PUFAs Cause Obesity And Diabetes. Coconut Oil & Fructose Are Protective



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Aug 24, 2017
Not speaking for @Salmonamb at all, this is my opinion; you should only have to overeat for about 4 days, mostly on carbs, very little fat, minute amounts of fructose, mostly starchy carbs. 3 days of overeating on starch pretty much recovers all leptin sensitivity and so you should no longer feel ravenous and should be able to go to a maintenance calorie level and not gain any fat. The caveats of course are that you need to not be doing physical activity that over stresses you, you must be getting as much sleep as possible, and you must be eating the proper foods.

In my personal experience this holds true as I can eat "intuitively" with out any fat gain after a 4 day carb refeed even after extensive periods of fat loss.
Yes good points. People shouldn't demonize starches as much. They can be very helpful with recovery.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Sorry but I don't believe that you can go from hypothyroid to healthy in 4 days man. If you can, you're truly a superhuman and the rules don't apply to you lol. Many prominent posters (Blossom being one) took around 4 *years* to heal. I can tell you being back on RP for a couple weeks now that I'm not even close to 100% (maybe like 20% of the way there, I still have quite a lot of mood swings and energy dysfunction, and poor sleep quality). There's a big difference between restoring glycogen levels (yes, true, that can be done fairly quickly) and actually normalizing years of damage due to PUFA and other things to your body. Agreed on sleep and proper foods though of course.

Lean =/= Healthy is the point I'm trying to make. In fact I would go so far as to say that most overweight people are actually happier than the average lean person, because most lean people buy into mainstream nutrition and fitness of under-eat, and over-exercise. I prided myself in being lean for a good portion of my life, but I was never healthy in doing so. Trust me I know all the "reefed" tricks , counting macros, and all that good stuff, but it never resulted in health for me, quite the opposite. I was once lean enough to probably be 1-2 weeks out from a competition if I wanted to, but I've never felt worse in my whole life.

Low fat / lean meats never result in satiation for me. If you guys are remaining lean and happy while eating a low-ish fat diet that's great, I'm truly happy for you. I don't think that works until one is healthy though. Not for me anyway.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Sorry but I don't believe that you can go from hypothyroid to healthy in 4 days man. If you can, you're truly a superhuman and the rules don't apply to you lol. Many prominent posters (Blossom being one) took around 4 *years* to heal. I can tell you being back on RP for a couple weeks now that I'm not even close to 100% (maybe like 20% of the way there, I still have quite a lot of mood swings and energy dysfunction, and poor sleep quality). There's a big difference between restoring glycogen levels (yes, true, that can be done fairly quickly) and actually normalizing years of damage due to PUFA and other things to your body. Agreed on sleep and proper foods though of course.

Lean =/= Healthy is the point I'm trying to make. In fact I would go so far as to say that most overweight people are actually happier than the average lean person, because most lean people buy into mainstream nutrition and fitness of under-eat, and over-exercise. I prided myself in being lean for a good portion of my life, but I was never healthy in doing so. Trust me I know all the "reefed" tricks , counting macros, and all that good stuff, but it never resulted in health for me, quite the opposite. I was once lean enough to probably be 1-2 weeks out from a competition if I wanted to, but I've never felt worse in my whole life.

Low fat / lean meats never result in satiation for me. If you guys are remaining lean and happy while eating a low-ish fat diet that's great, I'm truly happy for you. I don't think that works until one is healthy though. Not for me anyway.
I was only pointing out that eating tons of fat with sugar would most likely result in fat gain.
Do you use any supplements to help lower stress hormones and boost metabolism?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Ok that's fair. Meals should be balanced, for sure. I do notice that if I pound straight ice cream, with the exclusion of protein, that yes, it can be easy to go overboard if I'm not cautious. My second round of RP has been going a little better, in terms of damage control, by including more starches this go around. Sorry if I misunderstood your point, which it sounds like I may have. And you're right, going RP doesn't give you the free-for-all permission to just eat everything in sight (that's more of a Matt Stone philosophy, so it shouldn't be a surprise that most Matt Stone followers are morbidly obese from what I've heard), but rather to care for your body and eat what it needs to eat.

I'll give you a more detailed list of my current strategies after I get back from the gym later.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I had 30 years of issues to repair so 4 years is nothing comparatively. I'm not saying it was easy but despite ups and downs it all worked out. I had to eat and rest a reasonable amount every single day for a long time before my body felt safe enough again to run at full speed. Those are good habit to develop regardless for long-term health.

I think boosting metabolism from a reasonable level of health can be achieved much quicker than recovering from years or decades of health issues. I know of people who took longer than me and people who did it quicker. Each person will have their own unique time frame mostly determined by the amount of repair that needs to happen.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Unfortunately, I've generally never been at a reasonable level of health, like you, I have basically 30 years of damage to undo. For most of my life had to deal with things like depression ranging from severe to mild, and I've basically never been "happy" so the depression , learned helplessness, all that good stuff, "at best" has always been mild (like now, at least it's not severe anymore). Going through a breakup with the first serious girlfriend you've ever had in your life doesn't do your metabolism any good either (that really messed me up for the better portion of this whole year) especially when your health is mediocre going into said breakup. I've been like this so long, that when the fog finally lifts, it's going to be weird, because I won't even know what to do with the new mindset, haha, but that'll be a good problem to have. I've never even had or desired a social life for most of my life, right now I don't even have or even want any friends because most of the time I'm in a brain fog and just want to rest. I can't wait for that to finally be a thing of the past.
Last edited:


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Do you use any supplements to help lower stress hormones and boost metabolism?

My current stack is:

Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Magnesium Glycinate
Vitamin B1
Baking soda + ACV

Planning to add sublimed sulfur soon


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
My current stack is:

Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Magnesium Glycinate
Vitamin B1
Baking soda + ACV

Planning to add sublimed sulfur soon
To be honest, I haven't been in such a situation as yourself, and haven't had to recover from something like you have to. So I can only throw out a few ideas.
Have you tried methylene blue and/or red light?
Have you tried a potent serotonin and cortisol antagonist?


Aug 1, 2017
To be honest, I haven't been in such a situation as yourself, and haven't had to recover from something like you have to. So I can only throw out a few ideas.
Have you tried methylene blue and/or red light?
Have you tried a potent serotonin and cortisol antagonist?

I agree, maybe experimenting with some idealabs products would be a good idea

Also, what multivit are you using? Most of them have ingredients that are bad news
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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