Question about High T3 Low T4


Jun 6, 2013

I have a question about my "progress" in adjusting my thyroid dose (in conjunction with Peat-eating). Based on pulse, temp, and other symptoms, I have been slowly adjusting my NP Thyroid (dessicated) dosage upward. I'm currently taking a bit less than 3 grains, split throughout the day. I have noticed my pulse and temperature spend way more time in the normal range now, and just lately, sometimes, a little high (or maybe I'm not used to it).

I just had some labs done for my yearly physical, and my thyroid labs came back as:
TSH .02 (a bit too low)
Total T4 5.8 (range 4.5-12.0) - still very low, and lower than before (am I over-converting?)
Total T3 173 (range 71-180) - pushing the upper limit

Why is my T4 not budging but my T3 is almost over-range? In addition, my C02 was still low at 23 (bad energy production?) and my cholesterol is still a bit high at 251 (LDL 166)

Is there something else I should be doing? Or will this normalize over time since I've only been at this dosage for a few weeks? Would it make sense to drop down the dessicated dosage and increase a T4-only med? I'm very confused as I was not expecting this result.

My pulses seem to rise to 88 or so after I eat and I also get warm, and pulses more like 73 or so other times.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


Dec 31, 2012
Maggie - you need to give it a chance to work. I've been taking NDT for about a year now and it took me about 8 months to settle into the right dose and timing protocol. Your thyroid labs look pretty good to me. How do you feel? Do you have more energy? In my experience there is not exact lab results that you should be aiming for. Go on how you feel, your temps, heart rate, mood etc. Although, the lower your TSH, the better.

As for cholesterol, you could be producing higher amounts because you are trying to heal. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

As I have found out, and probably others, NDT or any other thyroid medication will not fix all your ills. Focus on your food, getting lots of the right kind of lights, having fun, removing any stresses in your life and be patient. You can't turn around years of ill-health in a few weeks, or months, or probably even years. It will take time. Good luck!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
ttramone said:
I've been taking NDT for about a year now and it took me about 8 months to settle into the right dose and timing protocol.

Yep, about the same amount of time with me to get the dosing right. Also learning how to watch symptoms so you know when to raise or lower the dose.

Go on how you feel, your temps, heart rate, mood etc.


As for cholesterol, you could be producing higher amounts because you are trying to heal. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Another big yes.

As I have found out, and probably others, NDT or any other thyroid medication will not fix all your ills.

No,, but it will give you a really nice boost! It's a piece of the all around Peat philosophy to raise your metabolism and get your life generating energy back on track.

Focus on your food, getting lots of the right kind of lights, having fun, removing any stresses in your life and be patient. You can't turn around years of ill-health in a few weeks, or months, or probably even years. It will take time. Good luck!

Solid, sound advice.


Jun 6, 2013
Thank you for the advice - it makes me feel much better! In thinking it over, I am going to start bag-breathing to increase my CO2. I think that should help kick-start some improvements too. It's just so hard to find "private time" since I work all day (whine whine) but I think it will be worth it. As for the rest of the labs, well, I have a mantra that I constantly chant to myself: "don't panic!" "don't panic!"

Now ... to make sure my doctor doesn't panic ... that's a different story.


Dec 31, 2012
magpie said:
Thank you for the advice - it makes me feel much better! In thinking it over, I am going to start bag-breathing to increase my CO2. I think that should help kick-start some improvements too. It's just so hard to find "private time" since I work all day (whine whine) but I think it will be worth it. As for the rest of the labs, well, I have a mantra that I constantly chant to myself: "don't panic!" "don't panic!"

Now ... to make sure my doctor doesn't panic ... that's a different story.

Yeah, that will be your toughest challenge I'm sure!!!


Jun 6, 2013
Just for anyone who's interested - I did have my yearly physical today with a review of my bloodwork. My doctor is absolutely awesome! She agreed that the thyroid levels need time to settle down, she doesn't care AT ALL about suppressed TSH - just symptoms and T4/T3 levels. She says to give it 3 months and see where everything settles - I can increase my dessicated thyroid if I feel symptomatic again. She did remark that since my liver now has some T3, it seems to be doing a great job converting my T4 and that I shouldn't change anything - just wait and see how things end up with the T4 level. Personally, I think my liver's doing a great job because I feed it right.

And - she didn't bat an eye when I declined my yearly mammogram - she suggested an ultrasound if I'm interested. And no eye-batting when I declined a pneumonia vaccine and also flu shots. She just said cheerily "wash your hands!"

So I just wanted to mention - they may be few and far between - but there are great doctors out there!


magpie said:
And - she didn't bat an eye when I declined my yearly mammogram - she suggested an ultrasound if I'm interested. And no eye-batting when I declined a pneumonia vaccine and also flu shots. She just said cheerily "wash your hands!"

Whoa! What planet do you live on?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
j. said:
magpie said:
And - she didn't bat an eye when I declined my yearly mammogram - she suggested an ultrasound if I'm interested. And no eye-batting when I declined a pneumonia vaccine and also flu shots. She just said cheerily "wash your hands!"

Whoa! What planet do you live in?


Yeh no kidding.


Jul 23, 2012
Where is this magic doc of yours located? Any referrals to any magic docs in AZ?


Jun 6, 2013
My doctor is in the Bay Area (Ca). She has recently gone 'concierge' which is a bummer. Someday I'll feel confident enough to manage my own thyroid levels and hopefully won't see a doctor to monitor. But not yet.
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