Please help, my dad has a tumour.



Hi all, I'm reaching out to you for help and advice. I appreciate any insightful input.

My dad has recently developed a tumor in his bladder. This has caused his bladder wall to thicken to 11mm, with what is called 'associated restricted diffusion' as well as 'perivesical stranding' according to his test results. Essentially his bladder wall is thick and hard, likely with scar tissue, which is stopping it from being able to stretch and hold urine.

Because of this for the last 4 or so months he has had to urinate every 10-15 minutes. This has affected his sleep greatly, because he is up to pee every 15 minutes. He is terribly tired all the time because he can't sleep longer than 30 minutes. He is essentially taking many micro naps throughout the day and night.

He is still awaiting further test results for surgical options, the doctors suggested to remove his bladder and replace it with parts of his small intestine.

He is currently fasting extended periods, juicing vegetables, and taking MMS (chlorine dioxide). Oh and Wim Hoff breathing.

We want to thin his bladder wall back to its original size, reduce the inflammation and try dissolve any scar tissue. I believe and hope DMSO alone or DMSO + MMS should help with this, we have ordered some DMSO online but it won't deliver for a couple weeks.

So I reach out to you guys, does anyone here have experience or knowledge of something that can help remove inflammation and scarring of bladder tissue?
Essentially for the time being, we have MMS on hand, will have DMSO within a couple weeks, and dad is fasting and Wim Hoff breathing.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
Hi all, I'm reaching out to you for help and advice. I appreciate any insightful input.

My dad has recently developed a tumor in his bladder. This has caused his bladder wall to thicken to 11mm, with what is called 'associated restricted diffusion' as well as 'perivesical stranding' according to his test results. Essentially his bladder wall is thick and hard, likely with scar tissue, which is stopping it from being able to stretch and hold urine.

Because of this for the last 4 or so months he has had to urinate every 10-15 minutes. This has affected his sleep greatly, because he is up to pee every 15 minutes. He is terribly tired all the time because he can't sleep longer than 30 minutes. He is essentially taking many micro naps throughout the day and night.

He is still awaiting further test results for surgical options, the doctors suggested to remove his bladder and replace it with parts of his small intestine.

He is currently fasting extended periods, juicing vegetables, and taking MMS (chlorine dioxide). Oh and Wim Hoff breathing.

We want to thin his bladder wall back to its original size, reduce the inflammation and try dissolve any scar tissue. I believe and hope DMSO alone or DMSO + MMS should help with this, we have ordered some DMSO online but it won't deliver for a couple weeks.

So I reach out to you guys, does anyone here have experience or knowledge of something that can help remove inflammation and scarring of bladder tissue?
Essentially for the time being, we have MMS on hand, will have DMSO within a couple weeks, and dad is fasting and Wim Hoff breathing.
not sure fasting is the way to go.

Read this My first scientific study: Anti-cancer effects of CortiNon+ – To Extract Knowledge from Matter
look into vitamin D and thiamin (there should be posts on the forum on these in the context of cancer, likely from haidut)


May 28, 2022
There's interesting results with ip6/inositol for cancer in general. I'd say whatever path you choose, most chemicals will end up in the bladder so there's more chance of getting the chemicals to the tumor site.

Maitake D-fraction is always a good addition to any cancer protocol

Just be careful with mms, as antioxidants will reduce it and block its effictiveness. I'm unsure if ip6/inositol falls in that category.

Maybe look into the universal antidote telegram group for more target help


Thanks a lot for your responses Elie and Thalgo. I appreciate it.

I will purchase some CortiNon+ and Maitake D-fraction for my dad. I have told him about the antioxidants deactivating MMS, I believe he is taking the MMS1 each hour during night time, but drinking some juice and eating small amounts of food during the day.

I have some activated charcoal on hand too, and there are some studies that show it is a successful carrier for anti-cancer drugs during treatment. This makes me wonder if it would be beneficial for him to drink a glass of that down with a tablet of MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite).


Apr 17, 2017
A retrospective study conducted in Taiwan indiacates that the use of Cyproheptadine for more than 3 months has a significant effect on bladder cancer.


Jul 30, 2017
Methylene blue may help. Antiviral antibacterial and probably some benefits towards tumors/cancer. It's used in urinary tract infections because when you take it, you pee blue which means it gets into the bladder.

Are you doing topical mms or cds or is that what the dmso is for? You can do topical without dmso while you wait for it to arrive.

As for cancer diets I recommend Gerson Diet.

C60 has strong antitumor properties.

Bicarbonates 2-3x a day. Check Dr. Marcus Sircus (he's now also really into CDS/MMS)

Using a violet ray over the area.

Using a rife machine over the area.

Niacin 2-3x a day (start low dose 50-200mg to acclimate to the flush then work your way up to 1g or more)


Mar 29, 2016
Hi Ada,

I hope that your dad has fibrosis and it's not a tumor. That said, the fibrous wall is thick and may have taken long to develop without getting detected.

The first thing I would suspect is hormonal imbalance, and that his progesterone was low. In a recent newsletter, Ray has discussed the role of progesterone in assisting in the production of histidine, which limits the availability of iron, and this keeps pathogenic bacteria from developing. The response of the body to pathogens, while necessary, leads to inflammation, and over time, the imbalances such as acidity in the foci could cause calcifiaction to develop, and the resulting lack of proper tissue oxygenation can cause fibrosis to develop.

Since Ray talks about using progesterone for about almost anything, I have gotten tired of hearing the use of progesterone, but in this instance I think it is appropriate. While a cat's cystitis issue is not exactly the same as your dad's thick bladder, I still would offer my cat's quick recovery from her cystitis issues as proof that it works. My female cat is spayed, and her progesterone production I would assume to be low. And when I noticed her begin her difficulty in urinating, I quickly initially used a homeopathic remedy followed by progesterone and that resolved her issue. I stopped the homeopathic but followed up with continuing progesterone until I backslid and stopped. But when I resumed progesterone on her, she would at most in 3 days go back to her regular activities and urinating as a healthy cat would. So that's that regarding progesterone.

Since I suspect a bacterial element to this, I also recommend your dad taking lactoferrin.

I don't have an idea about dosage levels though, so someone else may chime in on that. I think that with these two, you are starting to address a root cause already, although the fibrosis is another thing to deal with.

Even if you're not sure that cancer is involved, I would recommend trying out using both urea and creatine monohydrate, starting at an initial dose of 14g urea and 21g daily. There's a thread on that. I would give you that but if you can search it, that would allow me to keep my trend of thought and continue on. The use of this combo was written about by Dr. Danoupolos, and I've recently used this combo even though I have no cancer, just that I thought it could help but the jury is out on it on my issue as I only used it for a short time. Just the same, I consider it safe even if it doesn't work.

Another substance to use is baking soda. You'll have to measure his urine and saliva pH, and his breathing rate to get a good measure of his acid and base balance. I have discussed how to go about this in previous posts, and again, you would have to search for it. The quality of metabolism, the existence of low-grade (no fever symptoms) infections, the intake of pharma drugs and even some supplements, and the combination of foods taken - all impact one's acid base balance. Poor acid base balance where the body is always in a catch up mode, usually on the acidic side, puts the body in a state of chronic stress, and over time the body's constant need to adapt to stress leads to more disease. In this case, the fibrosis and the attendant problems that go with it.

I think that those ideas are good to begin with. I hesitate to offer more ideas because I'm not one to give a boatload of things to do as I'm a believer of less is more, and there's a law of diminishing returns also at play. Sometimes without us knowing what we should, additional inputs become antagonistic to each other and does more harm than good.

I hope this helps.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
There's interesting results with ip6/inositol for cancer in general. I'd say whatever path you choose, most chemicals will end up in the bladder so there's more chance of getting the chemicals to the tumor site.

Maitake D-fraction is always a good addition to any cancer protocol

Just be careful with mms, as antioxidants will reduce it and block its effictiveness. I'm unsure if ip6/inositol falls in that category.

Maybe look into the universal antidote telegram group for more target help
I am very curious about IP6. I know it can bind iron and wonder if that may decrease free radical activity and improve redox state (improve the outcome of energy metabolism).


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
A retrospective study conducted in Taiwan indiacates that the use of Cyproheptadine for more than 3 months has a significant effect on bladder cancer.
This reminded me of this Cyproheptadine (12mg daily) cures patient’s metastatic liver cancer in just 2 weeks – To Extract Knowledge from Matter


Nov 29, 2017
Hydrogen, ozone and CO2. Pretty sure you can cure everything and anything with these 3 gases in combination.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
My mom passed away January 2013 and left us three brothers with a difficult estate. My elder brother was greatly affected, he feared of loosing his apartment which was on the same property. Almost a year later, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I am familiar with the 'New German Medicine' by the late Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer, Germany. In his book, I looked under bladder cancer, and the emotional conflict listed was: house, inheritance! It hit the nail on the head. I talked to my brother about it, and even before my mom's passing he had recurring nightmares of the estate being in flames or burglars trying to break in. He even said: 'I rather die than loosing my apartment!' He underwent an experimental cancer treatment but that didn't work. Then he decided to have a neo-bladder surgery. He was overweight and not in great physical health, he should not have undergone this operation. It lasted 11 hours, he suffered from a lung embolism, his heart set out for 7 minutes and he went into a 2-month long coma (probably due to one or more blood transfusions, which cause clogging and that was the cause of death of my mom, see my posts on the Zeta Potential). When he woke up, he showed signs of severe strokes: he couldn't speak and could only move his head, eyes, and mouth. Then he suffered another stroke and passed away. He sat in an emotional trap and I could not get him out of it, it was really sad and hard for everyone of us.

According to Dr. Hamer, cancer are 'survival programs' that are triggered by a traumatic experience. The cancer is produced via the nervous system, these are old survival programs that we inherited from the animal kingdom. The cancer is supposed to only be a temporary action to help the 'animal' through a difficult phase and increase the chance of survival. Regarding the bladder cancer, it has to do with a territorial conflict. In the animal world, an animal marks its territory with its urine. If an intruder tries to invade the territory of this animal, then the trauma triggers the growth of tumors in the bladder, shrinking its volume, so that the animal has to urinate more frequently, marking its territory more often. Dr. Hamer could even locate lesions in the brain, where the traumatic event hit. So the location of the lesion in the brain (and its connection to the affected organ), the location of the cancer, and the type of trauma always coincide.

The way that the body creates the cancer is maybe via the 'Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer', where a trophoblast is the cancer-like growth of tissue that attaches the fertilized egg to the uterus. Then on the 57-th (?) day of pregnancy, the pancreas of the mother excretes the chymotrypsin, an enzyme that stops the trophoblast and digests it. If the pancreas fails to produce this enzyme, then the mother will die within a couple (?) of weeks from the unstoppable 'cancerous' growth of the trophoblast.

So while Dr. Hamer showed the connection between trauma and cancer, the biological process is probably close to this other theory. One can therefore interfere with this cancer in two ways: 1) resolve the conflict and 2) supplement with an enzyme product that includes chymotrypsin (e.g., Wobenzym N).

I looked whether MMS (chlorine dioxide) can help with bladder cancer and found this:

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Nov 29, 2017
My mom passed away January 2013 and left us three brothers with a difficult estate. My elder brother was greatly affected, he feared of loosing his apartment which was on the same property. Almost a year later, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I am familiar with the 'New German Medicine' by the late Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer, Germany. In his book, I looked under bladder cancer, and the emotional conflict listed was: house, inheritance! It hit the nail on the head. I talked to my brother about it, and even before my mom's passing he had recurring nightmares of the estate being in flames or burglars trying to break in. He even said: 'I rather die than loosing my apartment!' He underwent an experimental cancer treatment but that didn't work. Then he decided to have a neo-bladder surgery. He was overweight and not in great physical health, he should not have undergone this operation. It lasted 11 hours, he suffered from a lung embolism, his heart set out for 7 minutes and he went into a 2-month long coma (probably due to one or more blood transfusions, which cause clogging and that was the cause of death of my mom, see my posts on the Zeta Potential). When he woke up, he showed signs of severe strokes: he couldn't speak and could only move his head, eyes, and mouth. Then he suffered another stroke and passed away. He sat in an emotional trap and I could not get him out of it, it was really sad and hard for everyone of us.

According to Dr. Hamer, cancer are 'survival programs' that are triggered by a traumatic experience. The cancer is produced via the nervous system, these are old survival programs that we inherited from the animal kingdom. The cancer is supposed to only be a temporary action to help the 'animal' through a difficult phase and increase the chance of survival. Regarding the bladder cancer, it has to do with a territorial conflict. In the animal world, an animal marks its territory with its urine. If an intruder tries to invade the territory of this animal, then the trauma triggers the growth of tumors in the bladder, shrinking its volume, so that the animal has to urinate more frequently, marking its territory more often. Dr. Hamer could even locate lesions in the brain, where the traumatic event hit. So the location of the lesion in the brain (and its connection to the affected organ), the location of the cancer, and the type of trauma always coincide.

The way that the body creates the cancer is maybe via the 'Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer', where a trophoblast is the cancer-like growth of tissue that attaches the fertilized egg to the uterus. Then on the 57-th (?) day of pregnancy, the pancreas of the mother excretes the chymotrypsin, an enzyme that stops the trophoblast and digests it. If the pancreas fails to produce this enzyme, then the mother will die within a couple (?) of weeks from the unstoppable 'cancerous' growth of the trophoblast.

So while Dr. Hamer showed the connection between trauma and cancer, the biological process is probably close to this other theory. One can therefore interfere with this cancer in two ways: 1) resolve the conflict and 2) supplement with an enzyme product that includes chymotrypsin (e.g., Wobenzym N).

I looked whether MMS (chlorine dioxide) can help with bladder cancer and found this:

Great post. I find this very interesting and it fits in with my thoughts that by releasing trauma is the secret to overcoming disease.


My mom passed away January 2013 and left us three brothers with a difficult estate. My elder brother was greatly affected, he feared of loosing his apartment which was on the same property. Almost a year later, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I am familiar with the 'New German Medicine' by the late Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer, Germany. In his book, I looked under bladder cancer, and the emotional conflict listed was: house, inheritance! It hit the nail on the head. I talked to my brother about it, and even before my mom's passing he had recurring nightmares of the estate being in flames or burglars trying to break in. He even said: 'I rather die than loosing my apartment!' He underwent an experimental cancer treatment but that didn't work. Then he decided to have a neo-bladder surgery. He was overweight and not in great physical health, he should not have undergone this operation. It lasted 11 hours, he suffered from a lung embolism, his heart set out for 7 minutes and he went into a 2-month long coma (probably due to one or more blood transfusions, which cause clogging and that was the cause of death of my mom, see my posts on the Zeta Potential). When he woke up, he showed signs of severe strokes: he couldn't speak and could only move his head, eyes, and mouth. Then he suffered another stroke and passed away. He sat in an emotional trap and I could not get him out of it, it was really sad and hard for everyone of us.

According to Dr. Hamer, cancer are 'survival programs' that are triggered by a traumatic experience. The cancer is produced via the nervous system, these are old survival programs that we inherited from the animal kingdom. The cancer is supposed to only be a temporary action to help the 'animal' through a difficult phase and increase the chance of survival. Regarding the bladder cancer, it has to do with a territorial conflict. In the animal world, an animal marks its territory with its urine. If an intruder tries to invade the territory of this animal, then the trauma triggers the growth of tumors in the bladder, shrinking its volume, so that the animal has to urinate more frequently, marking its territory more often. Dr. Hamer could even locate lesions in the brain, where the traumatic event hit. So the location of the lesion in the brain (and its connection to the affected organ), the location of the cancer, and the type of trauma always coincide.

The way that the body creates the cancer is maybe via the 'Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer', where a trophoblast is the cancer-like growth of tissue that attaches the fertilized egg to the uterus. Then on the 57-th (?) day of pregnancy, the pancreas of the mother excretes the chymotrypsin, an enzyme that stops the trophoblast and digests it. If the pancreas fails to produce this enzyme, then the mother will die within a couple (?) of weeks from the unstoppable 'cancerous' growth of the trophoblast.

So while Dr. Hamer showed the connection between trauma and cancer, the biological process is probably close to this other theory. One can therefore interfere with this cancer in two ways: 1) resolve the conflict and 2) supplement with an enzyme product that includes chymotrypsin (e.g., Wobenzym N).

I looked whether MMS (chlorine dioxide) can help with bladder cancer and found this:

Hi Stephan, thank you for your response. I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles, that sounds very difficult to deal with.

That is a very interesting take on the cause of cancer, I've never heard any mention of this.

I can easily believe this to be the case. I have read before somewhere that everyone has cancer cells forming constantly, just in trace amounts and so a normal healthy immune system will easily deal with them. And so a weakened immune system can not deal with those cancerous cells and therefore they grow to lead to development of larger tumors. It's not hard to comprehend that a trauma which is not properly healed, will lead to higher development of cancerous cells.

My dad did have a very nasty fall, well more than a fall, he was thrown to the ground by an egotistical student while karate training several years ago where he landed on his back. He was in severe pain for months and was even urinating blood, so that could be the focal point of trauma that produces his cancer cells. It also makes sense as to why cold therapy could help fight cancer, as it provides deep healing over time.

There's talk of VAIDS from the recent vaccines, and my dad only started seeing these symptoms that prompted his first hospital visit, roughly 3 or so months after his first jab, I believe less than a week after his second jab. I can't be 100% certain, but it is my belief the Covid vaccine weakened his immune system enough to allow his cancer cells to grow tumorous.

He's currently in hospital, the bladder is not where his cancer originated so they are doing further tests to locate where the cancer originated and spread to.


Mar 29, 2016
Hi Stephan, thank you for your response. I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles, that sounds very difficult to deal with.

That is a very interesting take on the cause of cancer, I've never heard any mention of this.

I can easily believe this to be the case. I have read before somewhere that everyone has cancer cells forming constantly, just in trace amounts and so a normal healthy immune system will easily deal with them. And so a weakened immune system can not deal with those cancerous cells and therefore they grow to lead to development of larger tumors. It's not hard to comprehend that a trauma which is not properly healed, will lead to higher development of cancerous cells.

My dad did have a very nasty fall, well more than a fall, he was thrown to the ground by an egotistical student while karate training several years ago where he landed on his back. He was in severe pain for months and was even urinating blood, so that could be the focal point of trauma that produces his cancer cells. It also makes sense as to why cold therapy could help fight cancer, as it provides deep healing over time.

There's talk of VAIDS from the recent vaccines, and my dad only started seeing these symptoms that prompted his first hospital visit, roughly 3 or so months after his first jab, I believe less than a week after his second jab. I can't be 100% certain, but it is my belief the Covid vaccine weakened his immune system enough to allow his cancer cells to grow tumorous.

He's currently in hospital, the bladder is not where his cancer originated so they are doing further tests to locate where the cancer originated and spread to.

Bladder infections: Take the simple sugar D-mannose, half to one teaspoon in water every 2 to 3 hours; this eliminates infections based on E-coli within a few days. If it does not help then try 15 drops of a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) in a lot of fluids every 3 to 4 hours for up to several days or alternatively one very high dose of CDH. Recurrent bladder infections tend to be caused by mycoplasmas and fungi, often lodging inside the bladder wall. Non-acidified MMS is useful for this, also DMSO with added Lugol's solution applied over the bladder or 25% DMSO instilled into the bladder with a catheter.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Hi Ada very sorry to hear about your father´s problems. As @yerrag mentioned I think progesterone would be very helpful as it treats a number of issues, I think something such as progesterone combined with DHEA such as Cortinon + in an 8:1 ratio would be good.

Another supplement that you might consider would be systemic enzymes. These are enzymes that breakdown excess fibrotic tissue in the body and there are studies to show that they help with bladder issues.

[Systemic enzyme therapy for treatment of women with chronic recurrent bacterial cystitis] - PubMed

Interstitial Cystitis: Little-Known Secret to Heal This Painful Bladder Syndrome —

One of the side effects of the vaccine is it appears to cause excess fibrosis in the body so these enzymes may also help to counter that.

Keep in mind that all of these supplements can thin the blood somewhat so it is important to get sufficient vitamin K1. Supplementing is a good way to achieve this. Vitamin K also has a number of anti-cancer effects itself.

Mitolife has a good systemic enzyme product as well as a good Vitamin K product if you're looking for a good source. I've posted a link below. Remember digestive enzymes should be taken on an empty stomach 30-1 hour before a meal.


Cyproheptadine has also been shown to be very helpful in bladder issues. This is likely due to its anti-serotonin and thereby anti-endoxtin effect.

Effects Of Cyproheptadine On Bladder Cancer

Bladder Dysfunction And Incontinence Likely Due To Endotoxin (TLR4)

Idealabs also sells cyproheptadine. Again this also thins the blood so vitamin K is important.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
He's currently in hospital, the bladder is not where his cancer originated so they are doing further tests to locate where the cancer originated and spread to.
Hi Ada,

I have read on Andreas Kalcker’s website that he uses chlorine dioxide to treat Covid vaccine injuries.

Last week’s Corona-Ausschuss (#110), started by the German lawyers Viviane Fischer and Dr. Reiner Füllmich, there was a very interesting interview with the German Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt! Also the following interview about the Pfizer vaccine is very interesting. Dr. Klinghardt treats patients to reverse the damage caused by the Covid vaccines.

There is a German and a English version.


Mar 29, 2016
Hi Ada,

I hope that your dad has fibrosis and it's not a tumor. That said, the fibrous wall is thick and may have taken long to develop without getting detected.

The first thing I would suspect is hormonal imbalance, and that his progesterone was low. In a recent newsletter, Ray has discussed the role of progesterone in assisting in the production of histidine, which limits the availability of iron, and this keeps pathogenic bacteria from developing. The response of the body to pathogens, while necessary, leads to inflammation, and over time, the imbalances such as acidity in the foci could cause calcifiaction to develop, and the resulting lack of proper tissue oxygenation can cause fibrosis to develop.

Since Ray talks about using progesterone for about almost anything, I have gotten tired of hearing the use of progesterone, but in this instance I think it is appropriate. While a cat's cystitis issue is not exactly the same as your dad's thick bladder, I still would offer my cat's quick recovery from her cystitis issues as proof that it works. My female cat is spayed, and her progesterone production I would assume to be low. And when I noticed her begin her difficulty in urinating, I quickly initially used a homeopathic remedy followed by progesterone and that resolved her issue. I stopped the homeopathic but followed up with continuing progesterone until I backslid and stopped. But when I resumed progesterone on her, she would at most in 3 days go back to her regular activities and urinating as a healthy cat would. So that's that regarding progesterone.

Since I suspect a bacterial element to this, I also recommend your dad taking lactoferrin.

I don't have an idea about dosage levels though, so someone else may chime in on that. I think that with these two, you are starting to address a root cause already, although the fibrosis is another thing to deal with.

Even if you're not sure that cancer is involved, I would recommend trying out using both urea and creatine monohydrate, starting at an initial dose of 14g urea and 21g daily. There's a thread on that. I would give you that but if you can search it, that would allow me to keep my trend of thought and continue on. The use of this combo was written about by Dr. Danoupolos, and I've recently used this combo even though I have no cancer, just that I thought it could help but the jury is out on it on my issue as I only used it for a short time. Just the same, I consider it safe even if it doesn't work.

Another substance to use is baking soda. You'll have to measure his urine and saliva pH, and his breathing rate to get a good measure of his acid and base balance. I have discussed how to go about this in previous posts, and again, you would have to search for it. The quality of metabolism, the existence of low-grade (no fever symptoms) infections, the intake of pharma drugs and even some supplements, and the combination of foods taken - all impact one's acid base balance. Poor acid base balance where the body is always in a catch up mode, usually on the acidic side, puts the body in a state of chronic stress, and over time the body's constant need to adapt to stress leads to more disease. In this case, the fibrosis and the attendant problems that go with it.

I think that those ideas are good to begin with. I hesitate to offer more ideas because I'm not one to give a boatload of things to do as I'm a believer of less is more, and there's a law of diminishing returns also at play. Sometimes without us knowing what we should, additional inputs become antagonistic to each other and does more harm than good.

I hope this helps.
For what it's worth

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Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Hydrogen, ozone and CO2. Pretty sure you can cure everything and anything with these 3 gases in combination.
Add Chlorine Dioxide to those three and you are golden. First the Hydrogen then after an hour or two the oxidants either ozone or Chlorine Dioxide. And then repeat.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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