Post Abduction Syndrome


Jul 23, 2018
A little known clinical entity that is still mostly ridiculed and shunned. Treatment is supportive and aimed at reducing distress.

“The requisite feature of Post Abduction Syndrome is the development of distinctive symptomatology in relation to the experience of the alien abduction phenomenon which is often ongoing in contrast to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or Acute Stress Disorder (APA, 1994) where the stressor is usually a discrete and time limited occurrence that is not repeated in the individual's lifetime. PAS in most instances is the result of the sense or memory of being taken away by force or without consent by extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional entities and the associated physically intrusive or invasive procedures by these alleged entities. The Abductee will have a perceived fear of actual or threatened death, serious injury (APA, 1994), threat to their physical integrity. They may witness the abduction of another person, may learn about or have close association with the abduction experiences of a family member or other closely associated person. The person's response to the events must involve intense fear, helplessness, or horror (APA, 1994). In a child or adult with underdeveloped personality structure, the response may manifest as disorganized or agitated behaviors.”

Characteristic Symptoms

Persistent reexperiencing of the traumatic event characterized by flashbacks (APA, 1994) Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma (APA, 1994)

Denial of the event

Labeling the event something else-"blackout", being lost, etc.

Phobic avoidance of areas or situations where contact occurred. Refraining from sleep at the time contact occurred-sleeping in the daytime

Emotional reaction to literature, pictures, or videos about alien entities e.g. turning over books with a picture of an alien or UFO which may include avoiding them. (Bryant, 1991)

Numbing of emotions and responsiveness characterized by inability to feel intimacy, pleasure, or to express emotions-emotional anesthesia. (APA, 1994, Bryant,1991)

Diminished interest or less participation in previously enjoyed activities. (APA, 1994)

May have a sense of foreshortened future -no expectation of normal life events or normal life span. (APA, 1994)

May fear abduction with no return or lengthy abduction.

Anxiety symptoms that persist: hyper vigilance, exaggerated startle response, irritability, and panic attacks (APA, 1994)”


Jul 23, 2018
Since learned helplessness is at the core of this pathology, serotonin antagonists should be very useful
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