Ray Peat Interview Ray Peat in panel discussion on obesity and PUFAs


Dec 8, 2016
That's very interesting. I think the fact they were very self-controlled towards her says it all. So sad because it is her we are discussing and not the PUFA issue - maybe thjs at the end of the day was all she really wanted.
Interesting observation that people are focused on her.

Big takeaway is:
Focus on Ray and his life’s work.
His articles. And his interviews.

Is he perfect? Omniscient?
But he is a teacher of teachers.
A class all by himself.


Feb 26, 2016
It’s good to show people where Peat is coming from & the power package he’s confronting. We have a lot to talk about just to get the biology down & why PUFA is poison & how it does that. I’m listening.

Peat himself says that he got into biology because it was one of the only types of knowledge that hadn’t been completely closed to being empirical, at least a little.

When he talks about the Randle Cycle & the illogical-sounding reality that burning fatty acids adds to stored adipose fat—creating an electron sink because it impairs glucose sensitivity at the same time that it slows the rate of atp generation—and that PUFA are uniquely poisonous to the redox balance & the body will protectively store them—thereby setting the body on a downward spiral of decreasing energy generation & life, he’s bringing a devastating assault to the argument that academic medicine knows to any degree what it’s talking about. He’s also indicting the language used to talk about reality. Most MD’s aren’t stupid. They might try to exert power even in small ways without justification.

You’re right. He’s the brilliant guy in the room. He also stands out because of what he’s against.


Oct 19, 2019
It’s good to show people where Peat is coming from & the power package he’s confronting. We have a lot to talk about just to get the biology down & why PUFA is poison & how it does that. I’m listening.

Peat himself says that he got into biology because it was one of the only types of knowledge that hadn’t been completely closed to being empirical, at least a little.

When he talks about the Randle Cycle & the illogical-sounding reality that burning fatty acids adds to stored adipose fat—creating an electron sink because it impairs glucose sensitivity at the same time that it slows the rate of atp generation—and that PUFA are uniquely poisonous to the redox balance & the body will protectively store them—thereby setting the body on a downward spiral of decreasing energy generation & life, he’s bringing a devastating assault to the argument that academic medicine knows to any degree what it’s talking about. He’s also indicting the language used to talk about reality. Most MD’s aren’t stupid. They might try to exert power even in small ways without justification.

You’re right. He’s the brilliant guy in the room. He also stands out because of what he’s against.
Well said


Sep 9, 2021
I had an exchange with him a year or two ago- asking about this- and he gave full credit to his parents. Particularly his mom iirc.

How wonderful to have been able to find out this information, that is one thing I would love to know more about, this anti-authoritarian authority and the influence his family had on him. just to know more about his upbringing etc. I read one of his past newsletters on education and he seems to be very interested in and favour homeschooling and liberal education methods (coupled with social exposure), I just wonder how much of that is from personal experience.


Dec 8, 2016
How wonderful to have been able to find out this information, that is one thing I would love to know more about, this anti-authoritarian authority and the influence his family had on him. just to know more about his upbringing etc. I read one of his past newsletters on education and he seems to be very interested in and favour homeschooling and liberal education methods (coupled with social exposure), I just wonder how much of that is from personal experience.
I assume quite a lot.

I won’t post his response publicly since it is personal data and I would have to ask permission out of respect: but he speaks fondly of both his mom and dad.

There is one guy on this forum that knows him and his family personally. He is also cryptic with information- because I believe Ray likes being an enigma; living his analog life.

Regarding schooling. I agree.
I called in to a Danny Georgi and Ray podcast to ask about an issue in public schools. He basically said “don’t conform. You can’t make sense out of insanity.”
Gross paraphrasing on my behalf.


Dec 8, 2016


Nov 22, 2017
He certainly is. Wow, amazing. She made me feel on edge the whole way through, she seemed guarded and confrontational, which was a shame, I think they could have had a much more meaningful conversation if she'd not been there. I'm just looking at the other thread and I see that she has been discussed over there too.

That was my feeling too, I felt like she meant well but she had an overbearing demeanor and it messed with the vibe.


Dec 8, 2016
Thirty plus minutes in-

Didn’t know it was possible to admire him even more.

A humble genius.


Feb 22, 2017
I haven’t finished this yet. It’s Brad explaining part of what he was talking about.

Thanks for posting this and Sephton for the panel. I'd like to understand more about redox balance, reductive stress and cellular respiration and this helps a bit.

I'm also interested in how glucose is superior for cellular respiration over fat, as I've experienced it first hand but don't understand the mechanisms/why.


Jul 31, 2015
I must admit I've had a blind spot when it comes to understanding redox reactions in biology and I suspect some people on that panel did too especially one in particular.

Now along comes Ray and in a couple of minutes drops the low level cause of diabetes, getting fat, why eating a ton of rice might cure it, and how PUFA and high metabolism tie it all together! Amazing to watch and hear.

We may have just witnessed the spark (sugar spark that is) that sets the whole thing off to a world of do it yourself health.

Strangely Ray has always down played the energy processes which I think was a communication failure on his part. It took Cate to bring it out of him, lol.


Jul 31, 2015
Part 2 is an awesome tying it all together. Ray really does so many interviews with the interviewer not getting to any really deep understanding that I'm thinking Ray's work is still miss understood even by educated followers or people "familiar" with his work.



Mar 2, 2017
David Gornoski sits down with Dr. Cate Shanahan, Dr. Ray Peat, Tucker Goodrich, Brad Marshall, and Dr. Petro Dobromylskyj. The conversation revolves around the question of what causes obesity. What explains the correlation between seed oil consumption and rising obesity in America? If obesity is a signaler, what is it saying?

I didn't listen to the end but after hearing the inane blithering 25 minutes in, I decided none of these people know anything about the physiology of " unadulterated" fresh organic cold pressed seed oils whatsoever. They do the exact opposite as to what's being said. These type of discussions about HYDROGENATED seed oils are correct but no one is competent enough to say that fresh pufas are essential to life, which is why they're called "Essential Fatty Acids" Its guesses and tales from the riverbank. Processed hydrogenated seed oils are 100% poison to all living cr3atures whereas fresh unoxidised seed oils are essential for life.
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