Patterns And Examples: Civilization And Politics Are Reflections Of Physiology


Sep 24, 2016
We probably all know it or somewhat hazily feel it: What humans do, what they created, what they strive for, how they manipulate each other and to what end - that all has its root in our physiology, biology, energy. In short: It all follows the rules and patterns of the laws and forces of nature.
There is no free will. Neither is there chance, coincidence or fate. Only endless causalties influneced wittingly or unwittingly, too complex or to far outreaching for human minds to fully grasp.

But sometimes you do. You observe things, in your personal relationships, in ypur everyday life and, on a broader sclae, in politics and civilization, ou history. You've just read something about Estrogens, Serotonin and Immunity on the RPF or the Pubmed, you struggle to take it all in, put it into schematas and systems. And the you see or experience soemthing seemingly unrelated to the theoretical or technical stuff you read and discuss but all of a sudden pieces fall in place.

Just so, for a moment. A sketch really, not more. Not an all-encompassing formula. An anecdote that is truly also only a crutch to help you stand the overcomplex.


Sep 24, 2016
To illustrate the lofty rambles, here is an example, a tangible one and rather broad concerning the biological analogy.

Craftsmen, builder, mechanics. You know "them" or you are one yourself? There are prototypes and clichees of and about them. As with those, they are not always entirely correct or applicable to every individual. Still, clichees and protoypes exist because they are themselves the subsummation of patterns of behaviours. Self-referntial, self-reinforcing yes, but also because observeable patterns are the result of some physiological states that are in some way alike and similar - and causal, necessary.

You are a or you are drawn to be something or do something because of physilogical causalities. Hypercomplex ones, but cuasalities nontheless. In the end, you're likely to become a medical doctor, a musician, a plumber or a truck-driver if you are similar to individuals already working in that field (and if circumstances allow such a semi-free choice after all and at all - part of the causality-chain)

That's not the point of this entry though. Craftsmen. Provided that yuou agree that there are certain types and patterns to these guys, you might find this observation interesting. It's deliberately broad and generalized.

When craftsmen accept a job in a house of someone who is suposedly superior in a social hierarchy , especially doctors or lawyers, or people whose profession is somewhat in contrast to their more handy, physical, dirtier and louder life (teachers, scholars etc.) they often approach that with certin ressentiments and cynisms, slight hostility born of the fact smeoe is strange, alien, other. Thes types do not really fit. They might eventually try to damage or ake advantage of each other (don't pay what was greed, botch up something on purpose and the like)

But that won't really work or go far - in the end, the craftsman needs assignemnet and the lawyer or scholar needs floor laid.

So you gotta learn to cooperate. Some can hardly manage that, and stay suspicious and latetly hostile, estranged to each other. Others reap in the many benefits of the coop, maybe begin to thrive on it.

Do you not know these kind of stories and examples. Te construction magnate or otherwise succesfulcraft-business owner who grew big and rich and climbed the social ladder. No his social circles are academics, the local celebrity MD and lawyer hotshot, the mayor.
And don't they benefit each other no end now? Legislation, procurement, little handouts here and there, open doors to each others ressources and contacts. The tax consultant doing his thing for the local roofer and his pals and how how much they save on each other.

Yes, we do that all the time. That's life and cooperation. What I want to aim at is that the human organism, all what we are physiologicaly, all the billion years of evolution is cells and simle-life forms struggling and arranging. From being hardly compatible to each other to becoming dependent and symbiotic. All these xenobiotic receptors, substances we ingest, inhale, bacteria and viruses we engage, everything just aligned after aeons of struggling and aligning. And it never ends. And it is never optima or perfect.
Look at the local "elites", the lions club cartell. In the end, they damage and hurt someone else and their communities in some way, by taking advantgae and prey on hte non-networked people. Getting sloppy on public mandates. Conspiring really.

Maybe, on some of these Sunday afternoons when the roofer-millinaie with his 30 employees meets and smalltalks with his "friend" the chief surgeon from the hospital they still notice: I havent that much in common with that prole / that highbrow - and still, yes, I wouldnt want a conflict. Too much to loose, too much stress, nothing to gain.
And they carry on doinf their thng, likely damaging and diminishing indviduals and social structures that are actually more akin to their inner being, more compatible if some outside, framing conditions were different. Some crossroads taken different in the endless evolutionary causality chain. Nothingis perfect, nothing is optimal, even what aligned over billion of years of thousand of years in human civilization. And it is also alsway under pressure of evolution. What if the conspring elites, from said local lions club cartell to the Coomuist Party-elites China are coming to the breaking point of when all that separates you from those you benefit on becomes more taxing than the rewards becuase of extrinsical changes? Things change. And dramaticaly so.

Thansk for reading that musing. Nothing new, nothing groundbreaking. Nothing too precise and maybe even wrong and biased.
But I love these kinds of flashes that occur to me every day within seconds. They tend to overwhlem me sometimes because you cant just stand there thinking in amazement when the techinican of your heating comes to your door and one acts so and the othe acts like that.
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