Raw Meat Raw Milk Raw Eggs Feeling Great


Jul 14, 2018
I'm trying the primal diet with plenty oranges fruits honey so no zero carb. My question is why do we not study the power of raw fat raw proteins . We have come a long way in re learning to truth in saturated fat but we look at this fat and use it denatured what if these saturated raw animal fats even eaten occasionally can really have some powerful effect on the body. Rawmilk raw eggs changed my life in fitness I believe meat raw and not denatured protein and fat has very anabolic properties. I can't help believing that animal foods have no business being destroyed with heat and keeping fat raw and saturated with plenty of enzymes keeps meat nurient dense alive and esily digested Pottenger's Cat Study - Vets All Natural
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Jul 14, 2018
I continued eating raw meat once or twice weekly, and my health gradually increased. Whenever I experienced detoxification, healing was always a progress toward better functionality. I did not deteriorate as most people do on cooked foods or meatless raw foods. I knew I was on the right track by eating raw meat, but I could not set aside the bacteria and parasite phobias. I was especially concerned because the vagus nerve to my stomach had been severed in surgery for stomach cancer. I had no hydrochloric acid to dissolve and annihilate bacteria and parasites upon entering my body. Science and medicine put me in the category of octogenarians who they say, are in danger of death from bacterial and parasitic invasion from lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. I continued to eat meat anyway.

In my 35 year I misidentified a poisonous mushroom and ate it. It was the deadliest amanita mushroom, the 'death cap'. I ate enough to kill people my size. My cancers returned twice as bad as they had ever been, and it destroyed 90% of my liver. Along with severe liver-pain, extreme weight loss. and body cramps, my diabetes returned. Every book on the death cap mushroom said that death came within 10 days and it was welcomed. No one in written history had survived after eating 1/15 the amount I had. I was a semi-invalid again. I healed slowly by eating plenty of raw fat. Too slowly. After 1 1/2 years of healing I began eating meats almost daily, including beef, lamb, buffalo, seafood and organically grown fowl. Healing time doubled and diabetes vanished. But it took me 6 1/2 years to recover to a somewhat balanced state of being and my cancers to reenter remission for the third time. It took 11 years to recover to where I had been before I consumed the poisonous mushroom. But I recovered completely.

After 12 years eating raw meat and never having had any more than a little diarrhea that might have been associated with it, I learned to relax and not fear raw foodborne bacteria and parasites. It seemed to me - at that point - that all of that hullabaloo about raw food borne bacteria and parasites was superstitious like the witch hunt of old times. My research showed that the FDA's research on foodborne bacterial illness, 24-81 million cases a year, stated that over 96% were cooked and processed canned and bottled food related. Raw was getting the rap, but cooked and processed were the culprits.
I experimented and found that raw foods soured and/or spoiled with lots of bacterial activity but did not putrefy. Only cooked and processed food putrefied. Only cooked and processed foods contained lipid oxides and disease producing protein toxins. The worst that soured and spoiled raw food caused sometimes was nausea and diarrhea with occasional cramps and fever and, rarely, a little blood in the stool - whereas cooked and processed putrefied food often caused such severe poisoning that lives were lost or near death.
It seems to me that science and medicine are in total denial or that they are protecting the processed food industry and restaurants.

My nutritional career unofficially began in 1969. Since I hadn't died in 1961 when doctors said I would. I thought that I had had some answers to better health. In 1969 I began advising and suggesting healing methodologies for people, especially particulars about diet.
Now that I look back on my life, I wonder how I could have been so confident, even arrogant, to advise anyone with the little knowledge and experience that I had. I knew a lot about disease but little about health and healing. I seemed to have a fairly good intuition for it.
However, I adhered to certain idealistic concepts that interfered and sabotaged my intuition. I misled people into veganism and/or fruitarianisin because I believed that all meat was poisonous and bad karma. I didn't realize that something had to be killed to sustain life whether animal, vegetable or fruit. That is a law of this planet. I did not realize that only cooked meats contained poisons (i.e. lipid oxides and protein toxins). In my early years as a nutritionist I helped many and hurt many. Because my help was always greater than my mishaps, I continued to counsel.

After I learned about the tremendous properties of raw fats my successes reached 60%. After I learned about the fantastic healing characteristics of eating raw meat, my successes with disease rose to 75%. After I learned the techniques for amounts and particulars that certain foods had, my successes reached 85% and better, depending upon the disease.

Occasionally there was relatively immediate healing. Most often though, healing requires time to build strength, detoxify and regenerate.
The fact of healing according to Dr. F. Pottenger's work is that it takes 5 generations to achieve optimal health.
It takes approximately 10 days to replace every cell (one generation) in the blood, 2 1/2 years to replace one generation (every cell) of glands. Approximately 4 1/2 years to replace one generation of arteries, approximately 5 years to replace one generation of intestines and tendons, approximately 6 years to replace one generation of cartilage, and approximately 7 1/2 years to replace one generation of bone.
Therefore, to achieve one's optimal health in a particular body part, it takes 5 generations: that is 7 weeks for the blood, 2 years for glands, 22 1/2 years for the arteries, 25 years for intestines and tendons, 30 years for cartilage, and 37 1/2 years for bone. Usually, healing enough to stop disturbing pain can he achieved during the first generation of healing.

Many of our members are Natural Hygienists and have chosen to eat a vegetarian (vegan and raw primarily) diet. Many fast on occasion to allow their body to eliminate the toxic condition from daily stress. How do you view this practice of fasting and what experiences or data could you share with us on these views?

I have completed approximately 75 fasts from 1969-1981 of various lengths -- many 1-day-a-week fasts, several 5-day, 10-day and 15-day fasts. One 31-day fast and one 41-day fast. During 60% of them I drank water only with no cheating ever. During 40% I drank all or some of my urine and a little water.
During the 41-day fast I drank all of my urine and a little water. Each one, including 1-day fasts was difficult. The easier of the long-term fasts was the 41-day drinking urine because of the nutrients in the urine. Urine is the blood with most of the red blood cells removed and a little ammonium added by the kidneys. During the 41-day fast (I should call it a urine feast) I lost the least amount of weight and energy, had the fewest headaches and had better disposition but my breath was atrocious all of the time.
The 31-day fast on water only I did at age 27. It took me 2 1/2 years to regain my equilibrium. The last intellectually motivated fast I did at age 33 - the 41-day urine fast. It took me 1 1/2 years to regain my strength.
I found that fasting longer than 3 days was impossible without daily enemas to dilute the toxins in the bowels. Enemas destroyed the bacteria that is the major constituent of feces but so did the toxicity from fasting. I had constant headaches, depression, anxiety and nausea without enemas.
I stopped fasting when I realized that the side effects of forced-fasting were greater than the benefits. The benefit of ketosis, cellular cannibalism, which usually occurs within 12 hours of fasting is that it reduces the overpopulation of sluggish cells, leaving the stronger cells and those that overproduce prostaglandins. This is a process of mass genocide via cannibalism. The deleterious effects are that blood maintains a higher acid ratio weakening and damaging red blood cells and their ability to transport oxygen.
If fasting continues beyond 2 days severe blood-fat deficiency occurs. The body leeches fats from the lymph system and cells to maintain it. This fat- leeching weakens the immune system.
Another deleterious effect of fasting is that the necessary bacteria level in the intestines diminishes. Since 60-90% of fecal matter is born of bacteria, constipation results and severely diminishes bacterial synthesis of B vitamins and amino acids. This further weakens and diminishes the immune system.
Another side effect from fasts, resulting from blood-fat end lymph deficiencies is that many toxins from either industrial pollution or natural by-products of metabolism are freed. They irritate, burn and often imbed in the stronger cells, therefore weakening them. Fat, especially in lymph, usually binds with toxins and either neutralizes or escorts them out of the body through the mucus mem- branes, skin or bowels. If great collections of these toxins occur during fasting, kidney damage results. These side-effects usually create edema, especially when eating is resumed. The body often tries to dilute the toxins when it does not have enough fat to chelate and remove them. Mutations some-times result.

My conclusion after 13 years experience and research with intellectually motivated fasts is that fasts are often more deleterious than helpful. They may have their place, but I won t gamble with people's lives using fasts as therapy.
When certain situations are favorable and if an individual has no appetite, I may suggest that they fast until hungry. However, if the individual is anorexic, I do not suggest that they fast.
I have replaced fasts with a formula of raw vegetable juices (rarely fruit juices) and raw eggs. This supplies the nutrients to form solvents to remove toxicity and the fats necessary to eliminate them from the body. It is not as dramatic an experience, but it works well, and more people are able to do it and still function.

You say that fasting weakens the immune system, but Shelton and others noticed just the opposite - that colds/flus/infections in progress would cease within a few days of starting a fast, and that new ones would never occur.

Concluding that because colds and flus often cease during fasts does not mean that health is improved. It has been my experience that colds and flus and all other diseases are detoxification. I have experienced and observed that colds and flus often ceased during fasts because the body could no longer tolerate such major detoxification. Some detoxification continued to occur during fasts, however it was mainly the tremendous toxicity from the body cannibalism (acidosis). Weaker cells are consumed to feed healthier cells. Fasts force the survival-of-the-fittest reality as in most starved species. This in consequence creates a somewhat healthier body because it eliminates so many weaker and decaying cells.
In most circumstances, because the body usually requires much time and nutrients, especially fats and proteins, to detoxify and recover from fasts and because most people do not eat diets that provide proper nutrients, people lack the nutrients necessary to ideally enter regular major detoxification like colds and flus. Especially in our toxic environment bodies need major detoxification regularly.

It is also known that the starving prisoners of nazi death camps were less susceptible to typhoid than their "well-fed" guards. This, if anything, indicates a strengthened not weakened, immune system How do you explain things like this?

I do not attribute increased immunity of typhoid to starving. The high consumption of alcohol and drugs among guards seems to have contributed to the greater susceptibility to typhoid. Starving prisoners died of typhoid.

Your book was very informative about the role of raw animal fats, meat, and eggs for the proper nutritional fuel for our bodies. Would you please tell us what you feel is a proper level of raw animal products in our diet, and how you reached this conclusion?

For each individual the proper ratio of raw animal products may vary. Experience has shown me that over time raw animal products produce the calmest, most balanced human nature with excellent mental clarity.
For the last few years my raw animal products consumption has been approximately 80% by volume of my diet. I restrict high fructose fruit to one a day and almost always eat it with a high fat food such as unsalted raw cheese, raw butter, raw cream, raw milk, raw egg(s), avocado and/or raw coconut.
As an example of the extreme, the Eskimo ate 99% raw animal products and lived free of degenerative disease before white men introduced cooking cauldrons, breads and refined sugar to them. By several accounts of world travelers and explorers they considered the Eskimo the happiest of all races.
Their first case of dental decay was 50 years after cauldrons, breads and refined sugar were introduced. The dental caries only existed among those who ate some or all of white man's food. Cancer never occurred among primitive Eskimo.

I resisted a predominantly animal products diet for fear I would feel dull and sluggish because of the low enzyme and mineral content of feed given to farm animals. When I finally attempted it I felt dull and sluggish.
As a vitamin, enzyme and mineral supplement I introduced 1 quart a day of raw vegetable juice divided into 5 or 6 portions, often adding 1 ounce raw cream, raw milk or raw coconut cream to each portion, or ate a small amount of unsalted raw cheese. The juice perfectly balanced me and prevented the craving for high fructose fruit that resulted from eating animal products.
I avoid the high fructose fruit consumption because it causes manic thought and lack of regular clarity. I eat from 3/4 - 3 lbs of meat almost daily (that is, red meat and/or seafood and/or fowl).

What objective test measurements have you made on yourself before and since starting this raw flesh diet? Do you monitor any bio-markers like pulse rate, blood pressure, body temperature, various blood parameters? If so, what are they? Have you had a bone scan for osteoporosis? If so, with what result?

While I was a raw-food fruitarian/vegan my pulse rate averaged 62, blood pressure averaged 107/70, and body temperature 96.8 deg. I was frequently manic, easily tired or exhausted and quick to be outraged. As a raw-flesh eater my pulse averages 70, blood pressure 127/80 and body temperature 97.7 deg F.
I rarely experience mania or lethargy, easily remain calm, and have at least five times more energy and clarity.

I have not had a bone scan. However, my bones do not easily break as they did when I was a child. I have had several situations where if I had had osteoporosis I would have broken bones but did not. In one situation where had a severe bicycle accident I broke seven bones in my foot. Six hours later after a 14-year old girl set the bones in my foot I walked 3 miles. The next day I bicycled 12 miles. I was completely painless in 2 weeks. My bones healed 3 times faster than the average person. Such skeletal healing does not occur if osteoporosis exists.

One of the effects of eating the raw animal products, I have noticed, is an increased sex drive (without Viagra). You don't mention this specifically in your book (if so, I missed it), however there are several references to the high level of sex that you and your clients enjoy. What are your findings in this area and do you regard sexual energy as a health indicator? While Hygiene does not frown on sex, they do caution that over activity in this area is very enervating and to be avoided. What are your views about what is over activity and its possible harmful effects?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Interesting read. I suspect also there is something to eating more foods raw. I'm completely on board with raw milk, probably on raw eggs as well, I admit I still have hesitation on raw meat but I like to keep a relatively open mind.

One critique though - your pulse is 70 and temp 97.7. Certainly that's higher than it was, but that seems too low, especially the temperature, still. I for one can attest to feeling awful with a temperature that low... Though I have no arguments that 97.7 would result in 5 times more energy than 96.8 or so ...

Any actual hormone bloodwork done like T levels estrogen cortisol etc?


Jun 19, 2016
If you think back to caveman days where it all started , they probably cooked all their meat with bonfire. Imagine eating just hunted down animal raw, i just don't believe it.
Raw milk is okay, probably alot better than processed milk.
If you can stomach raw meat and eggs, it doesn't hurt to try though...


Jul 14, 2018
If you think back to caveman days where it all started , they probably cooked all their meat with bonfire. Imagine eating just hunted down animal raw, i just don't believe it.
Raw milk is okay, probably alot better than processed milk.
If you can stomach raw meat and eggs, it doesn't hurt to try though...
I know but alot of cultures that eat more raw meat and dairy have such little to no disease other factors as well but I mean really meat is so healthy what does cooking actually provide it really just denatures and the parasite idea really is seeming less and less realistic 95 percent food illness is from cooked food


Jul 14, 2018
My question is with all the positive studies on saturated fat what do we know about it's affects in a raw state? @haidut what is your opinion on raw beef grass fed fresh and freshly trimmed I do lots of tartare carpochio and raw steak raw milk raw eggs. Raw liver made me sick but I think the source was just bad and it was only for a day I got sick. I listen to aajandous vonderplanitz he seems crazy in a sense sure but lots of interesting points are raised with raw animal products and mental physical health


Feb 9, 2014
Most of my diet is raw. Raw dairy and raw local farmed pasture raised low PUFA eggs are a stable of my diet. My meat I do eat on occasion is seared or very rare meat. I used to eat completely raw meat but as of recently do fine just searing it/searing it rare, etc. Raw honey and fresh raw orange juice, grape juice, melon juice, pineapple juice, etc. Sometimes I will make stewed apples and pears with raw milk ice cream. Gelatin is the only protein I eat cooked regularly. Once, sometimes twice per day. I feel best on raw food and not cooked. I have experimented with every diet under the sun, but always find myself going back to a raw type of diet. I have of course been strict Peat for over 6 years, but before that I did all kinds of diets and many were variations of raw food diets. I have lower back pain issues and one of the big reasons for eating mostly raw is because my back pain goes away when doing a mostly raw Peaterian diet. As soon as I eat cooked starches it come back. This is a common thing I have noticed with other people who eat raw food. But also I do so mostly out of convenience. I am a great cook and love cooking in my soul, but I hate cooking as a regular choir so I love just cracking a egg or two in my raw milk and fresh OJ and blending it into a quick shake. I do believe there is beneficial bacteria that aids in digestion and consuming toxin products. Clearly this is the case with raw dairy for me, as someone who could not tolerate diary, not just for the lactose but also the casien. Not an issue today. I make sure to liberally add salt to my raw milk and eggs to help keep temps up. Works great for me. Some people believe all bacteria is bad, but I am not so convinced by that.
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Jan 25, 2014
I've eaten raw milk and eggs before. I would do it again, too. I didn't really notice too much one way or another. If sourced correct, I would eat raw beef, too.

Raw pork? Absolutely not. That one is far too risky. I have eaten raw oysters, but that's it as far as seafood goes. I think the idea of sushi is crazy. I really don't trust fish parasites.


Feb 18, 2018
My question is with all the positive studies on saturated fat what do we know about it's affects in a raw state? @haidut what is your opinion on raw beef grass fed fresh and freshly trimmed I do lots of tartare carpochio and raw steak raw milk raw eggs. Raw liver made me sick but I think the source was just bad and it was only for a day I got sick. I listen to aajandous vonderplanitz he seems crazy in a sense sure but lots of interesting points are raised with raw animal products and mental physical health

If you give rats the choice between cooked or raw meat, they’ll choose the cooked meat.

Cooked food allows us to extract more energy compared to the same uncooked food.

I tried raw meat and raw eggs and was completely turned off by it, cooked tastes a million times better imo.

I think our taste buds evolved to tell us what foods were healthiest for us.

For these reasons I prefer cooked over raw, except for fruits and certain vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, celery, herbs).

I mean if you feel great on raw than I’m not one to discourage, but I believe one of the great feats of man was the use of fire to cook our foods. Not cooking foods is taking a step backwards in the evolutionary direction imo.


Jul 14, 2018
If you give rats the choice between cooked or raw meat, they’ll choose the cooked meat.

Cooked food allows us to extract more energy compared to the same uncooked food.

I tried raw meat and raw eggs and was completely turned off by it, cooked tastes a million times better imo.

I think our taste buds evolved to tell us what foods were healthiest for us.

For these reasons I prefer cooked over raw, except for fruits and certain vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, celery, herbs).

I mean if you feel great on raw than I’m not one to discourage, but I believe one of the great feats of man was the use of fire to cook our foods. Not cooking foods is taking a step backwards in the evolutionary direction imo.
I eat cooked as well but I was curious if the raw fat like milk in certain meats can have some benefit eating a grass fed peat style cheeseburger works great for me but also raw beef I do get lots of energy and mental clarity from if combined with raw honey

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
I'm trying the primal diet with plenty oranges fruits honey so no zero carb. My question is why do we not study the power of raw fat raw proteins . We have come a long way in re learning to truth in saturated fat but we look at this fat and use it denatured what if these saturated raw animal fats even eaten occasionally can really have some powerful effect on the body. Rawmilk raw eggs changed my life in fitness I believe meat raw and not denatured protein and fat has very anabolic properties. I can't help believing that animal foods have no business being destroyed with heat and keeping fat raw and saturated with plenty of enzymes keeps meat nurient dense alive and esily digested Pottenger's Cat Study - Vets All Natural

I eat plenty of saturated fat usually 30-40% of my daily calories then 40% carbs and rest protein. Always feel much more anabolic and stronger than just carbs. Ray peat never said eat only sugar and fruit theres some quote from him even saying fat is good around 30-40% of diet. Obviously with all the androgenic effects from palmitic, stearic acid etc and combined with the mufa oleic etc like in gonadin they synergise and become both androgenic and anabolic. I feel so much better eating some fat and build muscle like twice as fast then just high carbohydrates. No need for it all to be raw but i myself eat lots of raw eggs and organic unhomogenized milk with like 3-5% fat. Not the completely raw version but its as close as i can get and i feel its doing really big difference. Also theres so many other things in meat that are androgenic and anabolic like taurine, creatine, vitamin specially fat soulable like A and K2 plus tocopherols and its a great source of protein and cholesterol. High fat combined with high carb and surplus on daily calories and good exercise routine is the way to go if you want high androgen levels. I believe these changes was what got me from 140 T-level to 920


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
@Douglas Ek

What would you say to someone like me who is having serious weight gain problems. The high carb high fat diet doesn't seem to be doing me any good either for my waistline or for even making me feel better in the long run.

I'm starting to think high fat only works for someone already healthy, because virtually everyone here (myself included) has gained way too much weight on high fat high sugar. I have gained 80 (yes, eighty) pounds in 4 months of high fat high sugar so obviously it isn't working. Maybe I'm an extreme case, I have been unhealthy virtually all of the 3 decades I've been on this planet after all, so that's 3 decades of stress hormones I guess.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
@Douglas Ek

What would you say to someone like me who is having serious weight gain problems. The high carb high fat diet doesn't seem to be doing me any good either for my waistline or for even making me feel better in the long run.

I'm starting to think high fat only works for someone already healthy, because virtually everyone here (myself included) has gained way too much weight on high fat high sugar. I have gained 80 (yes, eighty) pounds in 4 months of high fat high sugar so obviously it isn't working. Maybe I'm an extreme case, I have been unhealthy virtually all of the 3 decades I've been on this planet after all, so that's 3 decades of stress hormones I guess.

Yeah I would say that is true. Unless you have the metabolic capacity to shuttle all the energy into hormones and muscles then you will gain fat instead. Obviously when i eat like this for to long and if i sont exercise while im at it i will gain weight to. Its called bulking in the bodybuilding world. A standard example is that unless your very precise about calorie intake counting calories etc you will have a very hard time gaining muscles and losing fat at the same time. That can only be done with anabolic steroids. But you can come pretty close if you figure out how to get your body in that optimal primed state. For me I realized I did exercise way to much and always eaten to little. That caused burn out high cortisol, anxiety low libido. What fixed it was actually take 1 year off from weightlifting completely and eat healthy and a surplus of it and also did joggs instead enough to get hormones a but going but never to exhaustion so cortisol increase. I did this untill my hormones stabalized. And Ive started to work out again but instead of going 5 times a week I workout 2-3 and i listen to my body. Do i feel tired or sore. I dont go to the gym that day. And if I workout I always make sure I eat a bit more supply the energy.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
@Douglas Ek

What would you say to someone like me who is having serious weight gain problems. The high carb high fat diet doesn't seem to be doing me any good either for my waistline or for even making me feel better in the long run.

I'm starting to think high fat only works for someone already healthy, because virtually everyone here (myself included) has gained way too much weight on high fat high sugar. I have gained 80 (yes, eighty) pounds in 4 months of high fat high sugar so obviously it isn't working. Maybe I'm an extreme case, I have been unhealthy virtually all of the 3 decades I've been on this planet after all, so that's 3 decades of stress hormones I guess.

Have you tried taking a year where you focus on sleep. Getting light exercise, sunlight and eating good. Dont try to think about what you eat. Eat rice, potatoes, fruit, honey, steaks, milk, eggs. Listen to your body. Eat when your hungry. Relax and try to enjoy life go on massage and relax feel good. Go for walks. Meditate. I did all these things and combined i believe they took me from underweight depressed anxious high cortisol i also was on ssri. Now Im normal, i let time heal me first then once healed I focused on the anabolic parts.

PS sorry for ***t typing like to instead of too etc just type fast on cellphone. Gets a bit messy.


Feb 18, 2018
I eat plenty of saturated fat usually 30-40% of my daily calories then 40% carbs and rest protein. Always feel much more anabolic and stronger than just carbs. Ray peat never said eat only sugar and fruit theres some quote from him even saying fat is good around 30-40% of diet. Obviously with all the androgenic effects from palmitic, stearic acid etc and combined with the mufa oleic etc like in gonadin they synergise and become both androgenic and anabolic. I feel so much better eating some fat and build muscle like twice as fast then just high carbohydrates. No need for it all to be raw but i myself eat lots of raw eggs and organic unhomogenized milk with like 3-5% fat. Not the completely raw version but its as close as i can get and i feel its doing really big difference. Also theres so many other things in meat that are androgenic and anabolic like taurine, creatine, vitamin specially fat soulable like A and K2 plus tocopherols and its a great source of protein and cholesterol. High fat combined with high carb and surplus on daily calories and good exercise routine is the way to go if you want high androgen levels. I believe these changes was what got me from 140 T-level to 920

What cuts of meat do you eat? I just ate beef shoulder, and I found that whenever I bit into a fatty part of the steak, I instantly felt a feel good satiation signal from my stomach, that isn’t met when I’m eating only lean meats. However, there just wasn’t enough fat on the shoulder for me to be satisfied. I added sour cream to make it a little fattier, but the sour cream doesn’t give me that same feel good satiation like the biting into the pure fat on steak did.

Also ground beef is just nasty, granted i was eating 80/20 conventionally fed beef, but I do not feel good eating that compared to a nice fatty steak. Skirt steak is probably my favorite, it’s very fatty, but unfortunately they didn’t have any when I was at the grocery store.

I’m also thinking about purchasing beef tallow and making my own gravy with v8 vegetable juice. I hope the tallow gives me better satiation than butter and sour cream. Butter I find to make my stomach feel much more content as opposed to sour cream, but I don’t find butter on meat to taste that great. Ideally I’d just be eating nice fatty steaks, but that can really be pricey, so I’m hoping that a good workaround is lean cuts of meat with my homemade beef tallow gravy (which I’m not sure if it’d even taste good, I need to look up recipes)


Jul 14, 2018
What cuts of meat do you eat? I just ate beef shoulder, and I found that whenever I bit into a fatty part of the steak, I instantly felt a feel good satiation signal from my stomach, that isn’t met when I’m eating only lean meats. However, there just wasn’t enough fat on the shoulder for me to be satisfied. I added sour cream to make it a little fattier, but the sour cream doesn’t give me that same feel good satiation like the biting into the pure fat on steak did.

Also ground beef is just nasty, granted i was eating 80/20 conventionally fed beef, but I do not feel good eating that compared to a nice fatty steak. Skirt steak is probably my favorite, it’s very fatty, but unfortunately they didn’t have any when I was at the grocery store.

I’m also thinking about purchasing beef tallow and making my own gravy with v8 vegetable juice. I hope the tallow gives me better satiation than butter and sour cream. Butter I find to make my stomach feel much more content as opposed to sour cream, but I don’t find butter on meat to taste that great. Ideally I’d just be eating nice fatty steaks, but that can really be pricey, so I’m hoping that a good workaround is lean cuts of meat with my homemade beef tallow gravy (which I’m not sure if it’d even taste good, I need to look up recipes)
Tallow is great so is duck fat most meat I eat is filet raw or if cooked fresh grass fed ground beef 8020 or grass fed lamb beef stew meat for broths I like cheeseburgers and ground beef for masa flour tacos I make myself and pasture raised pork


Jul 14, 2018
Have you tried taking a year where you focus on sleep. Getting light exercise, sunlight and eating good. Dont try to think about what you eat. Eat rice, potatoes, fruit, honey, steaks, milk, eggs. Listen to your body. Eat when your hungry. Relax and try to enjoy life go on massage and relax feel good. Go for walks. Meditate. I did all these things and combined i believe they took me from underweight depressed anxious high cortisol i also was on ssri. Now Im normal, i let time heal me first then once healed I focused on the anabolic parts.

PS sorry for ***t typing like to instead of too etc just type fast on cellphone. Gets a bit messy.
Oh yes I include all those foods I am very healthy just love to expirement :)
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