Posture and hormones


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Lately I’ve been thinking about posture/structure and hormones. And which is the chicken and which is the egg.

I’m sure it could be either one depending on circumstances. However I think hormones and your mental health usually come first. Meaning if you notice you have developed poor posture, corrective exercises can of course help, but it’s a bandaid. Quitting that job you hate , getting rid of your stress will dramatically fix your posture more then exercises.
Mostly everyone I know who is genuinely happy from what I can see have solid posture without even working on it at all. Their hormones and mental health are in order therefore they don’t hold stress in there neck, or hunch over shortening their rib cage leading too all of this.

At times in my life when I’ve been depressed nothing would fix the posture as far as exercises. But once I sorted out my bull**** my posture basically fixed itself. And forget about how damaging it can be on your mental when you know your posture is poor so you try to consciously walk around in what you think is good alignment. The amount of anxiety and energy that goes towards that is another huge issue I’ve dealt with.

When All is flowing and your energy is balanced thinking about your posture doesn’t exist. It’s just natural and how you carry yourself . Any thoughts ?

I think when ppl have life long gut issues that don’t resolve no matter what it is probably do to posture ,, or just constant stress. And those two go hand in hand .
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Lately I’ve been thinking about posture/structure and hormones. And which is the chicken and which is the egg.

I’m sure it could be either one depending on circumstances. However I think hormones and your mental health usually come first. Meaning if you notice you have developed poor posture, corrective exercises can of course help, but it’s a bandaid. Quitting that job you hate , getting rid of your stress will dramatically fix your posture more then exercises.

Mostly everyone I know who is genuinely happy from what I can see have solid posture without even working on it at all. Their hormones and mental health are in order therefore they don’t hold stress in there neck, or hunch over shortening their rib cage leading too all of this.

At times in my life when I’ve been depressed nothing would fix the posture as far as exercises. But once I sorted out my bull**** my posture basically fixed itself. And forget about how damaging it can be on your mental when you know your posture is poor so you try to consciously walk around in what you think is good alignment. The amount of anxiety and energy that goes towards that is another huge issue I’ve dealt with.

When All is flowing and your energy is balanced thinking about your posture doesn’t exist. It’s just natural and how you carry yourself . Any thoughts ?
hi,from my experience energy wich include hormones is the main factor determining having a "good"posture,then when you do have enough energy,exercising will influence your posture specifically in the muscles you used during the exercice and increase their tone.well digested red meat make my posture,movements,and walking,slower and more coordinate,more"harmonious".

yes in an ideal state its just intuitions,poor posture feel worst therefore you quickly quit these posture.also many of these postures that can be perceive as bad or suboptimal are just the manifestation that the person is feeling low energy in her body therefore she is instinctively taking postures that feel less exhausting.

constant stress with suboptimal nutrition and ressources relative to the stimulus you are expose will lower your energy and make your posture worst,and it can reach shrinking where shoulders are falling,and accessory arms and or legs crossed in resting position,and on the long term even seems to influence your structure.

taking more "optimal postures" while having a low degree of energy can perhaps improve a little bit your state,from my experience it was unsignificant,when you do have a high degree of energy,you feel it radiating in your chest specifically ,and it happens independently of your will.
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Jan 6, 2019
It's a two-way street. Posture supports well-being and being well supports posture. Starting from either end works. Working on both ends at the same time is even better. I know someone whose eyebrows thickened (thyroid improvement?) just by learning to position their neck correctly and relaxing their jaw and tongue. Any gland or organ can be compromised by bad posture. During times when my health has been poor, spending extra effort to maintain good posture has nevertheless been helpful in spite of the extra effort required. In the end good posture is a pretty gentle thing and does not require much forcing. You can almost solely relax into it.
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Sep 22, 2021
new york
It's a two-way street. Posture supports well-being and being well supports posture. Starting from either end works. Working on both ends at the same time is even better. I know someone whose eyebrows thickened (thyroid improvement?) just by learning to position their neck correctly and relaxing their jaw and tongue. Any gland or organ can be compromised by bad posture. During times when my health has been poor, spending extra effort to maintain good posture has nevertheless been helpful in spite of the extra effort required. In the end good posture is a pretty gentle thing and does not require much forcing. You can almost solely relax into it.
Yes I agree that working on both is the key. I think doing way more pulling and posterior chain work is prudent. Building up the upper back with face pulls and pullovers or anything to give your middle and upper back to have the strength to not roll forward. And ditch all the pressing movements or majority of them. It’s not that simple as something like foot or ankle mobility can also mess up the whole system. It’s tough lol. Addressing imbalances, massages and foam rolling to break up tension, more pulling exercises , and truly living life on your terms all play a part. i like so much the point about relaxing into it. Sadly you can’t just tell someone to do that. I wish it was that easy Right ? As we know the ability to relax requires energy. When you’re thriving and have good thyroid /metabolism /energy / happy life I would imagine it gently falls into place like you mentioned. I spend so much time hyper focusing on my posture that the stress makes it worse I think. when in reality my posture isnt horrible. If I just stopped being my own worst enemy and looking in the mirror every hour expecting change it’d prob get better on its own by engaging in life , stay positive , fueling thryoid, proper nutrition , and yes some posture work here and there. Obsessing over it isn’t going to help it, and it’ll actually make it worse by adding more stress being held in the body.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
i like so much the point about relaxing into it. Sadly you can’t just tell someone to do that. I wish it was that easy Right ? As we know the ability to relax requires energy. When you’re thriving and have good thyroid /metabolism /energy / happy life I would imagine it gently falls into place like you mentioned. I spend so much time hyper focusing on my posture that the stress makes it worse I think. when in reality my posture isnt horrible. If I just stopped being my own worst enemy and looking in the mirror every hour expecting change it’d prob get better on its own by engaging in life , stay positive , fueling thryoid, proper nutrition , and yes some posture work here and there. Obsessing over it isn’t going to help it, and it’ll actually make it worse by adding more stress being held in the body.
very relevant and good comment and intuitions,you can close the thread lol,you are a posture expert now.
posture in it self is trivial specifically when its force,thats combined with other characteristics that its appreciable for the person experiencing the posture,and for the other persons appreciating it.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
very relevant and good comment and intuitions,you can close the thread lol,you are a posture expert now.
posture in it self is trivial specifically when its force,thats combined with other characteristics that its appreciable for the person experiencing the posture,and for the other persons appreciating it.
Hahaha expert.. wait can you explain everything you said after “you are a posture expert now” sorry it’s going over my head somewhat

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Hahaha expert.. wait can you explain everything you said after “you are a posture expert now” sorry it’s going over my head somewhat
just posture in it self is not something to chase independently of other factors,wether you do it for your well being,or for other perceptions,it wont make much difference for both specifically if its forced to be sustained compare to when "good"posture is the consequence of having a high degree of energy,therefore you feel that energy radiating in your chest,to varying degree and causing you to have a good posture,it generally come with high physical and mental well being,a high degree of stress resilience,confidence,non fleeing eyes lookings,you moove better,talk better,higher strengh and explosivity,your body feel way lighter...etc and others
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Sep 22, 2021
new york
hi,from my experience energy wich include hormones is the main factor determining having a "good"posture,then when you do have enough energy,exercising will influence your posture specifically in the muscles you used during the exercice and increase their tone.well digested red meat make my posture,movements,and walking,slower and more coordinate,more"harmonious".

yes in an ideal state its just intuitions,poor posture feel worst therefore you quickly quit these posture.also many of these postures that can be perceive as bad or suboptimal are just the manifestation that the person is feeling low energy in her body therefore she is instinctively taking postures that feel less exhausting.

constant stress with suboptimal nutrition and ressources relative to the stimulus you are expose will lower your energy and make your posture worst,and it can reach shrinking where shoulders are falling,and accessory arms and or legs crossed in resting position,and on the long term even seems to influence your structure.

taking more "optimal postures" while having a low degree of energy can perhaps improve a little bit your state,from my experience it was unsignificant,when you do have a high degree of energy,you feel it radiating in your chest specifically ,and it happens independently of your will.
Yes wow I love the ending. Basically once you truly make energy and get healthy energetically you won’t even think about posture and it will just fall into place effortlessly.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
just posture in it self is not something to chase independently of other factors,wether you do it for your well being,or for other perceptions,it wont make much difference for both specifically if its forced to be sustained compare to when "good"posture is the consequence of having a high degree of energy,therefore you feel that energy radiating in your chest,to varying degree and causing you to have a good posture,it generally come with high physical and mental well being,a high degree of stress resilience,confidence,non fleeing eyes lookings,you moove better,talk better,higher strengh and explosivity,your body feel way lighter...etc and others
I really liked the way you articulated that message. Damn . Basically creating energy will lead to high physical and mental well being as you said. And from there everything tends to just fall into place. Posture is the symptom , not the cause
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