Peat Methods to Cure Bacterial Infection?


Feb 11, 2013
I looked around for some and I found this:

Important problems in diabetes are slow wound healing, excessive permeability or leakiness of blood vessels which allows molecules such as albumin to be extravasated, and the impaired function and survival of pancreatic beta-cells.

During the healing of a wound in a diabetic individual, the local concentration of glucose decreases and then entirely disappears, as healing stops. Applying glucose and insulin topically to the wound, it heals quickly. The very old practice of treating deep wounds with honey or granulated sugar has been studied in controlled situations, including the treatment of diabetic ulcers, infected deep wounds following heart surgery, and wounds of lepers. The treatment eradicates bacterial infections better than some antiseptics, and accelerates healing without scarring, or with minimal scarring. The sugar regulates the communication between cells, and optimizes the synthesis of collagen and extracellular matrix.

Would you recommend that I tried to drip some honey into my ear canal? (I have an recurring ear infection since I started Peating). I am on powerful antibiotics right now. Or maybe I should not mix therapies?

I might have some underlying diabetes issues, who knows... Or hemochromia... My ferritin has been high for a while.


Nov 9, 2012
There's quite a few suggestions for healing skin but I never know at what stage of the healing (open wound vs scarring) one should use which (mainly sugar, coconut oil, red light, vitamin E, progesterone, topical and oral niacinamide, band aid to increase moisture/CO2...but I also saw aspirin, pregnelonone, caffeine...).


Feb 11, 2013
I thought about vitamin E too. It sounds less sticky and difficult to clean than honey/sugar. I do have some capsules somewhere.

I am not sure about increasing CO2 and moisture? Bacteria supposedly love those and that's probably what attracted them to my ear canal? Otherwise, it would be simple to place a cotton bud there -- maybe soaked in vitamin E? I'll do some more reading on these techniques.

Thanks, jyb!


Sep 21, 2012
Hi Isadora,
My father used to treat wounds with sugar in a hospital when they were short of budget for antibiotics/antiseptics. It worked very well, ON OPEN WOUNDS. That means, the sugar had to completely cover the wound and be filled with more sugar before it was completely absorbed. According to him, a low concentration of sugar could cause the infection to increase, because the bacteria had more feeding.
I would probably not use it myself on a hard to access part like the ear where you can´t see/touch how the infection is going (with other places you can look at the infection and see if it´s receding, and/or touch it to check for high temperature in the tissue).


Nov 9, 2012
@Isadora: I agree that your ear may need more specific advise (email RP if you can't find any feedback?).

@Garbiel79: What kind of sugar, syrup (dissolved white sugar)?


Feb 20, 2013
I am having this problem for last few years. I was able to find out all the food that triggers those itchy ear turning to infection.
The worst offender is egg white, even egg yolk and eggshells cause problems . Shell fish are problematic too and most vitamins. I used thinly sliced garlic in musturd oil and then using dropper get few drops of that garlic oil into your ears. It is very helpful but
does not totally cure it. only way is to avoid allergenic foods. I have noticed people who use antibiotics for ear infection gets repeated infections. Hope this is not the case for you.


Sep 21, 2012
No, pure white granulated sugar. That was one of the points: if the concentration is low (like in a syrup) it will feed bacteria instead of killing them. They covered the wounds, like in the skin or in the peritoneal after a surgery, with a layer of white sugar. The nurses constantly checked that the area was covered by a layer of sugar.


Feb 11, 2013
gabriel79 said:
Hi Isadora,
My father used to treat wounds with sugar in a hospital when they were short of budget for antibiotics/antiseptics. It worked very well, ON OPEN WOUNDS. That means, the sugar had to completely cover the wound and be filled with more sugar before it was completely absorbed. According to him, a low concentration of sugar could cause the infection to increase, because the bacteria had more feeding.
Excellent point, Gabriel, thank you! I didn't even think about that, but yes, bacteria love sugar, I see them when I make fruit kefir, they go crazy on it...

gabriel79 said:
I would probably not use it myself on a hard to access part like the ear where you can´t see/touch how the infection is going (with other places you can look at the infection and see if it´s receding, and/or touch it to check for high temperature in the tissue).

True, I have no idea what's going on in there and even the doctor needs to look with those special instruments and lights.

So I should stick with the Ofloxacin drops and leave it at that, it is a difficult place to control and from what I read the skin inside gets bruised and unhappy very quickly and allows bacterial growth... I'll experiment with sugar, though, next time I cut my finger in the kitchen or something.

This makes me wonder -- could my passage from low carb to Peat have made me more bacteria-friendly? Since I was a child -- when I did eat tons of sugar -- I never experienced such stubborn infections. I read somewhere that blood sugar lowers immunity but I thought it was mostly anti-sugar propaganda. Supposedly, it was paralyzing the immune cells somehow.

Or does sugar just feed bacteria more?

Or... :eek: ...both? And that's why Dr. Peat mentions use of antibiotics and stays away from histamines and vegetables and endotoxins? I am beginning to think that I should lower my sugar at least until the infection clears and then try to stabilize my sugar levels at a somewhat lower point than I am now...

jyb: one of these days I'll email him a list of questions and keep everyone posted if he replies.


Nov 9, 2012
Maybe coconut oil in the ear is better? Coconut oil kills some stuff, other than being absorbed by the skin which might help healing.

Other than that, I don't think your connection between oral sugar intake and external bacterial infection is well founded (I doubt that it is your blood glucose feeding the bacteria). It could easily be the other way round too, one being more prone to infection when low on sugar via a weaker immune system.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
A lot of people report really good results with garlic oil for ear infections. Some moms swear by it. Reporting that within the first application the infection goes away. Other moms have reported that they were able to cancel ear surgery for their kids after starting using it. Might be worth something to check out. And you can make it yourself.


Feb 11, 2013
Could I mix coconut oil with garlic? I'd kill two birds in one stone...

I like the idea. Garlic is an antibiotic, too. The oily stuff, though... Would it create a lipid barrier that might interfere with the absorption of the antibiotic? I have a duty now to go on with it for another couple of days, otherwise I would fabricate a bacteria strain immune to it -- and that would be a dangerous thing to have around, because antibiotics, from what I understand, don't get a lot more powerful than this Ofloxacin. I'll have to read up on this, I'm sure there are some moms somewhere who debated the issue.

Thanks, guys!


Feb 20, 2013
Isadora said:
Could I mix coconut oil with garlic? I'd kill two birds in one stone...

I like the idea. Garlic is an antibiotic, too. The oily stuff, though... Would it create a lipid barrier that might interfere with the absorption of the antibiotic? I have a duty now to go on with it for another couple of days, otherwise I would fabricate a bacteria strain immune to it -- and that would be a dangerous thing to have around, because antibiotics, from what I understand, don't get a lot more powerful than this Ofloxacin. I'll have to read up on this, I'm sure there are some moms somewhere who debated the issue.

Thanks, guys!
If coconut oil is pure you can use it. Oil is simply a carrier for garlic juice. I think you can try this method once you are done with antibiotics and in future . I also read that cleaning ear with cotton swabs or any other way increases the risk of ear infections.
The ear wax keeps the ear safe from bacteria/ virus. Few drops of oil once ever few weeks is a safer way to keep your ear clean.
Have you figure out which food is causing this problem?


Feb 11, 2013
I am exploring the idea that food might be the culprit, it hadn't occurred to me before. A priori, I'm having a hard time connecting the dots: histamines ----> repetitive ear infection... I didn't introduce anything completely new to my diet, there were only things I had eaten in the past without a problem. Only the proportions changed and there was a lot more sugar, which is pure, so I kind of had ruled out that option. But maybe proportions matter where histamines/endotoxins/biogenic amines/whatchamacallit are concerned.

I am educating myself on histamines now, I hadn't realized this is debated on the Niacinamide topic -- you never know where these conversations go...:) I am getting ready to listen to the ... -endotoxin, many thanks for posting it, Mittir!


Feb 11, 2013
Excellent article, it's actually the source of the (easier to read, but a lot more sketchy) article I posted in "Diet" about histamines... You are a gold mine of information, Mittir!

Yes, it did look like I overdosed on hard cheese there, when I replaced milk with cheese for a few weeks and then my body refused to eat for days. I still cannot stand the thought of aged cheese! The level of histamines in my system probably triggered the stopping of my stomach acid production, so I may get the message and stop dumping histamines and other biogenic amines into it?

But as I stopped eating high histamine food, I kept drinking OJ, which was releasing those already present, so the overdose in my blood continued. I was in crisis there and didn't know how to interpret it. But... did it come out through my ears, or what? :) How come bacteria started to eat me alive, or to put it scientifically, to process me into cadaverine and putrescine? Did they travel via my blood and found the weakest link there? No, that seems convoluted. They could have found easier victims inside. (Horrendous!) They must have been external bacteria taking advantage of the endothelial permeability of the ear canal, (H1/2 on the pathway in the article). The first two infections were pretty mild. Then I visited an otolaryngologist. He did prescribe antihistamines, which I didn't take, because I didn't feel concerned and wanted to keep medication to a minimum. How awfully clever of me! :( So Big Pharma has its virtues, after all... Anyway, the third time, and after being poked into the ear with that dubious instrument :poke (really, old style stainless steel stuff, no outer hygienic protection, lying there on the table) I must have picked up a more serious strain... et voila!

I think you solved the puzzle for me, Dr. Mittir! Thank you! :thankyou
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