
Jun 5, 2019
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

We don't yet know the chances of getting infected by vaccinated people. We just know that doctors are taking seriously thousands of reports of infection of the non-vaccinated by vaccinated people. And we know Pfizer warned the FDA about such exposures in their application for emergency authorization.

Lots of people have not yet gotten side effects from the vax. That doesn't mean hundreds of thousands of people aren't getting severe side effects from the vax.

Everyone just submitted to over a year of lockdowns, mask mandates and social distancing over a fake pandemic from a mildly-infectious virus with the death rate of the annual flu and now you pretend nothing can be done to limit potential risk from a dangerous vaccine that turns your body into a blood clot factory even though we may be seeing environmental transmission of vaccine material.

That's hilarious.

If the cabal truly is trying to kill as many people as possible, they have played this magnificently.
There is nothing "wrong" about anything I said.

You can't avoid coming into contact with vaccinated people, if you want to go live in the wilderness alone then be my guest but 99.999% of people wont,
I am not talking about the 0.1% of people that might.

I said I don't feel any different after coming in contact with vaccinated people that's my personal experience, it cant be proved wrong by anyone since its anecdotal and personal not something we can debate.

Also worrying about coming in contact with vaccinated people definitely is needless paranoia since there is no way you can realistically avoid it,
If you personally have some kind of way to avoid any contact with vaccinated people without completely turning your life around, then good for you, maybe you can share it with the rest of us.


Jul 8, 2019
There is nothing "wrong" about anything I said.

You can't avoid coming into contact with vaccinated people, if you want to go live in the wilderness alone then be my guest but 99.999% of people wont,
I am not talking about the 0.1% of people that might.

I said I don't feel any different after coming in contact with vaccinated people that's my personal experience, it cant be proved wrong by anyone since its anecdotal and personal not something we can debate.

Also worrying about coming in contact with vaccinated people definitely is needless paranoia since there is no way you can realistically avoid it,
If you personally have some kind of way to avoid any contact with vaccinated people without completely turning your life around, then good for you, maybe you can share it with the rest of us.

Yes, you can avoid contact with vaccinated people. You just spent a year avoiding contact with people because you were all so afraid of a hoax.

Now there's a vaccine that's actually dangerous because it turns you into a blood clot factory, and doctors are warning vaccine material is being transmitted from the vaxed to the unvaxed, making them very sick, and you get fearless!

It's hilarious!

If Pfizer is smart, and I think they are, they'll soon be marketing a vaccination to protect people from the vaccinations.
Last edited:


Jun 5, 2019
Yes, you can avoid contact with vaccinated people. You just spent a year avoiding contact with people because you were all so afraid of a hoax.

Now there's a vaccine that's actually dangerous because it turns you into a blood clot factory, and doctors are warning vaccine material is being transmitted from the vaxed to the unvaxed, making them very sick, and you get fearless!

It's hilarious!

If Pfizer is smart, and I think they are, they'll soon be marketing a vaccination to protect people from the vaccinations.
I didn't really avoid people the past year, I still came into contact with hundreds if not thousands of people even during the quarantine,
I don't dismiss the fact that this pandemic is a hoax I am just saying that you can't realistically avoid contact with everyone who is vaccinated, you never provided any evidence to the contrary.

Like I said if you found out a way to avoid contact with everyone who is vaccinated without abandoning civilization and living alone in the wilderness then I would be really interested to hear all about it, but I highly doubt such a solution exists.

As far as fear goes yes I will never succumb to fear, I will die anyway at some point.
I will not spent my time here on earth, paranoid and anxious about conspiracy theories, if you want to do so that's your decision, but id' rather enjoy life and only worry about things inside my control otherwise I might also start worrying about solar flares, or comet impacts and alien invasions.

Stress avoidance is one of the cornerstones of Metabolic sufficiency, if you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist then nothing can save you from the chronic stress of that disease-like lifestyle.

I am still waiting for your solution on vaccinated people avoidance btw.


Sep 6, 2020
It's not hard to screencap legitimate bull from said document saying these things without paraphrased bull. Feel free to find it because I can't with crtl+f.

This is in the pdf

"• A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception."


Jul 8, 2019
I didn't really avoid people the past year, I still came into contact with hundreds if not thousands of people even during the quarantine,
I don't dismiss the fact that this pandemic is a hoax I am just saying that you can't realistically avoid contact with everyone who is vaccinated, you never provided any evidence to the contrary.

Like I said if you found out a way to avoid contact with everyone who is vaccinated without abandoning civilization and living alone in the wilderness then I would be really interested to hear all about it, but I highly doubt such a solution exists.

As far as fear goes yes I will never succumb to fear, I will die anyway at some point.
I will not spent my time here on earth, paranoid and anxious about conspiracy theories, if you want to do so that's your decision, but id' rather enjoy life and only worry about things inside my control otherwise I might also start worrying about solar flares, or comet impacts and alien invasions.

Stress avoidance is one of the cornerstones of Metabolic sufficiency, if you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist then nothing can save you from the chronic stress of that disease-like lifestyle.

I am still waiting for your solution on vaccinated people avoidance btw.

Here is what I'm doing for me and my loved ones to avoid risk until we know more about environmental transmission and/or more about what's in the vaccine. I am more worried about the vaccine than I ever was about the virus. New info may come in any time that will cancel that worry. But for now we know they don't use dead virus in the vaccine, they use genetic material for the spike protein and God knows what else and right now I don't see why that would not be transmissible.

Fleming said he thought the vaccines were making the wild virus more dangerous. He looked miserable when he said it and I think he was implying shedding there too.

I have friends and family who are vaccinated. I will avoid seeing them in person for now. They all know what I think about the vaccine. I will talk to them on the phone.

I have friends who are not vaccinated. Also my mother is not vaccinated. I will see them.

I'll be avoiding doctors, nurses, dentists and hospitals for now. I rarely see them anyway.

In stores I will basically just keep the social distancing going. I never worried about it over the past year, but I'd prefer distance for now.

I'm married and don't have to worry about dating (I feel for you single people). I'm semi-retired and whatever work I choose to do I can do from home. I won't be doing things I used to enjoy, like playing poker, except online for now.

A study in Singapore showed that povidone-iodine throat spray and hydroxychloroquine protected people in high transmission situations. The subjects used the throat spray three times a day. 70% of those who used neither HCQ nor the throat spray got infected. Only 46% of those who used the throat spray got infected. This was for Covid rather than vaccine transmission but I'll be doing it until I can find out exactly what the mechanism of transmission is, if it exists.

There's a povidone-iodine throat spray under the brand name Halodine. I've ordered some and will be using it before going into stores, my local cafe, etc. I see no reason to use it three times a day in my life. I own my own home. I live in a small rural community of like-minded people surrounded by miles of public land.

I've already got hydroxychloroquine on hand that I was keeping around in case my mother needed it. I will start the Zelenko protocol for moderate risk patients, which is essentially 200 mg HCQ once a week:

I'm not worried about my zinc, D3 or Vitamin C levels right now. I'll be giving my mother all of those plus the higher dose of HCQ (400 mg a week).

You can get HCQ from or get a prescription from your doctor or probably order it from Mexico.

Fleming talks about why HCQ works so well. It's not just about getting zinc into your cells. There are multiple mechanisms. See his Masterclass video on the home page at

I didn't survive cancer to get bonked with this vaccine. I find the "I'm going to die anyway" line abhorrent. I know what it's like to almost die and I'm not ready and neither are any of you.


Jan 25, 2014
Here is the point. We have imperfect information on what's happening. Until we can get better information on what's happening from studies and/or mass population data, we have to form assumptions about what's happening to guide our actions.

So this is essentially a gambling proposition. Do you just assume all these reports are lies and hysteria until you see data on likely environmental transmission in millions of people or you see a study proving there is no environmental transmission?

I would argue that it's unwise to bet your life that these are lies or hysteria. My estimate of the odds that these are lies or hysteria is right now maybe 50/50. Basically, I haven't had time to think much about it. That will change as more evidence comes in. Your estimate might be that there's only a 1% chance this is real. Either way, you don't bet your life that these are lies or hysteria. It's simply the mathematically incorrect bet to make.

We agree that there was never a mass Covid outbreak. We agree that the "outbreak" in India is probably the same old fake PCR data. We both agree the vaccines are risky.

We SHOULD both agree, since you seem mathematically competent, that it's unwise to bet your life that these are lies or hysteria. Anyone who denies there's any risk is betting his life that this is hysteria.

So then you go from there. Let's say your livelihood depends on being among a lot of people who got the vax. You're a doctor and you have to treat patients or you're a teacher and you have to show up to teach. Should you quit your job and retire to your Unabomber cabin? How do you balance the risk between the risk of environmental transmission and the risk to your life and health of losing your career and important social contacts?

That calculation will depend on your estimate of the risk of each and what you can do to reduce that risk.

This is the exact same argument that was made in February/March of last year regarding COVID- "It's a brand new virus, we can't wait for the data, everyone must quarantine. Then, wait two weeks! Wait two weeks again! And again! One Month! One Year!" Just substitute "accine" for "irus."

Personally, I do think what you are suggesting is hysteria, just like COVID was in absolute hysteria mode last year, and yes, I will go bet my life on it by continuing to try and live a normal life as much as possible, be that eating in restaurants or going shopping or going outside or whatever. If you want to quarantine for two weeks, two months, two years or however long, that is fine. If you think I'm "betting my life on it..." Well, I will always make that gamble. I literally have for every year of my life. I'm certainly not saying I'll never get sick again. But, I'm fine if I catch a cold, even a serious one. Regardless of any "shedding," I think terrain theory is much, much more important.

Me, I did the calculation, and I've personally only seen about 30 or so of these potential reports, the majority of which where people administering the vaccine. You said there were maybe "thousands," so even now, this would be COVID in the days before the WHO issued lockdown orders and the world turned totally tyrannical. I'm not even seeing vaxxed people dropping like flies (at least, so far), and any danger to the unvaxxed who don't handle the vaccine directly would be an order of magnitude or so lower. Especially since some of the dangers come from some of strange lipids, like .(4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate). How is that lipid going to shed?

I am not a woman, but maybe a woman who is pregnant or may become pregnant would want to take more precautions in regards to this. Pretty much all the reports were in regards to menstrual cycles, or miscarriages. I didn't see any other diseases mentioned.


Aug 31, 2015
The following statements, which were made in 1981 by powerful international banker and unapologetic eugenicist, Jacques Attali, are taken from Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, which was published in France by Emi Lit when Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand:

“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones.
Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”


Jan 25, 2014

That article is deceptive.

It uses a tweet from Dr. Naomi Wolf that claims to link to a "study" that shows that "that Mrna vaccination can transmit passively via respiration."

Except, it shows no such thing.

And isn't a study.

It's a letter to the editor-

Multiple studies have noted that individuals who has had SARS-CoV-2 for more than 10 days were non-infectious, though they remained RT-PCR-positive [3], [4]. The above finding is in line with current US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance that “persons with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after symptom onset” and persons with “more severe to critical illness or severe immunocompromise likely remain infectious no longer than 20 days after symptom onset” [5].

Messenger RNA (mRNA) as a means for passive immunization has been extensively studied for years. Early studies since the 1990s showed that exogenous mRNA could direct protein expression in vivo, cementing mRNA as a promising drug platform technology [6], [7]. Several studies later demonstrated the utility of mRNA in vaccine development and conferring protection against cancers [8] and infectious diseases [9], [10]. Moreover, passive mRNA immunization also experiences fewer safety issues due to its non‐integrative and transient nature [11], the latter of which contributes to better and/or easier control of protein expression.

Soooo..... why didn't she link directly to cited source 11?

The delivery of genetic information has emerged as a valid therapeutic approach. Various reports have demonstrated that mRNA, besides its remarkable potential as vaccine, can also promote expression without inducing an adverse immune response against the encoded protein. In the current study, we set out to explore whether our technology based on chemically unmodified mRNA is suitable for passive immunization. To this end, various antibodies using different designs were expressed and characterized in vitro and in vivo in the fields of viral infections, toxin exposure, and cancer immunotherapies. Single injections of mRNA-lipid nanoparticle (LNP) were sufficient to establish rapid, strong, and long-lasting serum antibody titers in vivo, thereby enabling both prophylactic and therapeutic protection against lethal rabies infection or botulinum intoxication. Moreover, therapeutic mRNA-mediated antibody expression allowed mice to survive an otherwise lethal tumor challenge. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates the utility of formulated mRNA as a potent novel technology for passive immunization.

In that context, "Passive Immunity" still seems mean an injection of some substance. I don't see any support for the idea of "shedding" or a danger to unvaxxed people from vaxxed based on the letter to the editor, or the study it cites.


Aug 31, 2015
Patrick Timpone: There are beginning to hear reports that women getting the injection can possibly be passing on detrimental properties to other women. This is called, "Shedding."

I brought this up with Dr. Ray Peat this morning and he confirms he's been getting emails from ladies exposed to injected women and their cycles have shortened to three weeks.

Not sure where this is going at this point, but stay tuned to our shows. May be nothing, coincidences, but I have learned over the years, there's no such thing as a coincidence.



Jun 5, 2019
Here is what I'm doing for me and my loved ones to avoid risk until we know more about environmental transmission and/or more about what's in the vaccine. I am more worried about the vaccine than I ever was about the virus. New info may come in any time that will cancel that worry. But for now we know they don't use dead virus in the vaccine, they use genetic material for the spike protein and God knows what else and right now I don't see why that would not be transmissible.

Fleming said he thought the vaccines were making the wild virus more dangerous. He looked miserable when he said it and I think he was implying shedding there too.

I have friends and family who are vaccinated. I will avoid seeing them in person for now. They all know what I think about the vaccine. I will talk to them on the phone.

I have friends who are not vaccinated. Also my mother is not vaccinated. I will see them.

I'll be avoiding doctors, nurses, dentists and hospitals for now. I rarely see them anyway.

In stores I will basically just keep the social distancing going. I never worried about it over the past year, but I'd prefer distance for now.

I'm married and don't have to worry about dating (I feel for you single people). I'm semi-retired and whatever work I choose to do I can do from home. I won't be doing things I used to enjoy, like playing poker, except online for now.

A study in Singapore showed that povidone-iodine throat spray and hydroxychloroquine protected people in high transmission situations. The subjects used the throat spray three times a day. 70% of those who used neither HCQ nor the throat spray got infected. Only 46% of those who used the throat spray got infected. This was for Covid rather than vaccine transmission but I'll be doing it until I can find out exactly what the mechanism of transmission is, if it exists.

There's a povidone-iodine throat spray under the brand name Halodine. I've ordered some and will be using it before going into stores, my local cafe, etc. I see no reason to use it three times a day in my life. I own my own home. I live in a small rural community of like-minded people surrounded by miles of public land.

I've already got hydroxychloroquine on hand that I was keeping around in case my mother needed it. I will start the Zelenko protocol for moderate risk patients, which is essentially 200 mg HCQ once a week:

I'm not worried about my zinc, D3 or Vitamin C levels right now. I'll be giving my mother all of those plus the higher dose of HCQ (400 mg a week).

You can get HCQ from or get a prescription from your doctor or probably order it from Mexico.

Fleming talks about why HCQ works so well. It's not just about getting zinc into your cells. There are multiple mechanisms. See his Masterclass video on the home page at

I didn't survive cancer to get bonked with this vaccine. I find the "I'm going to die anyway" line abhorrent. I know what it's like to almost die and I'm not ready and neither are any of you.
Yeah ok... so basically you are gonna supplement a bunch of stuff, keep worrying and avoiding contact with family members, and a big percentage of the population and infrastructure. I don't think that is a legitimate way to live for the average person.

You are basically telling me that people should stop dating, or doing most of the things they used to do, also you may live in the middle of nowhere but most people live in cities, and most of them do not work from home, you do realize that this isn't possible for the vast majority of the population right?

If people lived the way you live then society will cease to exist which is exactly my point that, there is no way to keep civilization going and avoid vaccinated people at the same time.

Also as far as doctors go I find it funny that doctors are idiots that know nothing when they do not agree with people on this forum, but if some doctor agrees with the consensus on this forum then we should listen to him and suddenly he knows what he is talking about, that is cherry picking at its finest.

Also people on this forum seem to believe that genetical factors are not set in stone and energy metabolism can heal the organism independent of genetics,
but suddenly the vaccine genetical damage is irreversible ??? how does this work?
exactly the same as "receptors" are fake , but suddenly receptors are real again when it supports the argument of someone here, like I said this is all cherry picking,

what I personally see is hypochondriacs spending their money on supplements that should supposedly do something for you, and making decisions based on emotional reactions and anecdotal reports from questionable sources online.
Should you vaccinate ??? well obviously not since corona is just a common flu and the chances of dying from corona are extremely small, it's not worth risking adverse reactions from a vaccine.
Do the pharma has a sinister agenda??? Definitely so, and we shouldn't trust them,
Are they idiots that don't care about the health of the population, well the fact that they sell antidepressants like candy definitely proves that they are dangerous idiots.

But should you never come into contact with your family and loved ones ever again because some random people on an online forum say so,
and should you abandon civilization and go live in the wilderness with a bunch of other people because of irrational fears based on conspiracy and paranoia,

Well definitely not.


Oct 11, 2016
They keep LARPing like they understand biology or have any real biotech. They always play both sides so the narrative can always flip and the pro-vaxxer's will be the bad guys and therefore whatever we want to do to them is justified... *hand rubbing intensifies*


Aug 27, 2018
I have friends and family who are vaccinated. I will avoid seeing them in person for now. They all know what I think about the vaccine. I will talk to them on the phone.

I have friends who are not vaccinated. Also my mother is not vaccinated. I will see them.

I'll be avoiding doctors, nurses, dentists and hospitals for now. I rarely see them anyway.

In stores I will basically just keep the social distancing going. I never worried about it over the past year, but I'd prefer distance for now.

Highly inhibited and austistic approach.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Nov 18, 2019
The following statements, which were made in 1981 by powerful international banker and unapologetic eugenicist, Jacques Attali, are taken from Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, which was published in France by Emi Lit when Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand:
This is crazy. And even more crazy my French friend says he is still in the game making speeches and appearances. What?!?!


Jul 17, 2018
I tend to lean to the psychedelic conclusion. Basically anything could transmitt from one person to another. Im one of those who think covid is like an exosome which is what stressed cells release as a repair kit. Its all an energetic transmission. After all your energy fiels is but a reflection of your biological environment.


Aug 13, 2020
The question you have to ask is ..

Why would the billionaires create a weapon that will get back at them?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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