Pfizer's criminal history


Jul 13, 2014
I’m sure that Pfizer would never lie about the efficacy and safety of its products. I’m sure that the FDA, who previously approved glyphosate, Troglitazone, Vioxx, Thimerosal, rBGH, yellow 5&6, etc. and received 70%+ of its drug regulatory budget from the companies it regulates would have no reason to lie either. I’m sure you should blindly trust what the media says about Pfizer as multiple media companies share a board member with Pfizer and receive billions in ad revenue from Pfizer. I’m sure the people with absolutely nothing to gain by speaking out against the indiscriminate mandating of one of Pfizer’s products are just crazy conspiracy theorists.

Yea, checks out to me.

Here’s a brief glimpse of Pfizer’s criminal history. Remember, this is only what we know through court:

* Pfizer received the biggest fine in U.S. history as part of a $2.3 Billion plea deal with federal prosecutors for mis-promoting medicines (Bextra, Celebrex) and paying kickbacks to compliant doctors. Pfizer pleaded guilty to mis-branding the painkiller Bextra by promoting the drug for uses for which it was not approved.

* In the 1990s, Pfizer was involved in defective heart valves that lead to the deaths of more than 100 people. Pfizer had deliberately misled regulators about the hazards. The company agreed to pay $10.75 Million to settle justice department charges for misleading regulators.

* Pfizer paid more than $60 Million to settle a lawsuit over Rezulin, a diabetes medication that caused patients to die from acute liver failure.

* In the UK, Pfizer has been fined nearly €90 Million for overcharging the NHS, the National Health Service. Pfizxer charged the taxpayer an additional €48 Million per year for what should have cost €2 million per year.

* Pfizer agreed to pay $430 Million in 2004 to settle criminal charges that it had bribed doctors to prescribe its epilepsy drug Neurontin for indications for which it was not approved.

* In 2011, a jury found Pfizer committed racketeering fraud in its marketing of the drug Neurontin. Pfizer agreed to pay $142.1 Million to settle the charges.

* Pfizer disclosed that it had paid nearly nearly 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals some $20 Million for speaking on Pfizer’s behalf.

* In 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it had reached a $45 Million settlement with Pfizer to resolve charges that its subsidiaries had bribed overseas doctors and other healthcare professionals to increase foreign sales.

* Pfizer was sued in a U.S. federal court for using Nigerian children as human guinea pigs, without the childrens’ parents’ consent. Pfizer paid $75 Million to settle in Nigerian court for using an experimental antibiotic, Trovan, on the children. The company paid an additional undisclosed amount in the U.S. to settle charges here. Pfizer had violated international law, including the Nuremberg Convention established after WWII, due to Nazi experiments on unwilling prisoners.

* Amid widespread criticism of gouging poor countries for drugs, Pfizer pledged to give $50 million for an AIDS drug to South Africa. Later, however, Pfizer failed to honor that promise.


Feb 18, 2016
Trust the experts, doing your own research is bad, research should be left to experts also, deciding who’s and expert will be decided by experts.
By this logic if you are looking to start a mafia or any organized crime of sort Pfizer are the experts to consult with.


Mar 2, 2021
When facts like these are available by searching the internet, the sheeple only have themselves to blame.


Aug 4, 2020
I’m sure that Pfizer would never lie about the efficacy and safety of its products. I’m sure that the FDA, who previously approved glyphosate, Troglitazone, Vioxx, Thimerosal, rBGH, yellow 5&6, etc. and received 70%+ of its drug regulatory budget from the companies it regulates would have no reason to lie either. I’m sure you should blindly trust what the media says about Pfizer as multiple media companies share a board member with Pfizer and receive billions in ad revenue from Pfizer. I’m sure the people with absolutely nothing to gain by speaking out against the indiscriminate mandating of one of Pfizer’s products are just crazy conspiracy theorists.

Yea, checks out to me.

Here’s a brief glimpse of Pfizer’s criminal history. Remember, this is only what we know through court:

* Pfizer received the biggest fine in U.S. history as part of a $2.3 Billion plea deal with federal prosecutors for mis-promoting medicines (Bextra, Celebrex) and paying kickbacks to compliant doctors. Pfizer pleaded guilty to mis-branding the painkiller Bextra by promoting the drug for uses for which it was not approved.

* In the 1990s, Pfizer was involved in defective heart valves that lead to the deaths of more than 100 people. Pfizer had deliberately misled regulators about the hazards. The company agreed to pay $10.75 Million to settle justice department charges for misleading regulators.

* Pfizer paid more than $60 Million to settle a lawsuit over Rezulin, a diabetes medication that caused patients to die from acute liver failure.

* In the UK, Pfizer has been fined nearly €90 Million for overcharging the NHS, the National Health Service. Pfizxer charged the taxpayer an additional €48 Million per year for what should have cost €2 million per year.

* Pfizer agreed to pay $430 Million in 2004 to settle criminal charges that it had bribed doctors to prescribe its epilepsy drug Neurontin for indications for which it was not approved.

* In 2011, a jury found Pfizer committed racketeering fraud in its marketing of the drug Neurontin. Pfizer agreed to pay $142.1 Million to settle the charges.

* Pfizer disclosed that it had paid nearly nearly 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals some $20 Million for speaking on Pfizer’s behalf.

* In 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it had reached a $45 Million settlement with Pfizer to resolve charges that its subsidiaries had bribed overseas doctors and other healthcare professionals to increase foreign sales.

* Pfizer was sued in a U.S. federal court for using Nigerian children as human guinea pigs, without the childrens’ parents’ consent. Pfizer paid $75 Million to settle in Nigerian court for using an experimental antibiotic, Trovan, on the children. The company paid an additional undisclosed amount in the U.S. to settle charges here. Pfizer had violated international law, including the Nuremberg Convention established after WWII, due to Nazi experiments on unwilling prisoners.

* Amid widespread criticism of gouging poor countries for drugs, Pfizer pledged to give $50 million for an AIDS drug to South Africa. Later, however, Pfizer failed to honor that promise.
One has to wonder if Pfizer views these outcomes as a terrible mistake to learn from (wishful thinking, trying to give the benefit of the doubt). Or (and this is probably more likely) a cost of doing business for getting caught for abusing,” the lower animals of the species”.




Jul 13, 2014


Feb 18, 2016
Wow, many say that this number is being manipulated to appear lower, haidut mentioned they would shut down VAERS soon and he will be proven right, they will claim a cyber hack, that’s the new censorship excuse, it’s not censorship but a cyber attack, a multitude of politcians all over the world have claimed they were hacked in the last 2 years, they were all being questioned for corruption and the evil hackers deleted the messages :thumbsup:


Aug 4, 2020
An interesting article. One has to wonder if this is a reason why they are fighting so hard to have Ivermectin banned from being used to treat COVID—19. While admittedly this is a new disease and the use of drugs with a known history of their side effects is a more logical approach especially given Ivermectin’s good track record during the outbreak of SARS COV2 and it’s variants.
One has to wonder if the paperwork and the amount of regulatory hurdles to clear in order to add another newfound use for an old drug does not warrant the lower profit level of an already existing off patent drug despite the increased demand and corresponding sales.


Aug 4, 2020
Pfizer dumping data?
Possibly, this seems a very close coincidence with the the recent data that ten percent of the vaccines cause ninety percent of the adverse events.
Add this to Albert Bourla’s recent statements “that the current vaccines offer little protection with two doses and reasonable protection with three”. I am unsure if that is a general statement across the board or if he was speaking specifically about omicron. But then announced that there would be a new and better vaccine coming in March for omnicron.


Combine this with the recent interview with Bill Gates.



Aug 4, 2020
Possibly, this seems a very close coincidence with the the recent data that ten percent of the vaccines cause ninety percent of the adverse events.
Add this to Albert Bourla’s recent statements “that the current vaccines offer little protection with two doses and reasonable protection with three”. I am unsure if that is a general statement across the board or if he was speaking specifically about omicron. But then announced that there would be a new and better vaccine coming in March for omnicron.


Combine this with the recent interview with Bill Gates.

My bad wrong link on the last comment

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