
Nov 18, 2019
"Between 60 and 70 percent of “third wave” COVID deaths and hospitalizations will be from people who were fully vaccinated, according to the study, Summary of Further Modeling of Easing Restrictions, published March 31 by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine."

You have to be in the right mood, but I find this hilarious.
It is kind of nuts. These poor people listened to these psychopaths, wanted to go back to normal, jeopardized their health for life and potentially early death and their actions are now potentially the cause of so much harm to others. It reads like a horror novel.


Nov 28, 2017
It is kind of nuts. These poor people listened to these psychopaths, wanted to go back to normal, jeopardized their health for life and potentially early death and their actions are now potentially the cause of so much harm to others. It reads like a horror novel.
When you dont stand for something, you'll fall for anything. People will believe anything they see on the tv for a few weeks. I have luckily been able to convince my parents to not take the vaccine, i told them it can mess with your genome and they said "oh thats terrible, god gave us the perfect genome, no need to mess with it" (they are very religious) .

At the same time i tried to warn some friends and they all turned hostile and were like "are you a doctor all of a sudden? you dont care about the elderly who are at the risk of the virus because of us. This virus is very deadly blah blah" I dont think you can argue with someone like that since they are so blinded by the chaos and lies spread by the media.

In the end there is nothing you can do about it if someone decides to be a guine pig for 'science', i just wish all these people goodluck


Sep 22, 2020
We’re all doomed!!!

better just have the vaccine anyway. Because we’re screwed by this vaccine infection!


Aug 4, 2020
When you dont stand for something, you'll fall for anything. People will believe anything they see on the tv for a few weeks. I have luckily been able to convince my parents to not take the vaccine, i told them it can mess with your genome and they said "oh thats terrible, god gave us the perfect genome, no need to mess with it" (they are very religious) .

At the same time i tried to warn some friends and they all turned hostile and were like "are you a doctor all of a sudden? you dont care about the elderly who are at the risk of the virus because of us. This virus is very deadly blah blah" I dont think you can argue with someone like that since they are so blinded by the chaos and lies spread by the media.

In the end there is nothing you can do about it if someone decides to be a guine pig for 'science', i just wish all these people goodluck
My parting comment to your friends would be,” if you really want the vaccine by all means that is your choice, but be smart and ask for the entire list of Ingredients that are in the vaccine research them and make an intelligent decision”.


Nov 18, 2019
When you dont stand for something, you'll fall for anything. People will believe anything they see on the tv for a few weeks. I have luckily been able to convince my parents to not take the vaccine, i told them it can mess with your genome and they said "oh thats terrible, god gave us the perfect genome, no need to mess with it" (they are very religious) .

At the same time i tried to warn some friends and they all turned hostile and were like "are you a doctor all of a sudden? you dont care about the elderly who are at the risk of the virus because of us. This virus is very deadly blah blah" I dont think you can argue with someone like that since they are so blinded by the chaos and lies spread by the media.

In the end there is nothing you can do about it if someone decides to be a guine pig for 'science', i just wish all these people goodluck
How fantastic you convinced your parents! Good for you. I convinced my Mom and sister but the rest got it.

I agree, I have been cut down called extreme etc from some people. I tried, they didn’t listen, so I bless them on their own journey. I know I am on the journey for truth and full awakened humanity.


Aug 4, 2020
My niece, who is a cop, started having periods that lasted 11-12 days. This started back in January, when all the other cops were getting the vax.

I never associated it with this type of transmission until last night.

Then she got the vax in April.
I’m curious Nemo, did your nieces menstrual cycles return to normal after receiving the vaccine?


Nov 28, 2017
My parting comment to your friends would be,” if you really want the vaccine by all means that is your choice, but be smart and ask for the entire list of Ingredients that are in the vaccine research them and make an intelligent decision”.
They are all in such a hurry to get the vaccine that they won't care what's in it, according to them doctors are saints and they can't do them wrong. Actually where im from people are paying out of their pockets to jump the queue for vaccination.


Nov 28, 2017
How fantastic you convinced your parents! Good for you. I convinced my Mom and sister but the rest got it.

I agree, I have been cut down called extreme etc from some people. I tried, they didn’t listen, so I bless them on their own journey. I know I am on the journey for truth and full awakened humanity.
Good on you for convincing your mum and sister. I initially felt guilty that i have this knowledge about its harms and im not telling it to others, thats why i tried to warn my friends and people around me but if they still would like to proceed, thats on them.


Aug 4, 2020
They are all in such a hurry to get the vaccine that they won't care what's in it, according to them doctors are saints and they can't do them wrong. Actually where im from people are paying out of their pockets to jump the queue for vaccination.
It is a personal choice and in the end we all need to do what we need to, to look after our own health.
The old adage,”Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”,seems appropriate.
But if this shedding thing is real I hope Dr Peat has some good thoughts on how to minimize the damage.
We really do not know once the mRNA starts the spike protein factory in a person how long that factory will remain in production.


Nov 28, 2017
It is a personal choice and in the end we all need to do what we need to, to look after our own health.
The old adage,”Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”,seems appropriate.
But if this shedding thing is real I hope Dr Peat has some good thoughts on how to minimize the damage.
We really do not know once the mRNA starts the spike protein factory in a person how long that factory will remain in production.
Yeah big pharma has really out done themselves with the vaccine if shedding thing is true. Which makes me think that they’ve working on this for a long time, maybe even a decade.


Nov 16, 2020
Povidone also destroys DNA/RNA.

So it would destroy, in theory, everything in your throat that you're inhaling from a shedder.

Assuming you're not hugging a shedder, you use some appropriate hand-wipes. The Covidian Cult has been doing this for over a year. I just started.

My great-aunt Ollie used to dunk everything she ever ate in a bleach solution. I have a clear memory of visiting her in her apartment as a little kid and seeing a head of cabbage floating in the sink in bleach solution. She was born in the old country in 1880, lived to be 91, in her own apartment until her last day.

She only had two chairs in her entire apartment, both painted wood. One was her rocking chair and one was a chair at her kitchen table. That way she could wipe them down with bleach frequently.

She was considered insane by the entire family but I always liked her. Obviously that method affects what you can eat.

I bought a bunch of oranges to squeeze for juice this morning and dunked them in bleach solution before I started squeezing. Ollie would be proud.
Didn't know Povidone had that kind of capability.

Your great aunt sounds like someone I would have been fascinated with. I wouldn't clean porous foods with bleach but certainly a diluted formulation to clean thick skinned fruits like oranges or bananas could make sense. My great grandmother used to use mothballs everywhere. Everything smelled like them, including her picture-perfect, gorgeous, hand-made pastries. :rolleyes: I miss her but it's a good thing she's been long gone lest she would have been terribly upset by the state of the world today.


Jul 8, 2019
Didn't know Povidone had that kind of capability.

Your great aunt sounds like someone I would have been fascinated with. I wouldn't clean porous foods with bleach but certainly a diluted formulation to clean thick skinned fruits like oranges or bananas could make sense. My great grandmother used to use mothballs everywhere. Everything smelled like them, including her picture-perfect, gorgeous, hand-made pastries. :rolleyes: I miss her but it's a good thing she's been long gone lest she would have been terribly upset by the state of the world today.

I keep thinking about the old ones' remedies. My great grandparents all lived through the Spanish flu, TB, polio. Nothing touched them. They all had very long, healthy lives, never saw a doctor, were never in a hospital.

Ollie even soaked lettuce in bleach.


Nov 16, 2020
I keep thinking about the old ones' remedies. My great grandparents all lived through the Spanish flu, TB, polio. Nothing touched them. They all had very long, healthy lives, never saw a doctor, were never in a hospital.

Ollie even soaked lettuce in bleach.


Aug 4, 2020
Sorry to bother you one more time @Nemo! You had mentioned I believe that you have some Ivermectin around. Since it is by prescription only , might I ask how you acquired it for those of us that only have by the book medical professionals at our disposal?


New Member
Mar 27, 2021
I am skeptical of this hypothesis. What is the actual mechanism? I have read a lot about these vaccines and I don't see a logical reason why this should occur. The vaccines don't contain actual viral material and are unlikely to reach the skin or airways. This, to me, seems like saying that a peanut allergy is transmittable which I don't believe. However, I think that the brain is very powerful and if we are terrified of vaccinated people, we may bring the symptoms on ourselves. So as of now I am not worrying about this. And if it is occurring, there is nothing to be done and we might as well not bring this kind of stress on ourselves. Just my two cents.
I thing this is a more logical explanation. They want us all in fear. I personally think it would inly be energetically shedding. Like we know their auras are messed up do to this experiment. I have heard many cases of people getting sick after their spouse received both vakszines. I have been in very close contact with vakszed people since january. Im also a breastfeeding mother. I didnt get sick once since then, nor did my EBF baby. They tricked yall. Thats why nobody believes us. Everything the feed you , you become fooled.


Jul 8, 2019
Richard Fleming, MD has done a video going over the Pfizer and Moderna Emergency Use Authorization request documents.

One of the interesting things in it is that the Pfizer December 10, 2020 EUA document said there was no vaccine-enhanced disease caused by their vax.

Eight days later an Osaka study came out that showed the Pfizer Covid vaccines (there are two) do in fact enhance disease. The vaccines enhance binding capacity of the spike protein to ACE2, thus increasing SARS-CoV2 infectivity.

In their EUA request, Pfizer promised to continue carrying out clinical trials and on January 18, 2021 they announced they were looking for trial participants. Then on January 20, they abruptly canceled the call for trial participants.

I'm posting other info from the video in appropriate threads.

Here's the video (top one):



Jan 25, 2014
translated to English: Occupational Exposure
“An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned
direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to
the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care
providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial
When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer
saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened,
regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse
event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event
TO CLARIFY: Vaccine study participants become super spreaders of
something, they don’t say what it is, but it triggers secondary
adverse events in people that never had the vax, when they are exposed
to people who did have the vax.
THIS IS SO BAD that right here, in this little bit of quoted text, it
warns that un-vaccinated men who have been exposed to a woman who was
vaxxed will then pass whatever is in the vax to another woman.
Even the relatively small portion of the document I have put below here
says the vax triggers spontaneous abortions and reproductive problems
when un-vaccinated people are exposed to the vaccinated and that breast
milk from a vaccinated mom can harm the infant. And if anyone does not
believe it, then click the link above and wade through that enormous and
intentionally confusing document. It’s for real folks, the vax is
indeed the kill shot.
Do not permit the vaccinated to come anywhere near you, it is now
Here is a small portion of this huge document, straight from pfizer:
Study intervention – A vaccine test subject.

Wrong, so very wrong.

"Study Intervention" refers to the vaccine itself, not the test subjects. It's spelled out clearly on Page 45-

6. STUDY INTERVENTION Study intervention is defined as any investigational intervention(s), marketed product(s), placebo, medical device(s), or study procedure(s) intended to be administered to a study participant according to the study protocol. The study will evaluate a 2-dose (separated by 21 days) schedule of various different dose levels of 2 investigational RNA vaccine candidates for active immunization against COVID-19 in 3 age groups (18 to 55 years of age, 65 to 85 years of age, and ≥12 years of age [stratified as 12-15, 16-55, or >55 years of age]).

That is clearly NOT the test subject. You also changed the text of in regards to occupational exposure (page 69)- Occupational Exposure An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. Such persons may include healthcare providers, family members, and other roles that are involved in the trial participant’s care. The investigator must report occupational exposure to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, regardless of whether there is an associated SAE. The information must be reported using the Vaccine SAE Report Form. Since the information does not pertain to a participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file.

That clearly says "study intervention," not "vaccine test subject." And I posted the definition of "Study Intervention" above.

That means unplanned direct contact with the investigational interventions (the vaccine), marketed products, placebo, or medical devices (say, a needle or syringe). Certainly NOT an unplanned handshake, or simply breathing the air of someone who walks by. No mention of "super spreaders."

It would also make sense why this would need to be reported.

Is this whole freakout related to the fact that people didn't actually look up the definition of "study intervention" in the document?


Oct 2, 2018
Wrong, so very wrong.

"Study Intervention" refers to the vaccine itself, not the test subjects. It's spelled out clearly on Page 45-

That is clearly NOT the test subject. You also changed the text of in regards to occupational exposure (page 69)-

That clearly says "study intervention," not "vaccine test subject." And I posted the definition of "Study Intervention" above.

That means unplanned direct contact with the investigational interventions (the vaccine), marketed products, placebo, or medical devices (say, a needle or syringe). Certainly NOT an unplanned handshake, or simply breathing the air of someone who walks by. No mention of "super spreaders."

It would also make sense why this would need to be reported.

Is this whole freakout related to the fact that people didn't actually look up the definition of "study intervention" in the document?

Yes I think this whole freak out thread is as you correctly point out people not bothering to read the master document. I just did and came to the same conclusion you did.
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