth examining. You obviously prefer to attack the source or provenance of ideas rather than argue against its merits.

You must live in a pretty cut-off or detached-from-the mainstream area if you don't see any masculine women around. But just turn on TV, look at the women in the commercials or latest sit-coms and dramas. Plenty to see there, plus lots of effeminate or gayish men. Virtually every commercial including a married couple shows some form of a high-T wife bullying or mocking her low-T dumb-a*s husband. Since you chose to invoke Peat, do you think he would be cool about that? Or, in your world, is objecting to this something only white nationalist do? (there's a lot of black guys I know who would agree with this objection).

prepare yourself for the manjaw takeover mua ha ha hA. I have nothing against objectifying women, I just don't think you can compare Hollywood with real life. I live in Southern California. Plenty of slender, pretty girls here. I wouldn't say it's necessarily cut off from the mainstream. In fact every time I've been out in the Midwest and south there seems to be a lot less attractive women and more obese women. But I am perhaps a bit biased.
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Jul 3, 2017
You must live in a pretty cut-off or detached-from-the mainstream area if you don't see any masculine women around. But just turn on TV, look at the women in the commercials or latest sit-coms and dramas. Plenty to see there, plus lots of effeminate or gayish men. Virtually every commercial including a married couple shows some form of a high-T wife bullying or mocking her low-T dumb-a*s husband. Since you chose to invoke Peat, do you think he would be cool about that? Or, in your world, is objecting to this something only white nationalist do? (there's a lot of black guys I know who would agree with this objection).

I disagree with the High/Low T reasoning but you are right about the commercials. Most advertisements for cleaning products are marketed directly towards mothers, and when they do have a man in there he's a moron.

You are talking about commercials though. These are intended to sell things to us, not to provide an honest and proportionate representation of reality (which plenty of people out there are calling for). Just because most adverts adhere to these tropes, doesn't mean that their customers do so as well.


Aug 6, 2015
why does he only paint estrogen-ised blobs ?

maybe they have been eating all his painting oils


Jan 23, 2017
Southern California??? I've been there enough times to know that it is as representative of the rest of the US as much as the planet Mars is representative of Manhattan! LA is the very epicenter for cultivating physical appearance, closely followed by Brazil, to an extreme degree. In the rest of the US, for the most part, manjaw and mannish women are ascending. The manjaw women and their high T aggressiveness seen in the pictures of the link I shared are especially in cities and urbanized areas, where women can climb up the careerist ladder and benefit from a harder-looking look. The fatties are to be found more in rural areas.

prepare yourself for the manjaw takeover mua ha ha hA. I have nothing against objectifying women, I just don't think you can compare Hollywood with real life. I live in Southern California. Plenty of slender, pretty girls here. I wouldn't say it's necessarily cut off from the mainstream. In fact every time I've been out in the Midwest and south there seems to be a lot less attractive women and more obese women. But I am perhaps a bit biased.
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Jan 23, 2017
The commercials and programming are not just just there to sell us the crap goods, foods, services, drugs and cars that appear in them. They are a vehicle for "selling" and conditioning us to accept an inverted, degenerate version of masculinity and femininity, and inviting us to become what they show in them. All aided and assisted biologically by polluted/toxic air, water and food. Psychology and biology brought together, working together, to turn women into second-rate men and men into second-rate women. This is also aided and abetted and given vast amounts of input and support by the institutions of education, law, mainstream religion, and the MSM. We are frogs in the pan while knob to increase the boil is turned on further.

I disagree with the High/Low T reasoning but you are right about the commercials. Most advertisements for cleaning products are marketed directly towards mothers, and when they do have a man in there he's a moron.

You are talking about commercials though. These are intended to sell things to us, not to provide an honest and proportionate representation of reality (which plenty of people out there are calling for). Just because most adverts adhere to these tropes, doesn't mean that their customers do so as well.
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Jan 23, 2017
Irony is Southern California, with its low relatively lower population of manjaws and fatties, is the place where movies and TV shows are made full of manjaws and fatties .

prepare yourself for the manjaw takeover mua ha ha hA. I have nothing against objectifying women, I just don't think you can compare Hollywood with real life. I live in Southern California. Plenty of slender, pretty girls here. I wouldn't say it's necessarily cut off from the mainstream. In fact every time I've been out in the Midwest and south there seems to be a lot less attractive women and more obese women. But I am perhaps a bit biased.
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