PCOS, Estrogen Dominance, Hypothyroidism & Adrenal Fatigue


Jan 6, 2015
Apart from my introductory post, this is my first post in the forums - so hello to everyone :)

My question is to find out other's opinions of where I should start looking to resolve my health issues, so please bear with me over my long post as I give a brief background!

I had PCOS symptoms when I was 21 (or so I thought) - looking back now I had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism - acne, weight gain, puffy face, always cold and tired etc. By sheer luck this resolved itself within 6 months after changing my stressful lifestyle.

A year after the birth of my daughter (age 25), the symptoms came creeping back - initially it was acne, then menstrual irregularities, then ridiculous weight gain (15kg in 3 months). I'm now 32, and have been in a yo-yo circle of recovery - crash - recovery - crash ever since. I had confirmed PCOS by internal ultrasound when I was 27, and was prescribed estrogen birth control pills and a heavy dose of estradiol. My body cannot tolerate any form of synthetic hormones (I become depressed and over-emotional very quickly when I take them) so I didn't pursue this for long.

Initially I'd visited a Naturopath and an Acupuncturist with great success. I lost all of the weight, the acne was minimal and my cycle fairly regular. I've visited acupuncturist and naturopaths over the years which has helped somewhat, but I've never managed to fully recover.

After speaking with Dr. Lam, it's clear that I have adrenal fatigue issues, but it wasn't until I started monitoring my temps that I started to investigate more. My most recent 'crash' left me with waking temps of 35.4 - 35.6C, and it's taken about 4 months to get my temps up to where they are now - around 36.1 - 36.3C.

I tried taking pregnenolone prior to my recent crash, thinking it would hold all the answers as the precursor to many hormonal functions. Unfortunately, I started off on too high a dose - which gave me heaps of energy, but I never slept properly and always woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. My acne also started to worsen so I stopped taking it straight away. Even when I dropped down to just 5mg a day I was still experiencing the same problems - and I don't feel like I've fully recovered since.

I then tried to manage my symptoms ever since using natural adaptogens like Ashwaganda, Ginseng, Licorice and Maca, as well as liposomal Vit. C for adrenal support - but the low temps have me thinking that hypothyroidism is the main issue here, as well as estrogen dominance. My body loves the Vit. C - and I see faster wound healing whenever I supplement with this.

Whilst I am very lucky not to be carrying any excess weight at the moment, my current symptoms include acne, extreme fatigue, cold hands and feet, not sleeping properly, slow wound healing, menstrual irregularities (anywhere from 23 - 30 days cycle length) and heavy, long periods.

I've just started taking Thiroyd only this week to see how I fare (currently on 1/2 grain twice a day), but within 1 day of taking it, it made my cycle start - at the 23 day mark! is it possible for it to have such an immediate effect?)

I also have hydrocortisone tablets but I'm afraid to take them because I wanted to start on just the NDT to see how I go.

It's been 7 years of constant struggle with symptoms, supplements and just feeling so run down and tired! I'm a single parent and I feel like my daughter (8) isn't getting the best of me.

So any tips or pointers as to where I should be looking would be great! Sorry for such a long ramble... :oops:


Mar 1, 2014
Hi nattyjules! I have some similar symptoms (pcos at around 20, bad effects from bcp) and can relate quite a bit to your history. I haven't ever been pregnant but the acne issue has been a constant for me for about 20 years... :roll:
I am taking around .75 to 1 grain of Thiroyd too, and its helping me immensely. But there is a period of adjustment, where it definitely makes you want to sleep. I think that is because you really need the rest--if its possible to take a break from some things in your life for a bit and get plenty of rest, do it. After a few weeks (for me), I was feeling better on Thiroyd than I have felt --maybe since puberty. :!:
I was really operating on high adrenaline for years, and didn't realize how exhausted I was. Now my brain actually works! My body works pretty well too, although I am not sure what effect it has on periods. (I still don't have them unfortunately. Thiroyd didn't have an effect on my cycle, good or bad.)
But don't be bothered by that initial tiredness on Thiroyd. It works very well for acne too, btw, better than any other pill, hormonal or otherwise, that I have tried and I have tried everything ;)


Jan 6, 2015
Thank you arinryan! It's always good to hear from others experiences :)


Jun 12, 2013
nattyjules said:
Peata - I'd started off taking Liposomal Vit. C http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lipolife-Go...421017899&sr=1-1&keywords=liposomal+vitamin+c 5ml 3x per day.

I now take Sodium Ascorbate in a little OJ 3g 3x per day.

I've been taking at least 1 g. daily for almost 8 weeks. I read that 500 - 1,000 mg. could increase progesterone by perhaps 15%. Not sure how long that was supposed to take. I had to take Progest E some last month. So far this month I have not, and my symptoms have been less than usual. However, I am in the last week before my period, so I suppose this is the true test of whether the Vitamin C is helping (yet). If estrogen dominance symptoms get bad this week I will have to use the Progest E. But I am trying to find ways to get my body to produce more, such as the Vitamin C. (I'm also a pcos person with estrogen dominance, particularly in luteal phase.)

Can you say you've noticed any signs of naturally increased progesterone from the vitamin C?


Jan 6, 2015
I've only been taking the Vit. C for about 4 weeks, but so far I've noticed that wound healing time is much faster, less inflammation from the acne on my face, better bowel movements and slightly warmer rising temps.

I've had cervical dysplasia in the past which was treated, but I'm due for another smear shortly so it will be interesting to see whether this has returned. I've just found this article on estrogen dominance, saying that it often 'mimicks' hypothyroidism: http://www.johnleemd.com/store/estrogen_dom.html

It makes me wonder whether I should try the Progest-E?


Jun 12, 2013
nattyjules said:
I've only been taking the Vit. C for about 4 weeks, but so far I've noticed that wound healing time is much faster, less inflammation from the acne on my face, better bowel movements and slightly warmer rising temps.

I've had cervical dysplasia in the past which was treated, but I'm due for another smear shortly so it will be interesting to see whether this has returned. I've just found this article on estrogen dominance, saying that it often 'mimicks' hypothyroidism: http://www.johnleemd.com/store/estrogen_dom.html

It makes me wonder whether I should try the Progest-E?

Progest E is good. In my case, i'm trying to build up my own progesterone if i can so i don't have to use progest E. The cost of the product is getting to me because of how much i had to take to get relief.


Nov 1, 2012
nattyjules said:
I've had cervical dysplasia in the past which was treated, but I'm due for another smear shortly so it will be interesting to see whether this has returned. I've just found this article on estrogen dominance, saying that it often 'mimicks' hypothyroidism: http://www.johnleemd.com/store/estrogen_dom.html

It makes me wonder whether I should try the Progest-E?

Ray Peat has written in his progesterone instructions that if a woman does not see improvements in her symptoms from progesterone, a thyroid supplement might be needed. Progesterone may have been all you needed but since you have started thyroid and if you are seeing good results maybe continue on to see if you continue to improve. Eating enough protein, avoiding pufa, and eating a carrot salad daily is all helpful in lowering estrogen

“Estrogenic influences can be significantly reduced by avoiding foods such as soy products and unsaturated fats, by eating enough protein to optimize the liver’s elimination of estrogen, and by using things such as bulk-forming foods (raw carrots, potatoes, and milk, for example) that stimulate bowel action and prevent reabsorption of estrogens from the intestine. Avoiding hypothyroidism is essential for preventing chronic retention or formation of too much estrogen.”

http://www.functionalps.com/blog/2012/0 ... aw-carrot/

Ray Peat said:
By the 1930's, it was well established that the resistance of the organism depended on the energy produced by respiration under the influence of the thyroid gland, as well as on the adrenal hormones, and that the hormones of pregnancy (especially progesterone) could substitute for the adrenal hormones. In a sense, the thyroid hormone is the basic anti-stress hormone, since it is required for the production of the adrenal and pregnancy hormones.


Nov 1, 2012
Ray Peat said:
With a diet high in protein (e.g., at least 70-100 grams per day, including eggs) and vitamin A (not carotene), I have found that the dose of progesterone can be reduced each month. Using thyroid will usually reduce the amount of progesterone needed. Occasionally, a woman won't feel any effect even from 100 mg. of progesterone; I think this indicates that they need to use thyroid and diet, to normalize their estrogen, prolactin, and cortisol.

This is the quote I was thinking if in my post above.

You may still want to use Progest-e. Here is a list of symptoms that respond to it from Peat .

"Many people found the list of signs and symptoms either useful or interesting; at least it is an emphatic way of pointing out that progesterone has so many functions it can't be considered to be just a "reproductive hormone." Since I now understand better the biological meaning of these signs, I want to emphasize more strongly the importance of normalizing nutrition, thyroid function, light exposure, and bowel action in correcting the problems behind these signs and symptoms. It is really a kind of index of physiological disorders, and it happens that progesterone is a major tool for physiological adaptation."

https://www.longnaturalhealth.com/healt ... ogesterone


Jan 6, 2015
HDD thank you so much for your replies, this is really helpful! I will continue with the Thiroyd and try the Progest-E - if the symptoms improve then I will look at reducing the Thiroyd gradually.

Thank you again! :)


Nov 1, 2012
nattyjules said:
HDD thank you so much for your replies, this is really helpful! I will continue with the Thiroyd and try the Progest-E - if the symptoms improve then I will look at reducing the Thiroyd gradually.

Thank you again! :)

Your welcome! I am not well versed enough to put the information in my own words so I don't. Besides the articles and interviews of Ray Peat, there are some very informative posts on progesterone, estrogen, and thyroid by Peatarian and Rayser on the forum that you might find useful.


Feb 22, 2014
Peata - I'd started off taking Liposomal Vit. C Lipolife Gold - Liposomal Vitamin C (50g of vit C) - 250ml: Amazon.co.uk: Health & Personal Care 5ml 3x per day.

I now take Sodium Ascorbate in a little OJ 3g 3x per day.
Hi Nattyjules,

Can you tell me why you chose the Liposomal C and then switched to sodium ascorbate? I'm interested in Dr Levy's protocol and wonder if it really matters what kind you take. I always thought C was a lot like magnesium, to take to bowel tolerance. Cheaper would be nice. Any help is appreciated.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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